Hello Aries and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 prompting you to recognise and acknowledge your life failures and take these past mistakes as valuable lessons for the future. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign (more…)
Hello Cancer and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 stimulating your intellect and increasing your desire for expanding your knowledge, wisdom and horizons. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar (more…)
Hello Taurus and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01st in your sphere of friendships and group activities. It can prompt you to get involved in group activities or charity work where you can share your feelings of compassion and empathy with those that (more…)
The month begins with mystical Neptune stationing direct in your sign – Pisces on December 1st. Neptune Direct is all about showing you how far you’ve come in your life journey, and trusting that it’s OK to make mistakes. Over the past few months, you had a chance to understand your authentic self better. Now (more…)
Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces on December 1st, urging you to reflect upon your personal values and your money spending habits that affect your ability to establish financial stability. This can result in your inner need to move away (more…)
Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021! The month begins with Neptune stationing direct in water sign Pisces urging you to reassess the most important relationships in your life as well as recognising and acknowledging your life mistakes and taking these past errors as valuable lessons for the future. Understand what you (more…)
Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces on December 01st, prompting you to accept what you cannot change and let go of whatever outlived its purpose and does no longer align with who you want to be. This way you will (more…)
Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces on December 1st making this a great time for personal growth and development in order to turn your dreams into reality. The South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th increases your curiosity and the (more…)
The month begins with Neptune stationing direct in water sign Pisces on December 1st, urging you to find more harmony, balance and structure in how you lead your life on a daily basis. You might be moving away from some unhealthy dietary habits and your approach to day to day tasks and responsibilities might also (more…)
The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces, in your sphere of creativity, children, romance and entertainment, increasing your inner desire for self-expression. This is a great time for reconnecting with your inner child, for following your heart and approaching life in a more carefree way. The South Node New Moon Solar (more…)
Hello Gemini and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 in your sphere of career and professional life, prompting you to recognise and acknowledge your career failures and take these past mistakes as valuable lessons for the future. If you feel dissatisfied with your performance at work, you (more…)
Hello Leos and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope! The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 prompting you to energise yourself after a few months of self-realisations and accept the things in your life that you have no control over and instead turn your attention onto what is real, as you (more…)