Cancer February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto the deeper aspects of your life. Transformation, intimate life, joint and shared resources are some of the important topics that might be a theme of this cardinal lunar phase. Whatever the scenario, this is a good (more…)

Leo February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto your one to one relationships. During this time, some degree of your personal freedom may have to be compromised in order to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push and pull effect, (more…)

Virgo February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more mature approach when trying to get any project or idea off the ground. A tip for this New (more…)

Libra February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st, turning your attention onto the creative and the romantic side of your life. During this new moon, you may have a great need for expressing yourself creatively in various imaginative ways. This lunar phase also favours activities connected to children (more…)

Scorpio February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st. During this time, you may feel like the home responsibilities squash or overwhelm your individuality or restrict your ability to be free. This can result in your desire to seek or establish more emotional security and safety and improve your (more…)

Capricorn February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! 1st New Moon in Aquarius (2nd house) New Moon activates your Second house of Assets, income and what you value. The Second House in astrology points to what’s yours. It’s what you need to sustain your life, it’s your voice, food, money, investments, family and sense of security. (more…)

Sagittarius February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st. You may receive some important news, letters, or an email during this time. Alternatively, your need to communicate with others is also likely to increase. Whatever new beginnings occur around this period, they may give you an increased sense of (more…)

Gemini February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st of the month, turning your attention onto your life direction, higher learning and at the same time energising you to expand your wisdom and horizons. This New Moon brings new possibilities for you connected to foreign travel, higher education, law (more…)