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AQUARIUS Weekly Horoscope


    Dear Reader,

    Welcome to your weekly horoscope for the week of October 8-13, 2024. 2024. Before we explore what the upcoming week has in store for you, I have some wonderful news to share! Starting from November, you’ll be able to access my extended weekly and monthly horoscopes exclusively through the Stellar Reader membership. With Stellar Reader membership, you’ll gain deeper, personalised astrological insights each week and month, along with access to exclusive discounts and the 2025 Astrology Calendar and much more. Click here to learn more and become a member today!..

    This week provides opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as healing in your relationships and financial situation. Expect important shifts in how you manage your resources, navigate group dynamics, and express yourself in personal relationships.

    The week starts on October 8 with Venus trine Mars, creating a harmonious flow between your 10th house of career and public life and your 2nd house of finances and self-worth. This is an excellent time for making progress in your career and boosting your financial situation. You may feel more motivated to pursue opportunities that enhance your professional reputation, while also finding ways to increase your income. This aspect supports balancing your professional ambitions with your material security, helping you feel more confident about your contributions and worth. Financial negotiations, salary increases, or career advancements are favored now, and you’ll likely feel a sense of achievement and pride in your work.

    Later that day, Mercury trines Jupiter between your 9th house of higher learning, travel, and beliefs and your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, bringing expansive and optimistic energy to your creative and intellectual pursuits. You may feel inspired to explore new ideas, engage in creative projects, or pursue opportunities related to teaching, travel, or philosophical exploration. This aspect helps you communicate your ideas with clarity and enthusiasm, whether in romantic relationships, creative collaborations, or intellectual discussions. However, Mercury’s opposition to Chiron later in the day highlights old wounds related to expressing yourself in these areas. You may feel vulnerable about whether your ideas or creative expressions are truly appreciated or understood. This opposition invites healing by encouraging you to address insecurities around self-expression and communication, especially in romantic or intellectual contexts.

    On October 9, Jupiter stations retrograde in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, initiating a period of reflection on how you approach these areas of life. Over the next few months, you may reassess your creative projects, romantic relationships, or personal joys, reconsidering how they align with your long-term goals. This retrograde encourages you to slow down and reflect on how you express yourself, and whether you’re pursuing what truly brings you fulfillment. It’s an ideal time to rethink your creative or romantic ambitions and adjust your path to better align with your core values.

    October 12 brings transformative energy as Pluto turns direct in your 12th house of spirituality, subconscious, and hidden matters. After months of deep introspection and subconscious transformation, Pluto’s direct motion allows you to move forward with a greater understanding of your inner world. This is a powerful time for spiritual growth and psychological breakthroughs, as you gain clarity on patterns or fears that have been holding you back. You may feel more empowered to confront hidden aspects of your psyche, allowing you to release old baggage and embrace a new level of emotional freedom.

    Also on October 12, Jupiter sextiles Chiron, providing a healing opportunity between your 5th house of creativity and self-expression and your 3rd house of communication, learning, and local environment. This aspect encourages you to address any wounds related to how you express yourself creatively or communicate your ideas. Healing can come through open and honest conversations, particularly with siblings, neighbors, or close friends. This is a time to bridge gaps in communication and embrace new ways of expressing yourself, allowing for deeper emotional connections and greater confidence in your creative abilities.

    On October 13, Mercury squares Pluto, creating intensity around communication, especially related to your 12th house of subconscious and hidden matters. This square may bring up power struggles or challenging conversations about hidden fears, secrets, or subconscious patterns that have been influencing your actions. You may feel compelled to dig deep and uncover the truth, but this energy can create tension if not handled carefully. Be mindful of how you approach these discussions, as this square challenges you to transform how you communicate your inner world, allowing for greater emotional honesty and healing.

    Later on October 13, Mercury enters Scorpio, moving into your 10th house of career and public life, shifting your focus toward deeper, more intense conversations related to your professional goals and reputation. Your communication in the workplace may become more probing and strategic, as you seek to understand the deeper dynamics of your career path and how you can gain greater control over your professional trajectory. This is an excellent time to engage in serious discussions about your career ambitions, long-term goals, or public image, as your intuition will help guide you toward making more informed decisions.

    The week concludes with Mars squaring Chiron, bringing tension between your 2nd house of finances and self-worth and your 3rd house of communication and learning. You may feel conflicted about how you assert your value in your local environment or how you communicate your financial needs or concerns. This aspect could bring up insecurities related to money, self-worth, or your ability to advocate for yourself in everyday conversations. Healing comes from addressing these vulnerabilities head-on and finding ways to express your needs confidently, whether in financial negotiations or personal discussions. It’s an opportunity to work through fears of rejection or inadequacy, allowing you to assert your value with greater clarity.

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    If you haven’t yet read your 2025 horoscope, you can find it here! 🌟

    You can find your monthly horoscope here.

    Don’t miss out! The final date to sign up for the AstroHealing Programme is Thursday, 24 October 2024. Secure your spot before the doors close!

    Wishing you an inspiring month ahead!

    Justyna 🌙