Chiron enters retrograde on July 10-11, 2020, the sign of fiery Aries, until December 15, when it turns direct.
Chiron was discovered in 1977 orbiting between the planets Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. Many consider it as an asteroid or a small planet.
In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur – an ideal combination of human intelligence and animal instinct. He was the child of the Gods, a half-human and a half-horse immortal creature. Regardless of its look, Chiron was a great teacher, holistic healer, astrologer and musician. Many of his students were the greatest warriors, healers and future leaders of the times.
Chiron is very often regarded as” the wounded healer” due to a wound he received from a poison arrow. The arrow didn’t kill him; however, he never quite recovered from it and as a result of that, was destined to live in pain.
This myth about Chiron’s suffering, and what awareness and meaning we can derive from it, becomes the central theme of the tale and the planet Chiron.
Chiron in the birth chart reveals where we have suffered but also where we have a chance to become a healer or a mentor for others. Chiron here not only shows the sphere of life where we are expected to feel hurt; however, also the area where we obtain healing when we bring awareness to our woundedness.
Once we identify the cause of our wounding, we can become a healing force for others in that area.
Chiron’s house position in the birth chart points to an area of life where we are generally more vulnerable and where healing can occur. By failing to accept this vulnerability, we are unable to obtain meaning from it. As a result of that, we may end up hurting others unintentionally around the very same issues.
By bringing this vulnerability to light, we move from being incurably wounded in this area of our life to becoming master teachers, like Chiron, for the healing of others.
Chiron’s position by sign symbolises the valuable lessons we are here to learn, also the essence of our wounding and how healing can occur.
As Chiron retrogrades through passionate sign Aries, we are being urged to confront the feelings we’ve been pushing down instead of processing. During this time, we have the opportunity to allow our wounds caused by people or events in our life, to heal so that we can take action and create a brighter future.
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