Libra November 2021 Horoscope
This month your attention turns onto your financial sphere, making it a good time for reviewing your money spending habits.
Venus, your planetary ruler, will move into Capricorn on November 05th, (4th house) where it will remain until March 06th due to its retrograde period between December 19th – January 29th, 2022. Capricorn rules your sphere of domestic matters. With your chart ruler in this area of the chart, there is a strong emphasis on your home and family. You might become more family-oriented during this time and feel like spending more time in the comfort of your home.
The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to your finances, movable possessions and resources, however at this time, your personal values may also come into focus, and you may decide it is time to redefine them.
On November 10th Mars in Scorpio will square Saturn in Aquarius. Mars is transiting your 2nd house throughout the whole of November, stimulating you to find more security and assurance in your life. You might be willing to work harder or find additional income revenue in order to improve your financial situation. You might also have extra expenses connected to your children with Saturn activating your 5th house.
On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus can cause outbursts of anger directed at those who have upset you in the past. If anger and resentment have been building for some time, now you might not resist the temptation to lash out and go stand up for yourself. Uranus in Taurus might also make you want suddenly break free from any draining responsibilities and obligations.
The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. It is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. The solar point in the 2nd house may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents.
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