Hello Taurus and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01st in your sphere of friendships and group activities. It can prompt you to get involved in group activities or charity work where you can share your feelings of compassion and empathy with those that need it most.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar eclipse meaning that around this time you may move away from some old life structures in order to make space for something new to begin. You might begin a deep relationship with another and get involved in healing work or metaphysics. Besides, this solar eclipse may help you get out of places you feared you would never leave. If you feel like your life was on the wrong track, then this eclipse may help you to realign yourself with your best interests and move away from any blockages that stand in the way towards personal empowerment. 

Fiery Mars enters adventurous fire sign Sagittarius On Dec 13, where it will remain until Jan 24.Ā Mars rules your 12th house, suggesting that your intimate partner might need your help throughout the duration of this transit. When applying for loans make sure you think everything through without rushing too quickly into making important decisions as any careless behaviour could turn into losses and misfortune. Mars in the 8th house stimulates your sexual energy making you want to merge with your partner on a deep level. Nevertheless watch out for any impulsive behaviours concerning joint finances or properties, as conflicts with partners over values or possessions are possible at this time.Ā 

The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 18-19, turns your attention onto your feelings surrounding money, property, family, and assets. You may reassess your income, assets, and budget – the money that you earn and spend. At this time you may decide to purchase an item you have been saving for or wanting for quite some time. Alternatively, something might break, prompting you to buy a replacement.

Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19 until Jan 29.Ā Venus will form 2 conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and 25th. This is happening in your sphere of beliefs, foreign travel and higher learning.Ā With the retrograde, you are going to reassess your life direction in order to figure out whether you are on the right track or whether something needs to change. You may have to make an important life decision regarding your marriage, your life mission or a foreign journey.Ā 

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, theĀ third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore.Ā 

Jupiter moves into water sign Pisces on Dec 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months and then from Sept 15 it will retrograde back into Pisces.Ā Pisces rules your 11th house of friendships, group activities and long term plans. This transit primarily favours friendships, teamwork and long-term goals. During this time you will find it easier to co-operate with others and your friends will be more reliable than usual, valuing your advice and turn to you for help if needed. This transit also favours working with others towards a common cause.Ā 

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!

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