With your ruler Mercury, positioned in the upper part of the chart this month, personal independence is not strong at the moment, and opportunities come easier through others than through your own efforts.

Your eighth house of transformation is highlighted this month, meaning you may need to transform something in your life or let go of whatever lost its purpose. This could be as simple as introducing an exercise regimen in order to maintain better health or alternatively you may feel like breaking away from some unhealthy habits or routines. If this isn’t related to an inner transformation, then perhaps your partner or someone close to your heart may cherish you and show love with more passion and intensity.

Jupiter will remain in your friendship zone until December 20th. Jupiter in Pisces allows you to think of the big picture, have great ideas and have more clarity about your goals for the following year. Settling old and unresolved issues in your social life may become a part of how you move along in the next couple of months. Long-lasting friendships or moving to a position of responsibility and power, through groups you belong to or in your career is also possible. 

Mars is still retrograde in your sign until January 12th, and Mercury, your ruler, is joining the retrograde party on December 29th. It looks like the final days of December and the beginning of January will be more hectic than usual. Try to remain flexible throughout this time, as your plans and ideas may change suddenly and unexpectedly.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 7th brings some aspects of your personal life or goals to light or conclusion. Under the influence of this full moon you will likely become more aware of your own persona and of the impression you make on other people. Since Mars is tightly conjunct this full moon you may experience a feeling of restlesness and a strong need to take action. Be mindful of your actions, as this full moon may create a difficulty when it comes to distinguishing facts from fiction!

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rdĀ will shine its light in your sphere of other peopleā€™s money, transformation and intimate matters. In the four weeks following this New Moon, you can earn a commission from a sale, investments or through affiliate marketing links if you are a blogger. With the end of the year approaching, you may also be doing tax planning and estimating how much you will have to pay. These next four weeks would be an excellent time to meet with your accountant. If you recently received an inheritance, you could now begin researching how and where to invest it.

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

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