A New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 14th takes places at 23 degrees and 8 minutes of Sagittarius.
This New Moon is as a major eclipse event because it is a total eclipse of the Sun in the mutable sign Sagittarius. It will be mainly noticeable in Chile and some parts of Argentina.
It is a South Node lunar eclipse meaning that this is somewhat a clearing-away time or a phase when we may have to move away from a situation that is longer working in our life in order to make space for more positive events come to us on June 10th 2021 during the Solar Eclipse in Gemini.
This eclipse invites us to become more social and united with society as a whole. You may find yourself responding to the needs of others and unable to find time for your own desires. Matters requiring compromise and debate are more likely to progress.
This Solar Eclipse may also bring public exposure of some kind. Critical information may become revealed, and the evidence may come out into the open.
Collectively we may experience a significant shift in the year to come in philosophical and religious views. The education system may change and also foreign travel. We may get a greater need for more space but at the same time experience a loss of freedom, due to too much control of others.
The Moon at the time of this solar eclipse is in the mutable sign Sagittarius indicating a time of change. Mutable signs have something to do with information and their development. Sagittarius is the sign for the distribution of information.
The ruler of this solar eclipse – Jupiter is squashed between authoritarian Saturn and powerful Pluto in Capricorn restricting the openmindedness and the adventurous nature of this planet, meaning that we might be challenged with narrow-minded thinking.
With Saturn at the critical 29 degrees also called anaretic degree, meaning that we may all be dealing with difficulties when it comes to our obligations and duties.
This solar eclipse is conjunct Mercury, the planet that rules communication and mind, also siblings, people from immediate surroundings and short trips, making these aspects of our life the major theme throughout this time. Our minds are likely to be more alert and curious than usual. A more confident and effective communication style makes this an excellent time for consultations, debates and conversations. You have the motivation and urge to share views and beliefs you might otherwise keep to yourself.
Mercury trine Mars creates positive and harmonious energy, giving us a desire and motivation to set up new goals and begin new projects.
Mercury square Neptune on the other hand offers the potential for confusion and sensitivity to infection. However, the positive Mars aspects are stronger, meaning that quick thinking and efficiency can defeat uncertainty and betrayal. You can be frank and assured instead of uncertain and repellent.
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