This week we transition into the year 2021, with both Jupiter and Saturn already travelling through the air sign Aquarius and Mars about to change sing to Taurus. Also, with Jupiter the planet of good fortune and expansion moving away from Pluto and eventually also from Saturn by the end of February 2021, we may begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Jupiter is the most beneficial planet in astrology; however, unfortunately in 2020, its energies were completely restricted due to its planetary placement between authoritarian Saturn and transformational Pluto.
The year 2020 started with Saturn and Pluto conjunction in January, which brought us many changes on a social, economic and financial level. We also had Jupiter and Pluto conjunction three times throughout the year, and each time, these two planets conjoined, we saw a peak of COVID infections.
In 2021, on the other hand, we will only have one significant and major planetary alignment, which will happen three times. This will be the Saturn square Uranus occurring on February 17th, June 14th and December 14th. A square is challenging and conflicting energy. Saturn wants structure. It is about strategic planning and working towards a milestone, while Uranus is about equality, democracy and revolution. Uranus wants to change whatever is not working.
Ultimately, these alignments are about finding a balance between freedom (Uranus) and structure (Saturn). If there are no good boundaries in place, freedom can be taken for granted to the point that it becomes toxic. Similarly, life can’t flourish with too many restrictions and limitations because creativity and imagination are held back/blocked.
As a result of that, by the end of 2021, we are likely to see many changes in how life on earth is structured because, after all that we have witnessed in 2020, the life as we knew will no longer fit in the new world.
Now let’s see what this week brings for us collectively…
On Monday, 28th Sun trine Uranus brings positive vibes and enthusiasm, leading to increased self-confidence, making it an excellent time for socializing and interacting with others both online and face to face depending on circumstances.
Between Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th, there is a Full Moon at 8 degrees and 53 minutes of Cancer. This is the final lunation of this year, and it is well aspected to the planet Uranus, signifying an unexpected change. The Moon sextile Uranus will help us deal with any changes and unforeseen events around this time with a more open-minded and welcoming approach. Mercury, at the time of this full moon, will be in the sign of Capricorn, giving any conversations a more authoritarian attitude.
Whatever decisions are taken around this time, they might not bring desired results, as Mercury is within close proximity to the Sun, meaning that its energies are not as effective.
Venus square Neptune on Wednesday 30th can lead to feelings of self-doubt about yourself and your appearance. You may also experience a heightened need for affection, and if single, this could lead to a new love relationship at this time. However, stay conscious of the confusing Neptunian influence. It would be wiser to wait until after this transit before committing yourself or being too trusting of another person.
The week concludes with Mercury sextile Neptune, starting on Friday, January 1st, making it an excellent time for relaxation, dealing with any creative projects, and doing anything connected to spirituality.

Welcome! 🌟 My name is Justyna, and I use Astrology as a tool to help others navigate various aspects of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity about your life purpose, the best career match, marriage, business ventures, or any area that brings fulfillment, I’m here to guide you. If you’re interested in booking a personal astrology reading, you can visit my website: In addition to personalized readings, I also share weekly and monthly insights on my YouTube Channel. Feel free to explore my work on Medium, Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and if you find what I do helpful, you can show your support by buying me a coffee! ☕Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you! 😊