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Home » Weekly Planetary Overview, October 4-10 2021

Weekly Planetary Overview, October 4-10 2021

    This week’s main transits:

    • Wednesday, October 6th New Moon in Libra
    • Thursday, October 6th/7th Pluto turns direct
    • Thursday, October 7th, Venus enters Sagittarius
    • Friday, October 7th/8th Sun conjunct Mars in Libra
    • Saturday, October 9th Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars in Libra
    • Sunday, October 10th Saturn turns direct in Aquarius

    The October New Moon falls at 13°24′ of air sign Libra (Wednesday 6th). Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy, justice and balance. When the Moon travels through the cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace. Throughout this time, primary relationships play a crucial role in our lives. At the time of this new moon, Mercury is still in retrograde motion. For this reason, this isn’t the best time for making significant life changes, but instead focusing on making minor life improvements that could benefit you in the long term. 

    Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the New Moon in Libra 2021 will influence: 

    • Aries Ascendant – Love & Relationships
    • Taurus Ascendant – Work, Health & Everyday Life
    • Gemini Ascendant – Children, Creativity & Romance
    • Cancer Ascendant – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life
    • Leo Ascendant – Your Community & Short Distance Travel
    • Virgo Ascendant – Financial Security & Personal Values
    • Libra Ascendant – Your Individuality & Self-image
    • Scorpio Ascendant – Soul Searching & Inner Work
    • Sagittarius Ascendant – Friends, Groups & Networking
    • Capricorn Ascendant – Career, Professional Development & Public Status
    • Aquarius Ascendant – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction
    • Pisces Ascendant – Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances

    Pluto turns direct on the day of the Libra New Moon. Pluto has been in retrograde for almost five months since the end of April. During this time, you may have faced different challenges concerning power and control issues in your life. Now when Pluto turns direct, you might begin to feel more empowered, particularly in the area of life where you think you had the least control. 

    Venus enters optimistic fire sign Sagittarius on October 7th, making matters of love more spontaneous and adventurous. During the next four weeks, you may desire more freedom within your close relationships, and your desire for a more active social life is likely to increase too.

    Sun conjunct Mars in Libra on October 7th/8th marks the beginning of a new 2-year cycle, which ends on November 18th, 2023. The Mars cycle begins when the Sun is conjunct Mars. It is a brand new cycle of passion, excitement, and desire that will play out differently for everyone over the next two years. If you set your goals and objectives now, you will have a greater ability to work more harmoniously with these energies along the way and get what you truly desire.

    Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars in Libra on October 9th increases your mental energy, making this an ideal time for dealing with matters that require extra focus and critical thinking. Please note that this transit gives a tendency toward impulsive acting before thinking.

    Saturn turns direct in Aquarius on Sunday, October 10th. Saturn has been retrograde in this air sign since May 2021. Throughout its retrograde phase, you may have dealt with matters connected to your commitments, duties and responsibilities, ensuring that everything is in the right order. It might have been a daunting time; however, the lessons that you learnt over that period will prove especially valuable in the months to come.  Remember that focus, consistency and motivation lead to growth, fulfilment and appreciation.