Mars is known as a planet of energy and action, thus its retrograde periods are marked by slowing down, pausing, and making changes. As Mars stations retrograde in Gemini on October 30th until mid-January, learn how this transit will influence your zodiac sign.
Mars retrograde can be frustrating, especially if you have a tendency to be impulsive or rash in your actions. But it’s not all bad news. This period of Mars in Gemini will also be an excellent time for self-reflection, asking yourself important questions about your innermost desires and motivations.
Justyna Rossy D.M. Astrol, STA Diph, based in the UK is an astrological consultant and a writer specializing in natal, vocational and predictive astrology. Justyna was certified with merit from the Mayo School of Astrology in London, and has high knowledge of both modern and classical implications of a chart interpretation. Justyna’s passion is exploring the mysteries of life using the ancient symbolic wisdom behind the time, date and place of birth in order to help others achieve their most magnificent and greatest potential.