Solar Eclipse in Taurus officially begins the eclipses season of 2022. This solar eclipse falls at 10° of Taurus and will especially influence the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius). 

Solar eclipses are more external as this is when we deal with situations or circumstances that we might trigger unconsciously. Anything that happens during an eclipse would have occurred sooner or later—eclipses simply accelerate the timeline. 

We already had one eclipse in Taurus in November of 2021, and that was a lunar eclipse. This is our second eclipse in this family of eclipses in the current cycle. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces goes exact just about the same time as the eclipse in Taurus, which is very pleasing because Venus rules this eclipse. This will promote inner peace and harmony among humanity. 

With Uranus 14° in such close proximity to this eclipse, it could be a time of some unexpected beginnings that set off a sequence of events that might be more meaningful than it seemed at first.


For you, Aries, these are significant beginnings when it comes to financial matters in your life and the role that financial issues play in your life, both in terms of your finances as well as other people you know, or in some instances like through your partner, if you have a marriage partner or relationship partner.


For you Taurus, this eclipse is related to some significant changes that you’ve experienced over the past few years with Uranus transiting your sign, causing some major radical changes of your personality and of your overall outlook on life. Now, some of that is going to get trigerred a little bit with this transit of the eclipse in your first house. Here, the great beginnings will focus on your life direction, your goals, wishes and aspirations.


This eclipse will increase your need to pay more attention to your mental health. You might be seeing a therapist in order to work out some of your own internal issues and internal dilemmas that you’re still processing. You’re going to see some great beginnings in this area of your life. On a different level, you might also begin a new project or a relationship that you won’t be able to reveal to others for a while. 

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