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Home » February 2022 – Monthly Updates from Justyna

February 2022 – Monthly Updates from Justyna

    Dear Reader,

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    In February, we can finally take a deep breath of energy as from the 3rd, all planets in the sky will be in direct motion! The energies will flow more straightforwardly until the end of April, and we will see more progress in many spheres of life. From February, monthly horoscopes will be available only in the video form on my Youtube channel. On this website, I will focus on monthly transits and educational content. 

    February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st. This new moon offers a chance to break away from old traditions, routines and perceptions of reality that have stopped us from experiencing life to its full potential. With this new moon, we are learning to detach ourselves from the old habits and thinking patterns that have held us down in the past. With this new moon, we get an opportunity to open ourselves to new ideas and see the bigger picture of what’s going around us. 

    Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on February 3rd, and on February 11th, it will be conjunct with Pluto. From there, moving forward, Mercury, the planet that is connected to communication, curiosity and rational thinking, will help us to move beyond discipline and maturity once it re-enters eccentric and progressive thinking air sign Aquarius on February 14th.

    Changes and surprising developments may occur when energetic Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus on February 8th. During this time, expect the unexpected and stay flexible when possible! This Uranian theme of surprises and unforeseen events continues throughout the month with Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus on February 17th and then on the 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus. This definitely feels like a month of surprises!

    The Full Moon in Leo 27° on February 16th may bring a natural sense of drama and playfulness. Interestingly this full moon falls pretty much on my natal Moon! The most intense lunations happen when a natal planet is triggered, especially by conjunction or opposition. This is a great full moon for enjoying life to its fullest potential.

    At the time of this lunation, Venus and Mars will conjunct in Capricorn. This passionate and exciting conjunction could stimulate many different events in our lives, especially those concerning commitments, love, finances, and personal values. 

    I wish you a great month and until the next time…


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