Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021!
The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces on December 1st making this a great time for personal growth and development in order to turn your dreams into reality.
The South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th increases your curiosity and the need to be involved in various situations/events. This eclipse may stimulate you to implement a new exercise regime into your daily life to help you reduce stress levels. You may also experience a greater desire to free yourself of all commitments. At this time you may see life as an adventure making it a great opportunity for growth and development. You may find that if you set yourself new goals that allow you to expand yourself you may reach a new point of self-awareness and self-direction.
Mars enters Sagittarius from December 13th until January 24th/25th helping you to stand your ground and assert yourself more than usual. During the duration of this transit, you will have enough energy at your disposal to move forward with various projects in your life. Especially since earlier this month, the solar eclipse in your sign may have stimulated you to start something new. With Mars in the 1st house, you want to take charge of your life and overcome any blockages that before may have seemed impossible to approach. Watch our for December 15th, as this is when Mars will conjunct with the south node in Sagittarius, making it a good time for dealing with the past, rather than starting something brand new.
The Full Moon on December 18-19 falls in air sign Gemini fully illuminating your sphere of personal relationships, love and business partnerships. This full moon fully illuminates anything that you couldn’t see before. You might be re-assessing your existing relationship, or alternatively, if you are single or dating you might take a relationship to the next level or meet someone completely new and exciting. Whatever the scenario with the full moon in the 7th house you get to see peoples true feelings and intentions.
Venus turns retrograde in earth sign Capricorn on December 19th, until January 29th. Capricorn rules your 2nd house of income, possessions and self-worth. With the retrograde in this area of your life, you may want to reassess your money spending habits and see what holds you back from reaching financial fulfilment if it hasn’t happened already. Alternatively during this retrograde, you might review your financial situation and make plans that could help you to ensure financial stability. While Venus stays in Capricorn in December, it will form two conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and then on the 25th, dramatically increasing your desire either for buying an object of value, beauty or art or otherwise for reassessing the issue of self-worth and self-esteem.
On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore.
The month concludes with Jupiter moving into water sign Pisces for the second time this year, where it will remain until May 10th at which point it will temporarily transition into fire sign Aries, and then return back to Pisces in September 2022. Pisces rules your 4th house of home and family matters. With Jupiter transiting this area of your chart you may experience an increased thirst for establishing a sense of inner safety and security in your domestic sphere. Opportunities to buy or sell a property or a piece of land may also present themselves. This transit also favours home improvements. For some people, Jupiter transiting the 4th house may bring a new addition to the family. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscope for 2022, which I will release in the second part of December 2022.

Welcome! 🌟 My name is Justyna, and I use Astrology as a tool to help others navigate various aspects of life. Whether you’re seeking clarity about your life purpose, the best career match, marriage, business ventures, or any area that brings fulfillment, I’m here to guide you. If you’re interested in booking a personal astrology reading, you can visit my website: www.justynarossy.com. In addition to personalized readings, I also share weekly and monthly insights on my YouTube Channel. Feel free to explore my work on Medium, Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and if you find what I do helpful, you can show your support by buying me a coffee! ☕Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you! 😊