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Home » Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for December

Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for December

    Hello Aries and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope!

    The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 prompting you to recognise and acknowledge your life failures and take these past mistakes as valuable lessons for the future. 

    The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar eclipse meaning that around this time you may move away from some old life structures in order to make space for something new to begin. The focus of this solar eclipse is on the development of your intellect. Your desire for freedom, space and adventure is increased. Your personal beliefs and life philosophy may change. At the same time, you may get involved in some spiritual work or activities that will allow you to expand your interests and gain greater self-awareness.

    Mars, your ruler, enters adventurous Sagittarius on Dec 13, where it will remain until Jan 24. During this time you will be looking to expand your horizons, wisdom and knowledge in many ways. With a strong desire to express yourself freely, you see life as an adventure, with an increased desire for excitement and stimulation. Moreover, your energy levels are likely to be high, and you might get bored quickly, especially if caught up in mundane activities. With your need for constant stimulation and action, you seek to understand the meaning of life.

    The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 18-19 turns your attention onto your everyday life. An important document may arrive, or might experience a sudden need to run an important task or to take a short trip could be part of the picture. While dealing with major life decisions 0r sorting out important documents don’t forget to find some time for more adventurous and fulfilling activities.

    Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19 until Jan 29. Venus will form 2 conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and 25th. This is happening in your sphere of career and public life. While these two conjunctions may dramatically increase your need for success and recognition, the retrograde may bring life changes concerning your career and worldly responsibilities. Throughout this time you might be re-assessing your career path and either dedicating your time to a new one or more profoundly dedicating yourself to a current one, both of which may ultimately result in social status improvement.

    Jupiter moves into water sign Pisces on Dec 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months and then from Sept 15 it will retrograde back into Pisces. Pisces rules your 12th house of hidden matters and spirituality. This transit benefits activities that are done behind the scenes. Jupiter in the 12th house feels wonderful as Pisces, traditionally ruled by Jupiter is the traditional ruler of the 12th house. While Jupiter remains in this sphere of your life, you will have an opportunity to free yourself of self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated worries, and other tendencies towards guilty feelings. Charity work, volunteering, and helping others without the expectation of reward will be most fulfilling during this transit. Work that involves serving others may begin now and bring you much satisfaction. This is a time of spiritual renewal.