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Home » May 2022 Forecast

May 2022 Forecast

    Hello & Welcome to May!

    With a strong emphasis on Aries this month, there will hardly be an uneventful day in May as Venus, Mars, and Jupiter enter energetic and passionate Aries.

    On May 4/5, the Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces is excellent for starting new projects. During this time, expect the unexpected! Some things that you considered stable could now show up in a very different light. 

    Also, in the first days of May, we will be under the influence of the Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (exact on May 7), making it an excellent time for getting things done. 

    On May 10, Mercury turns retrograde at 4 degrees of Gemini until June 2/3 (ends at 26 degrees of Taurus). Any important agreements and contracts should be reviewed and discussed carefully during this time, as they might be more complicated than initially expected. Mercury may stimulate you to rethink your ideas and projects for the next three weeks (through June 2). However, don’t worry too much, as this retrograde cycle is unlikely to cause much disruption as Mercury mostly makes harmonious aspects. Nevertheless, to make the best use of this time, remain flexible and prepare for changes by having a plan B.

    On May 10/11, Jupiter enters Aries. It will stay there until October 28, October 28, before returning to Pisces until mid-December. In the first sign of the zodiac, Jupiter encourages new beginnings, boosted optimism, and attractive opportunities, especially for those with planets in the first 10º of Aries. Jupiter in Aries tends to make people energised, more excitable, and animated. The negative manifestation of this transit is that many will become less compassionate and more self-centred. 

    The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 15/16 will form a square to Saturn in Aquarius. At the same time Venus will conjunct Chiron, and Mars will apply to conjunct Neptune, but this alignment won’t be exact until May 18, May 18. With so much tension in the sky, the theme of this period may take on a serious tone during these days. Hopes, ideas and expectations must now be altered to the given circumstances. The conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces on May 18 indicates a temporary lack of clarity and confusion. The rising prices of gas and food and the overall increase in the cost of living will likely be the deepest concerns around this time. Those with the Sun or other critical placements in 23º–27º of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be most influenced by this eclipse. 

    The overall ambience will lighten up significantly a few days later when Mars reaches Aries on May 24/25. Venus enters Taurus on May 28, the sign of its rulership, and from this moment in time, it will be in equal power as Mars in Aries. This suggests that sensuality could be one of the good ways to relax and soothe the aggressive and impulsive side of Mars. 

    Mars joins forces with Jupiter on May 29, showing us what courageous action means after all! 

    The Gemini New Moon of May 30 May (9 degrees) offers us an opportunity to implement some of the ideas that came into our mind during the Mercury retrograde period. Communication and exchange of information should become much easier and smoother moving forward as Mercury stations retrograde just a couple of days after this new moon.

    Have a great month!
