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Gemini Horoscope For March 2024

    3rd Venus in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus

    In the initial days of March, with Venus still in Aquarius travelling through your 9th house of higher learning, travel, and philosophy, you may find yourself drawn to new experiences and ideas that broaden your horizons and expand your worldview. This is a time to explore new perspectives and to embrace diversity and uniqueness in your relationships and interactions with others.

    However, on March 3rd, Venus will form a tense square aspect with Uranus in Taurus in your 12th house of hidden matters and spirituality. This transit can bring unexpected changes and disruptions in your personal life, and you may feel a strong desire for greater independence and freedom in your relationships.

    The 12th house is associated with hidden or subconscious aspects of the self, and Uranus can bring sudden insights or revelations that may challenge your existing beliefs or values. You may need to confront any limitations or fears that are holding you back from living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    This transit can also affect your finances, as Uranus is associated with innovation and new ideas. You may experience some unexpected expenses or an urge to invest in unconventional or risky ventures. It’s essential to be cautious and to evaluate the risks and benefits of any financial decisions during this time.

    Overall, this transit can be a time of growth and transformation as you embrace new experiences and ideas, and work on releasing any limitations or fears that may be holding you back. By being open to change and embracing your unique perspective, you can pave the way for a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    10th Pisces New Moon

    The Pisces New Moon on March 10th, falls in your 10th house of career and public image, which indicates a time of new beginnings and fresh starts in your professional life. This New Moon is conjunct with both Neptune and Saturn, which can bring a mix of dreamy, imaginative energy as well as a sense of practicality and discipline to your career endeavors.

    Neptune’s influence can make you feel more creative, intuitive, and inspired than usual. You may have a clearer vision of your ideal career path, or you may feel drawn to artistic or spiritual pursuits that align with your soul’s purpose. This can be a good time to tap into your intuition and follow your heart’s desires.

    Saturn’s influence, on the other hand, can bring a sense of structure, responsibility, and discipline to your career goals. You may need to work harder than usual to achieve your goals, but your efforts will be rewarded in the long run. This is also a good time to take a more serious, strategic approach to your career, and to set clear goals and deadlines for yourself. By combining your creativity and inspiration with practicality and discipline, you can create a solid foundation for long-term success and fulfillment in your professional life.

    17th Sun in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces

    On March 17th, the Sun and Neptune conjoin in your 10th house of career and public image, bringing a highly imaginative and creative energy to your professional life. This transit can inspire you to pursue your dreams and tap into your intuition and spiritual side in your career endeavors.

    Neptune’s influence can make you more sensitive and empathetic to the needs of others, which can be an asset in your workplace. You may feel more drawn to artistic or spiritual pursuits that align with your soul’s purpose, or you may be inspired to take on a more compassionate or humanitarian role in your career.

    The Sun’s influence can bring a sense of vitality, energy, and confidence to your professional life. You may feel more empowered to take on new challenges and pursue your goals with enthusiasm and determination. This can be a good time to step out of your comfort zone and take bold steps towards your career ambitions.

    This transit can be a powerful time to align your career goals with your deeper purpose and spiritual values. By tapping into your creativity, intuition, and compassion, you can create a fulfilling and meaningful career path that aligns with your soul’s purpose. Just be careful not to get too lost in your dreams and fantasies, and make sure to stay grounded and practical in your approach to your professional life.

    21st Venus in Pisces Conjunct Saturn in Pisces

    On March 21st, when the transit Venus conjuncts Saturn in Pisces activates your 10th house of career and public image, it can bring a mix of challenging and rewarding energy to your professional life. This transit can put a spotlight on your relationships and financial matters related to your career.

    Saturn’s influence can bring a sense of restriction, discipline, and responsibility to your career goals. You may need to work harder than usual to achieve your goals, but your efforts will be rewarded in the long run. This is also a good time to take a more serious, strategic approach to your career, and to set clear goals and deadlines for yourself.

    Venus’ influence can bring a desire for harmony, beauty, and balance to your professional life. You may feel more drawn to creative pursuits, or you may seek more meaningful and fulfilling relationships with your colleagues or clients. This transit can also bring financial opportunities related to your career, such as a raise or a new job offer.

    This transit can be a time of growth and transformation in your professional life. By balancing Saturn’s discipline and Venus’ harmony, you can create a solid foundation for long-term success and fulfillment in your career. Just be prepared to put in the hard work and make some tough decisions to get there.

    22nd Mars Enters Pisces

    Mars enters your 10th house of Pisces on March 22nd, highlighting your career and public image. When Mars transits the 10th house, it can bring up issues related to your professional life and how you assert yourself in the public sphere. This can be a time of increased ambition and drive, as you work towards achieving your long-term goals and establishing yourself in your chosen field.

    Mars is the planet of action, so this transit can also bring up issues related to how you assert yourself in your career. You may need to take a more assertive or proactive approach to your goals and desires during this time. This can be a good time to take on new challenges or projects that will help you advance in your career.

    This transit can also be a time of increased competition and conflict in your professional life. You may need to stand up for yourself and assert your boundaries in order to succeed. This can be a good time to develop strong leadership skills and to work on your communication and negotiation skills. By taking a proactive and assertive approach to your career, you can pave the way for greater success and fulfillment in the future.

    25th Libra Lunar Eclipse

    The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25th highlights your area of creativity, self-expression, and romance (your 5th house). This Lunar Eclipse is opposite out of sign Neptune, which can bring about some confusion or uncertainty in your friendships and social connections.

    The 5th house is associated with pleasure, enjoyment, and creativity, and the Lunar Eclipse can bring about significant changes and transformations in these areas of your life. You may experience shifts in your creative endeavors or may feel a renewed sense of passion and inspiration. This can be a good time to explore new hobbies or artistic pursuits.

    However, with Neptune in the mix, you may experience some challenges in your friendships or social connections. Neptune is associated with illusions, confusion, and deception, so you may need to be careful about who you trust during this time. You may also experience some disillusionment or disappointment in your social circle, which can be challenging to navigate. 

    Overall, this eclipse offers an opportunity for significant growth and transformation in your creative and romantic pursuits. However, you may need to be mindful of any issues that arise in your friendships or social connections and work towards creating more clarity and understanding in these areas of your life.