Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will travel through your career sphere until May 10th, improving your employment prospects. The harder you worked in the past, the greater the befits you will see throughout this time. You might also decide to leave a problematic work-related situation as life may present new opportunities regarding your professional path. It is generally an extremely eventful time in terms of your career. An authority figure or a parent might become more central in your life throughout the first and the last quarter of the year too. From May 10th until October 28th, Jupiter will move into your area of friendships and groups – you are likely to get more involved with friends, groups, various organizations, or community services during that time. Under the influence of this transit, you are thinking of the big picture and have more clarity about your goals throughout the year. Resolving past issues in your social life may be a part of how you move forward with your life. You could make a long-lasting friendship or move to a position of responsibility and power, either in groups you belong to or in your career. 

This year with the Nodes shifting into Taurus and Scorpio, you may have a strong need for resting, meditation, spiritual work and spiritual understanding. You might also experience health sensitivity or a tendency towards exhaustion and a feeling of low vitality. It is not a year to purely rely on others, especially when it comes to your work and your relationship with co-workers. For this reason, it is essential that you stay well organized.

Mars retrogrades in your sign this year from October 30th until January 12th, 2023. During this time, a partner or employer may need your attention or become your support system in helping you achieve a specific milestone. Make sure you look after your health and diet, as you may over-extend yourself or burn out from too much work or action. Use your wisdom and compassion in your dealings with others, as with Mars retrograde in your sign, you might become easily insensitive, even unintentionally.

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