The Full Moon Libra will become exact on:

  • April 16th 11:54am Pacific Time
  • April 16th 06:54PM GMT

This Full Moon in Libra is shining the light on love, relationships and business partnerships, helping restore the balance and harmony in these areas of our lives. It is also an excellent time to resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings in intimate and business relationships.

When the Moon travels through the cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace; emotions are very impulsive and often cause immediate actions and impulsive reactions. Generally, a moon phase in a cardinal sign is a time that is high in action. Throughout this time, matters of peace and compromise come into focus. The focus is on relationship versus individuality. We are often prompted to reassess our priorities and work towards a balance between thoughtful understanding and assertiveness. Relationship issues and legal matters, including marriage and divorce, are also highlighted. 

Libra also rules co-dependency and indecision. If you have a habit of comparing yourself to others, or the need to gain peace at any cost, then this full Moon is a great time for working on these tendencies and learning how to move away from them. 

Libra Full Moon, April 16th 2022

The Moon in mundane astrology represents the ordinary people, women generally, crowds, and all matters of a public nature. The Moon in the chart for the full moon squares Pluto in Capricorn. This may show we have some significant challenges to work through. There may be power struggles, corruption and control issues that come to light, and we can encounter many intense people. We need to be mindful of this energy and work to transform it. Pluto rules nuclear power, plutonium, radium, zinc. Challenging aspects of Pluto may result in volcano eruption, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war or anything which involves widespread death and destruction. On the other hand, the Moon trine Saturn stabilises, strengthens and promotes safety. Venus, the ruler of this full moon sextile Mercury and Uranus in Taurus, encourages peace and resolution to problems through communication and an opportunity to express our own individuality.

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