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NEW! Discover your Entrepreneur type through Astrology and Human Design


In this 60-minute one-on-one consultation, we’ll dive deep into your astrological chart and human design to uncover the unique qualities that shape your path as a spiritual entrepreneur. Using these powerful tools, we’ll explore your strengths, challenges, and natural talents, helping you align your business with your higher purpose.

To book your slot or check my availability click here

What You’ll Discover:

  • Your Entrepreneurial Strengths: What are your natural gifts, and how can you use them to thrive as a spiritual entrepreneur?
  • Your Unique Leadership Style: Learn how you best lead and inspire others in alignment with your soul’s mission.
  • Your Ideal Business Model: Discover which business structures or methods resonate with your astrological and human design profiles.
  • Aligned Decision-Making: How to make key business decisions in a way that feels authentic to you.
  • Overcoming Challenges: We’ll identify any blocks or challenges and how to work with them instead of against them.

Who Is This For?:

  • Aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs ready to align their business with their higher purpose.
  • Existing entrepreneurs looking to discover more about their unique path and entrepreneurial strengths.
  • Anyone interested in using astrology and human design to create a thriving business aligned with their spiritual journey.

How It Works:

  • After booking, kindly provide your birth date, time, and location for an astrological chart, and birth data for human design analysis.
  • In the consultation, we’ll go over your chart and design, answer questions, and co-create strategies for your business.
  • You’ll leave with actionable insights and clarity on how to move forward with your spiritual business.

Take advantage of the introductory price for this new offering—only £75!