The week begins with Mars conjunct Uranus (exact on Wednesday 20th) giving us a strong urge to break out of any limiting and restricting situations in our lives. This feeling is likely to increase in the upcoming weeks with the approaching Saturn/Uranus square. (more about this square in my February newsletter). 

During this time, you may get a strong desire for change to make your life more exciting. Nevertheless, acting impulsively or carelessly now can create undesired blow-ups that could upset your life. For that reason, this is not the best time for taking risks; instead, follow your instincts with a purpose in mind. Remaining flexible and adaptable is the best thing you can do as plans may change unexpectedly. 

From Thursday you may begin to feel the spontaneous energies coming from Mars square Jupiter transit (exact on Saturday 23rd) giving you the power and motivation to start new projects and take risks needed to achieve significant success. 

On Friday and Saturday, Venus sextile Neptune transit stimulates our emotional and sensual side, making it a wonderful time for passionate romantic rendezvous. During this time, you can enjoy heightened sensitivity in intimate moments with your partner and may discover imaginative ways to boost your sexual satisfaction. This is also a good time for dating as your increased irresistible charm will attract a loving and caring individual.

The week concludes on a more serious note withĀ the Sun conjunct authoritarian SaturnĀ favouring hard work, self-discipline and patience. How you deal with these energies depends significantly on how efficient and reliable you have been over the last year. Suppose you realise that some structures in your life need attending to. In that case, perhaps, something needs to change, making it an excellent time for setting new goals and objectives and getting rid of unnecessary things, habits or behavioural patterns.

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