The week begins under the gentle influence of harmonious Venus trine Saturn (exact on Tuesday, 12th), making it easier to take care of what is most important in our lives, as with Venus and Saturn combination, following the rules pays off! This is a very effective combination that can help us to complete many significant tasks and reach deadlines with more ease. This is also an ideal transit for accomplishing some of the everyday tasks that usually might seem overly daunting otherwise.

July’s Full Moon falls at 21Âș of earth sign Capricorn. This Full Moon will be in a wide conjunction with intense Pluto (only 6Âș orb), indicating that there will be no way back to the past. With the strong emphasis on Capricorn, we can expect considerable changes and developments in domestic, family, and security needs as well as work or business-related affairs. Eris, the planet of chaos and disharmony, will form a challenging alignment (a square) with both the Sun and the Moon adding the possibility of significant disturbance of plans. 

However, there is a large gap between desire and reality at this time, particularly on Jul 14, when the carefree Venus in Gemini squares dreamy Neptune in Pisces, making unrealistic hopes disappear.

While the Moon in Capricorn usually keeps their emotions in control, with the Full Moon-Mercury opposition, we may find ourselves more argumentative, talking more than we should, or acting out on our wounded feelings with the Full Moon-Chiron square.

This Full Moon’s goal is for us to realise what we are trying to achieve or accomplish at this point in our life. On the other hand, the challenge is staying on track with our goals without losing sight of our objectives while acting from our best possible selves.  

At the same time, with Mercury and Uranus in a well-balanced sextile at the time of the Capricorn Full Moon, many of us may receive some exciting good (sextile) news! 

As the week goes by, the Sun and Mercury conjunction on Jul 16 (Saturday) is favourable for expressing various ideas (writing, public speaking). Also, for brainstorming new ideas, figuring out solutions or presenting our thoughts in writing or public speaking, as our words can have more impact now. 

Sunday, on the other hand, is very busy, energetically speaking! The Sun and Mercury will positively connect with the mystical Neptune in Pisces, stimulating our imagination and allowing us to be more in tune with our surroundings. 

Also, on Sunday, 17th, Venus, the planet of beauty and creativity, will enter nurturing water sign Cancer, where it will remain until Aug 11. Venus feels wonderful in Cancer, motivating us to find more safety and security in our relationships. Home and family matters are especially emphasised during this time, and the need to care for others .

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