Cancer November 2021 Horoscope

This month the emphasis is on your 5th house of children, creativity, romance, fun and joy. This is likely to be a time when your spirit and energy level will be high, occasionally causing you to feel both vivid and energised. It is an excellent time of the year for starting new, creative projects that could prove beneficial in the long term.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings, especially if you listen to what your heart is telling you and find more time for the things that make you feel alive, as it is your time to shine.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might experience some challenges with your children. Alternatively, someone in your professional life might increase your adrenaline, as Mars co-rules your 5th and 10th house. Any limitations that you temporarily experience in your career sphere could be a valuable lesson and an opportunity for later advancement. If you offer or use your talents and skills to others, you might be surprised by the outcome.

On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition, Uranus in Taurus might stimulate you to want to be the first and the best in everything you do. This could be as a result of your uncertain feeling about the future. You may find it helpful to plan your work schedule more efficiently. Otherwise, you might burn out quickly. If you have children, you can now help them to use their skills to their fullest potential. Unexpected changes in your career sphere are also possible since Mars rules your 10th house of career.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. Your sphere of friendships is also highlighted at this time. Your friendship with another person, or your relationships with groups you belong to organisations might be tested . You might have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group activities. With the solar point activated in your 5th house of creativity, children and romance, there can be a significant event related to your child or the romantic partner in your life. Alternatively, you might be completing a project or starting a new business.