Virgo January 2022 Horoscope

Gemini January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

In January, your skills and capabilities play an essential role in everyday life. You will also have an opportunity to expand your awareness through one to one relationships.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto the creative and the romantic side of your life. During this new moon, you may have a great need for expressing yourself creatively in various imaginative ways. This lunar phase also favours activities connected to children and young people. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity to review your dietary or health-related habits. You may also find it useful to re-organise your diary as daily demands this month may require you to become more flexible and adaptable.

The Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17thĀ opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto. During this retrograde, which will last until February 4th, you may experience occasional creative blockage, resulting in a temporary loss of confidence in your creative abilities. There is often a tendency to compare yourself to others. To move away from any negative and limiting thoughts you may have, try to do things that inspire you and stimulate the creative side of your psyche.

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022.

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Capricorn January 2022 Horoscope

Capricorn January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

This month the focus is on your persona. It is a wonderful time for setting new intentions and goals for the new year.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention ontoĀ your personal needs and desires. This lunar phase is a great opportunity for a fresh makeover. You may begin a new chapter in your life, start a new job a relationship. Whatever the scenario, the attention is on you! Use this time to your greatest potential, as you might surprise yourself with the ideas that come into your mind at this time.

This retrograde may stimulate you to reassess your financial situation. You may wonder whether the amountĀ of money you earn is sufficient in relation to the quality of work you put out. You might need to review your business outgoings and office-related expenses if you have your own business. If you feel unappreciated by others, you may limit your contact with people who lower your self-esteem during this retrograde.

The Full Moon in emotional water sign Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on personal ambitions that are likely to be intensified at this time. The Moon on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the most satisfactory results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades into your sign Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate you toĀ reassess your needs and desires. This is a good time to put into action what you already have and know.Ā 

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022.

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Sagittarius January 2022 Horoscope

Sagittarius January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

This month your focus turns on establishing more financial safety and security in your life. At the same time, your mind and intellect will also be stimulated, making it a wonderful opportunity for studying, reading, and expanding your perspective on life.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. This New Moon brings new opportunities connected to your financial sphere. During this time, make sure you manage your time effectively, as, under the influence of this lunar phase, time may seem running at a different pace, forcing you to slow down and incorporate a more practical approach to doing things. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde may stimulate your thirst for knowledge. It could be a time of major realisations with memories from childhood coming back unexpectedly. Watch out as you might be misinformed or even lied to by someone in your community. The information you gather might not be correct or accurate at this time. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to use more than one source in order to confirm the information you require. Under the influence of the Mercury-Pluto conjunction, don’t let any phobias, fears or obsessions negatively influence your rational thinking.

The Full Moon in emotional water sign Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on personal ambitions that are likely to be intensified at this time. If used correctly, this blend of energies can significantly change one’s life. The Moon on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life or perhaps that you no longer have control over and treat them as valuable lessons for the future. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the most satisfactory results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate you to reassess your financial situation. You may wonder whether the amount of money you earn is sufficient in relation to the quality of work you put out. You might need to review your business outgoings and office-related expenses if you have your own business. If you feel unappreciated, you may limit your contact with people who lower your self-esteem during this retrograde.

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022.

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Libra January 2022 Horoscope

Libra January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

This month your domestic sphere is especially emphasised as well as your need for expressing yourself creatively while living a more carefree lifestyle.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. During this time, you may feel like the home responsibilities squash or overwhelm your individuality or restrict your ability to be free. This can result in your desire to seek or establish more emotional security and safety and improve your living conditions. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. During this retrograde, which will last until February 4th, you may experience occasional creative blockage, resulting in a temporary loss of confidence in your creative abilities. Under the influence of this retrograde, there is also often a tendency to compare yourself to others. To move away from the negative and limiting thoughts, try to do things that inspire you and stimulate the creative side of your psyche.

Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17thĀ opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate you to review your long-term decisions regarding your future financial security and stability. While reassessing your present living conditions, you may ask yourself whether you should fix the current home or move to another? If your present home doesn’t meet your expectations, you may decide that something needs to change when this retrograde is over in February.

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Cancer January 2022 Horoscope

Cancer January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

January for you is about expanding your awareness and understanding through one-to-one relationships. It is also when your desire to blend your energies with another on a deeper level increases.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign CapricornĀ turning your attention onto your one to one relationships.Ā During this time, some degree of your personal freedom may have to be compromised in order to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push and pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others.Ā 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde is a good time for paying off debts, loans and taxes. However, it is not the best time to take out a mortgage or a loan or invest in a new business. You may also desire to discuss sexual issues with your partner to understand your preferences and needs better.

Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17thĀ opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto.Ā This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity for reviewing any contracts or agreements you may have. Alternatively, old issues that you thought were forgotten might come back, and you may find yourself having to deal with them. Mercury retrograde in the 7th house has also got its benefits, as it can bring you closer with your partner by allowing you to identify and clarify differences of opinion. By the time this retrograde is over, you may both feel like you understand each other a lot better.

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022,

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Aries January 2022 Horoscope

Aries January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

January 2022 begins with the New Moon in Capricorn (12 degrees) on January 2nd, turning your attention onto your career sphere and life direction. This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to your life mission, stand in society and your achievements. You may have an opportunity to be involved in a new project at work, welcome a new member of the team, or there could be changes in your management. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your professional and public life with a mature and responsible attitude. This is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Saturn, the ruler of this New Moon sextile Mars in Sagittarius, allows you to understand different aspects of your career life more objectively, especially if you have been overly emotionally invested in certain situations or circumstances in your professional life sphere.

Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces on January 11th can temporarily blur your understanding of what you really want in your life. This, in turn, can create difficulty trusting in your ability to go after your long-term goals and objectives, resulting in you possibly wanting to go deeply within to discover and understand your true desires. 

On January 14th, Mercury stations retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius until February 4th. The pre-shadow period of this retrograde started on December 29th and the post-shadow period ends on February 24th. While Mercury stays in retrograde motion, in the fixed sign Aquarius you may feel like getting in touch with people you haven’t seen for a while, or you may bump into an old friend quite unexpectedly. Misunderstandings with others are also possible, and if this is the case, this can prompt you to reassess some of your closest friendships and see where you stand in your social circle as an individual. Since the 11th house is also connected to dreams and hopes, a wish you once had for yourself may come back into life. 

The Full Moon in emotional water sign Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on your personal ambitions that are likely to be intensified at this time. This blend of energies can significantly change your career life moving forward if used correctly. The Moon on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly in your domestic life and let go of habits or situations that no longer belong in your life or perhaps that you no longer have control over. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward to get the best results concerning any issues connected to your home and family life instead of rushing for things to happen.

On January 18th, the nodal axis change signs into Taurus and Scorpio.  This shift of energies enhances your earning capabilities and income this year. Pay close attention to any investments or loans you may take; as with the South Node in Scorpio, you may experience money losses because of your partner’s affairs, debts or stock markets. For this reason, it is essential that you manage your finances wisely this year and pay off old debts if possible. Under the influence of the South Node, you may also undergo an internal transformation that could eventually lead to self-empowerment.

As we near the end of the month, your career sphere is activated again. Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn, the ruler of your 10th house of career, on January 25th. Then on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto prompting you to re-evaluate past issues and blockages that stand in the way towards your success and at the same time help you determine how these issues or limitations connected to your growth can be overcome.

Venus stations direct in Capricorn on January 29th, after spending over a month triggering your area of professional life and life direction. Hopefully, by now, you have a better idea of where you’re going with your career and what you want out of life.

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Scorpio January 2022 Horoscope

Scorpio January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

In January, your focus turns onto the growth and expansion of your intellect. Communication, as well as the exchange of information with family members, plays an important role this month.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. You may receive some important news, letter, or an email during this time. Alternatively, your need to communicate with others is also likely to increase. Whatever new beginnings occur around this time, they may give you an increased sense of security. Try to remain patient without jumping too quickly to conclusions when communicating with others. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde may stimulate you to review your long-term decisions regarding your financial security and stability. While reassessing your present living conditions, you may ask yourself whether you should fix something in the current home or move to another? If your present home doesn’t meet your expectations, you may decide that something needs to change as soon as this retrograde is over in February.

Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, with the Moon void of course, patience could be the best way forward in order to get the most satisfactory results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate your thirst for knowledge. It could be a time of major realisations with memories from childhood coming back unexpectedly. Watch out as you might be misinformed or even lied to by someone in your community. The information you gather might not be correct or accurate at this time. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to use more than one source in order to confirm the information you require. Under the influence of the Mercury-Pluto conjunction, don’t let any phobias, fears or obsessions negatively influence your rational thinking.

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