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sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

    Sagittarius WEEKLY HOROSCOPE – (OctOBER 8-13, 2024)

    Dear Reader,

    Welcome to your weekly horoscope for the week of October 8-13, 2024. 2024. Before we explore what the upcoming week has in store for you, I have some wonderful news to share! Starting from November, you’ll be able to access my extended weekly and monthly horoscopes exclusively through the Stellar Reader membership. With Stellar Reader membership, you’ll gain deeper, personalised astrological insights each week and month, along with access to exclusive discounts and the 2025 Astrology Calendar and much more. Click here to learn more and become a member today!..

    The week begins on October 8 with Venus trine Mars, which brings a harmonious flow between your 12th house of spirituality, subconscious, and hidden matters and your 4th house of home, family, and emotional foundations. This alignment encourages you to dive deep into your emotional world, reflecting on hidden feelings or unresolved issues related to family or home life. You may feel more at peace within your private space and more inclined to work through subconscious patterns that have affected your emotional security. This is also a great time for emotional healing within the home, creating an environment where you feel nurtured and emotionally safe. You may be motivated to make your home life more harmonious and supportive, allowing you to find inner peace.

    Later on October 8, Mercury trines Jupiter between your 11th house of friendships, social groups, and long-term goals and your 7th house of partnerships, bringing expansive and optimistic energy to your relationships. This is a perfect time for networking, making new friends, or strengthening existing relationships. You may find that you can have more open and inspiring conversations with friends or partners, helping you gain new insights or develop shared visions for the future. However, with Mercury opposing Chiron on the same day, old wounds related to social belonging or feeling misunderstood in relationships may come to the surface. You might feel vulnerable about how well you fit into certain social circles or whether you’re truly valued in your partnerships. This aspect offers an opportunity for healing through honest communication and addressing any insecurities you may have in these areas.

    On October 9, Jupiter stations retrograde in your 7th house of partnerships, signaling a period of introspection regarding your close relationships and how they contribute to your personal growth. Over the next few months, you may need to reevaluate your long-term partnerships—whether romantic or business-related—and assess whether they align with your vision for the future. This retrograde invites you to slow down and reflect on what you want from your relationships, allowing you to make necessary adjustments or reconsider the dynamics in your partnerships.

    October 12 brings transformative energy as Pluto turns direct in your 2nd house of finances, self-worth, and personal resources. After months of deep reflection on your relationship with money and self-value, Pluto’s direct motion allows you to take concrete steps toward financial empowerment. Whether you’ve been working on transforming your financial situation or addressing any internalized beliefs about your worth, now is the time to move forward with a greater sense of control and purpose. You may feel more empowered to make important decisions regarding your resources, whether that involves a new financial plan, investments, or shedding old habits that have held you back from financial success.

    Also on October 12, Jupiter sextiles Chiron, offering a healing opportunity between your 7th house of partnerships and your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This aspect brings a gentle, supportive energy that allows you to address any emotional wounds in relationships, especially those tied to your creative expression or romantic life. If you’ve felt insecure about how you express yourself in relationships or have struggled with vulnerability in romantic partnerships, this sextile offers an opportunity for healing and growth. You may find that your relationships can become a source of inspiration, helping you explore new creative outlets or deepening your romantic connections.

    October 13 brings more intensity as Mercury squares Pluto, highlighting potential power struggles or challenging conversations around finances, self-worth, or shared resources. This square between your 2nd house of personal resources and your 11th house of social groups and long-term goals could bring conflicts about money or resources in group settings or friendships. There may be issues around financial obligations, shared projects, or differences in values within your social circles. While this aspect can stir up tensions, it also provides an opportunity to confront and transform these dynamics, allowing you to assert your value and find a healthier balance in shared endeavors.

    Later on October 13, Mercury enters Scorpio, moving into your 12th house of subconscious, spirituality, and hidden matters, shifting your focus toward deeper, more introspective conversations. You may find that your thoughts turn inward, leading you to reflect on hidden fears, unresolved emotional patterns, or spiritual growth. This is a time to explore the deeper layers of your psyche, seeking emotional clarity and healing through introspection or spiritual practices. Your communication may become more probing, as you seek to understand the underlying motivations behind your thoughts and emotions.

    The week concludes with Mars squaring Chiron, creating tension between your 4th house of home and family and your 7th house of partnerships. You may feel torn between your responsibilities at home and your commitments in close relationships. This aspect could bring up old wounds related to your emotional security or family dynamics, making you more sensitive to conflicts within your partnerships. This is a time to confront these emotional vulnerabilities and work toward healing, finding a balance between your personal needs and your relationships.

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    If you haven’t yet read your 2025 horoscope, you can find it here! 🌟

    You can find your monthly horoscope here.

    Don’t miss out! The final date to sign up for the AstroHealing Programme is Thursday, 24 October 2024. Secure your spot before the doors close!

    Wishing you an inspiring month ahead!

    Justyna 🌙