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Home » Virgo Monthly Horoscope for June 2024

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for June 2024

    As we welcome the warm summer months, the stars are aligning for Virgos around the world. Get ready to embrace new opportunities, face challenges head-on, and find balance in all aspects of your life. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let’s explore what the stars have in store for you, dear Virgo. 

    June 6th marks the New Moon in Gemini at 16°, illuminating your area of career and professional growth. This is a prime time to set new career goals and channel your energy towards achieving your professional ambitions. Networking, communication, and seeking out new opportunities are especially favored during this period. Use this time to express your ideas and ambitions boldly and embrace innovation in your career endeavors. Set clear intentions for your career path and public image, and let the energy of the New Moon guide you towards success.

    However, the Gemini Full Moon on June 6th may present some challenges in the form of a tense alignment with limiting Saturn in Pisces. This could manifest as restrictions or obstacles in partnerships and relationships. Be patient and steadfast in navigating these potential roadblocks towards your professional growth and development.

    As Mars enters Taurus on June 10th until July 21st, you can expect a surge of energy and drive towards your beliefs, philosophy, and higher education. This transit may make you more assertive and confident in pursuing your intellectual and spiritual passions, and spark a desire to take risks and explore new ideas and perspectives. You may also feel a strong pull towards travel and adventure, making this a great time to explore new places and cultures.

    However, along with its positive aspects, this transit may also bring some challenges such as conflicts and power struggles surrounding philosophical or religious beliefs, or a tendency towards impulsiveness when it comes to travel or spiritual practices. It’s important to be mindful of these potential pitfalls and channel the energy of Mars in a productive manner. Use this time to expand your knowledge and horizons while staying grounded and aware of any impulsive tendencies.

    The Full Moon in Capricorn at 1° on June 22nd brings a focus on productivity, creativity, and self-expression. This is an ideal time to channel your energy towards achieving your goals, particularly in areas related to hobbies, romance, or children. Take a disciplined approach to pursuing your passions and use this Full Moon to make progress towards your creative endeavors.

    However, this Full Moon forms a tense aspect with mystical Neptune in Pisces, potentially creating a struggle between practicality and idealism in the areas of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This aspect may also bring to light any illusions or confusion that need to be addressed in relation to your creative pursuits or romantic endeavors. Take this opportunity to reflect and find a balance between your practical responsibilities and your dreams and imagination.

    On June 29th, Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces at 19° until November 15th at (12°). This retrograde period calls for introspection and reassessment of your partnerships, commitments, and one-on-one relationships. Use this time to reflect on the dynamics of your relationships, address any unresolved issues, and contemplate the level of responsibility and maturity within your partnerships. This period offers a chance to improve the foundations of your relationships and address any imbalances or limitations that may be present. It’s a period of potential growth and restructuring in your approach to interpersonal connections.


    The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th signifies a prime time to set new career goals and channel energy towards professional ambitions. This New Moon will form a tense square to Saturn in Pisces causing possible challenges in partnerships and relationships, while the entry of Mars into Taurus on June 10th sparks a drive towards beliefs, philosophy, and higher education. The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22nd highlights productivity and self-expression, but also creates a struggle between practicality and idealism. Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces from June 29th to November 15th offers a chance for introspection and reassessment of partnerships and relationships.

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