In the first days of the month, Venus, the planet that rules your career sphere, is still having her solstice until October 3rd. This may bring some delays in your career sector, forcing you to re-think your strategy and the next step you want to take regarding any career-related matter.
On the 23rd of the month, your ruler Saturn finally changes direction and begins its direct motion. What a blessing! After months of delays, you will see progress in your personal life as well as in your financial sphere. Saturn stationing direct may bring some rewards to you, especially if you have worked consistently without cutting corners in the last few months. Since Saturn rules your financial sphere, you will likely become clearer about your financial situation. However, since Saturn is still going to form a tense aspect with Uranus until the end of November, you will have to work harder to increase your earnings.
Your profession will likely bring many rewards until the 23rd, thanks to both the Sun and Venus positively influencing this sphere of your life, helping you reach your goals and objectives more efficiently. The only issue is that with all that is happening in your career and public life, you might easily forget about your home-related responsibilities. For this reason, try to find a healthy balance between these two areas to avoid disappointment. On the 23rd of the month, when the Sun and Venus move into your friendship zone, your social life will likely take centre stage.
A solar eclipse on October 25th occurs in your sphere of friends, large events and wishes. This eclipse may bring a new friendship into your life, you may attend an important social event, or alternatively, your parents may go through economic changes or make a major financial investment.
Communication may become essential when Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 28th until December 20th. The pace of daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Pay attention as there is a tendency to overschedule your diary under this transit’s influence. With Jupiter in Pisces in the final months of 2022, you can get mentally overwhelmed, making vital decisions concerning your lifestyle patterns. On a positive note, it is a beautiful time for expanding your mind through learning, reading and writing.
Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until mid-January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockages; however, try to remain flexible and go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this phase.
Image credit: Freepik
Read More
- Astrology for Beginners: How to Read a Birth Chart
- Aspects in Astrology
- Modalities in Astrology: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable
- The South Node in the Signs and Your Past Life

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