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Home » Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 25-31, 2021

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 25-31, 2021

    The week begins with the Sun square Uranus transit, causing uneasiness and worry about approaching change. An increase of nervous tension can result in erratic behaviour, leading to quick shifts in direction and even accidents. Alternatively, you may be subject to a drastic change in your environment or sudden outbursts of anger from other people. The best way to handle these energies is to be proactive about positive change. Figure out why you are feeling agitated or what is causing the feeling of approaching tension and confusion.

    On Thursday 28 we are likely to begin to feel the influence of Venus conjunct Pluto transit, which will intensify on Friday and Saturday. During this time, our desire for love and affection is likely to increase dramatically, making us yearn for more love and affection for at least a couple of days and wanting to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. This combination of energies increases our ability to attract friends and lovers, creating a magnetic and instant attractiveness.
    Possessiveness and envy are also popular behaviours resulting from this type of conjunction. If you are in a healthy and strong relationship, this transit can result in intense sexual experiences. If on the other hand single, then instant attraction could lead to a deep and soulmate-like relationship.

    On January 28 the first of the year Full Moon falls in the sign of theatrical Leo. The full moon square Mars and opposite Jupiter brings enthusiasm and courage. There is also the danger of impatience, impulsive reactions, lack of self-control and overconfidence. Our sexual urges may also be stronger than usual following the influence of Venus and Pluto conjunction. It is a particularly good moon phase for recognising obstacles in our lives and freeing ourselves of negative energies or behavioural patterns that no longer serve any purpose anymore. This full moon’s effects will last for two weeks until the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11.

    Also, around the same time, the Sun conjunct Jupiter creates an overall feeling of comfort, happiness, and optimism, making this a fantastic opportunity for personal development.

    The week concludes with Mercury going retrograde on January 30, for the first time this year, up until February 20. Each retrograde has a pre-and post-shadow phase that each last for about two weeks. The Pre-Shadow phase of this retrograde began on January 15, and this is when we started to feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius. While Mercury stays in the retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of our thoughts and actions. We may feel a bit confused and overwhelmed with ideas during this time, making this an excellent opportunity for practising yoga, meditation, reading, spending time in nature, and generally doing anything that helps to calm down the mind and express all our ideas and thoughts.

    Since Mercury Retrograde can cause disruptions with technology, take special care with your digital data. Back up all your valuable data, files and photos. Mercury also rules documents, proposals, tests and contracts, so read everything carefully before signing anything important. It is not the best time for starting anything new. It is, however, a good time to continue a project that began before Mercury went retrograde.

    For those who were born during Mercury retrograde, you may become more energetic, more alert or more productive during this time. However, you will still be affected by Mercury’s influence. Nevertheless, there could be some unexpected opportunities turning up for you, so stay alert and keep your eyes open!