The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. Your sphere of friendships is highlighted at this time. Your friendships with another person might be tested, or your relationships with groups you belong to. You might have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group activities. With the solar point activated in your 5th house of creativity, children and romance, a significant event can be related to your child, the romantic partner in your life. Alternatively, you might be completing a project or starting a new business.
The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd turns your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more practical approach when getting any project or idea off the ground. A tip for this New Moon for you is to be realistic about your expectations. This New Moon favours careers in beauty, art, film, and creativity.
For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Welcome! 🌟 My name is Justyna, and I use Astrology as a tool to help others navigate various aspects of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity about your life purpose, the best career match, marriage, business ventures, or any area that brings fulfillment, I’m here to guide you. If you’re interested in booking a personal astrology reading, you can visit my website: In addition to personalized readings, I also share weekly and monthly insights on my YouTube Channel. Feel free to explore my work on Medium, Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and if you find what I do helpful, you can show your support by buying me a coffee! ☕Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you! 😊