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Home » Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for December

Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for December

    Hello Gemini and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope!

    The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 in your sphere of career and professional life, prompting you to recognise and acknowledge your career failures and take these past mistakes as valuable lessons for the future. If you feel dissatisfied with your performance at work, you might have an inner urge to change your career direction, think carefully before making any drastic changes.

    The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar eclipse meaning that around this time you may move away from some old life structures in order to make space for something new to begin. At this time the issue of harmony and balance comes into focus. You are prompted to turn your attention to your marriage. You might move from one relationship to the next. Any legal matters that begin at this South Node Solar Eclipse could last for a long time and may bring issues from the past back to the surface. The type of people you have been attracted to may also change, resulting in you letting go of some destructive friendships and welcoming new people into your life.

    Mars enters adventurous fire sign Sagittarius On Dec 13, where it will remain until Jan 24. During this time you will be looking to expand your social circle and you might have an inner desire to join a new group or organisation to meet more like-minded people. With an increased desire for excitement and stimulation, you may have more opportunities for social outings. Mars will conjunct with the South Node on December 15th and during this day you may return to some old goals or ambitions that you previously left behind or alternatively someone from the past might get back in touch with you. This isn’t a good day for starting something new, as with the south node involved this is a good time for dealing with things or situations that are familiar to you.

    The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 18-19 turns your attention onto your own persona, your identity and your physical appearance. The events that occur around this full moon might prompt you to define your strengths and weaknesses in order for you to feel more self-empowered in the long term. Issues concerning self-assertion also come into focus. This full moon fully illuminates your sphere of ‘self’ making you more aware of the impression you make on others, resulting in a possible need to change something in your appearance or alternatively you may feel like pampering yourself.

    Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19 until Jan 29. Venus will form 2 conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and 25th. This is happening in your sphere of transformation, intimate life, joint finances and resources. While these two conjunctions may dramatically increase your need for finding more passion and excitement in your love life or alternatively transforming an area of life you are least satisfied with, the retrograde may bring life changes concerning your intimate life or the way you handle the money or resources you share with others.

    On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

    The month concludes with Jupiter moving into water sign Pisces on Dec 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months and then from Sept 15 it will retrograde back into Pisces. This transit benefits activities connected to your career direction, public status, image and reputation. This is a time of new opportunities, career advancement, and success in business particularly on the professional front, but could also indicate marriage for some individuals, depending on other personal transits taking place in the year to come. This can be a time of great fulfilment of your career goals, especially if you have been working consistently and effectively toward specific ones. With an increased feeling of self-worth, success will come more naturally to you now.

    Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!