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Home » Sagittarius Horoscope For December 2022

Sagittarius Horoscope For December 2022


    Venus and Mercury will be out of bounds this month until 20-21 December, which can stimulate a need to act out of the ordinary in your love life, as well as at your work and everyday life. 

    Jupiter stays in your home until December 20th. During this time, your need for peace and security in your home life, where you want to feel emotionally safe, increases. You may find it comforting to beautify your home space; however, under the influence of Jupiter in Pisces, these projects are likely to be of a minor nature. The goal is to improve the surroundings rather than refurbish the entire house from scratch because that would be more related to Saturn or Pluto transit. For older people, issues concerning retirement or pension plans are essential during this phase. Sometimes Jupiter in the fourth house can also indicate an increase in the number of people living in your home throughout this transit. 

    Mars is still retrograde this month, until January 12th  triggering your area of love and personal relationships. You may experience difficulties in communication with your partner. How you handle conflict within your close relationships and your ability to assert yourself will also be emphasised throughout this time. 

    The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th, turns your attention onto your love life and one to one relationships. Any challenges and competition presented by others may stimulate you to prove yourself, allowing you to grow. It is likely that you want to gain complete control over the circumstances that emerge at this time.

    On the 21st, the Sun enters your money sphere, and you will likely experience a financial peak until mid-January. However, this increased energetical activity in your second house will be prominent even earlier as on December 7th Mercury will move into this area of life along with Venus on the 10th

    The New Moon in Capricorn on November 23rd falls in your area of money matters. At this time your attention will likely turn onto your income situation making it a good time to take a deeper look at your spending habits. At this time, you might make an important purchase. If someone will try to persuade you to buy something, think carefully, as Mercury is about to station retograde (already in the pre-shadow period from December 14th) affecting your straightforward thinking. Make sure you keep all your receipts in case you want to return any item your purchased throughout December and January period.