A Powerful Reset: Solar Eclipse in Aries, March 29, All Signs

Solar Eclipse in Aries The Aries Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025, is particularly significant as it marks the final eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis. Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars. It is associated with beginnings, courage, impulsiveness, and warlike determination. In traditional astrology, Aries is considered diurnal, masculine, and hot/dry in (more…)

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Neptune in Aries: March 30, 2025-2039 I All Signs

Neptune in Aries: A New Era Begins I would like to explore an exciting shift that’s coming our way on March 30, 2025. Neptune moves into Aries on March 30, for the first time since the mid-19th century. This is a big deal, as it marks a change in the collective energy we’ll all be (more…)

Mercury retrograde in Aries, March 15–29, 2025 I All Signs

We are approaching the very first full Mercury retrograde of 2025. This retrograde will begin in Aries and it will end in the water sign Pisces. While Mercury stays in retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of your thoughts and actions. During this time, you may feel a bit confused and overwhelmed (more…)

March 2025 Monthly Horoscopes

March 2025 Astrology Overview March begins with Venus retrograde in Aries (March 2–27, then in Pisces until April 13), bringing a period of reassessment in love, finances, and personal values. This retrograde may stir uncertainty, resurfacing past relationships or financial habits for reflection, closure or healing — focus on realigning with what truly matters. Mercury enters Aries (more…)

Full Moon in Leo 24°, February 12, 2025

Full Moon in Leo 24°, February 12, 2025 The Full Moon in Leo 24° on February 12, brings a culmination of themes related to recognition, self-expression, and personal power. Leo is a fixed fire sign, and the Moon in a fixed fire sign can indicate strong emotional convictions, but also stubborn pride and resistance to (more…)

February 2025 Monthly Horoscopes

February 2025 Monthly Horoscopes (All Signs) Key Astrology dates and themes of February 2025 February 4: Venus Enters Aries & Jupiter Stations Direct Passion and optimism surge as Venus steps into fiery Aries and Jupiter resumes direct motion in curious Gemini. Love, creativity, and communication take a bold and adventurous turn. Venus in Aries inspires courage (more…)

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New Moon in Aquarius, January 29, 2025 – All Signs Influence

The Aquarius 9° New Moon on January 29, carries a fixed, steady energy, inviting us to commit to long-term goals and changes. It’s a time for innovative thinking (Aquarius) that aligns with deeper emotional and transformative processes (Pluto and water dominance). However, the lack of fire and weak earth influence at this time means we (more…)

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January 2025 Full Moon in Cancer (All Signs)

On January 13-14, the Full Moon graces the nurturing and intuitive sign of Cancer, bringing emotions to the surface and illuminating matters of home, family, and personal security. This Full Moon is accompanied by several dynamic planetary alignments that amplify its transformative energy and set the tone for deep introspection, unexpected opportunities, and decisive action. (more…)

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January 2025 Monthly Horoscopes (All Signs)

Welcome to January 2025 Monthly Horoscopes! A brand new year brings brand new potentials. Happy New Year! January 2025 begins with intense cosmic dynamics, urging us to confront transformation, redefine emotional priorities, and embrace fresh new beginnings. January 3 sets a fiery and tense tone, as Mars and Pluto form an opposition, highlighting conflicts between (more…)

Chiron direct in Aries 19°, December 29, 2024 (All Signs)

Chiron going direct in Aries at 19° on December 29 marks a significant energetic shift. Chiron, known as the “Wounded Healer,” represents our deepest wounds and the potential for healing and wisdom through those experiences. When Chiron is in Aries, it focuses on themes of identity, self-worth, courage, and independence. This is a time to (more…)

The Nodes Shift into Pisces and Virgo: A Major Shift 2025–2026 (All Signs)

In early 2025, the lunar nodes make their significant transition into the mutable signs of Pisces (North Node) and Virgo (South Node). This shift marks a new chapter in the collective narrative, bringing attention to themes of practicality (Virgo) versus spirituality (Pisces), service (Virgo) versus sacrifice (Pisces), and discernment versus surrender. Something I thought was (more…)

new moon

What the New Moon in Aquarius 20° 2024 Means For Your Zodiac Sign?

New Moon in Aquarius 20°, February 9th, 2024 Aquarius is classified as an air sign. It is also a fixed sign.  During the New Moon in Aquarius there is a stronger focus upon the intellect rather than the emotions. We may be aloof from emotions and distrust as irrational and unpredictable.  With such strong air influence during this (more…)

The Energies of December 2021

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces, making us collectively want to become more compassionate and tolerant towards another. The South Solar Eclipse on December 4th is conjunct Mercury enhancing our ability to see a more positive future. Relationships that have recently struggled may find the first part of the month particularly challenging (more…)

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A Rare Jupiter and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces

A Rare Jupiter and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces will occur on April 12th, 2022. Its influence will be particularly strong a week before and after. However overall this energy will likely act as a background theme throughout 2022. Last CONJUNCTION between Neptune and Jupiter: March 17th 1856 -> increase in spirituality interest. Famous people born (more…)

The October 2021 New Moon in Libra 13°24′

The October New Moon falls on the 6th of the month at 13°24′ of air sign Libra. During a new moon, we tend to look for new opportunities to express our ideas and thoughts and for this reason it is usually a great time for starting new projects. Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy and balance (more…)

Weekly Horoscope for w/c September 27th, 2021

This week’s main transits: Wednesday, September 29th Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces Thursday, September 30th Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius Friday, October 01st Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn Saturday, October 02nd Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn Sunday, October 03rd Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius The (more…)

Sun conjunct Mars October 2021

On October 7th, 2021, Mars will commence a new 2-year cycle which will end on November 18th, 2023. The Mars cycle begins when the Sun is conjunct Mars. It is a brand new cycle of passion, excitement, and desire that will play out differently for everyone over the next two years. If you set your goals and objectives (more…)

Weekly Planetary Overview, October 4-10 2021

This week’s main transits: Wednesday, October 6th New Moon in Libra Thursday, October 6th/7th Pluto turns direct Thursday, October 7th, Venus enters Sagittarius Friday, October 7th/8th Sun conjunct Mars in Libra Saturday, October 9th Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars in Libra Sunday, October 10th Saturn turns direct in Aquarius The October New Moon falls at 13°24′ (more…)

Weekly Planetary Overview, October 11-17, 2021

This week’s main events: Wednesday, October 13th Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius Friday, Oct 15th Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius Saturday, Oct 16th Mercury in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius Sunday, Oct 17th Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn The week begins with Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (exact (more…)

The August New Moon, 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal

The August New Moon falls at 16°13′ of fire sign Leo on the 8th of August, which also happens to be the day of the activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal. This famous portal always gets activated on the 8th day of the 8th month by the Sun in Leo and the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (more…)

August 2021 Full Moon in Aquarius 29°36

The week concludes with a Full Moon at 19 degrees of air sign Aquarius. This full moon is called a seasonal Blue Moon. There are, in fact, two types of Blue Moons: a seasonal (occurs when there are four full moons in one season and the third one is called a blue moon), and a (more…)

September 2021 New Moon in Virgo

The September New Moon falls at 14° of earth sign Virgo (strongest influence 6-7th), turning our attention onto health, diet, exercise and work with a greater tendency towards perfectionism. Since Virgo loves precision, you are likely to want to become better organised and more efficient in whatever that you do. With the Moon phase in (more…)

Mercury Retrograde in Libra September-October 2021

The final Mercury retrograde of 2021 will occur this month in the air sign Libra on September 27th. Each retrograde has a pre-and post-shadow phase that each last for about two weeks. The Pre-Shadow phase of this retrograde begins on September 6th, and this is when we begin to feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde (more…)

September 2021 Full Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon in Pisces falls on September 21st, 2021, at 28 degrees of water sign Pisces. The Universal time of this full moon is 11:54 PM. In the Northern Hemisphere, the full moon closest to the autumn equinox is the Harvest Moon. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, this full moon will (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 01-07, 2021

The week begins with Sun square Mars leading to somewhat cranky and irritable behaviour. Challenging events during this time may force us to defend our goals or desires. It is not a good time for getting involved in any conflicts or heated debates. The best way to deal with these energies is to exercise, clean, or do (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 08-14, 2021

This week begins with the Sun in Aquarius conjunct Mercury retrograde turning our focus onto communication and relationships with people from our immediate environment. During this time, our curiosity and mental activity are likely to be more active than usual, making this a good time for dealing with a variety of mentally stimulating activities, such as reading, (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 08-15, 2021

This week begins with the Sun conjunct Neptune transit (exact on March 10th), increasing our consciousness, intuition, and understanding. During this time, we are likely to be more than usually affected by the thoughts and attitudes of others, and for this reason, it is a wonderful time to surround ourselves with positive people or experiences, (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 15-21, 2021

This week begins with Mercury moving into water sign Pisces, where it will remain until April 3rd. During this time, our communication style and thinking process are likely to be more emotional and imaginative. Our dreams may become more vivid than usual, and there is also a tendency with this transit to daydreaming. Mercury in Pisces helps us (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 22-28, 2021

The week begins with Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (exact on March 23rd), making us more impatient and restless, especially in our communication style. Under this transit’s influence, there is a tendency to jump too quickly to conclusions and possibly say something without thinking it through. Short-tempered behaviour and impulsiveness can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings (more…)

New Moon in Aries, 11-12 April 2021

With the New Moon in Aries happening at 22 degrees and 24 minutes, there is a desire for change in order to move forward to find a greater purpose in life. The focus is on our identity and individuality, making it a good time for setting some long-term goals. Aries is also a cardinal sign, (more…)

Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 2021

The New Moon Solar Eclipse happening on June 10th falls at 19°47′ of air sign Gemini. This solar eclipse will be visible from parts of Russia, Greenland and Northern Canada and depending on the weather conditions, it could also be partially visible in Northern Asia, Europe and the United States.  A solar eclipse can only occur at (more…)

Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces June-July 2021

On 20th, Jupiter turns retrograde in Pisces, where it will remain until July 28th, at which point it will move back into air sign Aquarius. This will be a four-month retrograde in total that could bring some significant changes to our lives. Jupiter retrograde transit reoccurs roughly every thirteen months. This is a time when (more…)

Full Moon in Capricorn June 24th, 2021

The Full Moon in Capricorn falls at 3°27’ on June 24th. The Moon in Capricorn is in its detriment, meaning that its influence is weakened. Thus, this is not a strong placement for the moon.  During a moon phase in Capricorn, we tend to repress our energies because we want to be in control of (more…)

Venus and Mars Conjunction 13th July 2021

Venus and Mars conjunction on July 13th at 19 degrees of Leo marks the beginning of the the cycle between these two relationship planets that will last until 22nd February 2024.   The last Venus and Mars conjunction took place on August 24th, 2019 at 4° Virgo.  Venus and Mars conjunct more or less every 2 years however these cycles (more…)

Mars retrograde 2020

This year’s Mars retrograde takes place in passionate Aries from Wednesday, September 9, to Friday, November 13. During this time, our impulses and urges can be affected, along with our drive. Due to this year’s events, we have already seen significant changes when it comes to work and romance. For the next couple of months, it may (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 7-13, 2020

This week begins with the energies of the Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, making it more challenging to get motivated and enthusiastic about life. Certain people or situations can cause chaos and frustration, making many of us feel anxious or even guilty.  For that reason, this is not a good time for any type (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 21-27, 2020

This week begins with lots of energetical shifts, starting from the Sun moving into practical and action-oriented Capricorn, giving us the necessary commitment and discipline to achieve our goals while overcoming every obstacle along the way. With the Sun in Capricorn, we might also be challenged to learn our lessons around responsibility, however at the (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 4-10, 2021

The week begins with Mercury conjunct Pluto, adding extra intensity and depth into our thinking and communications. It is an excellent time to get to the bottom any troubling matters. It is also a good time to do research studies of any type and discuss tabu topics that you wouldn’t usually discuss otherwise.  On Wednesday, January (more…)

January 2021 New Moon in Capricorn

The first New Moon of the year occurs on 12-13 of January at 23 degrees and 13 minutes of Capricorn, where stability, cautious planning and structure come into focus. A New Moon in Capricorn is a good time for committing to personal goals, setting realistic and practical intentions while focusing on developing self-discipline. At the (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 1-17, 2021

This week begins with Mercury/Jupiter conjunction that brings optimism and positivity into our lives, making it an excellent time for being friendly and generous towards others. Our enthusiasm and positive thinking mean that nearly anything we put into our minds will work. If you plan on buying or selling anything, you should turn a profit (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 18-24, 2021

The week begins with Mars conjunct Uranus (exact on Wednesday 20th) giving us a strong urge to break out of any limiting and restricting situations in our lives. This feeling is likely to increase in the upcoming weeks with the approaching Saturn/Uranus square. (more about this square in my February newsletter).  During this time, you may get (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 15-21, 2021

The week begins with the continuation of Mercury and Jupiter’s planetary alignment, bringing us more optimism and happy moments into our lives, making this a good time for brainstorming and studying as thanks to these energies, almost anything you put into your mind is likely to bring fruitful results. On Wednesday 17th, Saturn square Uranus, the first of (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 22-28, 2021

This week begins with Mars trine Pluto transit (exact on February 24th), giving us a great boost of goal-oriented energy, which makes us more ambitious and determined. This is a wonderful time for directing this energy into achieving your greatest desires and aspirations. Sun sextile Uranus transit on Thursday, February 25th, can bring surprises and unexpected events, (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 25-31, 2021

The week begins with the Sun square Uranus transit, causing uneasiness and worry about approaching change. An increase of nervous tension can result in erratic behaviour, leading to quick shifts in direction and even accidents. Alternatively, you may be subject to a drastic change in your environment or sudden outbursts of anger from other people. (more…)

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 01-07, 2021

This week begins with Mars moving into curious Gemini, where it will remain until April 23rd. While Mars travels through this mutable sign, all Geminis (Sun, Moon and Rising) will feel more energised, motivated and passionate. This is a wonderful time to act, as if you put in the work, you could turn your dreams (more…)

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Aries Ingress 2023 UK & USA

Aries Ingress Chart 2023 UK The rising sign determines the effective timeframe of the ingress chart. Here in the chart set for the UK, we have got Scorpio rising – a fixed sign indicating a long-lasting influence, meaning that the symbolism will carry on all year long. The first house, its ruler, and the Moon (more…)

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Saturn Direct in Pisces, November 4th, 2023

The highlight of this period is Saturn ending its retrograde phase on November 4, allowing us to solve complex problems with consideration, determination, and persistence. When Saturn changes direction, we may suddenly change our mind about a specific matter we have been dealing with for quite some time. When a planet stations direct (or retrograde), (more…)

retrograde planets 2024

Retrograde Planets 2024

Annual summary of retrograde planets in 2024 Retrograde begins Retrograde ends Mercury rx Dec 13, 2023 Capricorn 08° Jan 2, 2024 Sagittarius 22° Mercury rx Apr 1, 2024 Aries 27° Apr 25, 2024 Aries 15° Mercury rx Aug 5, 2024 Virgo 04° Aug 28, 2024 Leo 21° Mercury rx Nov 26, 2024 Sagittarius 22° Dec (more…)

Mercury retrograde 2024

Mercury retrogrades 2024: Key dates

Annual summary of Mercury retrograde 2024 January 2nd 2024 Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius ♐️ 22°; the post shadow period begins January 21st 2024 Post shadow period ends at 8° of Capricorn ♑️ March 19th 2024 pre shadow period begins Aries ♈️ 15°. April 1st 2024 Mercury retrograde in Aries ♈️ 27° begins. April 25th 2024 (more…)

New and Full Moon 2024

New & Full Moons of 2024

Annual summary of New & Full Moons of 2024 January 11th 2024, New Moon in Capricorn ♑️ 20° January 25th 2024, Full Moon in Leo ♌️ 5° February 9th 2024 New Moon in Aquarius ♒️ 20° February 24th 2024 Full Moon in Virgo ♍️ 5° March 10th 2024 New Moon in Pisces ♓️ 20° March (more…)

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Aries Ingress 2022

Virgo is the sign that rises (in both charts set for London and Kiev), and when a mutable sign rises, this chart is valid for six months until Libra Ingress. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo is the natural significator of the youth of the country, as well as commerce, trade, travel and all forms of (more…)