Your love planet Mars is still retrograde this month and so you may find it helpful if you delay making any long-term decisions regarding your love life until after January 12th. This is because not everything might be clear or what it seems in regards to your love life. While Mars retrograde can bring delays and a lack of motivation, it is a wonderful time for returning to any projects concerning foreign culture, far-distance travel or languages. Now and in the next couple of weeks, you may also more than once ask yourself whether you are heading in the right direction in your life or whether something needs to change.Ā 

Jupiter, is in your 6th house of work until December 21st. During this time your daily life will continue to be filled with many activities and tasks to complete. When Jupiter moves into your 7th house on December 21st until May 16th, 2023 you will receive lots of abundant energy in the sphere of relationships. Since Jupiter rules your area of siblings, they may also play an important role in your love life throughout the first five months of 2023. Under the influence of this transit you might begin a new project with your brother, sister of cousin. If you are single you won’t have to look far for a potential love partner, it might be someone that is your neighbour or lives in the same neighbourhood as you.

The Full Moon on December 7th falls in the mutable sign Gemini.Ā The third house matters are illuminated by the Sunā€™s presence in the here. The Sun may help you to sharpen your networking skills. You may travel abroad, study or alternatively foreign language studies might be on your mind under the influence of this full moon. Changes to your neighbourhood are possible at this time. This full moon offers you a new perspective or a broader vision on your life.

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rdĀ acts as an opportunity to improve your home sphere positively. You might feel like hosting an event at home for your family members or friends. This New Moon may initiate a series of social events that will follow in the four weeks after this New Moon. Alternatively, if this isnā€™t related to you having people around at your house, it might be that your parents will be prominent in your life. They may visit you, or you may travel together to a unique location. Plan well and check the roads for road work and other travel-related disruptions.

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