Gemini January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast In January, your skills and capabilities play an essential role in everyday life. You will also have an opportunity to expand your awareness through one to one relationships. The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto the creative and the (more…)
Capricorn January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast This month the focus is on your persona. It is a wonderful time for setting new intentions and goals for the new year. The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto your personal needs and desires. This lunar phase is (more…)
Sagittarius January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast This month your focus turns on establishing more financial safety and security in your life. At the same time, your mind and intellect will also be stimulated, making it a wonderful opportunity for studying, reading, and expanding your perspective on life. The New Moon on January 2nd falls at (more…)
Libra January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast This month your domestic sphere is especially emphasised as well as your need for expressing yourself creatively while living a more carefree lifestyle. The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. During this time, you may feel like the home responsibilities squash or overwhelm (more…)
Cancer January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast January for you is about expanding your awareness and understanding through one-to-one relationships. It is also when your desire to blend your energies with another on a deeper level increases. The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto your one to (more…)
Aries January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast January 2022 begins with the New Moon in Capricorn (12 degrees) on January 2nd, turning your attention onto your career sphere and life direction. This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to your life mission, stand in society and your achievements. You may have an opportunity to be involved in a (more…)
Scorpio January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast In January, your focus turns onto the growth and expansion of your intellect. Communication, as well as the exchange of information with family members, plays an important role this month. The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. You may receive some important news, letter, (more…)