The Full Moon in Capricorn falls at 3°27’ on June 24th. The Moon in Capricorn is in its detriment, meaning that its influence is weakened. Thus, this is not a strong placement for the moon.
During a moon phase in Capricorn, we tend to repress our energies because we want to be in control of our emotions. As a result, matters concerning security and stability come into focus.
This full moon falls on Capricorn/Cancer axis, urging us to find a balance between the need for power and influence and a desire for inner emotional safety and nourishment.
Capricorn is a cardinal sign, and during a moon phase in a cardinal sign, we are concerned with more significant issues than in mundane matters.
The dispositor of this full moon is Saturn and Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius, a sign that it rules in traditional astrology. With Saturn being retrograde, we might experience delays. Saturn is also separating from a square with Uranus in Taurus, which was exact on June 14th. Even though this aspect is behind us, another one of these is coming up on December 24th, 2021, suggesting that there will still be a few more months of tension due to unexpected and restrictive changes.
This full moon makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, giving us more optimism and faith, and with Jupiter retrograde in Pisces, we can expect to be highly creative if we are allowed to do things our own way.
Finally, Venus opposite Pluto can increase our desire for passion, love and intimacy. Still, something to be aware of with this aspect is a tendency towards manipulative and possessive behavioural patterns.
Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the Full Moon in Capricorn 2021 will influence: (this full moon is about finding a balance between the following areas of your life)
- Aries Ascendant – Career & Status/Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life
- Taurus Ascendant – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction/Your Community Life & Short Distance Travel
- Gemini Ascendant – Financial Security & Personal Values/Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances
- Cancer Ascendant – Love & Relationships/ Your Individuality & Self-image
- Leo Ascendant – Work, Health & Everyday Life/Soul Searching & Inner Work
- Virgo Ascendant – Children, Creativity & Romance/Friends, Groups & Networking
- Libra Ascendant – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life/Career & Status/Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life
- Scorpio Ascendant – Your Community & Short Distance Travel/Foreign Affairs & Life Direction
- Sagittarius Ascendant – Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances/Financial Security & Personal Values
- Capricorn Ascendant – Your Individuality & Self-image/Love & Relationships
- Aquarius Ascendant – Soul Searching & Inner Work/Work, Health & Everyday Life
- Pisces Ascendant – Friends, Groups & Networking/Children, Creativity & Romance
If you want to learn more about this upcoming full moon, watch my latest video below.
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Welcome! 🌟 My name is Justyna, and I use Astrology as a tool to help others navigate various aspects of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity about your life purpose, the best career match, marriage, business ventures, or any area that brings fulfillment, I’m here to guide you. If you’re interested in booking a personal astrology reading, you can visit my website: In addition to personalized readings, I also share weekly and monthly insights on my YouTube Channel. Feel free to explore my work on Medium, Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and if you find what I do helpful, you can show your support by buying me a coffee! ☕Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you! 😊