You Horoscope for the New Moon in Virgo 4Ā° August 27th, 2022

As we approach this New Moon, Uranus turns retrograde on the 24th, a couple of days before, marking its midpoint in its five-month journey through the 18Ā° Taurus. Those with prominent placements at 17Ā° ā€“ 19Ā° of the fixed signs have already felt Uranus’ influence for quite some time. Whatever changes Uranus has brought into your life, this will likely continue through mid-October. That’s when Saturn turns direct at 18Ā° Aquarius, forcing you to make more concrete and solid decisions about what works for your future and what traditional path or life structure remains possible and oriented toward growth and development. 

The New Moon in Virgo at 4Ā° on August 27 turns our attention onto our health, diet, exercise and work with a greater tendency towards perfectionism. Since Virgo loves precision, collectively, we want to become better organized and more efficient in whatever we do. Virgo is a mutable sign, and with the Moon phase in a mutable sign Virgo we may have a greater need and desire to improve our life and redefine our daily routine, which would lead to a healthier lifestyle. We might become more detail-oriented and conscious of our daily schedule throughout this time. Household routines may become the focus of our attention.

One of the most critical aspects of this New Moon is Mars and the New Moon square, which can push our buttons. Mars squares usually bring tension and conflict. Thankfully, Mercury, the ruler of this New Moon, is in harmonious Libra, helping us to work things out, especially during uncomfortable converastions. Meanwhile, Venus forms a square to Uranus at the same time as well as an opposition to Saturn that won’t be exact until August 28. Personal needs and desires may have to be put aside to focus on what truly matters and is crucial for us. Since Mars is in Gemini during this time, you can expect verbal and written transactions to become more straightforward, bold, self-assertive, and wordy. S

Much can be accomplished during this time. However, something to keep in mind is to avoid taking rashed or impulsive actions without thinking things through!

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to improving your working or daily environment. It is an excellent time of year to establish a new lifestyle routine to ensure your health and wellbeing are harmony with your body and mental state. For some Pisceans this might be also a time when you either start looking for a new job, or begin a new and exciting project at your existing work. 

The Leo New Moon brings new beginnings in the spehere of conception, romance and entertainment. It is your time to shine, so donā€™t forget to find more time for the things that make you feel excited. Expand your wisdom and learn something new, discover a new hobby, and find new friends. Everyone has a passion in life, let this new moon guide you in the right direction.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your home sphere, making it a good time for carrying out home improvements, decluttering and redecorating. This New Moon might also shine a light on something you were unaware of before concerning your family dynamics. You may find that some aspects of your domestic situation are no longer satisfactory, resulting in you undertaking major home renovations.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to news, short-distance travel, siblings and your life within the community. You might become popular around your neighbourhood, or perhaps changes in your local area could happen at this time. Itā€™s also an excellent time for implementing something new into your everyday routine. On a different level, you might decide you want to learn a new skill or improve an existing one.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your finances, moveable possessions and resources; however, at this time, your personal values may also come into focus, and you may decide it is time to redefine them. Significant purchases are also possible at this time, possibly related to your children or the romantic partner in your life.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to self, health and your life. This new moon acts as an excellent opportunity for self-reflection and for deciding where you want to go next in your life. This is an ideal time for setting new goals as these may help you to stay on track with your life and achieve your dreams, or at least some of them.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your private life, dreams, and past. Secrets and personal matters that have been forgotten or pushed aside might come to light now. You might have to face some issues that have kept you from reaching your goals. It is an excellent time to heal and reflect upon your past achievements and let go of all that stands in the way of your happiness. In addition, this New Moon brings full awareness to things you couldnā€™t see before. 

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your hopes, wishes and friendships. During this time, you may gain recognition for something you did in the past, or alternatively you might experience a sense of belonging to a new group or a social circle. On a different level, it could also be a time of unexpected opportunities that come your way.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your life mission, stand in society and your achievements. You might be involved in a new project at work, welcome a new team member, or there could be management changes in the career sphere. Whatever the scenario, rest assured that this New Moon brings you closer to your dreams and goals. Gaining recognition in your professional life over something you do is emphasised now. Sometimes a New Moon in the 10th house may cause a change in status, meaning that you might get engaged or married. 

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to personal experiences, beliefs, foreign affairs and higher learning. During this time, you might be prompted to deal with matters that will help you expand your mind and your horizons while at the same time providing new opportunities. This New Moon is also an excellent time for reconnecting with your life aspirations and taking action to move forward in the right direction.

This New Moon acts as an opportunity for transforming the area of your life that has lost its spark. Transformation and regenaration are one of the themes in your life in the upcoming four weeks following this new moon. This New Moon also brings into light what you gain due to other people. n addition, someone that you know might go through unexpected life changes.

The Leo New Moon, brings new beginnings related to relationships, friendships, business partners, clients, and contractual agreements. There could be a new relationship story about to unfold around this time. You might sign a new contract or renew an existing agreement or a commitment. Additional issues might come into the light, including negotiations, lawsuits, and other legal documentation thatā€™ll need signing and agreeing to.

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libra new moon 2022

How the September New Moon in Libra will Influence Your Zodiac Sing?

The Libra 2Ā° New Moon of September 25 brings an optimistic vibe. During a new moon, we tend to look for new opportunities to express our ideas and thoughts and for this reason it is usually a great time for starting new projects. Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy and balance with a strong sense of fairness. When the Moon travels through cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace. Throughout this time, primary relationships play a crucial role in our lives, governing our feelings and desires. We are often prompted to reassess our priorities and work towards finding a balance between thoughtful understanding and assertiveness. 

This New Moon will be in opposition to Jupiter in Aries. This is about big dreams or something extraordinary or inspiring being created of all the possibilities. It is like dreams coming to fruition. At the same time it is essential to avoid takin on too much. Jupiter-Full Moon opposition can make us easily exagarrate certain aspects of our life. Choose wisely as choices and decisions have consequences.

The Saturn-Uranus square, which won’t be exact this year (but with an orb of half a degree throughout September and October) forcing us into the battle between the familiar past and the unknown future, or in other words, between the old and the new. The three previous squares took place on February 17th and June 14th and December 23rd of 2021.

With retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus and trine Pluto Capricorn, much can be gained but also lost and wasted, even unintentionally. Don’t disregard your instincts, there might be an important message coming through from the invisible world.

This New Moon turns your attention onto your one-to-one relationships. During this time, some degree of your freedom may have to be compromised to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push and pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others. Venus, the goddess of this New Moon, will trine (harmonious connection) Pluto sending positive vibes and helping you reach career-related goals and objectives. Venus will also be within an orb of a deep connection with erratic Uranus in your financial sector, bringing some unusual ideas concerning your money situation. Many Aries might be joining forces with another at this time (your love partner, business associates, agent) in preparation for a significant project. Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde until October 2, so wait until then to sign any important documents, like contracts or agreements.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Aries >>>

This New Moon turns your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more practical approach when getting any project or idea off the ground (Mercury is still retrograding until October 2nd). A tip for this New Moon for you is to be realistic about your expectations. Venus, your ruling planet, will stand out at this time, and connect harmoniously with expansive Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance. Expect the unexpected as Uranus connects with Venus. The Sun travelling through your work sphere suggests that you may feel exceptionally social at work, wanting to spend time with your co-workers. This New Moon favours careers related to beauty, art, film, and creativity.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus >>>

This New Moon will bring an opportunity for you to find a new romantic relationship. If you are already in a commitment, you will have more quality, fun time to spend together. Matters related to children and conception will also glow. If you were trying to get pregnant you may get some good news now. If you have children, thanks to this new moon, you will especially enjoy spending time with them, so plan a day out to make the most of these energies. This New Moon will connect with abundant and expansive Jupiter, in your friendship sector, so friends will also play a part during this time. 

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini >>>

This New Moon acts as an opportunity to improve your home sphere positively. You might feel like hosting an event at home for your family members or friends. This New Moon may initiate a series of social events that will follow in the four weeks after this New Moon. Alternatively, if this isn’t related to you having people around at your house, it might be that your parents will be prominent in your life. They may visit you, or you may travel together to a unique location. Mercury is still retrograde; don’t let this disturb your mind. Plan well and check the roads for road work and other travel-related disruptions.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer >>>

This New Moon may create an opportunity for a trip in the four weeks following this New Moon. This may be a work-related trip. If this is the case, you may find it enjoyable if you plan something exciting to do during your business trip to spice things up. Otherwise, you might run out of fuel and feel drained and overly emotional by the workload. With Venus, the planet connected to love and finances in the final degrees of perfectionist Virgo connecting with transformative Pluto in your 6th house of work and daily routine, you may find that whatever that you do throughout this New Moon period, whether this is a business trip or something, it might benefit you in the financial sense. So make sure you take advantage of these energies but don’t forget to nurture your soul and body!

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Leo >>>

The New Moon will shine in your second house of personal earnings, resources and possessions. You will likely think about an opportunity to earn more money. Alternatively, you may come up with a new idea allowing you to increase or improve your money situation. This New Moon may also bring you a gift from a friend or a family member. On a different level, if you have a shop on Etsy, you might make this important sale of something that you have created using your own skills and talents. Venus is still in your sign at this time, making you feel more optimistic and uplifted than usual. Even though Mercury will be retrograde, you can still enjoy the arrival of a new season, so make the most of it!

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo >>>

This New Moon will shine in your sign! What a great time to direct the energy of this new moon in any way you desire. Venus, your ruler, is connecting to transformative Pluto in your home sphere. This may suggest that any home-related projects and ideas may come to fruition in the four weeks following this New Moon. At the same time, with Mars and Saturn’s harmonious connection, your ambition and determination are likely to increase too!

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Libra >>>

This New Moon will shine in your twelfth house of hidden matters where mental health is emphasized. You may come up with an amazing idea for your next book or blog. It seems like you may prefer to keep this project private, at least in the initial phase. Hence you may find it more liberating and satisfying when working from behind the scene (from home or the library, for instance). With Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, prominent in your friendship zone, it seems that these coming four weeks will be more about friendships rather than romance. With Mercury retrograde now in Virgo until October 2nd, you might unexpectedly meet an old friend or renew an old friendship with a friend you haven’t been in contact with for a long time. 

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Scorpio >>>

This New Moon will shine in your area of friendships, group activities, hopes and wishes. Your social life will likely become the prominent theme of your life in the upcoming four weeks. You may enjoy an outing or even two with friends or work colleagues. Alternatively, an important friend in your life might go through essential life changes that could directly impact your friendship in a positive sense. Since the eleventh house also rules our long-term plans, you may find it enjoyable if you create a vision map with your dreams and goals that you wish to manifest.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius >>>

This New Moon falls in your tenth house of career, public life and recognition. Venus, the goddess of Libra, will be prominent at this time. Venus will connect harmoniously with intense and transformative Pluto, suggesting that you have a business that deals with import and export or works for an international company. These next four weeks might be fortunate for you. On a different level, if you work in publishing, broadcasting, or if you are a digital marketer, you will also reap the benefits of this News Moon’s energies. Finally New Moon in the house of honours may also bring you career related rewards for your hard work and dedication.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn >>>

This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to foreign travel, higher education, law, broadcasting and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. It is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Since Libra is associated with cultural activities like a museum, theatre, and fine dining, you may have an opportunity to enjoy life’s luxuries in the four weeks following this New Moon. Depending on your circumstances, the 9th house activation may also help with any projects connected to publishing, broadcasting and the media.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius >>>

This New Moon will shine in your sphere of other people’s money, transformation and intimate matters. In the four weeks following this New Moon, you can earn a commission from a sale, investments or through affiliate marketing links if you are a blogger. With the end of the year approaching, you may also be doing tax planning and estimating how much you will have to pay. These next four weeks would be an excellent time to meet with your accountant. If you recently received an inheritance, you could now begin researching how and where to invest it.

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a woman posing in front of planetary image

A Rare Jupiter and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

A Rare Jupiter and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces will occur on April 12th, 2022. Its influence will be particularly strong a week before and after. However overall this energy will likely act as a background theme throughout 2022.

Last CONJUNCTION between Neptune and Jupiter: March 17th 1856 -> increase in spirituality interest.

Famous people born in 1856:

  • Nikola Tesla – Inventor an Electrical engineer who invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology.
  • Sigmund Freud – A Neurologist (One of his most enduring ideas is the concept of the unconscious mind)
  • George Bernard Shaw is famous for his role in revolutionizing comedic drama.

Jupiter may cross through Pisces every 12-13 years, but Neptune’s journey takes 165 years, 14 years in each zodiac. The first conjunction took place only ten years after the discovery of Neptune. It’s a relatively short cycle at approximately 13 years because this is roughly how long Jupiter takes to go through each zodiac; because of the slow movement of Neptune, this is a once in a lifetime event in the sign of Pisces.

Both Jupiter and Neptune are the rulers of Pisces. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces and Neptune is the modern ruler. A planet has a more powerful influence when positioned in the zodiac sign over which it has rulership

Let’s have a look at the chart of this conjunction. Both Jupiter and Neptune are applying to sextile the North Node in Taurus, and at the same time, they are also applying to trine the South Node in Scorpio. So let’s look at the sextile first. The fundamental principle of a sextile is to find a way or a possibility, an opportunity that may or may not be used to acquire/achieve what is needed/required. Since this sextile is happening between feminine (yin) elements, we are the ones, or you are the one who creates the opportunity. Earth and water are feminine elements. This energy is considered to be receptive, intuitive, and feminine. With Jupiter and Neptune sextile the NN in Taurus, we are in a way blessed, boosted, uplifted and inspired. This aspect brings good fortune, creativity, and originality to how we reach our milestones, aims, and objectives, also helping us to be more open-minded and adaptable when dealing with any obstacles that come our way.

On the other hand, with Jupiter and Neptune applying to trine the South Node in Scorpio, this is connected to our past. Looking back at our past experiences, we might review or redefine our values, achievements, beliefs, and life philosophy to make better progress and reach our goals. With trines the energies flow quickly; there is a fast development of a situation due to a lack of friction/obstacles. Trines remove any obstacles and blockages.

The separating conjunction between Mars and Saturn, which created events that had already peaked in importance/significance around April 5th, when this conjunction was exact, gave us a strong determination, motivation and courage to overcome any obstacles that come our way. These two planets will square the nodal axis, suggesting that now is the time to decide what no longer works in our lives and what blocks our path, our growth and development will have to go.

The Sun in Aries is applying to square Pluto in Capricorn. Squares often create events or situations that force us into a new type of situation, often resulting in nobody’s fault. In mundane astrology, the Sun represents the leaders and people in an authority position. Pluto has to do with regeneration and transformation. The difficult aspects between the Sun and Pluto show tensions, power struggles or corruption.

The Moon, on the other hand, the planet that signifies the people in mundane astrology, has just moved into a new sign, Virgo. Virgo is the sign of health and nutrition, caring for the body, and creating a routine. Early degrees of a sign indicate beginnings or an early stage of development, the importance of which is not yet fully understood. 

Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction April 12th, 2022

What may precisely Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces suggest?

  • a potentially tremendous opening up of the collective unconscious, 
  • increase of interest in spirituality, astrology, metaphysics
  • A search for a greater meaning of life, truth, where we come from etc.
  •  a good time to revise the vision board, your dreams, goals, and plans
  • a great time to engage in any activity that requires you to be imaginative through art, poetry, music, writing, photography, meditating, dance or travelling.
  • greater awareness of climate change
  • space exploration
  • growth and development of oceanology studies, and other topics, including ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves,
  • a richer imagination, new ideas
  • there might be problems involving water, the ocean, or flooding around that time as well

To find out how the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces will influence your Zodiac Sign watch my YouTube webinar below:

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Mercury retrograde

How September’s Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Mercury started its retrograde in Libra on September 9 until October 2. This Mercury retrograde will end in the sign of Virgo, and while Mercury stays in the retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of your thoughts and actions. During this time, you may feel confused and overwhelmed with ideas, making this an excellent opportunity for practising yoga, meditation, reading, spending time in nature and generally doing anything that helps you calm down your mind and express all your ideas and thoughts. 

Since Mercury Retrograde can cause disruptions with technology, take special care with your digital data. Back up all your valuable files and photos. Mercury also rules documents, proposals, tests and contracts, so read everything carefully before signing anything important. It is not the best time for starting anything new. It is, however, an excellent time to continue a project that began before Mercury turned retrograde. 

For those born during Mercury retrograde, you may become more vibrant and productive during this time. However, you will still be affected by Mercury’s influence. Nevertheless, there could be some unexpected opportunities turning up for you, so stay alert and keep your eyes open!

This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity for reviewing any contracts or agreements you may have. Alternatively, old issues that you thought were forgotten might come back, and you may find yourself having to deal with them. Mercury retrograde in the 7th house has also got its benefits, as it can bring you closer with your partner by allowing you to identify and clarify differences of opinion. By the time this retrograde is over, you may both feel like you understand each other a lot better.

This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity to review your dietary or health-related habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You may also find it useful to re-organise your diary as daily demands this month may require you to become more flexible and adaptable.This retrograde may create a atemporary creative blockage, resulting in a occassional loss of confidence in your creative abilities. Under the influence of this retrograde, there is also often a tendency to compare yourself to others. To move away from the negative and limiting thoughts, try to do things that inspire you and stimulate the creative side of your psyche. This retrograde may stimulate you toĀ review your long-term decisions regarding your financial security and stability. While reassessing your present living conditions, you may ask yourself whether you should fix something in the current home or move to another? If your present home doesn’t meet your expectations, you may decide that something needs to change as soon as this retrograde is overThis retrograde may stimulate yourĀ thirst for knowledge. It could be a time of major realisations with memories from childhood coming back unexpectedly. Watch out as you might be misinformed or even lied to by someone in your community. The information you gather might not be correct or accurate at this time. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to use more than one source in order to confirm the information you require. This retrograde may stimulate you toĀ retreat and withdraw from the outside world, as this is when your spiritual life is mainly emphasized. The need to reassess your life achievements and recharge your batteries is now stronger than usual. You may also feel like you can’t rely on anyone with specific issues in your present life situation. It could perhaps be because it is up to you to decide what decision to make next.Ā 

This retrograde may stimulate you to reassessĀ your needs, goals and desires. This is a good time to put into action what you already have and know.Ā You may find yourself returing to old projects and ideas. Try to delay making any major changes especially the ones concerning your physical appearance and personal goals, as you might regret these decisions when Mercury stations direct on October 2nd. Take it easy and think things through in order to avoid dissappointment.

This retrograde may stimulate you to retreat and withdraw from the outside world, as this is when your spiritual life is mainly emphasized. The need to reassess your life achievements and recharge your batteries is now stronger than usual. You may also feel like you canā€™t rely on anyone with specific issues in your present life situation. It could perhaps be because it is up to you to decide what decision to make next. 

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jupiter retrograde in Aries

Jupiter Retrograde in Aries 2022: What it Means for Your Zodiac

On July 28th, Jupiter turns retrograde in fire sign Aries. Jupiter goes direct on November 23, 2022. This will be a four-month retrograde in total that could bring some significant changes to our lives. Jupiter retrograde transit reoccurs roughly every thirteen months. This is a time when we may have to deal with matters concerning personal growth and development. The area of life influenced by Jupiter retrograde will require more work and extra attention.

You might become more competitive, wanting to be recognised for your accomplishments. Often under the influence of this retrograde, one may become highly independent.

This retrograde may stimulate you to do soul searching through your own research/studies rather than seeking it through others. Your intuition is likely to be heightened at this time too.

You may have a greater need for more versatile lifestyle experiences. Your attitude towards life is likely to be more open-minded. When cooperating with others (in group activities), you may choose/prefer to do things your own way.

You might feel like you want to change your career direction. Alternatively, if you are currently undergoing career changes, you may question every career step you take.

You may find it difficult to express your knowledge to others. You might experience an increased desire for freedom.

You might have stronger sexual urges and an inner desire to form deeper connections with others. You might also become more secretive; however, with this in mind, you may experience an imbalance between the need to be open and the need to be secretive.

During this time, you might see yourself through the eyes of others, with a greater need to gain the respect of the important people in your life.

You might feel like dealing with many tasks simultaneously (multitasking) but find it more challenging to finish whatever your start. Your expectations of others might be higher during this time. However, keep in mind that sometimes the expectations can’t meet reality.

There is a tendency with this transit to become overly emotional, often going back in thoughts into happy memories. Alternatively, this transit may also create situations when you may feel like the family members are standing in your way or blocking your life progress.

Under the influence of this transit, you might become impersonal when interacting with others, preferring to listen rather than get involved in the conversations. Your mind might be restless at this time, and at times you may find it difficult to express yourself.

During this time, you may want to re-establish or re-define your personal values and your sense of wealth/abundance.

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chiron retrograde in Aries

Chiron Retrograde in Aries 2022

Chiron enters retrograde on July 19th 2022, the sign of fiery Aries, until December 23, when it turns direct. Chiron was discovered in 1977 orbiting between the planets Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. Many consider it as an asteroid or a small planet. 

In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur ā€“ an ideal combination of human intelligence and animal instinct. He was the child of the Gods, a half-human and a half-horse immortal creature. Regardless of its look, Chiron was a great teacher, holistic healer, astrologer and musician. Many of his students were the greatest warriors, healers and future leaders of the times. 

Chiron is very often regarded asā€ the wounded healerā€ due to a wound he received from a poison arrow. The arrow didnā€™t kill him; however, he never quite recovered from it and as a result of that, was destined to live in pain. 

This myth about Chironā€™s suffering, and what awareness and meaning we can derive from it, becomes the central theme of the tale and the planet Chiron. 

Chiron in the birth chart reveals where we have suffered but also where we have a chance to become a healer or a mentor for others. Chiron here not only shows the sphere of life where we are expected to feel hurt; however, also the area where we obtain healing when we bring awareness to our woundedness.

Once we identify the cause of our wounding, we can become a healing force for others in that area.

Chironā€™s house position in the birth chart points to an area of life where we are generally more vulnerable and where healing can occur. By failing to accept this vulnerability, we are unable to obtain meaning from it. As a result of that, we may end up hurting others unintentionally around the very same issues. 

By bringing this vulnerability to light, we move from being incurably wounded in this area of our life to becoming master teachers, like Chiron, for the healing of others. 

Chironā€™s position by sign symbolises the valuable lessons we are here to learn, also the essence of our wounding and how healing can occur.

As Chiron retrogrades through passionate sign Aries, we are being urged to confront the feelings weā€™ve been pushing down instead of processing. During this time, we have the opportunity to allow our wounds caused by people or events in our life, to heal so that we can takeĀ action and create aĀ brighter future.

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Black Moon Lilith in Cancer – All Signs Forecast

Black Moon Lilith in Cancer transit commences on April 14th until January 8th of 2023. The last time Black Moon Lilith stayed in Cancer was between June 2013, and February 2014. If you look back to that period and try to remember what happened in your life around that time and what life themes you had to deal with, you will better understand how this transit may influence you this time around. You are older and wiser at this point in life, and you are unlikely to think the same way about certain things; it is still a great way to mentally prepare for the upcoming period.  

Black Moon Lilith is a geometrical point, like the Ascendant or Nodes of the Moon. Geometrically, Black Moon Lilith symbolises the empty focal (central) point of the Moon’s elliptical orbital path around the planet Earth (found within a void that falls between the Earth and the Moon’s orbital apogee as seen from Earth). 

Black Moon Lilith takes approximately nine years to go around the zodiac, staying nine months in each sign. Her exaltation is in Scorpio, and her domicile is in Capricorn. 

Black Moon Lilith is connected with maturity, especially emotional maturity, and seems to be involved in working with complex and intense feelings, jealousy and anger, to the point of inner balance, harmony, and self-empowerment. Her dark side is revealed in emotional outbursts of destructive anger, intense passion, emotional manipulation and disordered aggression. The Black Moon Lillith is associated with sexual energy, taboo, and deepest desires. Transits of the Black Moon Lilith help us to stand up for ourselves, even when it means getting in trouble.

If your natal Black Moon Lilith is in Cancer, then you will go through your Black Moon Lilith Return in the next nine months as the Black Moon Lilith will be conjunct your natal BM Lilith. During this time, you may be more aware of your blockages or issues around being able to stand up, speak out, or defend yourself, and you may be required to do those things in a way that stands out for you. 

Black Moon Lilith in the Water Sign Cancer can be emotionally manipulative. When afflicted (especially by squares or oppositions with natal planets), it can bring up our insecurities to the surface and create challenges when dealing with feelings and emotional situations. Withdrawal and escapism are some of the common themes of the negative manifestations of the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. Nevertheless, once we realise that we can change how we react to our own and other people’s emotions, we will be able to connect with others more profoundly and with greater satisfaction.

Find out How the BML in Cancer will Influence Your Zodiac Sign:

The Black Moon Lillith in Cancer can make you upset about matters and issues concerning your home and family. You may get caught up in a situation assuming that your family is the problem, but in reality, it could be that you are the one who is running away from home or family-related responsibilities. On a different level, throughout the duration of this transit, you may expect your family members to save you from life difficulties or resolve your emotional problems. Deep down, though, you may discover that some parts of your behaviour might be upsetting your loved ones, prompting you to change something in your way of being. Even if you are dealing with a situation out of your control, you will eventually realise that you need to be more patient with your family members without always expecting them to help you. The Black Moon Lillith’s offering to you is the opportunity to bring unconscious behaviour to the surface where it can no longer act uncontrollably.

With the Black Moon Lillith in Cancer, your words will have a profound effect on others, so use your words wisely as they may seem harsh at times and might put you in trouble even if your intentions are genuine. Throughout the duration of this transit, you might become more critical and have dark feelings and thoughts. On the positive side, you will be able to face the truth with more ease, dive deep into the core of any problem that made you speak out and acknowledge the impact of your words on your loved ones. You may find that others come to you with their problems more often than usual, as your ability to understand strong emotions will become as beneficial as a counselling session. 

With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, problems may arise regarding money. Throughout the duration of this transit, you are likely to blame others for your money issues, but in reality, it is unlikely to be purely their fault. Perhaps your ability to manage the finances, in some way, contribute to any problems concerning your income. You can overcome your financial difficulties once you realise what is blocking or contributing to your financial success. Your self-esteem may be somehow connected to your financial problems. Perhaps you need to change your job, or are afraid of taking a financial risk or are you overspending, compensating for lack of self-esteem and happiness? Whatever the scenario, with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, you can face the truths and build more financial freedom for yourself and your loved ones.

With the Black Moon Lilith in your sign – Cancer, you will make a significant impact on those around you, especially your behaviour, even if you think you lash out when you are upset. Occasionally you may have an inner need to withdraw from the company of others or the outside world in general. Under the influence of this transit, you may blame others or accuse them of doing the wrong thing; however, in reality, it might be your unhappiness upsetting your colleagues or loved ones. Sometimes your dark feelings can affect your physical or mental health. Once you claim your feelings and break the cycle of blame, you will be free of self-undoing behaviour. Self-understanding and acceptance will bring comfort and greater life satisfaction.

Black Moon Lilith in Cancer can make you delve too deeply into some issues or relationships in your life. Throughout the duration of this transit, you may think that other people are the problem and the cause of your life dilemmas, and perhaps they are. However, it would help if you focused your energies on less complicated matters. With Black Moon in Lilith, you might be too prone to get lost in the imaginary world rather than focus on everyday practicalities. You may struggle with self-discipline, and for this reason, it is crucial that you stay focused and live in the now and focus on what is essential in the present moment.

With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, friendships can become a little upsetting in your lifetime. You may feel that your friends fail to live up to your expectations and that you cannot count on them. Alternatively, you may feel like your friends don’t listen to you. Your desire to become a part of a group and connect with like-minded people is likely to be stronger. Nevertheless, you might often feel rejected and think that it is others who are rejecting you. In fact, it might be the opposite. You may not realise it at first, but you might be pretty fixed in your ideas trying to impose your thoughts and feelings on others expecting them to agree with you. If someone disagrees, you may see it as a lack of support. The challenge for you is to learn to be more understanding and accept other people’s points of view. Otherwise, you are likely to encounter social issues, as the universe will likely attract people into your life who will have different opinions to yours so that you can learn your lessons. By becoming accepting, flexible and tolerant, you will find more joy and satisfaction in connecting with others in your social life.

With the Black Moon Lillith in Cancer, you may become overly ambitious to the point of overriding other people on your way to the top. Throughout this transit, you may become more confident than usual (especially in your public life), believing that you are better at your job than others. This type of attitude can annoy your colleagues without you even realising it. The Black Moon Lillith’s gift is the opportunity to bring unconscious or self-defeating behaviour to the surface where it can no longer be left unnoticed. Therefore the goal of this transit for you is to understand that others are just as capable. It would help if you learned to appreciate your colleagues’ skills and show them their respect. This will, in turn, increase other people’s respect for you.

Black Moon Lillith in Cancer in the 9th house is not the most comfortable placement. It indicates that you are at odds with society’s laws, structures or establishments. Throughout the duration of this transit, you are likely to blame pillars of society for all of their mistakes – their rigid religious principles, unfair laws, violation of civil rights etc. Nevertheless, the truth is that deep inside, you feel pretty rebellious and perhaps even fed up as your life philosophies, and principles changed or are different from the norm. If you have a strong need to rebel, you may cause chaos, both for yourself and those around you. However, if you can learn to agree to disagree with individuals and society as a whole, especially the ones who have different life views or life principles, then you can enjoy your unique approach more joyfully.

The transiting Black Moon Lillith in the 8th house of your birth chart can reveal intimate details of your life that you would, perhaps, prefer that stayed forgotten. This is because the darker aspects of the Black Moon Lillith are associated with sexuality, birth, death, debt, greed, and other private matters. Throughout the duration of this transit, you may unintentionally attract the darker aspects of society into your life. It can vary from strange things happening around you, like your partner excessively investing money in risky shares, to someone in your community turning violent. You are likely to be unsure why weird things are happening to you, but they will do and will trigger deep emotions inside you. The challenge for you is to face your emotional and psychic depths, understand them and release whatever is not needed anymore. 

With Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, you might never be truly satisfied with your relationship. It is possible that you don’t want to get married because you can’t find someone who measures up to your expectations. Alternatively, you may commit to someone but complain excessively about them to others. Whatever the scenario, you may find it challenging to be satisfied in a committed relationship because all you see is the dark side of your significant other. The issue may be that you do not see things clearly. The closeness demanded by marriage is likely triggering a subconscious memory of your parents’ relationship. Whether you realise it or not, an unpleasant aspect of your parents’ union is playing on your subconscious mind. You may also seek perfection in your partner to avoid the emotional pain associated with old memories. Once you realise that there is no such thing as a perfect partner, you will be able to break free from the emotional pain from old memories and find a loving and rewarding connection with your loved one. 

With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, work can sometimes be distressing. You may have difficulty planning your daily life and work schedule, assuming this to be the fault of others. It might be that you take on or are given too many duties, your co-workers may interrupt your thoughts, and the days may seem not long enough. It would help if you organised your daily workload more constructively in order to assert your rights. You have a right to say ‘no’, especially when you are given too much work. It also doesn’t make sense to overload your schedule in an attempt to feel good about yourself, as this will only affect your wellbeing. 

With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, your desire to live a more carefree lifestyle will increase. For this reason, self-discipline will play an essential role throughout the duration of this transit, as there might be days when you would rather play than take responsibility for your life. Your creative pursuits, hobbies and interests will be dominant, fulfilling a deep need within you. If someone stands in the way of your happiness, you are likely to lash out. You may blame other people, perhaps even your children, for preventing you from following your passionate interests. If this is the case, you may find it beneficial to find a balance between pleasure and responsibilities. Once you have found this balance, you may be an excellent teacher, artist, and parent.

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