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Cancer Horoscope For February 2024

    In February dear Cancers, it looks like there is a strong emphasis upon your 8th house. The 8th house is associated with transformation, intimacy, shared resources, and regeneration, and having a focus on this house can suggest that you may be experiencing some significant developments or changes in these areas of your life.

    You may be feeling a strong urge to delve deep into your psyche and uncover hidden truths and insights about yourself and your relationships. This can be a time of intense emotional and psychological healing, as you work to release old patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving you. You may also be experiencing a shift in your financial situation or resources, as you seek to establish greater security and stability in this area of your life.

    With such strong emphasis on your 8th house, it’s important to be mindful of any tendencies towards control or possessiveness, and to cultivate a sense of trust and openness in your intimate relationships. You may also need to confront any fears or insecurities that are holding you back from experiencing true intimacy and connection. This can be a powerful opportunity for personal growth and transformation, as long as you remain open to the lessons and insights that emerge during this time, and stay committed to your own growth and healing.

    Mercury enters the air sign Aquarius on February 5th, at which point it will also connect with intense Pluto. This alignment will give a significant flavour to the initial phase of the month. Transit Mercury in the 8th house conjunct transit Pluto in Aquarius can bring about intense and transformative communication and ideas related to shared resources, financial matters, and deep psychological issues.

    This transit can also trigger power struggles or manipulative behaviour in communication, so it’s important to be mindful of that. It’s a good time to explore hidden knowledge or research topics related to the occult or mysticism. This transit can also bring about a desire for deeper connections with others, both intellectually and emotionally.

    The Aquarius New Moon, 20° on February 9th, activates your area of transformation and deep matters. This new moon is connected to the lunar cycle that will show the first concrete fruits in November 2024.

    This New Moon forms a tense square aspect with Uranus in Taurus in your 11th house bringing about unexpected changes and breakthroughs in areas related to shared resources, intimacy, and psychological transformation. This can also cause disruptions or sudden changes in group dynamics, friendships, and social networks. It’s important to be mindful of impulsive behaviour or erratic emotions during this time.

    This transit can also bring about a desire for greater freedom and independence in relationships, as well as a need to embrace new and innovative approaches to financial matters. It’s a good time to set intentions related to personal transformation, deepening connections with others, and exploring new ways to approach shared and joint resources.

    On February 13th, Mars moves into Aquarius and on the 14th, it will connect with Pluto by a conjunction bringing about intense and powerful energy related to shared resources, intimacy, and psychological transformation. This transit can trigger deep-seated emotions and bring about a desire to take action towards exploring hidden knowledge or uncovering hidden truths. It’s important to be mindful of power struggles or manipulative behaviour in relationships or financial matters during this time.

    This transit can also bring about a desire for greater control or influence over others, so it’s important to use this energy wisely and responsibly. It’s a good time to harness this intense energy and channel it towards personal transformation, healing, and empowering oneself and others.

    Venus enters your 8th house of Aquarius on February 15/16th and it will immediately conjoin transit Pluto in Aquarius bringing about intense and transformative energy related to shared resources, intimacy, and emotional connections. This transit can trigger a desire for deep, meaningful, and intense relationships, as well as a need to explore hidden knowledge and uncover hidden truths.

    It’s important to be mindful of power struggles or manipulative behavior in relationships or financial matters during this time. This transit can also bring about a desire for greater control or influence over others, so it’s important to use this energy wisely and responsibly. It’s a good time to focus on personal transformation, healing, and strengthening emotional connections with others. This transit can also bring about a desire to explore new and innovative approaches to financial matters and shared resources.

    On February 19th, the North Node and Chiron conjoin in Aries 16°, bringing about a healing journey related to your career, public image, and sense of purpose in life. This transit can trigger a desire to explore new and innovative approaches to achieving your goals and ambitions, as well as a need to confront past wounds related to self-expression and confidence. It’s important to be mindful of self-doubt and insecurities during this time, as this transit can also bring about a desire to seek validation and recognition from others.

    On February 22nd, Venus and Mars conjoin in the air sign Aquarius 7°. This transit can trigger a desire for deep and meaningful relationships, as well as a need to explore hidden knowledge and uncover hidden truths. It’s important to be mindful of power struggles or manipulative behavior in relationships or financial matters during this time.

    This transit can also bring about a desire for greater control or influence over others, so it’s important to use this energy wisely and responsibly. It’s a good time to focus on personal transformation, healing, and strengthening emotional connections with others. This transit can also bring about a desire to explore new and innovative approaches to financial matters and shared resources. In terms of intimacy, this transit can bring about a strong desire for physical and emotional connection with one’s partner.

    We end the month with a Full Moon in Virgo 5°. This full moon connects to a cycle that started in August 2022. This Full Moon is in opposition to Saturn in Pisces and it activates your area of communication bringing about a time of tension and challenges related to communication, learning, and spiritual growth. This transit can trigger a need to confront limitations or obstacles related to one’s beliefs and worldview, as well as a need to re-evaluate one’s approach to learning and communication.

    It’s important to be mindful of critical or judgmental behaviour towards oneself or others during this time. This transit can also bring about a desire to take responsibility for one’s own growth and development, as well as a need to confront past wounds related to communication or learning. It’s a good time to focus on developing new skills or knowledge, as well as finding new ways to express oneself creatively.