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Home » Weekly Planetary Overview October 18-24, 2021

Weekly Planetary Overview October 18-24, 2021

    This week’s main events/transits:

    • October 19th — Mercury goes direct in Libra
    • October 20th — Full Moon in Aries
    • October 22nd — Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
    • October 23rd — Sun enters Scorpio

    Mercury goes direct in Libra on October 19th, at which point, anything concerning information, communication, and commuting stops getting balled up and delayed. You may still have to work out the mistakes that occurred during the retrograde period. However, life struggles connected to the Mercury retrograde dilemmas will become much easier to deal with.

    The Full Moon in Aries on October 1st might make you feel impatient with getting what you truly desire. There is no time to waste when the Moon travels through this cardinal sign. As a result, it might be more challenging than usual to wait for things to happen. Emotional issues are likely to take priority. Under the influence of this lunar phase, you might take things personally. However, this is an excellent time for dealing with problems by facing them right away to get on with other things. 

    Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the Full Moon in Aries 2021 will influence: (this full Moon is about finding a balance between the following areas of your life)

    • Aries Ascendant – Your Individuality & Self-image/Love & Relationships
    •   Taurus Ascendant – Soul Searching & Inner Work/Work, Health & Everyday Life
    • Gemini Ascendant – Friends, Groups & Networking, Long-term plans/Children, Creativity, Freelancing & Romance
    • Cancer Ascendant – Career, Professional Development  & Public Status/Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life
    • Leo Ascendant – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction/Your Community Life & Short Distance Travel
    • Virgo Ascendant – Transformation, Money You Own to Others, Intimate Life & Joint Finances/Financial Security & Personal Values
    • Libra Ascendant – Love & Relationships/ Your Individuality & Self-image
    • Scorpio Ascendant – Work, Health & Everyday Life/Soul Searching & Inner Work, Private Affairs
    • Sagittarius Ascendant – Children, Creativity & Romance/Friends, Groups & Networking, Long-term Plans
    • Capricorn Ascendant – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life/Career & Status, Professional Development
    • Aquarius Ascendant – Your Community, Siblings & Short Distance Travel, Letters/Foreign Affairs & Life Direction
    • Pisces Ascendant – Financial Security & Personal Values/Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances, Money You Own to Others

    Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (exact on Friday, October 22nd) can spark power struggles and disputes due to your intense desire to control others or the circumstances. You may also get a sudden urge to progress in your professional life in order to achieve a more powerful position. Alternatively, you may have to deal with people who will try to dominate you or challenge your self-esteem. However, if this is the case, don’t let others make you feel like a victim, as it is better to aim for success, than take short-cuts, but do so in a careful way. 

    Sun enters mysterious water sign Scorpio on October 23rd, intensifying our feelings and emotions. When the Sun stays in the secretive and intense fixed sign Scorpio, the overall energy during the next four weeks will be mysterious, deep and emotional. It is a wonderful time of year to do inner work and heal deeply rooted emotions and past misfortunes.