Cancer February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto the deeper aspects of your life. Transformation, intimate life, joint and shared resources are some of the important topics that might be a theme of this cardinal lunar phase. Whatever the scenario, this is a good time for facing your fears and phobias and defining what or who stops you from becoming more confident and self-empowered. Remember to stay focused and disciplined, as this way you will acquire the best outcomes. 

However, at the same time, you may also feel the build-up of the Sun-Saturn conjunction, which will be exact on February 4th. Sun rules your 2nd house, The trouble with this transit is that Saturn can make you doubt yourself and your worth, so be careful not to become too critical of yourself. You need to evaluate yourself realistically but there’s no need to be destructive. This transit can help you to gain insights into any wounds to your self-esteem that may still be causing problems for you. It may be painful when Saturn makes you more aware of your flaws and limitations, but it also reveals what you can do to improve. You can learn to create positive circumstances for yourself by examining your attitude towards your self-worth and overcome negative behaviour patterns that undermine your ability to be true to yourself. This transit can help you to build a strong foundation of integrity that will serve to keep you strong in all areas of your life.

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th,  Relationships need freedom during this transit. Everyone wants breathing room now so give others space – and ask that others grant you the same. Unusual, eccentric people may come into your life or relationships may be unorthodox in some way. Old partnerships may dissolve at this time and new ones may form out of the blue. In some astrology books, this is the “divorce” transit. That’s not necessarily so – as long as you are open to change and willing to give each other freedom, things can be downright groovy. This marks a time where you need to be open-minded around relationships and ready to deal with people in a whole new way. 

The full moon in Leo 27° on February 16th, turns your attention onto your feelings surrounding money, property, family, and assets. You may reassess your income, assets, and budget – the money that you earn and spend. At this time you may decide to purchase an item you have been saving for or wanting for quite some time. Alternatively, something might break, prompting you to buy a replacement.

Also at the time of this full moon Venus and Mars will align in Capricorn. An important element of your life having a partnership is governed by this house like in marriage. 7th house is the partner house and talks about collective efforts and cooperation. Venus in 7th house with Mars in 7th house has a negative effect on this house. It makes a person vulnerable and poor. They will face many problems in his married life that can lead him to divorce. They will be discarded by people easily. Also, they will face monetary issues.

Around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, Joint finances, corporate money, taxes, and legacies need to be handled with care. It may be that these areas are in need of a revamp. Or it could be that business becomes somewhat unpredictable, which could lead to instability around monies. Be mindful AF if you want to avoid financial disaster. Repeat after me: budget, budget, budget. This is a good time to pay off debts. If you’re knee-deep when this transit begins, start plotting out the way forward. If you need to, explore bankruptcy. Intuition will be STRONG with this transit. If you’ve ever wanted a chance to commune with the dead, Uranus may open the veils with the other side. Because the 8th house also rules sex, this transit can bring some unusual sexual experiences. If you’re looking to get your kink on, you may be in luck. 

Leo February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto your one to one relationships. During this time, some degree of your personal freedom may have to be compromised in order to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push and pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others. However, at the same time, you may also feel the build-up of the Sun-Saturn conjunction, which will be exact on February 4th. This transit marks the start of a process of becoming more self-directed and self-sufficient. You want to become something and will begin to actively work towards making that a reality. You may be full of aspirations and ambitions for your future and may feel driven towards doing specific things. You might begin to work on a project or study a new subject, interest or hobby that becomes important to you later in life.

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th,  Technology at work is one of the ways Uranus shows up in the 6th house. If you’re in the tech industry, you could experience a major upgrade to your career. This transit can also bring job changes or new, innovative ways of working. Working conditions could be downright weird or unstable too. Friendships could be helpful if you’re looking for work or you may want to start a business with a group of buddies. Uranus in the 6th can also bring an interest in strange fad diets. By the way, if you’re thinking about getting involved in a career in astrology or the sacred arts, this might be the right time to go for it!

The full moon in Leo 27° on February 16th, turns your attention onto your own persona, your identity and your physical appearance. The events that occur around this full moon might prompt you to define your strengths and weaknesses in order for you to feel more self-empowered in the long term. Issues concerning self-assertion also come into focus. This full moon fully illuminates your sphere of ‘self’ making you more aware of the impression you make on others, resulting in a possible need to change something in your appearance or alternatively you may feel like pampering yourself.

Also at the time of this full moon, Venus and Mars will align in Capricorn. The sixth house indicates health and wellbeing. This house tells you about your ability and approach to deal with mishaps and problems. Venus and Mars in this house make a person mentally strong. The person will be knowledgeable and intelligent. They will possess a learned and dominating personality and live a disease-free and healthy life. Also, their nature will be a bit cruel to deal with.

Around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, Relationships need freedom during this transit. Everyone wants breathing room now so give others space – and ask that others grant you the same. Unusual, eccentric people may come into your life or relationships may be unorthodox in some way. Old partnerships may dissolve at this time and new ones may form out of the blue. In some astrology books, this is the “divorce” transit. That’s not necessarily so – as long as you are open to change and willing to give each other freedom, things can be downright groovy. This marks a time when you need to be open-minded around relationships and ready to deal with people in a whole new way. 

Virgo February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more mature approach when trying to get any project or idea off the ground. A tip for this New Moon for you is to be realistic about your expectations.

However, at the same time, you may also feel the build-up towards the Sun-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, which will be exact on February 4th. It will help if you can get your ego to cooperate with this process of dissolution and willingly let go of your old attachments. If you can see this experience as natural and part of living and growing then you should feel enriched by the process, even if you also feel scared and lost at times.

It’s also important not to get ahead of yourself or try to force the process to go the way you want. The rebirth is on its way, but don’t think for a second that you can control it or dictate how things will unfold. You must allow your deeper Self to lead the way, and that way may be hard for a while, depending on what needs to come up from the unconscious.

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th,  Uranus in the 5th is awesome for artists, musicians, and actors. Much originality can happen now – express your art (and self) freely! Do that and you could become famous! Romance can be exciting and unpredictable during this transit. You may meet “the one” under unusual circumstances – or relationships may come and go suddenly. A long term one may come crashing down, leaving everyone in shock but a new one may be waiting in the wings – shocking people again. This transit can also bring about relationships with unstable individuals. Get your freak on but avoid the real freaks as much as possible. In some cases, this can also indicate an unplanned pregnancy! Unless you want a baby, you better bag it. Uranus in the 5th is also the time where you want to be uber careful with speculation – gambling or unwise investments could be costly. Know when to hold ’em and fold ’em. 

The full moon in Leo 27° on February 16th, turns your attention onto your inner life. With the moon fully illuminated in your 12th house, you might discover some secrets about an important person in your life or alternatively, you might become more aware of a life situation that before seemed rather unclear. This full moon also favours working on artistic projects from behind the scene, reconnecting with your inner self, reading and meditating.

Also at the time of this full moon Venus and Mars will align in Capricorn. This house is a representation of what makes you feel good. It talks about pleasure. It is generally self-expression that makes you happy. Venus in 5th house with Mars in 5th house of the birth chart are harmful. The person will attract many enemies throughout his life. They will commit many sins in his life that will cause them serious problems. Apart from these negative elements, the combination in this house is good for technical studies.

Around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, Technology at work is one of the ways Uranus shows up in the 6th house. If you’re in the tech industry, you could experience a major upgrade to your career. This transit can also bring job changes or new, innovative ways of working. Working conditions could be downright weird or unstable too. Friendships could be helpful if you’re looking for work or you may want to start a business with a group of buddies. Uranus in the 6th can also bring an interest in strange fad diets. (I’m hoping the chocolate donut diet becomes the new thang!) By the way, if you’re thinking about getting involved in a career in astrology or the sacred arts, this might be the right time to go for it!

Libra February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto the creative and the romantic side of your life. During this new moon, you may have a great need for expressing yourself creatively in various imaginative ways. This lunar phase also favours activities connected to children and young people. However, at the same time, you may also feel the build-up of the Sun-Saturn conjunction, which will be exact on February 4th.Saturn in this house helps you to understand yourself as an individual and see how you relate to society as a whole. You can see where you belong and what you can do or give to help others. Now is the time to share with others the fruits of your experience and everything you’ve learned during Saturn’s transit of the previous ten houses. But it’s also important to remember your limitations. If you get involved in social causes at this time, be careful that they genuinely reflect the deeper values of your soul, because once Saturn moves away from this house you might find yourself caught up in something that isn’t right for you on a deeper level. You may be overinvested which could drain your energy going forward. You can’t help everyone or solve every problem, no matter how much you may want to. You have certain skills, talents and gifts, and you must share them now, but don’t forget to take time out for yourself too. 

It’s also important not to get ahead of yourself or try to force the process to go the way you want. The rebirth is on its way, but don’t think for a second that you can control it or dictate how things will unfold. You must allow your deeper Self to lead the way, and that way may be hard for a while, depending on what needs to come up from the unconscious.

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th,  This transit brings changes in the home or a desire for freedom from the family. You may move suddenly or renovate your home in a funky new decor. This is a good time for updating the technology in your crib (new computer – yay!) or for running an online business out of your home. Family could be unpredictable during this transit – or you may be the weird one who decides to go your own way. Untie the apron strings and do your thing. Just be careful that you don’t burn bridges out of impulse. 

The full moon in Leo 27° on February 16th, turns your attention onto your social circle, group activities, long-term plans and goals. This full moon brings new opportunities for you. This is a time when you may finally reap the rewards of your hard efforts. With the moon fully illuminated in this sphere of your life, you may see the people that surround you from a very different perspective, with more clarity. Whatever was hidden before, now is more transparent.

Also at the time of this full moon, Venus and Mars will align in Capricorn. The fourth house represents your family. It indicated your family heritage, manners, property, relationships, and health, etc. The person with Mars in the 4th house will be blessed with plenty of wealth. They will have a rich family heritage. Their mother will also have a wealthy family background. Additionally, they will not face any problem with regards to finance in his life.

Around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, Uranus in the 5th is awesome for artists, musicians, and actors. Much originality can happen now – express your art (and self) freely! Do that and you could become famous! Romance can be exciting and unpredictable during this transit. You may meet “the one” under unusual circumstances – or relationships may come and go suddenly. A long term one may come crashing down, leaving everyone in shock but a new one may be waiting in the wings – shocking people again. This transit can also bring about relationships with unstable individuals. Get your freak on but avoid the real freaks as much as possible. In some cases, this can also indicate an unplanned pregnancy! Unless you want a baby, you better bag it. Uranus in the 5th is also the time where you want to be under careful with speculation – gambling or unwise investments could be costly. Know when to hold ’em and fold ’em. 

Scorpio February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st. During this time, you may feel like the home responsibilities squash or overwhelm your individuality or restrict your ability to be free. This can result in your desire to seek or establish more emotional security and safety and improve your living conditions. However, at the same time, you may also feel the build-up of the Sun-Saturn conjunction, which will be exact on February 4th. Meeting the challenge of this house may feel great, but it’s just as likely that you’ll wonder what you’ve got yourself into. The leap of faith is exciting but risky and you don’t know if you’ll succeed. But avoiding the challenge would be worse. This is the perfect time to find out what you’re made of and gain insight into your real motives for success or power. You can face your fears of failure, loss, abandonment, and change, and overcome them to take your place in the world.

Although this transit often represents a peak of achievement in the outer world, it can also be a time when you reach a deeper understanding of yourself. You can achieve a lot now, but it won’t mean much if you’re not true to yourself in the process. Regardless of what happens in the outer world, this can be a time of real inner growth and increasing wholeness as you work on confronting your shadow and integrating the opposites within yourself.

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th,  You’re able to tap into your genius zone if Uranus hangs here. Ideas can be “way out” and inventive. Trust your gut and, if you get an innovative idea, act on it. This is a good time to study astrology and the occult. It’s also a positive time for lecturing, writing, and any type of electronic communication. If you’re in the media, your words hold power. Short trips will do you good – if you get an itch to travel (or need to go for biz), do it. Watch out for nervousness and restlessness. Also: you may be getting some ideas that might be highly impractical. That flying house? Perhaps it’s not as cool or practical as you think it is.

The full moon in Leo 27° on February 16thfalls in your sphere of professional life and public recognition. A full moon activating this area of your life can make you a little bit more popular than usual in your outer world. During this time true feelings may come out regarding your life mission and career direction. This full moon can help you to better understand what it is that you should be doing with your life and whether you are on the right track.

Also at the time of this full moon Venus and Mars will align in Capricorn. This house is the representation of siblings, journeys, communication skills, interests, hobbies, power, etc. The conjunction of Venus and Mars in this house has a favorable impact on the life of a person. The person with the combination is skilled in sculptures and is inclined towards entertainment, acting, and drama. They will be of a spiritual personality with strong beliefs and will be faithful and loyal. Additionally, they will be an avid traveler and will especially love traveling for pilgrimage.

Around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, This transit brings changes in the home or a desire for freedom from the family. You may move suddenly or renovate your home in a funky new decor. This is a good time for updating the technology in your crib (new computer – yay!) or for running an online business out of your home. Family could be unpredictable during this transit – or you may be the weird one who decides to go your own way. Untie the apron strings and do your thing. Just be careful that you don’t burn bridges out of impulse. 

Sagittarius February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st. You may receive some important news, letters, or an email during this time. Alternatively, your need to communicate with others is also likely to increase. Whatever new beginnings occur around this period, they may give you an increased sense of security and stability. Try to remain patient without jumping too quickly to conclusions when communicating with others. It is a convenient time for learning something new, feeling at ease in social situations, taking care of the details of daily life, and developing a mental rapport with others. The energy of this new moon makes you more aware of your surroundings and everyday life. It is an ideal time for starting a new course, blogging, completing tests and making phone calls.  

At the time of this New Moon Saturn will be in a very close proximity, allowing you to see how your intellect works and how you use information to define yourself. Do you base your thinking on your life experiences or do you rather rely on conceptual ideas or the work of others? If you take the neccessary time to deepen your thought process, it will help you to become more confident in your own intellect.

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th,  may bring sudden financial gains and surprises or losses, so be mindful about your spending, as, under the influence of this transit, you might have an inner urge for impulse spending and risky adventures. Instead, you may find it beneficial to focus your energies on careful financial planning and budgeting. Since trine is a harmonious aspect the experiences of this period are likely to be of a positive nature, unless you are going through some deeper personal transits at this time, then life may bring other suprises.

The full moon in Leo 27° on February 16th, falls in your sphere of foreign affairs, higher education and personal beliefs. Your desire for freedom, space, and adventure is likely to increase during this time. You may get involved in some spiritual work or activities that will allow you to expand your interests and gain greater self-awareness. This full moon acts as an opportunity for you to achieve mental and intellectual fulfilment by utilising your higher mental abilities with creative imagination and inspiration.

Also, at the time of this full moon Venus and Mars will align in Capricorn. This is the first out of the two conjunctions between these planets that will occur in a close proximity of time. This conjunction influences your financial sphere and it might be an interesting time when financial opportnities come your way. You may decide you want to launch a new product or a new business, whatever it is, your financial sphere is highlighted at this time and with Mars being present in this area throughout the whole of the month, your desire for buidling a more financially seure and steady life will be increased substancally. 

As the month concludes around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, you might have some very intersting ideas for yourself and for your life. This is when thinking out of the box takes centre stage prompting you to be inventive and original. If you work in media industry or are planning on presenting some projects or ideas to a wider audience, your words will hold lots of power, making an impact! This is a good time to study astrology and the occult. It’s also a positive time for lecturing, writing, and any type of electronic communication. If you’re planning to do some short trips, make sure you plan in advance, as things might turn out not the way you have planned! 

Capricorn February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

  • 1st New Moon in Aquarius (2nd house)

New Moon activates your Second house of Assets, income and what you value. The Second House in astrology points to what’s yours. It’s what you need to sustain your life, it’s your voice, food, money, investments, family and sense of security.

The New Moon is helping you to better your financial situation. To aid in manifesting and providing you with what you need. Are you taking good enough care of yourself? Are you feeding your body with nutritionally dense foods or putting superficial fuel inside your human vehicle?

What are you in need of and how can you get it? Are you asking for help or trying to do it alone? Are you wasting your time and energy on things that don’t provide value to you? Are you living by your own values? The New Moon will provide you with the solutions you need, but you’ll have to meet the universe halfway if you hope to sustain it. It’s about putting yourself first and giving yourself what YOU need, separate from the others in your life. It’s a new moon to help you establish physical security and utilize your practical abilities. It’s in service to providing you with what you need.

Sun+Saturn conjunction (

  • Organising your finances
  • Drawing up a will or taking out life insurance
  • Exploring the mysteries of life
  • Confronting the past
  • Achieving self-mastery
  • 8th Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st/5th)

Mars trine Uranus transit allows you to let your hair down and take a few risks. You will feel a strong urge to break free of any previous restrictions or boring routines. You will be presented with many unique opportunities to experience new activities, feelings, and relationships.

Your instincts will be strong and accurate, so taking extra risks at this time should pay off. Your need for freedom or a new type of self-expression will not result in major upheaval at it sometimes can. Other people are more likely to go along with the new you or be attracted to your new ideas or projects.

This is a good time to get new projects off the ground with a burst of daring energy. Although your fighting spirit and adrenaline will eventually fade, you can get new projects to a state where that initiative is no longer required.

  • 16th Full Moon in Leo 27 degrees (8th)

I see the 8th house as our partners closet, it’s the things we accumulate as a result of the people closest to us, the stuff can be material, or it can be more psychological from the experiences we gain from them.​

So when a Full Moon takes place here, it’s often a time where we become aware of the things that we have been carrying as a result of these people. It illuminates this area of our life, and we see just what the people closest to us have given us or not given to us. We can gain through others sure, but we can also return the favour, give back, pay back, or remove the things that are taking up space that you don’t need to hold on to no more.

It’s a pretty transformative and surprising placement so usually the things we find or come across can be out of the blue. It can be a time of an unexpected expense again linked to someone else in some way. It can be the perfect time to clear out your storage space, remove the things you no longer need that are taking up space.

You can come across things that have been kept from you. You can lose a client or a source of income; you can complete a payment, pay off debt or have an expense because of a partner, roommate, BFF, or someone else close to you. Could also be the pregnancy indicator.

  • 16th Venus & Mars conjunction in Capricorn (1st house) It represents the way you portray yourself to the world and the way the world looks at you. It also represents our expectations of the way you want to be treated. The conjunction of Venus and Mars in the first house is not favorable and brings with it many ill effects. Remedies of such ill effects should be carried under the supervision of Venus and Mars astrology experts. Having this combination can have the following implications: The person will suffer from Phlegm and other disease-related to respiratory infection. They will work hard but will not be able to receive good returns and will continuously have to struggle to gain success. Also, they will have to face constant failure in his life. Their relationship with his son will not be fruitful and his son will be valourous.
  • 25th Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd/5th)

With Mercury transiting your 2nd house you have the ability to think things through carefully. You can enjoy increased powers of concentration while incorporating a more practical approach to your money spending habits. You may experience dramatic gains…or losses. Maybe both. Tend to your money with care. Use innovative ideas to manage your resources. Learn what you can about cryptocurrency. Groups, friends, and tech could benefit your bottom line. Avoid impulsive spending and risky ventures. 

Gemini February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st of the month, turning your attention onto your life direction, higher learning and at the same time energising you to expand your wisdom and horizons. This New Moon brings new possibilities for you connected to foreign travel, higher education, law and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. However, at the same time, you may also feel the build-up of the Sun-Saturn conjunction, which will be exact on February 4th. This new moon is about getting to know yourself better. Self-knowledge is the basis for understanding yourself and making conscious decisions that help to shape your life the way you want. But you can’t know yourself unless you can think clearly and decide what’s valuable and what isn’t. Saturn helps you to see how your mind works and how you use the information to define yourself. It demands that you base your thinking on your actual experience rather than relying on conceptual ideas or the work of others. If you take the time to deepen your thought process, it will help you to build confidence in your intellect. Then rather than being externally influenced by the thoughts of others, you can learn to actually think for yourself and develop your own opinions.

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th can make life become somewhat unpredictable. This could lead to fluctuation around the sphere of finances. Be mindful about your spendings as any rushed or impulse purchases could result in financial disaster. This is a good time to pay off debts, for budgeting and financial planning.

The full moon in Leo 27° on February 16th, turns your attention onto your everyday life, routine, work and employment. An important document may arrive, or you might experience a sudden need to run an important task or alternatively a short trip could be the theme of this phase. While dealing with major life decisions 0r sorting out important paperwork don’t forget to find some time for more adventurous and fulfilling activities.

Also at the time of this full moon, Venus and Mars will align in earth sign Capricorn. This magnetic conjunction emphasizes your intimate life, urging you to bond with another on a deeper level. Increased desire for passion and affection might take your relationship to the next level. Other than that under the influence of these energies you might also gain financially through any investments like shares for instance. Whatever the scenario with Venus and Mars combination in your area of depth and transformation you seek deep experiences and you are not afraid to face any challenges that come your way.

Around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, you may be travelling to new and unusual places – or sudden alternatively opportunities to indulge in your wanderlust may be available. Travel may also involve foreign cultures or groups and organizations. One thing is for sure: you can go far now. So what’s holding you back? See the world! This transit is also ideal for exploring new philosophies or religions. Learn about other people’s beliefs and don’t be afraid to challenge your beliefs…or other people’s. Because of the 9th house’s connection to higher education, you may also want to consider going back to school.

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