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scorpio Weekly Horoscope

    Scorpio WEEKLY HOROSCOPE – (OctOBER 8-13, 2024)

    Dear Reader,

    Welcome to your weekly horoscope for the week of October 8-13, 2024. 2024. Before we explore what the upcoming week has in store for you, I have some wonderful news to share! Starting from November, you’ll be able to access my extended weekly and monthly horoscopes exclusively through the Stellar Reader membership. With Stellar Reader membership, you’ll gain deeper, personalised astrological insights each week and month, along with access to exclusive discounts and the 2025 Astrology Calendar and much more. Click here to learn more and become a member today!..

    The week starts on October 8 with Venus trine Mars, creating a harmonious flow between your 1st house of self and identity and your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This is a time when your personal magnetism and charm are heightened, helping you express your passions with ease. You may feel more confident in pursuing romantic interests, creative projects, or any activities that allow you to shine. This energy also boosts your sense of attractiveness, making you more likely to connect with others on a deeper level. Romance and personal joy are highlighted, and it’s a great time to focus on what makes you feel alive and creatively fulfilled.

    Later that day, Mercury trines Jupiter between your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious and your 4th house of home and family, encouraging reflective conversations around your emotional foundations and family dynamics. You may find yourself having profound realizations about your inner world and how it connects to your home life or family history. This aspect fosters spiritual growth and inner peace, particularly through introspection or private discussions. However, Mercury opposes Chiron shortly after, which may highlight old wounds related to your home, family, or emotional security. You could feel vulnerable around unresolved family issues or deep-rooted emotional patterns that have shaped your sense of safety. This is an opportunity to address these wounds, bringing healing through honest reflection and communication.

    On October 9, Jupiter stations retrograde in your 8th house of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation, initiating a period of introspection around how you handle financial partnerships, debts, or deep emotional bonds. This retrograde will allow you to reassess your approach to intimacy, shared finances, or any transformative work you’ve been undergoing. Over the next few months, you may need to reexamine how you merge your resources with others, or take a deeper look at any power dynamics in your financial or emotional partnerships. This is a time to slow down and rethink your long-term strategies regarding financial independence or emotional empowerment.

    October 12 brings a major shift as Pluto turns direct in your 3rd house of communication, learning, and local environment. After months of deep inner work related to how you communicate or process information, Pluto’s direct motion will allow you to move forward with a transformed perspective. You may feel more empowered to speak your truth, engage in deeper conversations, or tackle difficult subjects with greater confidence. Whether you’ve been reflecting on how you relate to your siblings, neighbors, or those in your local community, now is the time to take action and implement the changes you’ve been considering.

    Also on October 12, Jupiter sextiles Chiron, providing a healing opportunity between your 8th house of shared resources and transformation and your 6th house of work, health, and daily routines. This aspect helps you address any wounds related to how you share your resources or manage your emotional depth in your daily life. Healing can come from reflecting on how your work-life balance impacts your emotional well-being and finding ways to integrate your personal transformation into your daily habits. You may discover new ways to care for yourself through spiritual or emotional growth, helping you heal old insecurities around power and control in your life.

    On October 13, Mercury squares Pluto, creating intensity around communication, especially related to your 3rd house of communication and 12th house of hidden matters and spirituality. Power struggles or intense discussions may arise, particularly around sensitive topics or secrets that have been kept hidden. You may feel the need to dig deep and uncover the truth, but this energy can bring conflicts if you’re not careful about how you approach these conversations. This square challenges you to transform your communication style, allowing for greater honesty and depth in your interactions, especially around emotionally charged topics.

    Later that day, Mercury enters Scorpio, moving into your 1st house of self and identity, which deepens your focus on personal transformation and how you express yourself to the world. Your communication becomes more intense and probing, and you’ll feel a stronger need to express your authentic self. This is a time to embrace your personal power and dive deep into your thoughts, emotions, and the way you present yourself. Your words may carry more weight, and you’ll likely feel compelled to explore the deeper layers of your identity, seeking honesty and truth in all your interactions.

    The week concludes with Mars squaring Chiron, bringing tension between your 6th house of work and health and your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious. You may feel conflicted between your desire for productivity and the emotional wounds that need healing in your inner world. This aspect could bring up insecurities around how you manage your daily responsibilities, work-life balance, or physical health. You might also feel sensitive about hidden fears or subconscious patterns that impact your well-being. This square encourages healing through addressing these deeper emotional issues and finding balance between your outer work and inner life.

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    If you haven’t yet read your 2025 horoscope, you can find it here! 🌟

    You can find your monthly horoscope here.

    Don’t miss out! The final date to sign up for the AstroHealing Programme is Thursday, 24 October 2024. Secure your spot before the doors close!

    Wishing you an inspiring month ahead!

    Justyna 🌙