The Libra 2° New Moon of September 25 brings an optimistic vibe. During a new moon, we tend to look for new opportunities to express our ideas and thoughts and for this reason it is usually a great time for starting new projects. Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy and balance with a strong sense of fairness. When the Moon travels through cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace. Throughout this time, primary relationships play a crucial role in our lives, governing our feelings and desires. We are often prompted to reassess our priorities and work towards finding a balance between thoughtful understanding and assertiveness.
This New Moon will be in opposition to Jupiter in Aries. This is about big dreams or something extraordinary or inspiring being created of all the possibilities. It is like dreams coming to fruition. At the same time it is essential to avoid takin on too much. Jupiter-Full Moon opposition can make us easily exagarrate certain aspects of our life. Choose wisely as choices and decisions have consequences.
The Saturn-Uranus square, which won’t be exact this year (but with an orb of half a degree throughout September and October) forcing us into the battle between the familiar past and the unknown future, or in other words, between the old and the new. The three previous squares took place on February 17th and June 14th and December 23rd of 2021.
With retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus and trine Pluto Capricorn, much can be gained but also lost and wasted, even unintentionally. Don’t disregard your instincts, there might be an important message coming through from the invisible world.
New Moon in Virgo Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign
This New Moon turns your attention onto your one-to-one relationships. During this time, some degree of your freedom may have to be compromised to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push and pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others. Venus, the goddess of this New Moon, will trine (harmonious connection) Pluto sending positive vibes and helping you reach career-related goals and objectives. Venus will also be within an orb of a deep connection with erratic Uranus in your financial sector, bringing some unusual ideas concerning your money situation. Many Aries might be joining forces with another at this time (your love partner, business associates, agent) in preparation for a significant project. Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde until October 2, so wait until then to sign any important documents, like contracts or agreements.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Aries >>>
This New Moon turns your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more practical approach when getting any project or idea off the ground (Mercury is still retrograding until October 2nd). A tip for this New Moon for you is to be realistic about your expectations. Venus, your ruling planet, will stand out at this time, and connect harmoniously with expansive Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance. Expect the unexpected as Uranus connects with Venus. The Sun travelling through your work sphere suggests that you may feel exceptionally social at work, wanting to spend time with your co-workers. This New Moon favours careers related to beauty, art, film, and creativity.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus >>>
This New Moon will bring an opportunity for you to find a new romantic relationship. If you are already in a commitment, you will have more quality, fun time to spend together. Matters related to children and conception will also glow. If you were trying to get pregnant you may get some good news now. If you have children, thanks to this new moon, you will especially enjoy spending time with them, so plan a day out to make the most of these energies. This New Moon will connect with abundant and expansive Jupiter, in your friendship sector, so friends will also play a part during this time.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini >>>
This New Moon acts as an opportunity to improve your home sphere positively. You might feel like hosting an event at home for your family members or friends. This New Moon may initiate a series of social events that will follow in the four weeks after this New Moon. Alternatively, if this isn’t related to you having people around at your house, it might be that your parents will be prominent in your life. They may visit you, or you may travel together to a unique location. Mercury is still retrograde; don’t let this disturb your mind. Plan well and check the roads for road work and other travel-related disruptions.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer >>>
This New Moon may create an opportunity for a trip in the four weeks following this New Moon. This may be a work-related trip. If this is the case, you may find it enjoyable if you plan something exciting to do during your business trip to spice things up. Otherwise, you might run out of fuel and feel drained and overly emotional by the workload. With Venus, the planet connected to love and finances in the final degrees of perfectionist Virgo connecting with transformative Pluto in your 6th house of work and daily routine, you may find that whatever that you do throughout this New Moon period, whether this is a business trip or something, it might benefit you in the financial sense. So make sure you take advantage of these energies but don’t forget to nurture your soul and body!
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Leo >>>
The New Moon will shine in your second house of personal earnings, resources and possessions. You will likely think about an opportunity to earn more money. Alternatively, you may come up with a new idea allowing you to increase or improve your money situation. This New Moon may also bring you a gift from a friend or a family member. On a different level, if you have a shop on Etsy, you might make this important sale of something that you have created using your own skills and talents. Venus is still in your sign at this time, making you feel more optimistic and uplifted than usual. Even though Mercury will be retrograde, you can still enjoy the arrival of a new season, so make the most of it!
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo >>>
This New Moon will shine in your sign! What a great time to direct the energy of this new moon in any way you desire. Venus, your ruler, is connecting to transformative Pluto in your home sphere. This may suggest that any home-related projects and ideas may come to fruition in the four weeks following this New Moon. At the same time, with Mars and Saturn’s harmonious connection, your ambition and determination are likely to increase too!
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Libra >>>
This New Moon will shine in your twelfth house of hidden matters where mental health is emphasized. You may come up with an amazing idea for your next book or blog. It seems like you may prefer to keep this project private, at least in the initial phase. Hence you may find it more liberating and satisfying when working from behind the scene (from home or the library, for instance). With Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, prominent in your friendship zone, it seems that these coming four weeks will be more about friendships rather than romance. With Mercury retrograde now in Virgo until October 2nd, you might unexpectedly meet an old friend or renew an old friendship with a friend you haven’t been in contact with for a long time.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Scorpio >>>
This New Moon will shine in your area of friendships, group activities, hopes and wishes. Your social life will likely become the prominent theme of your life in the upcoming four weeks. You may enjoy an outing or even two with friends or work colleagues. Alternatively, an important friend in your life might go through essential life changes that could directly impact your friendship in a positive sense. Since the eleventh house also rules our long-term plans, you may find it enjoyable if you create a vision map with your dreams and goals that you wish to manifest.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius >>>
This New Moon falls in your tenth house of career, public life and recognition. Venus, the goddess of Libra, will be prominent at this time. Venus will connect harmoniously with intense and transformative Pluto, suggesting that you have a business that deals with import and export or works for an international company. These next four weeks might be fortunate for you. On a different level, if you work in publishing, broadcasting, or if you are a digital marketer, you will also reap the benefits of this News Moon’s energies. Finally New Moon in the house of honours may also bring you career related rewards for your hard work and dedication.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn >>>
This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to foreign travel, higher education, law, broadcasting and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. It is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Since Libra is associated with cultural activities like a museum, theatre, and fine dining, you may have an opportunity to enjoy life’s luxuries in the four weeks following this New Moon. Depending on your circumstances, the 9th house activation may also help with any projects connected to publishing, broadcasting and the media.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius >>>
This New Moon will shine in your sphere of other people’s money, transformation and intimate matters. In the four weeks following this New Moon, you can earn a commission from a sale, investments or through affiliate marketing links if you are a blogger. With the end of the year approaching, you may also be doing tax planning and estimating how much you will have to pay. These next four weeks would be an excellent time to meet with your accountant. If you recently received an inheritance, you could now begin researching how and where to invest it.
Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Pisces >>>
Read More
- A Powerful Reset: Solar Eclipse in Aries, March 29, All Signs
- Neptune in Aries: March 30, 2025-2039 I All Signs
- Mercury retrograde in Aries, March 15–29, 2025 I All Signs
- Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, March 14, 2025 I All Signs

Welcome! 🌟 My name is Justyna, and I use Astrology as a tool to help others navigate various aspects of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity about your life purpose, the best career match, marriage, business ventures, or any area that brings fulfillment, I’m here to guide you. If you’re interested in booking a personal astrology reading, you can visit my website: In addition to personalized readings, I also share weekly and monthly insights on my YouTube Channel. Feel free to explore my work on Medium, Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and if you find what I do helpful, you can show your support by buying me a coffee! ☕Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you! 😊