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Home » Your Pisces Horoscope For November 2021

Your Pisces Horoscope For November 2021

    Pisces November 2021 Horoscope

    This month the greatest emphasis is on the 9th house matters, and this energetic influence can make you feel more excited and spontaneous in pretty intense and perhaps even transformational ways. Your sense of adventure and playfulness is likely to return with a need to seek more vivid activities and experiences. 

    The month begins with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th. This fixed lunar phase brings new beginnings related to personal experiences, beliefs, foreign affairs and higher learning. During this time, you might be prompted to deal with matters that will help you expand your mind and your horizons, while at the same time providing new opportunities. This New Moon is also an excellent time for reconnecting with your life aspirations and taking action so that you can move forward in the right direction.

    With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might wish to expand your life in some way by doing something new and different. However, something or someone may block your efforts making you feel confined. It can lead to irritation, which will have to be overcome in order to progress and evolve. You might also have to put extra effort when dealing with any legal matters, publishing or matters related to planning a foreign trip

    On the 17th, Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus can make you a somewhat eccentric communicator. With Uranus transiting your 3rd house, you are a quick thinker full of different ideas. For this reason it is essential that throughout this time, you listen to others without jumping too quickly to conclusions. Otherwise, you might get caught up in some unpleasant situations that could be easily avoided. If you are going to write any essays or prepare for a foreign trip, take your time, as you might feel like getting things done quickly, however with careful planning, you can achieve more than you might realise.

    The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. It is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. Under the influence of this particular lunar eclipse, you might attract situations in which you must extend yourself when working with others, and this can make you feel that others know more than you. However, in reality, it could be the other way round, with others perceiving you as a highly knowledgeable person. Therefore, this Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time for re-gaining self-confidence in your abilities, as you might be capable of much more than you realise. 

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