The final Mercury retrograde of 2021 will occur this month in the air sign Libra on September 27th. Each retrograde has a pre-and post-shadow phase that each last for about two weeks. The Pre-Shadow phase of this retrograde begins on September 6th, and this is when we begin to feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde in Libra. While Mercury stays in retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of your thoughts and actions. During this time, you may feel a bit confused and overwhelmed with ideas, making this an excellent opportunity for practising yoga, meditation, reading, spending time in nature and generally doing anything that helps you calm down your mind and express all your ideas and thoughts. 

Since Mercury Retrograde can cause disruptions with technology, take special care with your digital data. Back up all your valuable data, files and photos. Mercury also rules documents, proposals, tests and contracts, so read everything carefully before signing anything important. It is not the best time for starting anything new. It is, however, a good time to continue a project that began before Mercury turned retrograde. 

For those who were born during Mercury retrograde, you may become more energetic, more alert or more productive during this time. However, you will still be affected by Mercury’s influence. Nevertheless, there could be some unexpected opportunities turning up for you, so stay alert and keep your eyes open!

Here are the key dates to remember during this Mercury retrograde:

  • September 6th, the pre-shadow period, begins (9° Libra)
  • September 27th Mercury turns retrograde in Libra (25°)
  • October 1st Mercury retrograde in Libra (24°) square Pluto in Capricorn (24°)
  • October 3rd Mercury retrograde in Libra (22°) trine Jupiter in Aquarius (22°)
  • October 9th Mercury retrograde in Libra (16°) conjunct the Sun (16°)
  • October 16th Mercury retrograde in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius (10°)
  • October 18th, the end of Mercury retrograde in Libra (10°)
  • November 3rd, the end of the post-shadow period (Libra 9°)

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