The Full Moon in Virgo 27° will become exact on March 18 at 12:17am PDT, 07:17am GMT. Any placement you have at 27° (plus or minus one degree) in any of the mutable signs (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius) will be under the influence of this full moon.
With the Moon in Virgo, there is a need for order and perfectionism versus the chaos and vagueness of Pisces. The Moon is peregrine in Virgo, out of essential dignity, suggesting that it is wandering aimlessly, lacking a clear sense of focus, and feels lost, so the level of emotional expression can be limited.
With a Virgo full moon, any important issues or projects you are going to deal with around this time, you may ask yourself questions, including how it is going to be done, within what timeframe, what do I need to achieve this goal or reach that milestone. You might have a big idea for your next business venture or life project, but the challenge here you will have is how to implement this idea in order for it to work out for you.

Virgo Full Moon happens once a year, but this one is pretty fascinating as the Sun is in the same sign as Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, the sign opposing Virgo. With so much Pisces emphasis and Mercury-Jupiter applying conjunction, this is about big dreams or something extraordinary or inspiring being created of all the possibilities. It is like dreams coming to fruition.
At the same time, the Sun and the Moon connect to Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon is trining Pluto, and the Sun is sextiling it, creating positive and harmonious energies. Pluto is a planet that’s intervening, getting the Moon and the Sun actually to be in conversation or collaboration with one another.
Since the Sun received a form of support from Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, it could make it hard for the Virgo Moon to hold on to its desires for order, neatness, and balance. We might experience this in everyday life as working hard to stay more organised whilst unintentionally creating more mess or chaos. Despite good intentions, it might be difficult to achieve the results desired.
On the positive note, the Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn may help cut through any fogginess or vagueness that could arise from the Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces throughout this Full Moon.
This Full Moon’s planetary dispositor: Mercury (Mercury rules Virgo), is in Pisces. With Mercury in Pisces, our emotions might influence our thinking process, and our minds could wander away, making it hard to concentrate.
A day after this full moon, we have the energy of a Venus-Uranus square. And then, just a few days later, on March 22, Mars will square Uranus. These events can lead to unexpected developments in relationships, and sometimes that can be fascinating in terms of the new dynamics that it presents. At the same time, the excitement of a new relationship can sometimes sweep us away unexpectedly and go in directions that we might not have planned otherwise or change our day-to-day routine in a way that seems new, appealing and fresh. An excellent way to work with these energies is by doing someting different out of the ordinary instead of going for the same old thing.
To Learn How this Full Moon will Influence Your Zodiac Sign, Watch the Video Below:

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