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Home » Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 4-10, 2021

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 4-10, 2021

    The week begins with Mercury conjunct Pluto, adding extra intensity and depth into our thinking and communications. It is an excellent time to get to the bottom any troubling matters. It is also a good time to do research studies of any type and discuss tabu topics that you wouldn’t usually discuss otherwise. 

    On Wednesday, January 6th, Mars, the planet of action and drive finally changes signs and moves into stable fixed sign Taurus, where it will remain until the end of February. While Mars stays in this sign, it is a good time to look at what we’ve recently begun, and use the relentless ambition of Mars in Taurus to make it happen. It might be hard to get new projects off the ground, but if you manage to get them off the ground, the influence of Taurus’ lasting nature will make sure you see it all the way through. During this time, our finances are likely to come into focus, and material comfort will become more important than usual. Mars in Taurus also encourages us to slow down and enjoy all the earthly pleasures of life.  

    As the week progresses, on Friday, January 8th, Sun sextile Neptune transit increases our sensitivity and ability to read people and situations, meaning that all of our relationships will benefit from a shared understanding that might be non-verbal.

    On the same day, Mercury square Mars makes our minds more restless, causing possible short-tempered behaviours, rushed decision-making, or saying the wrong thing, possibly leading to disagreements and misunderstandings. It is essential to be aware of these tense energies as these can negatively impact our personal relationships. For that reason, it is vital to listen carefully when communicating with others and thinking before speaking. 

    Venus trine Mars on Saturday 9th increases our desire for social interactions, pleasure and dating. Existing love relationships should also grow, and this is the perfect time to discuss any tensions within an existing relationship.

    Our creativity is likely to be stimulated during this time, making this an excellent time to start creative projects or anything in particular, that you are excited about. Alternatively dealing with tasks like painting or redecorating will also give you much enjoyment and satisfaction. 

    Also on the 9th, towards the end of the day, Mercury conjunct Saturn brings critical thinking into focus. The energy of this transit can make us feel rather critical and negative. For that reason, it is essential to keep our minds stimulated in order to avoid the tendency toward sadness and melancholy. This is a good time for dealing with things needing continues concentration and patience. Business dealings and paperwork are especially favoured at this time. A common-sense approach, attention to detail and long-term outlook make this an ideal time for setting long-term plans. 

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