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Home » Aries Horoscope For October 2022

Aries Horoscope For October 2022

    What a busy month we are about to begin! Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows downs in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to your love and financial sphere. Mercury solstice may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your health and employment between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding legal matters and college admissions.

    This month’s full moon falls in your sign on October 9th. Projects initiated six months ago during the Aries New Moon might take centre stage now. You will have to decide whether you want to carry on with any ideas and tasks you have been working on in the last few months or whether you wish to end them and move on to something else.

    The Sun is in your sphere of relationships until October 23rd, highlighting this area of your life. Something or someone may disrupt your peace of mind when both the Sun and Venus form a challenging connection with intense Pluto between 19th-20th. In addition, some work-related demands may cause relationship dilemmas.

    The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th activates your area of deep and transformative emotions and feelings, making you feel more serious about life. Changes connected to your intimate life or joint or shared resources might be on the horizon. It might also be that you will deal with a similar situation as the one from May. Pluto will pressure both the Sun and the Moon, suggesting that someone may pressure you and be overly demanding. This might be someone related to banking, an insurance or a financial advisor of some sort.

    Jupiter moves back into your 12th house of hidden matters on October 27th-28th, where it will remain until December 20th. During this time, your spiritual life may take centre stage. You will also have a chance to reflect upon your life achievements, assess what is and what isn’t working for you and let go of situations, relationships, habits or routines that are holding you back.

    Mars retrograde begins on October 30th. This retrograde shows the need for greater clarity regarding your inner desires, goals and ambitions. You might experience temporary confusion regarding your life direction, making you feel like you are going backwards instead of forward. Unclear what you want from life, you may find yourself reviewing and reassessing many aspects of your existence. During this time, keep a close eye on the relationship with your siblings, neighbours and people in your community, as communication might be a challenge. At the same time, you may have an inner desire to learn new skills. Make sure you get your car checked and be particularly careful while driving. 

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