Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 1-17, 2021

This week begins with Mercury/Jupiter conjunction that brings optimism and positivity into our lives, making it an excellent time for being friendly and generous towards others. Our enthusiasm and positive thinking mean that nearly anything we put into our minds will work.

If you plan on buying or selling anything, you should turn a profit during this time, as you can negotiate a better deal in any sphere of life.

On Tuesday 12th, Mercury square Uranus brings excitement and movement into your daily life. With the Uranian energy in play, you could receive some unexpected news or alternatively experience something surprising and unforeseen that may force you to alter your plans. A heightened need for stimulation or entertainment makes you easily distracted and less effective.

On a positive note, you have an increased ability to view things from a different perspective, leading to fresh ideas and discoveries.

The first New Moon of the year occurs on 12-13 of January at 23 degrees and 13 minutes of Capricorn, where stability, cautious planning and structure come into focus. A New Moon in Capricorn is a good time for committing to personal goals, setting realistic and practical intentions while focusing on developing self-discipline.

At the time of this lunation, Mars, the planet of action and drive is already in the stable sign Taurus, slowing the energy down. As a result of that, it might take a while until we decide to make a move, waiting for the right moment, but ones we do we will see it through the end.

This New Moon is conjunct (closely aligned) the transformational planet Pluto, making our feelings more obsessive and profound. Any events in our lives that occur around this time may allow us to learn more about our real feelings regarding another person or a situation. Also, relations with others could be unusually intense at this time, leading to profound emotional experiences.

The Moon sextile mystical planet Neptune makes us more sensitive towards other people’s moods. If you are a rather sensitive type, negative people could make you feel drained quickly. For that reason, it is a good time for being surrounded by individuals who make us feel good. A feeling of great compassion towards others is also possible, making it a good time for doing some volunteering or charity work.

Saturn, the Moon’s dispositor is in the sign of Aquarius, where the focus is on equality and fairness. With Mercury and Jupiter travelling through this humanitarian sign, there is a sense of heightened integrity in our choices and actions.

Whilst Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury square Mars and Uranus in Taurus, any plans or projects that we have, might get interrupted or challenged.

Fortunately, Venus trine Uranus alignment balances these energies, stimulating our affections and bringing some excitement into our love life, whilst allowing us to reduce the level of tension caused by the challenging aspects formed at this lunation.

On Thursday, Jan 14, Sun conjunct Pluto considerably increases our inner power and ability to influence our life outcomes. However, our increased intensity can lead to conflicts and having to deal with controlling and manipulative behaviour. This is a wonderful time to do profound research and self-examination or alternatively get to the root of any serious relationship struggles. Generally, this transit encourages transformation and soul growth. Initially, this will involve withdrawing from the outside world and taking a thorough look at the situation. The re-birthing process will take you to greater self-esteem. 

The week concludes with Jupiter square Uranus suggesting a sudden change in life direction, where significant opportunities could be at hand. Nevertheless, be mindful of a strong feeling of impatience that you could experience around this time as this could lead to unwanted disturbance and unforeseen events. The key with these energies is to move with caution, deciding carefully which opportunities to follow. 

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 22-28, 2021

This week begins with Mars trine Pluto transit (exact on February 24th), giving us a great boost of goal-oriented energy, which makes us more ambitious and determined. This is a wonderful time for directing this energy into achieving your greatest desires and aspirations.

Sun sextile Uranus transit on Thursday, February 25th, can bring surprises and unexpected events, stimulating us to try something new and exciting. It might take an extra effort to follow the mundane tasks as we are likely to be easily distracted during this time.  

Venus moves into the emotional sign Pisces on Thursday 25th, making us more dreamy and compassionate while helping us to connect with others on a much deeper level. When Venus was in Aquarius for the majority of February, our focus was turned onto other people, rather than romance, but now with Venus moving into Pisces, it is time for us to turn our attention onto our love life. Pisces is a mutable sign, the most empathetic, and compassionate zodiac sign. With Venus in this water sign, it’s all about connecting with others rather than, concentrating on the material world. With Venus in Pisces, we can fall in love with someone at first sight and any dates around this time are likely to be very magical.

The week concludes with a Full Moon, falling at 8 degrees and 57 minutes of earth sign Virgo, on February 27th. This Full Moon is quincunx to Saturn, creating an imbalance between our inner needs and desires and the needs and desires of others, making it harder to maintain harmony and balance in personal relationships due to the feeling of worry and concern. The best way to deal with this transit is to remain patient and loyal towards our loved ones. This Full Moon is also trine Uranus in Taurus, promoting freedom, open-mindedness and creativity. The energy of this alignment helps us to adapt to any changes that occur around this time with more ease and flexibility. 

Virgo is the sign that stands for health, making this an excellent time to let go of any unhealthy habits that negatively impact our wellbeing.

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 15-21, 2021

The week begins with the continuation of Mercury and Jupiter’s planetary alignment, bringing us more optimism and happy moments into our lives, making this a good time for brainstorming and studying as thanks to these energies, almost anything you put into your mind is likely to bring fruitful results.

On Wednesday 17th, Saturn square Uranus, the first of the three squares in 2021, that I briefly discussed last week, can stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences, or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, with an open-minded and flexible mindset; you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold, without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

On Thursday 18th, Sun enters Pisces, where it will remain for the next four weeks, making us more imaginative and compassionate. 

Venus square Mars transit on Friday 19th increases our sex drive, but at the same time, it can cause relationships dilemmas, especially if there have already been some ongoing tensions. This planetary alignment can also bring anger and impulsiveness and for that reason, compromise is essential throughout this transit, in order to avoid any unnecessary arguments. If you feel frustrated during this time, try to release the excess of energies through sport, dance, or something creative. 

The week concludes with Mercury going direct in Aquarius making us understand any issues that we experienced in February with much more clarity and accuracy. Communication and exchange of information with others should also become more straightforward.

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 25-31, 2021

The week begins with the Sun square Uranus transit, causing uneasiness and worry about approaching change. An increase of nervous tension can result in erratic behaviour, leading to quick shifts in direction and even accidents. Alternatively, you may be subject to a drastic change in your environment or sudden outbursts of anger from other people. The best way to handle these energies is to be proactive about positive change. Figure out why you are feeling agitated or what is causing the feeling of approaching tension and confusion.

On Thursday 28 we are likely to begin to feel the influence of Venus conjunct Pluto transit, which will intensify on Friday and Saturday. During this time, our desire for love and affection is likely to increase dramatically, making us yearn for more love and affection for at least a couple of days and wanting to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. This combination of energies increases our ability to attract friends and lovers, creating a magnetic and instant attractiveness.
Possessiveness and envy are also popular behaviours resulting from this type of conjunction. If you are in a healthy and strong relationship, this transit can result in intense sexual experiences. If on the other hand single, then instant attraction could lead to a deep and soulmate-like relationship.

On January 28 the first of the year Full Moon falls in the sign of theatrical Leo. The full moon square Mars and opposite Jupiter brings enthusiasm and courage. There is also the danger of impatience, impulsive reactions, lack of self-control and overconfidence. Our sexual urges may also be stronger than usual following the influence of Venus and Pluto conjunction. It is a particularly good moon phase for recognising obstacles in our lives and freeing ourselves of negative energies or behavioural patterns that no longer serve any purpose anymore. This full moon’s effects will last for two weeks until the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11.

Also, around the same time, the Sun conjunct Jupiter creates an overall feeling of comfort, happiness, and optimism, making this a fantastic opportunity for personal development.

The week concludes with Mercury going retrograde on January 30, for the first time this year, up until February 20. Each retrograde has a pre-and post-shadow phase that each last for about two weeks. The Pre-Shadow phase of this retrograde began on January 15, and this is when we started to feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius. While Mercury stays in the retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of our thoughts and actions. We may feel a bit confused and overwhelmed with ideas during this time, making this an excellent opportunity for practising yoga, meditation, reading, spending time in nature, and generally doing anything that helps to calm down the mind and express all our ideas and thoughts.

Since Mercury Retrograde can cause disruptions with technology, take special care with your digital data. Back up all your valuable data, files and photos. Mercury also rules documents, proposals, tests and contracts, so read everything carefully before signing anything important. It is not the best time for starting anything new. It is, however, a good time to continue a project that began before Mercury went retrograde.

For those who were born during Mercury retrograde, you may become more energetic, more alert or more productive during this time. However, you will still be affected by Mercury’s influence. Nevertheless, there could be some unexpected opportunities turning up for you, so stay alert and keep your eyes open!

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 01-07, 2021

This week begins with Mars moving into curious Gemini, where it will remain until April 23rd. While Mars travels through this mutable sign, all Geminis (Sun, Moon and Rising) will feel more energised, motivated and passionate. This is a wonderful time to act, as if you put in the work, you could turn your dreams into reality. 

Collectively, with Mars in Gemini, we need action and diversity. Staying focused on one thing for too long might be a challenge. We are likely to be more flexible when it comes to going after what we truly desire, and in case things don’t work out the first time around, we adapt and come up with another plan. Since there is a tendency to move from one thing to another under the influence, it might be challenging to see things through to the end. For this reason, it might take us an extra effort to complete whatever we begin. 

On Wednesday, March 3rd, Venus sextile Uranus makes us desire more freedom and space, especially in love relationships. There is also often a greater need for fun and excitement. Even though this is a short-lasting transit, it can bring some delightful surprises to some of us. It is also an excellent time to study astrology and/or anything metaphysical, or alternatively, some of us might feel stimulated to talk about rather unconventional and unique topics. Since Venus also rules beauty, some people might feel like experimenting with their look or wardrobe style. 

Mercury conjunct Jupiter on March 4th and the 5th can bring good news to some of us, but also enthusiasm and high mental energy, making this an excellent time for doing things that are mentally stimulating and resolving any issues or misunderstanding with others. This transit is also likely to make us more generous and understanding, and thanks to a broader perspective on life, we will be able to find solutions to any issues there might be. 

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Mercury retrograde

How September’s Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Mercury started its retrograde in Libra on September 9 until October 2. This Mercury retrograde will end in the sign of Virgo, and while Mercury stays in the retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of your thoughts and actions. During this time, you may feel confused and overwhelmed with ideas, making this an excellent opportunity for practising yoga, meditation, reading, spending time in nature and generally doing anything that helps you calm down your mind and express all your ideas and thoughts. 

Since Mercury Retrograde can cause disruptions with technology, take special care with your digital data. Back up all your valuable files and photos. Mercury also rules documents, proposals, tests and contracts, so read everything carefully before signing anything important. It is not the best time for starting anything new. It is, however, an excellent time to continue a project that began before Mercury turned retrograde. 

For those born during Mercury retrograde, you may become more vibrant and productive during this time. However, you will still be affected by Mercury’s influence. Nevertheless, there could be some unexpected opportunities turning up for you, so stay alert and keep your eyes open!

This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity for reviewing any contracts or agreements you may have. Alternatively, old issues that you thought were forgotten might come back, and you may find yourself having to deal with them. Mercury retrograde in the 7th house has also got its benefits, as it can bring you closer with your partner by allowing you to identify and clarify differences of opinion. By the time this retrograde is over, you may both feel like you understand each other a lot better.

This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity to review your dietary or health-related habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You may also find it useful to re-organise your diary as daily demands this month may require you to become more flexible and adaptable.This retrograde may create a atemporary creative blockage, resulting in a occassional loss of confidence in your creative abilities. Under the influence of this retrograde, there is also often a tendency to compare yourself to others. To move away from the negative and limiting thoughts, try to do things that inspire you and stimulate the creative side of your psyche. This retrograde may stimulate you to review your long-term decisions regarding your financial security and stability. While reassessing your present living conditions, you may ask yourself whether you should fix something in the current home or move to another? If your present home doesn’t meet your expectations, you may decide that something needs to change as soon as this retrograde is overThis retrograde may stimulate your thirst for knowledge. It could be a time of major realisations with memories from childhood coming back unexpectedly. Watch out as you might be misinformed or even lied to by someone in your community. The information you gather might not be correct or accurate at this time. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to use more than one source in order to confirm the information you require. This retrograde may stimulate you to retreat and withdraw from the outside world, as this is when your spiritual life is mainly emphasized. The need to reassess your life achievements and recharge your batteries is now stronger than usual. You may also feel like you can’t rely on anyone with specific issues in your present life situation. It could perhaps be because it is up to you to decide what decision to make next. 

This retrograde may stimulate you to reassess your needs, goals and desires. This is a good time to put into action what you already have and know. You may find yourself returing to old projects and ideas. Try to delay making any major changes especially the ones concerning your physical appearance and personal goals, as you might regret these decisions when Mercury stations direct on October 2nd. Take it easy and think things through in order to avoid dissappointment.

This retrograde may stimulate you to retreat and withdraw from the outside world, as this is when your spiritual life is mainly emphasized. The need to reassess your life achievements and recharge your batteries is now stronger than usual. You may also feel like you can’t rely on anyone with specific issues in your present life situation. It could perhaps be because it is up to you to decide what decision to make next. 

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Aries Zodiac Sign Traits

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for its bold, energetic, and pioneering nature. Represented by the Ram, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and drive. This fire sign is always ready to take charge and lead with enthusiasm. People born under Aries are characterized by their assertiveness, passion, and desire to be at the forefront of whatever they undertake.

As a cardinal sign, Aries initiates and thrives on new beginnings. They are the ones who jump into action without hesitation, driven by their innate courage and confidence. Aries individuals are natural-born leaders who enjoy challenges and have an unshakeable belief in their ability to overcome obstacles. Their competitive nature pushes them to strive for success in everything they do, and they often inspire others with their boundless energy.

One of the standout traits of Aries is their independence. They prefer to carve their own path and are not easily swayed by others’ opinions. Aries tends to be highly self-reliant, enjoying the freedom to make decisions and take risks on their own terms. This makes them strong, autonomous individuals who don’t shy away from responsibility.

Aries is known for being straightforward and honest. They don’t sugarcoat their opinions or feelings and are often seen as direct and to the point. While this can sometimes come across as blunt, their honesty is rooted in a desire for transparency and authenticity. Aries values truth and has little patience for pretense or deception.

Along with their many strengths, Aries can also have a few challenges. Their impulsiveness, while allowing them to act quickly, can sometimes lead them into trouble, as they may not always think things through. Patience is not their strong suit, and they can become easily frustrated when things don’t move at their preferred pace. Aries is prone to emotional outbursts when under stress, and they may need to work on tempering their fiery reactions.

Aries individuals are adventurous and love exploring new experiences. They are spontaneous, always seeking excitement and novelty. Whether it’s traveling to new places or trying new hobbies, Aries thrives in environments that offer constant stimulation. Their enthusiasm for life is contagious, often motivating others to step outside of their comfort zones.

In relationships, Aries is passionate, loyal, and protective of their loved ones. They can be quite romantic and love the thrill of pursuit, often enjoying the chase in love. However, they also value their independence, and it’s important for their partner to give them the space to be themselves. Aries is known for being generous and will go to great lengths to support the people they care about.

At their core, Aries individuals are driven by a desire to make an impact and to live life on their own terms. They are trailblazers, always looking ahead to the next challenge, with the confidence to take it on headfirst. Though they may face moments of impatience or impulsiveness, their determination, passion, and ability to inspire others are what make them truly remarkable.

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Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini Zodiac Sign Traits

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is known for its adaptability, curiosity, and intellectual energy. Represented by the Twins, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and thought. People born under this sign are social, quick-witted, and constantly seeking new experiences and knowledge. As an air sign, Gemini is deeply connected to ideas, learning, and communication.

At the heart of Gemini’s nature is their love of variety and change. They are natural-born communicators who enjoy engaging with different people and exploring a wide range of topics. Their curiosity leads them to constantly seek out new information, making them well-versed in a multitude of subjects. Gemini thrives on mental stimulation and is always looking for something fresh to keep their mind engaged. This sign is rarely satisfied with routine and prefers to keep life dynamic and interesting.

Gemini individuals are incredibly versatile. They have the ability to adapt to any situation and can easily switch between different tasks, conversations, or environments. This adaptability makes them quick thinkers and excellent problem solvers. Whether it’s a social gathering, a new project at work, or a learning opportunity, Gemini can pivot effortlessly and embrace the change. Their ability to see multiple sides of an issue often makes them great mediators in conflicts or discussions.

Social by nature, Geminis are known for their lively and engaging personalities. They love to meet new people, share ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations. Their natural charm and eloquence draw others to them, and they often become the center of attention in social settings. Geminis are known for their wit and humor, making them enjoyable company. They have an easy-going, light-hearted approach to life, often seeing the fun side of situations and bringing a playful energy to those around them.

One of Gemini’s most prominent traits is their intellectual curiosity. They love learning and exploring new concepts, which makes them lifelong students of the world. Whether it’s reading, engaging in debates, or trying new hobbies, Gemini is constantly absorbing information. Their mind moves quickly, and they are excellent at processing and communicating ideas. They are often drawn to careers or activities that allow them to use their communication skills, such as writing, teaching, journalism, or public speaking.

Despite their many strengths, Gemini can sometimes struggle with inconsistency. Their desire for change and variety can make it difficult for them to commit to one thing for long periods. They may become easily bored or lose interest once the initial excitement fades. This can manifest in relationships, hobbies, or projects where Gemini may start with enthusiasm but struggle to follow through. Additionally, because of their dual nature, Geminis can sometimes appear indecisive, switching between opinions or feelings depending on the situation.

In relationships, Gemini is lively, engaging, and communicative. They value intellectual connection and enjoy partners who can keep up with their fast-paced mind and love of conversation. However, Gemini’s need for freedom and variety means they require a partner who is flexible and understands their need for independence. They are affectionate and fun-loving in relationships but may struggle with routine or monotony. For a Gemini, mental stimulation is key to maintaining a strong bond with their partner.

Geminis are natural multitaskers. They can handle several projects or responsibilities at once, often juggling different aspects of their lives with ease. Their ability to quickly grasp new concepts makes them adaptable in the workplace, and they thrive in environments that offer variety and mental challenges. Geminis excel in roles that require creativity, communication, and quick thinking. However, they may need to be mindful of scattering their energy too thin, as their wide-ranging interests can sometimes lead to unfinished tasks.

At their core, Gemini individuals are driven by a desire to learn, communicate, and experience the world in all its diversity. Their quick mind and social nature make them dynamic and engaging individuals who bring a sense of curiosity and excitement wherever they go. Although they may face challenges in maintaining focus or consistency, their ability to adapt, entertain, and connect with others makes them one of the most versatile and lively signs in the zodiac.

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Taurus Zodiac Sign Traits

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is known for its stability, practicality, and love of comfort. Represented by the Bull, Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. People born under this sign are grounded, patient, and have a deep appreciation for life’s finer things. Taurus is an earth sign, embodying qualities of reliability, sensuality, and a strong connection to the material world.

Taurus individuals are incredibly dependable. They value consistency and routine, often taking a slow and steady approach to life. Once they set their mind on something, they are determined to see it through. This persistence makes them excellent at achieving long-term goals, as they don’t shy away from hard work or challenges. Taurus is not easily swayed by distractions; their focus and commitment are unwavering.

Security, both emotional and financial, is important to Taurus. They tend to be cautious with money, preferring to save and build a stable foundation for the future. This practical mindset extends to all areas of their life, as they make decisions based on logic and reason. Taurus seeks comfort and stability, which is why they often surround themselves with beautiful, luxurious items that create a serene environment. Their home is their sanctuary, and they take great pride in creating a space that feels safe and welcoming.

One of the most defining traits of Taurus is their strong connection to the physical senses. Ruled by Venus, they have a deep appreciation for beauty, art, good food, and all things that indulge the senses. Taurus enjoys life’s pleasures in a grounded, practical way, whether it’s savoring a gourmet meal or enjoying a walk in nature. They find joy in the simple, tangible things and are often drawn to aesthetics, music, and anything that pleases the senses.

Taurus is known for their loyalty and devotion in relationships. Once committed, they are steadfast and supportive partners who value long-term stability. They are protective of their loved ones and are willing to go to great lengths to ensure their happiness. In love, Taurus tends to be affectionate and nurturing, with a strong desire to build a life of comfort and security with their partner. They can be possessive at times, but this is often driven by their deep need for emotional security.

While Taurus has many strengths, they also face challenges, particularly when it comes to change. They can be resistant to new ideas or sudden shifts, as they prefer stability and predictability. This stubbornness, symbolized by the Bull, can sometimes prevent them from being open to new possibilities. Additionally, Taurus may have a tendency to overindulge in the pleasures they enjoy, whether it’s food, luxury, or leisure, which can sometimes lead to excess.

Taurus individuals are patient and grounded, which makes them excellent friends, coworkers, and partners. They are the people you can rely on when things get tough, as they are unwavering in their support. Taurus values loyalty and trust, and once a bond is formed, they remain committed for the long haul. Their calm and methodical nature often brings a sense of stability to those around them.

In career and work, Taurus is hardworking and focused on creating a secure and prosperous future. They excel in fields that allow them to work steadily toward a goal, whether it’s finance, real estate, art, or anything that requires patience and attention to detail. They are practical problem-solvers and prefer to work in environments where they can take their time to do things right.

At their core, Taurus individuals are driven by a desire for security, comfort, and beauty in all aspects of life. They take a slow, steady approach to building the life they want, and their persistence and loyalty make them one of the most reliable and steadfast signs of the zodiac. Although they may struggle with change, their grounded nature, strong work ethic, and appreciation for life’s pleasures make them deeply connected to the world around them.

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Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer Zodiac Sign Traits

Cancer is a sign known for its emotional depth, sensitivity, and nurturing nature. People born under this sign are highly intuitive and empathetic, which makes them excellent listeners and caregivers.

Cancers are deeply connected to their emotions, and they often wear their hearts on their sleeves. They value emotional security and stability, and they are fiercely protective of their loved ones.

While Cancers are known for their nurturing nature, they can also be moody and withdrawn at times. They have a tendency to retreat into their shell when they feel overwhelmed or vulnerable.

In relationships, Cancers are loyal and devoted partners who prioritize their loved ones above all else. They crave intimacy and emotional connection, and they are willing to go to great lengths to maintain harmony and balance in their relationships.

Overall, Cancers are deeply emotional and empathetic individuals who value emotional security and stability above all else. They are natural caregivers and nurturers, and they have a strong intuition that helps them connect with others on a deep and meaningful level.

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virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo Zodiac Sign Traits

Virgo is a sign known for its analytical mind, attention to detail, and practical nature. People born under this sign are diligent, hardworking, and methodical, which makes them excellent problem-solvers and organizers. Virgos are highly observant and have a keen eye for detail, which often makes them perfectionists. They strive for excellence in everything they do, whether it’s their work, hobbies, or relationships.

While Virgos may come across as reserved or even aloof at times, they are deeply caring and compassionate individuals who value loyalty and honesty. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are always willing to go the extra mile to help those in need.

In relationships, Virgos are thoughtful and considerate partners who prioritize the needs of their loved ones. They value communication and honesty above all else and are always willing to work through any issues that arise.

Overall, Virgos are practical, hardworking, and analytical individuals who have a deep sense of responsibility and a strong work ethic. They are caring and compassionate partners who value honesty and loyalty above all else.

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Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign Traits

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the Sun. People born under this sign are known for their outgoing and charismatic personality. They love attention and are often the life of the party. Leos are natural leaders and have a strong sense of self-confidence and self-worth.

Leos are creative and passionate individuals who thrive on drama and excitement. They have a flair for the dramatic and enjoy being in the spotlight. They are also fiercely loyal to their family and friends and will do whatever it takes to protect and defend them.

Leos are known for their generosity and love of luxury. They have a taste for the finer things in life and enjoy being pampered and indulged. They are also very generous with their time and resources, often going out of their way to help others.

However, Leos can also be arrogant and stubborn at times. They have a tendency to think they know best and can be resistant to change. They can also be very demanding of others and may require a lot of attention and validation.

Overall, Leos are confident, creative, and passionate individuals who love to be in the spotlight. They have a strong sense of self-worth and are fiercely loyal to their loved ones.

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Scorpio Zodiac Sign Traits

In astrology, Scorpio is a water sign ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto, and it represents intensity, transformation, and depth. Scorpio, often depicted as the scorpion, is known for its powerful presence and mysterious nature. Those born under this sign are intuitive, determined, and deeply passionate, navigating life with a strong sense of purpose and emotional depth. In this article, we will explore the core traits that define Scorpio, along with insights into their strengths, challenges, and ways they can embrace their transformative energy.

Scorpio’s energy is often compared to the force of a river: quiet on the surface but containing immense power underneath. Scorpios are highly perceptive and attuned to the emotions and motivations of others. This gives them a natural ability to understand people and situations deeply, often seeing through the facades that others present. Scorpios are not easily fooled, and their ability to observe and analyze allows them to navigate life with a level of insight that is unparalleled among the zodiac signs.

One of Scorpio’s most well-known traits is their passion. Whether in love, career, or personal goals, Scorpios dive in headfirst, giving their all to whatever they set their sights on. They are fiercely loyal and protective of those they care about, and they will go to great lengths to defend their loved ones. However, this intensity can also lead to challenges. Scorpios may struggle with trust and control issues, as their deep emotions can make them fearful of vulnerability or betrayal. Learning to let go and trust in the process is a significant lesson for Scorpio.

Scorpio is often associated with transformation and rebirth. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, Scorpios are constantly evolving, shedding old skin to make way for growth. This ability to embrace change, even when painful, is one of Scorpio’s greatest strengths. They are not afraid to confront the darker aspects of life and themselves, making them one of the most resilient signs in the zodiac. Scorpios understand that transformation often requires facing difficult truths, and they are willing to go through the fire to emerge stronger.

While Scorpios are known for their intensity, they are also deeply emotional and sensitive. Beneath their tough exterior lies a profound capacity for love and empathy. When Scorpios open up and allow themselves to be vulnerable, they form deep, meaningful connections with others. Their loyalty and dedication make them exceptional partners and friends, though they may take time to fully trust others. Once you earn a Scorpio’s trust, you have a loyal ally for life.

In terms of personal growth, Scorpios benefit from embracing practices that help them channel their intense energy in constructive ways. Meditation, journaling, and mindfulness practices can help Scorpios balance their emotions and avoid becoming overwhelmed by their own intensity. Scorpios also thrive in environments where they can pursue their passions, whether through creative outlets, leadership roles, or personal projects.

To fully use their Scorpio energy, individuals of this sign should focus on balancing their need for control with the ability to trust others. Scorpios’ desire for power and influence can sometimes lead to struggles in relationships, especially if they become too controlling or suspicious. By learning to let go of the need for absolute control and trusting in the natural flow of life, Scorpios can find more peace and harmony in their interactions with others.

Overall, Scorpios are powerful, passionate, and deeply transformative individuals. Their ability to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and determination sets them apart as one of the most intense and mysterious signs of the zodiac. By embracing their emotional depth and learning to trust in both themselves and others, Scorpios can harness their energy for profound personal and spiritual growth. Whether in love, career, or personal endeavors, Scorpio’s intensity and dedication make them a force to be reckoned with.

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libra weekly horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign Traits

Libras are the seventh sign of the zodiac and are represented by the scales. These individuals embody balance, harmony, and beauty in all aspects of their lives. They are diplomatic and skilled at finding common ground even in the most challenging situations. Their natural charm and charisma make them highly desirable companions, friends, and partners.

Libras are known for their strong sense of justice and fairness, and they are always striving for equality. They are team players who work well with others to achieve common goals. Their cooperative nature makes them valuable members of any group or organization.

In addition to their diplomatic prowess, Libras are also highly artistic. They have a great appreciation for beauty and are often drawn to the arts. Music, painting, and literature are just a few examples of the creative outlets that Libras enjoy. Libras are also known for being hopeless romantics. They love being in love, and they are always searching for that perfect partner. They are thoughtful and considerate partners who value open and honest communication.

However, Libras can struggle with decision-making, as they often see both sides of an issue. They can also be people-pleasers, sometimes sacrificing their own needs to make others happy. Despite their flaws, Libras strive for balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives. They value fairness, equality, and justice, and they work hard to maintain these ideals. If you’re looking for a charming and diplomatic individual with a strong sense of justice and a love of the arts, then a Libra might just be the perfect match for you.

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Capricorn Zodiac Sign Traits

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is known for its ambition, discipline, and practicality. Born between December 22 and January 19, Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure, responsibility, and hard work. As an earth sign, they are grounded, reliable, and focused on achieving tangible results. While they may sometimes be seen as serious or reserved, Capricorns possess a deep inner strength and determination that drives them to succeed, often against all odds.

One of the most defining traits of Capricorn is their unwavering ambition. Capricorns are known for setting high standards for themselves and working diligently to achieve their goals. They are natural planners who thrive on long-term projects and success that comes from hard work and perseverance. Whether it’s in their career, personal life, or any other pursuit, Capricorns are motivated by the desire to build something meaningful and lasting. They are often drawn to positions of leadership and responsibility, as they enjoy the challenge of climbing the metaphorical mountain toward success.

Capricorns are among the most disciplined and hardworking signs of the zodiac. They understand that success doesn’t come overnight and are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to achieve their dreams. Their strong work ethic sets them apart from others, and they are often the ones who are still working long after everyone else has given up. Capricorns take their responsibilities seriously and are often seen as reliable, trustworthy individuals who can be counted on to get the job done. This dedication to their work often leads to great success in their careers and personal lives.

Capricorn’s earth element gives them a practical and realistic outlook on life. They are not dreamers but doers, preferring to focus on what can be accomplished through hard work and careful planning. Capricorns approach problems with a calm, methodical mindset, always looking for practical solutions rather than getting caught up in emotions or wishful thinking. They value stability and security, which drives their desire to build a solid foundation in life. Whether it’s managing finances, making career decisions, or organizing daily routines, Capricorns excel at creating structure and order in their lives.

Capricorns are often seen as wise beyond their years. Even from a young age, they tend to take on a sense of responsibility and maturity that sets them apart from others. They are practical decision-makers who understand the importance of accountability, and they rarely shy away from obligations or commitments. This mature approach to life makes Capricorns excellent leaders, mentors, and role models. Others often look to them for guidance because of their ability to remain level-headed and composed in challenging situations.

One of Capricorn’s greatest strengths is their patience and persistence. They understand that great things take time, and they are willing to wait for the rewards of their hard work. Capricorns are not easily discouraged, and they will continue to push forward even when faced with setbacks or obstacles. Their determination to succeed allows them to overcome challenges that might stop others in their tracks. This persistence is key to their success, as they know that the path to achieving their goals is often a marathon, not a sprint.

In relationships, Capricorns are known for their loyalty and dependability. They take their commitments seriously, whether in friendships, family, or romantic partnerships. Capricorns may not be the most outwardly affectionate sign, but they show their love through actions rather than words. They are always there when needed, providing practical support and advice to their loved ones. Their steady presence makes them reliable partners and friends, and they value long-lasting relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

Capricorns tend to be cautious and reserved in their approach to life. They are not impulsive or reckless, preferring to carefully weigh their options before making decisions. This cautious nature can make them seem reserved or even distant at times, as they take their time before opening up to others. Capricorns are selective about who they allow into their inner circle, but once trust is established, they are deeply loyal and committed. Their cautious nature helps them avoid unnecessary risks and ensures that they make decisions that are well thought out and aligned with their long-term goals.

Capricorns bring the same sense of ambition and dedication to their relationships as they do to their careers. They are serious about love and tend to take a long-term approach to romance. Capricorns are not interested in fleeting flings or superficial connections; they seek stability and commitment in their partnerships. They may not be overly romantic or expressive, but their love runs deep, and they show their affection through practical gestures, support, and loyalty. Capricorns want a partner they can build a life with, and they are willing to work hard to maintain a strong and enduring relationship.

While Capricorns possess many strengths, they also face certain challenges. Their ambitious nature can sometimes lead to workaholism or an overemphasis on career success at the expense of personal relationships or self-care. Capricorns may struggle with balancing their professional ambitions with their emotional needs, leading to stress or burnout. Additionally, their cautious and reserved nature can make it difficult for them to open up emotionally, which may create distance in personal relationships. Capricorns may need to work on letting go of control and allowing themselves to be vulnerable in order to foster deeper connections.

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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Traits

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. People born under this sign are known for their adventurous and free-spirited nature. They have a strong desire to explore the world around them and to experience new things.

Sagittarians are optimistic and enthusiastic individuals who have a love of life and a contagious energy. They are natural explorers and are always seeking new knowledge and experiences. They have a strong sense of intuition and are often guided by their instincts. Sagittarians are also known for their honesty and straightforwardness. They are not afraid to speak their minds and can be very blunt at times. They value truth and authenticity and have little patience for those who are dishonest or insincere.

However, Sagittarians can also be impulsive and reckless at times. They can be overly optimistic and may take risks without fully considering the consequences. They also have a tendency to be restless and may struggle with commitment in their personal relationships.

Overall, Sagittarians are adventurous, optimistic, and honest individuals who love to explore and experience life to the fullest. They have a strong sense of intuition and are guided by their instincts. They value truth and authenticity and have little patience for those who are insincere.

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Pisces Zodiac Sign Traits

Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac, is often described as one of the most complex and mysterious signs. Born between February 19 and March 20, those with Pisces in their charts are deeply sensitive, intuitive, and imaginative. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality, Pisces possesses a unique blend of empathy and creativity that sets them apart from other signs. One of the standout traits of Pisces is their deep emotional nature. They are highly attuned to the feelings of those around them, often absorbing the emotions of others like a sponge. This makes them incredibly compassionate and empathetic.

Pisces tend to be the friends who listen without judgment and provide a comforting shoulder to lean on. Their ability to tune into the emotional undercurrents of a situation often gives them a natural healing presence. However, this heightened sensitivity can also be a double-edged sword, making them prone to emotional overwhelm or taking on others’ problems as their own.

Imagination is another hallmark of the Pisces personality. Dreamers at heart, they have a rich inner world where creativity flows freely. Whether they express themselves through art, music, writing, or another form of creative expression, Pisces often uses their imagination to escape the harsher realities of life. This sign sees the world through a lens of possibilities and inspiration, often finding beauty in places others overlook. Their creative talents are often driven by their emotional depth, making their work resonate on a soulful level.

Pisces is also known for their intuitive abilities. They have an uncanny knack for sensing things that go beyond logic or reason. Pisces often follow their gut feelings, trusting their instincts in situations where others might rely on facts. Their connection to the unseen realms of life, like spirituality or the mystical, is strong, and many Pisces are drawn to practices that tap into these areas, such as meditation, astrology, or tarot. This spiritual connection gives them a deep sense of empathy and compassion for all living beings.

In relationships, Pisces are known for their selfless and loving nature. They often put the needs of others before their own, which can make them incredibly supportive partners. However, this tendency can sometimes lead to challenges, as Pisces may struggle with boundaries and can easily fall into the role of the martyr. It’s important for them to balance their compassionate, giving side with self-care and personal boundaries, ensuring they don’t lose themselves in the process of caring for others.

One of the challenges Pisces face is their difficulty with practical matters. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusions, they can sometimes struggle to stay grounded in the reality of day-to-day life. Pisces often prefer to float in the realms of dreams and imagination, which can make it hard for them to deal with mundane tasks or confront difficult realities. Their escapist tendencies can sometimes manifest as procrastination or avoidance, and they may need to work on staying focused and practical when it comes to achieving their goals.

At their best, Pisces are compassionate, artistic, intuitive, and deeply spiritual. Their ability to connect with others on an emotional and empathetic level makes them beloved friends, partners, and healers. However, their sensitive and dreamy nature can also make them prone to escapism, emotional overwhelm, and boundary issues. By learning to balance their emotional depth with practical considerations, Pisces can channel their creativity and compassion into making a positive impact in the world while protecting their own well-being.

Ready to deepen your understanding of astrology? Join my comprehensive astrology course! Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this course covers everything from reading natal charts to mastering planetary transits. Plus, as a bonus, after successfully completing the online material, you’ll have the opportunity to book a 90-minute practice session with me! Sign up now and start your transformative astrological journey today!

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Aquarius Zodiac Sign Traits

Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, is known for its innovative, forward-thinking, and often eccentric personality traits. Born between January 20 and February 18, Aquarians are ruled by Uranus, the planet of revolution, change, and originality. This planetary influence makes them unique individuals, often driven by a desire to improve the world around them. As an air sign, Aquarius is intellectual, curious, and focused on ideas, but their approach to life is distinctly unconventional. Let’s explore the traits and characteristics that make Aquarius stand out.

One of the most defining traits of Aquarius is their fierce independence. Aquarians value their freedom above all else and are known for marching to the beat of their own drum. They dislike being told what to do or being boxed into traditional roles. This desire for autonomy fuels their creativity and allows them to think outside the box, coming up with innovative ideas that others may not consider. They are self-reliant and often prefer working on their own rather than in structured environments that feel restrictive.

Aquarius is often seen as the visionary of the zodiac. Ruled by Uranus, they are naturally drawn to progress, change, and anything that challenges the status quo. Aquarians are the inventors, the thinkers, and the futurists who are always ahead of their time. They love to explore new concepts and can often be found at the forefront of social, scientific, or technological revolutions. This forward-thinking nature makes them excellent problem solvers who are always looking for ways to make the world a better place. Their ideas are often unconventional, and they’re not afraid to break away from tradition if it means progress.

Aquarius is known for their strong sense of humanitarianism. They care deeply about social issues and often feel a strong desire to help others, especially on a broader, collective scale. While they may not always express emotions in a warm, personal way, their concern for humanity as a whole is evident. Aquarians are often drawn to causes related to equality, justice, and fairness, and they are natural advocates for change. They seek to create a better future for everyone, and this altruistic drive motivates much of their decision-making. They’re the ones fighting for the underdog, standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.

As an air sign, Aquarius is deeply intellectual and values knowledge and information. They are curious by nature and love to engage in stimulating conversations about ideas, theories, and abstract concepts. Aquarians are often analytical and objective, approaching problems with a logical mindset rather than an emotional one. This ability to detach emotionally allows them to see the bigger picture and find innovative solutions to challenges. They enjoy mental challenges and are always eager to learn something new, often immersing themselves in a wide range of subjects.

Aquarius is perhaps best known for their quirky, eccentric personality. They are true individuals who don’t conform to societal expectations. In fact, they take pride in their uniqueness and often go out of their way to avoid following the crowd. Aquarians are comfortable standing out and may have unusual tastes in fashion, art, or lifestyle choices. Their eccentricity is not just for show—it’s a genuine expression of their desire to live authentically. They’re unafraid to be different and often inspire others to embrace their own uniqueness.

Aquarians are often described as friendly but detached. They are social beings who love engaging with people, especially in group settings, but they tend to keep an emotional distance. While they care deeply about humanity as a whole, they may struggle with one-on-one emotional intimacy. It’s not that they don’t care—they simply prefer to approach relationships from an intellectual or ideological perspective rather than an emotional one. Aquarians value their space and independence, so they may pull back if they feel a relationship is becoming too confining or emotionally demanding.

Aquarius is an idealist who dreams of a better world. They have a strong sense of what they believe is right and wrong, and they are not afraid to challenge authority or push back against outdated norms. Aquarians are the rebels of the zodiac, unafraid to question the rules and challenge societal structures that they believe are unjust. Their idealism drives them to envision new ways of living and being, and they’re often drawn to revolutionary ideas and movements. While this rebellious streak can sometimes make them seem contrarian, it’s driven by a genuine desire to create positive change.

When an Aquarius sets their mind on something, they are incredibly determined. They have a strong sense of conviction and will pursue their goals with relentless focus, even if it means going against the grain. Once they believe in a cause or an idea, it’s hard to sway them. This stubbornness can sometimes come across as inflexible, but it also gives them the strength to push through challenges and achieve their objectives. Aquarians are persistent, and their determination is often fueled by their passion for innovation and progress.

While Aquarius has many strengths, they also have some challenges to navigate. Their independence and detachment can sometimes make it difficult for them to form deep emotional connections. They may struggle with vulnerability and find it hard to express their feelings openly, which can create distance in personal relationships. Their rebellious nature, while often a force for good, can sometimes manifest as contrariness or a tendency to reject authority for its own sake. Aquarians may need to work on balancing their idealism with practicality and learning when to compromise in their quest for progress.

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Venus Star Point

Venus Star into Libra – What to Expect I October 22nd, 2022

Every time Venus aligns with the Sun, it transforms from a morning to an evening star and at the same time it creates a petal known as the Venus Star Point. It takes eight years for the whole star to be created.

The current Rose of Venus cycle began in June 2020 (Venus rx) and it will end on June 2028- Venus Star Point direct.

Since January 2022, Venus has been travelling as a morning star. However when Venus aligns with the Sun on October 22, 2022, she will gradually transform into an evening star. This transformation won’t happen immediately, and it can take up to 2,5 months. While Venus transitions into becoming an evening star it will help us to activate feelings of self-love and self-care.

It is the first time that the star pattern will occur in the sign of Libra since the eighteen-hundreds. The 29th degree of the zodiac is so called a karmic degree. It is considered to be a remarkably significant degree that can especially enrich and improve the planetary energies. 

During the last passage through Libra that occurred from 1771 to 1880 the American and French Revolution took place, this is also when a wonderful music was created by a Polish composer Chopin, a German composer Beethoven, the spread of Romanticism throughout Europe and even the United States was rapid towards the late 18th century too. 

Significant worldly events happen when the Venus Star Point leaves a sign and enters a new one.  We are moving away from a Mars dominated culture to a Venus dominated culture. We can expect a massive shift in masculine/feminine energy moving forward in the next 100 years. Male and female roles will most certainly be transformed, similar to what we have experienced or witnessed during the significant gender restructuring that has occurred during these last 100 years. 

Want to learn more about how the Venus Star into Libra event will influence your Zodiac Sign? Join me on my Youtube Channel on October 20th, 2022 at 5pm Uk time and 9am Pacific time. Click here to visit my Youtube Channel.

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full moon in aries

Full Moon in Aries 9° October 2022: Everything You Need to Know

The Full Moon in Aries 9° on October 09th, can make you quite impatient with getting what you truly desire. There is no time to waste when the Moon travels through this cardinal sign. As a result, waiting for things to happen might be more challenging than usual. Emotional issues are likely to take priority. Under the influence of this lunar phase, you might take things personally. However, this is an excellent time for dealing with problems by facing them immediately in order to get on with other things. 

In the days leading to the Full Moon of October 09th, uncomfortable moments could arise. This Full Moon brings with it a heavy dose of restlessness and impatience. Take time for yourself during these days and try to keep stress levels under control while remembering to find time for relaxation or time-out. 

Mars is currently in the versatile, talkative sign Gemini. When Mars in Gemini squares Neptune on October 12th, you may feel tired and hopeless. Still, try to stay focused and beware of self-pity because it’s not all over yet. The issues that arise now, until October 30th, may return during the Mars retrograde period between the end of October and the beginning of January 2023. Mars in Gemini can be easily distracted and may encourage endless conversations about everything and anything. Plan carefully and be realistic about how much you can accomplish in these final months of 2022. 

Mars, the ruler of this full moon represents masculine energy and rules war and the armed forces. It represents masculine energy. When Mars is in favorable aspect to the Sun (which in this case scenario it is, as it connects to the Sun by trine) it shows a solid, but steady use of power. Saturn on the other hand, governs justice, order, laws and regulations. During this full moon, Saturn is in favorable aspect to Mars, Venus and the Sun stabilizing, strengthing, promoting safety and suggesting responsible attitudes.

Pluto goes direct in Capricorn on October 08th, the day before the Aries Full Moon. Pluto has been in the retrograde phase for almost five months since the end of April. During this time, you may have faced different challenges concerning power and control issues in your life. Now when Pluto turns direct, you might begin to feel more empowered, particularly in the area of life where you think you had the least control. 

This full moon is one of the most significant for you this year as it is happening in your sign. It may, without a doubt, bring an important matter to either fruition or completion. Whatever seeds that you planet around April 1st, could come to fruition within five days of October 8-9. These may prove to be very beneficial move for you. Your relationship is also likely to be on your mind with both Venus and the Sun travelling through your 7th house of love and partnerships. Your ruler Mars as well as the ruler of this Full Moon will be in a sign that harmoniously connects with your star sign Aries. With Mars in your third house of short distance travel, this full moon may stimulate a desire for a weekend away that you will likely find pretty liberating. On a different level you could be working on some written assignments, marketing or advertising campaigns at this time too. Possible opportunities connected to friends, travel, home and children, or love may arrive since the Sun, Mars and Saturn will connect in a grand air trine.

This month’s full moon falls in your area of hidden matters. Whenever there is a full moon in the twelfth house, there is often some sort of ending to the life chapter or a story in one’s life. It might be the case for you too, while on the other hand, during this time, you may need more than usual to relax and reflect upon your past. You may also have a stronger need for privacy, preferring to be alone rather than socialise. In addition, this might be an especially creative time, so take advantage of these artistic energies. This full might be a great time for taking some time off to recharge your energies, as you may feel tired since the Sun in your sixth house throughout Libra season may bring increased responsibilities in your daily life and at work. Also, during this full moon the Sun (along with Venus), Mars and Saturn will align harmoniously in a beautiful grand trine. With Venus being involved in, this directly benefits you on a deeper level. Saturn is in your 10th house of career, and with Mars’ motivational energies, this could be that you will experience some positive moments in your professional life, related to recognition, appreciation or an interesting opportunity.

This month’s full moon highlights your social life and group activities. You may attend a business networking event, a wedding reception or a concert. With the Full Moon tighly aligned with the wounded healer asteroid Chiron in Aries, it might that a someone like an old friend will reach out to you and ask for forgiveness Since the eleventh house governs not only companionship but is also the area of the chart responsible for your most profound hopes and wishes, some of your deepest desires and goals may come to fruition around this time.

This full moon falls in your career sphere, bringing a possible culmination to a career-related situation. This full moon without a doubt puts a spotlight on your work, reputation and public life. A work-related situation may come to a conclusion, or alternatively, a promotion or recognition for your achievements may come your way. If you have been actively looking for a new job, you may get an exciting job offer or complete a significant project that brings a positive outcome. Suppose you are self-employed and working in the creative industry. In that case, you may gain an exciting new client with a significant project for you that could be related to the entertainment endeavour. 

This full moon influences your desire for freedom, adventure and long-distance travel. You might be up for a spontaneous trip to see your friends or family who lives in a foreign country. Mars the ruler of this Full Moon will send positive and motivating energies, giving you courage and drive to get on with any projects that would allow you to broaden your horisons and wisdom. Full Moons are about culminations, and with this in mind, this might also be a time when you finally get to complete your research on a thesis or other important assignment.

This month’s full moon lands in your eight house of financial matters and transformation. As with every full moon, this is a process of purification, and with the 8th house activation, you may suddenly have an inner desire to bring more life and spark into the area of life that lost its purpose. At the same time, this is a fantastic full moon for going on a detox, for healing and moving away from any disturbing memories or negative habbits, that stand in the way towards personal growth and fulfilment. On a different level, you might be dealing with anything related to investments, mortgage, taxes and insurance and concluding talks of a financial matter concerning these kinds of funds.

This full moon turns your attention onto your significant other, a best friend or a business partner depending on your circumstances. With the full illumination on your relationship sphere, everything connected to your relationship and love life becomes clearer. One-to-one connections take centre stage and with the Full Moon and Chiron conjunction, you might be ready to heal some disturbing wounds that block your personal relationship. Furhtermore, this full moon may also create a very strong desire to spend quality time with your significant other. You may receive unexpected news from your partner or someone close to your heart.

This full moon may bring a vital work project to a conclusion. Those currently unemployed and seeking employment, might get a job offer, however extra effort will be required with so much heaviness in the air. If you are a freelancer or self-employed, on the other hand, this full moon might make you more cautios and serious about the next project you take on board. Some of your attention may also turn onto your health, diet and wellbeing. It is likely that the Libra season may urged you to work from behind the scenes and contemplate about your life and life achievements. By the time this full moon arrives you might be ready to take a better care of yourself and your diet. You may find that a bit of exercise may result in a better life satisfaction.

This month’s full moon falls in your romantic sector. The outcomes of this action oriented full moon will be fast moving and maybe even surprising. Remain flexible for this reason. If you are single, you may go on a blind date, arranged by a close friend or alternatively you may meet someone at a social event. Whatever the scenario the tone of this full moon is also filled with plenty of healing vibes. An opportunity may arise for a soothing and relaxing outing with a romantic parter, your friend or your child. You are likely to enjoy the energies of this full moon as Aries, cooperates harmonously with your Sagittarius zodiac sign.

During this full moon your domestic life situation is likely to be on your mind. This is the best full moon of this year for dealing with home and family-related matters. Things could suddenly change unexpectedly if you have been actively looking for a new place to live, especially if you continue to review your options. Renovations, may albo be on your mind or alternatively you may finally receive the furniture delivery that you have been expecting for quite a while. If you have been activaly looking for a specialist that could help you with kitchen or bathroom instalation, then you may finally find the right person to help you with your home project.

This full moon may produce an inner desire to plan a short trip outside town or to visit your relatives or friends. Learning, studying and working with your hands is also emphasised during this time. If you have been working on building a website for your business, you may finally be ready to launch it during this full moon. Try to avoid the 8th of September, as this is when the Moon is Void and whatever you begin at this time it is unlikely to bring fruitful results. This full moon is happening on a weekend, so you might be in a mood for a taking a short trip, especially since, Mars, the planet of action and motivation will send stimulating vibes to increase your stamina and self-esteem.

This full moon will fully illuminate your financial sphere of earned income and material wealth. For some, this might be when you finally hear from your superior about a potential opportunity, increase in salary or a new idea. Watch out for any obsessive or impulsive behavioural patterns, when it comes to your money spending as these may lead to you spending more than you can or should. If you have been saving up for an important object of your desure, then you may finally be able to buy it during the days surrounding this full moon. If on the other hand you have been awaiting a financial refund, then you may also receive during this time.

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Mars retrograde 2022

Mars retrograde 2022: What to Expect

Mars retrograde is undoubtedly one of our major and most transits of the end of 2022. 

Mars moved into the versatile air sign Gemini on August 20, 2022, and it will remain in this sign until March 26, 2023. At that point, Mars will have spent more than seven months there. This unusually long stay is, of course, due to the retrograde period of this transit. Mars will station retrograde at 25° Gemini on October 30, and this retrograde will end at 8°08′ Gemini on January 12.

Mars retrograde occurs roughly every two years, so unlike the planets orbiting further from the Sun — which spend several months every year retrograde — Mars retrogrades are always pretty memorable. 

The last time Mars retrograde occurred in Gemini was around 15 years ago. It wasn’t all the way in Gemini, it started in Cancer, and then Mars moved into Gemini, so part of that was in Gemini. That was from late 2007 until early 2008. As an interesting fact, the Messenger spacecraft made its very first flyby of the planet Mercury on January 14 at 2:04 EST.

When planets retrograde, they are also closer to the earth, so their symbolism and what they represent and stand for is felt more strongly at these times. 

With Mars retrograde in Gemini, projects will take longer to take off. This is because Mars rules our drive and high energy, and with Mars retrograde, this will be a time to make minor adjustments to projects and to aim to get the details right. If you find you have to redo something because things aren’t working out, remember that you are not the only one going through this retrograde. It will affect all of us. Everyone will be in the same boat. 

If you have any natal placements around 25 and around 8 degrees of Gemini, you can expect to see developments of a Mars-like nature at these crucial moments. If you have yet to plan carefully, you may realise that you have set yourself up for frustration by overloading your schedule.

Being pulled in too many directions may also be a common theme with this transit.

Since Mercury rules Gemini during Mars retrograde period, many mercurial incidents might occur. Some of them may include significant traffic accidents, problems with roadway projects, and plane crashes.

Mars retrograde would not be the best time to start a business or a new love relationship. Mars rules the army, military and athletic competitions. These types of competitive situations also would produce better results after January 12, when Mars is moving direct. 

Since Mars also rules passion, affection and chemistry, the chemistry might be off temporarily. It would be an excellent time to reassess strategy in both career (or business) and love. Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars. These signs will especially feel delays. 

Even though Mars will be retrograde over 2,5 months, it will still form prosperous aspects with other planets (Mars trine Saturn on November 28), so it won’t be just doom and gloom. The only thing to watch out for is to be more cautious before entering into final agreements. Life goes on, and we can’t stop leaving because a planet is retrograde; however, we can be more cautious knowing what’s going on in the sky.

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Cancer Horoscope For November 2022


The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. Your sphere of friendships is highlighted at this time. Your friendships with another person might be tested, or your relationships with groups you belong to. You might have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group activities. With the solar point activated in your 5th house of creativity, children and romance, a significant event can be related to your child, the romantic partner in your life. Alternatively, you might be completing a project or starting a new business.

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd turns your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more practical approach when getting any project or idea off the ground. A tip for this New Moon for you is to be realistic about your expectations. This New Moon favours careers in beauty, art, film, and creativity.

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

solar eclipse

Scorpio Solar Eclipse October 2022 – What to Expect

This month’s Solar Eclipse in the water sign Scorpio 2° will intensify our lives on October 25th, 2022. This is a partial eclipse, meaning that partial changes may occur rather than big changes.

While lunar eclipses are more emotional and internal, connected to events produced by our own thoughts or feelings, solar Eclipses are more external, dealing with events that we have not consciously triggered.

A solar eclipse indicates a new beginning. Its energy can be felt a month before or six months after the event. However, its effects can be felt up to a year after. It is a time of new sensations, new opportunities in love friendships or the work department. Take advantage of these new possibilities that arise because they might not last long, and if you do not use them wisely, they will disappear.

It is a South Node solar eclipse meaning that this is a clearing-away time or a phase when we may have to move away from a situation or relationship that is no longer working in our lives to make space for more positive events to come to us.

A South Node Solar Eclipse can generally seem more negative in effect, depending on the perspective and the circumstances, forcing us to let go of something first and detox (which can be positive in the end).

Scorpio is a fixed sign, and an Eclipse in a fixed sign suggests long-term, enduring or finalising results. Also, Partial eclipses are not as powerful as annual or total eclipses. Water eclipses influence water, seas and rivers, but they are also related to women, children, emotions, psychological and spiritual matters, oil, chemistry, sewage, recycling, hospitals, loans, and sea life. There might be financial and economic changes of significant proportion and long-lasting effects with the Scorpio and Taurus axis activation.

During the eclipses season, we get to deal with or face the issues in our life that are holding us back or preventing fulfilling our goals and dreams. Our decisions about how we deal with those issues will have significant importance because depending on how we respond to the events that unfold around the eclipse, the eclipse’s effect could be life-changing.  

This solar eclipse is exactly conjunct Venus at 2° Scorpio. Since Venus governs financial and love interests, those with natal or progressed planets at around 0°–5° in the Taurus–Scorpio polarity are especially subject to dramatic changes in these areas, now and over the next several months. This may manifest as a sharp change in the financial or partnership sphere. 

Saturn turns direct on the 23rd at 18° Aquarius and begins to separate from its long-term square to Uranus in Taurus. These two planets have been squaring each other since 2021, bringing all sorts of divisive factions, health issues, and social anxiety. Between now and March 2023 (when Saturn enters Pisces), we have the opportunity to find our favourite social circle, our unique network where we can fully express ourselves without fear of reprisal or enemy action. Juno also turns direct on the 23rd, making the rest of October a good time for you and your significant other to participate in group activities. Or, you may find a good partner within your network.

Want to learn more about how the Scorpio Solar Eclipse will influence your Zodiac Sign? Click here to visit my Youtube Channel.

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Virgo Horoscope For November 2022 


Jupiter moves back into your relationship sphere last month. This means that for the next seven weeks your relationships with others will likely improve, and difficult problems will be resolved with more ease. Opportunities will come through cooperation with others; Partnerships may bring positive and supporting energy. You may attract strong and competent partners; however, pay attention because you may also attract companions who want to dominate you.

Mars is now retrograde bringing delays and a possible confusion in your career sphere and public life. Pay close attention to how you project yourself in your outer world, your career, and how others react and respond to you. You may also experience career blockages; however, don’t let these energies stop you from making progress in your career. 

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. The 3rd house matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in the 3rd. The Sun may help you to sharpen your networking skills. You may travel with siblings, and foreign language studies are highlighted with these eclipses, writing and public speaking. Changes to your neighbourhood are possible at this time. This lunar eclipse offers you a new perspective or a broader vision of your life. Alternatively, your sibling might get married or have a child.  

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd acts as an opportunity to improve your home sphere positively. You might feel like hosting an event at home for your family members or friends. This New Moon may initiate a series of social events that will follow in the four weeks after this New Moon. Alternatively, if this isn’t related to you having people around at your house, it might be that your parents will be prominent in your life. They may visit you, or you may travel together to a unique location. Plan well and check the roads for road work and other travel-related disruptions.

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Leo Horoscope For November 2022


Mars turns retrograde in Gemini last month where it will remain in this motion until January 12th. During this time, there will likely be an increased activity in your social life, prompting you to reassess your social connections and, most importantly, who you want to spend your time with. You may find yourself in situations when your ability to assert yourself in group situations is tested. This retrograde also makes you realistic about your long-term plans and goals. 

This Lunar Eclipse could bring or initiate significant life changes, especially if close to the MC. This indicates a possible change in career direction. You may want to leave home and start a more independent life to establish your own identity. You might begin a new career. You may need to get an education to qualify for the growth you seek in your career. The domestic sphere matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in this most personal area of your chart. Major conclusions to issues concerning the home and housing, parents and family structures brought into the open area of public view (10th house).

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd brings an opportunity for you to find a new romantic relationship. If you are already committed, you will have more quality, fun time to spend together. Matters related to children and conception will also glow. If you were trying to get pregnant, you might get some good news now. If you have children, thanks to this new moon, you will especially enjoy spending time with them, so plan a day out to make the most of these energies. This New Moon will connect with abundant and expansive Jupiter in your friendship sector, so friends will also play a part during this time. 

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Taurus Horoscope For November 2022


Jupiter has been in your friendship zone since the end of October. While Jupiter stays in Pisces until December 20th, you will think of the big picture, have great ideas and have more clarity about your goals for the following year. Settling old and unresolved issues in your social life may become a part of how you move along in the next couple of months. Long-lasting friendships or moving to a position of responsibility and power, through groups you belong to or in your career is also possible. 

With Mars now retrograde financial matters will play an especially important role in your life in the next couple of months. Plans that you initiated and ideas that you started to develop from the moment Mars went into Gemini will continue to grow as you go along.

The lunar eclipse on November 8th exposes the personal issues of your partner or some external social affairs that could impact you personally and draw you into the drama. This lunar eclipse could also bring an engagement, the beginning of a business partnership or marriage planning. Furthermore, often legal matters start or end with a lunar eclipse in the 1st house. The Sun in the 7th may signify assistance to the significant other (check if your natal Mars & Pluto condition at the time of this lunar eclipse for more guidance).

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd will shine its light in your sphere of other people’s money, transformation and intimate matters. In the four weeks following this New Moon, you can earn a commission from a sale, investments or through affiliate marketing links if you are a blogger. With the end of the year approaching, you may also be doing tax planning and estimating how much you will have to pay. These next four weeks would be an excellent time to meet with your accountant. If you recently received an inheritance, you could now begin researching how and where to invest it.

For more astrological guidance, watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Aries Horoscope For November 2022


October ended with Jupiter leaving your sign and moving into your 12th house. Spirituality has yet again become important to you. It will likely continue until mid-December when Jupiter returns to your sign. Jupiter in the 12th house acts like a guardian Angel protecting you and ensuring you don’t get into too much trouble. Soul searching and mental health will also be some of your interest topics throughout the next month and a half. 

Mars, your ruler, is already retrograde this month, showing the need for gaining greater clarity regarding your inner desires, goals and ambitions. You may experience a temporary confusion regarding your life direction, making you feel like you are going backwards instead of forward. Unclear what you want from life, you may find yourself reviewing and reassessing many aspects of your life. Keep a close eye on your relationship with your siblings, neighbours and community members, as communication might be challenging now.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in your second house of money matters. Since this is a total eclipse, it is likely to be pretty powerful, bringing some aspects of your financial sphere to a conclusion. While solar eclipses are about new beginnings, lunar eclipses often are about endings and conclusions. This eclipse shines a light on your finances, resources, holdings and possessions. With Uranus being so prominent in your money sector, opposing the Sun, expect news that will impact your financial area. 

The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd brings new possibilities connected to foreign travel, higher education, law, broadcasting and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. It is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Depending on your circumstances, the ninth house activation may also help with any projects connected to publishing, broadcasting and the media.

Libra Horoscope For November 2022 


As we begin the month, Mars is also retrograde. While Mars can bring delays and a lack of motivation, it is a wonderful time for returning to any projects concerning foreign culture, far-distance travel or languages. Now and in the next couple of months, you may also more than once ask yourself whether you are heading in the right direction in your life or whether something needs to change. 

The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. The solar point in the second house may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents.

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd may create an opportunity for a trip in the four weeks following this New Moon. This may be a work-related trip. If this is the case, you may find it enjoyable if you plan something exciting to do during your business trip to spice things up. Otherwise, you might run out of fuel and feel drained and overly emotional by the workload. So make sure you take advantage of these energies but remember to nurture your soul and body!

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Gemini Horoscope For November 2022


Jupiter is now in your 12th house of hidden matters, where spiritual life takes centre stage. The harder you worked this year, the greater the befits you will see throughout this time. You might also decide to leave a problematic work-related situation as life may present new opportunities regarding your professional path. It is generally an extremely eventful time in terms of your career. An authority figure or a parent might become more central in your life throughout these final months of 2022.

Mars is now retrograde until Janaury 12th. This is a big deal for you, as this retrograde is happening in your sign. During this time, a partner or employer may need your attention or become your support system in helping you achieve a specific milestone. Ensure you look after your health and diet, as you may over-extend yourself or burn out quickly from too much work or action. Use your wisdom and compassion in your dealings with others, as with Mars retrograde in your sign, you might become easily insensitive, even unintentionally.

The lunar eclipse on November 8th could bring a private and secretive matter to the surface. Issues with co-workers could invade your privacy or your tenants. On a different level, you might also have to attend to health-related concerns. A lunar eclipse is not a good time for having a surgery or any medical or even beauty treatments

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd turns your attention onto your one-to-one relationships. During this time, some degree of your freedom may have to be compromised to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push-and-pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others. Many of you might be joining forces with another at this time (your love partner, business associate, or agent) in preparation for a significant project. 

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Capricorn Horoscope For November 2022


Jupiter moved back into Pisces last month, where it will stay until December 20th. The pace of daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Pay attention as there is a tendency to overschedule your diary under this transit’s influence. With Jupiter in Pisces in the final months of 2022, you can get mentally overwhelmed, making vital decisions concerning your lifestyle patterns. On a positive note, it is a beautiful time for expanding your mind through learning, reading and writing. 

Mars is now retrograde in Gemini until mid-January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockages; however, try to remain flexible and go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this phase.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. This lunar eclipse may stimulate the romantic and adventurous side of your life. This Lunar Eclipse may also encourage you to gain the skills you need to further your career. Your hunger for fun and entertainment will also be stimulated at this time, making you feel strongly about things that please you. At the same time, watch out that you don’t sacrifice other areas of life where your energies should be devoted. 

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd will shine in your twelfth house of hidden matters where mental health is emphasised. You may develop a fantastic idea for your next book or blog. You may prefer to keep this project private, at least in the initial phase. Hence you may find it more liberating and satisfying when working from behind the scene (from home or the library, for instance). With Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, prominent in your friendship zone, these coming four weeks will be more about friendships than romance. With Mercury retrograde now in Virgo until October 2nd, you might unexpectedly meet an old friend or renew an old friendship with a friend you haven’t been in contact with for a long time. 

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2022


Jupiter returns into your home sphere last month, where it will remain until December 20th. During this time, your need for peace and security in your home life, where you want to feel emotionally safe, increases. You may find it comforting to beautify your home space; however, under the influence of Jupiter in Pisces, these projects are likely to be of a minor nature. The goal is to improve the surroundings rather than refurbish the entire house from scratch because that would be more related to Saturn or Pluto transit. For older people, issues concerning retirement or pension plans are essential during this phase. Sometimes Jupiter in the fourth house can also indicate an increase in the number of people living in your home throughout this transit. 

Mars is now retrograde  triggering your area of love and personal relationships. You may experience difficulties in communication with your partner. How you handle conflict within your close relationships and your ability to assert yourself will also be emphasised throughout this time. 

The Lunar Eclipse (6th house) on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. Work or health-related matters, deadline press on significant work projects, the end of a job, getting a new job that you have wanted for a while or dealing with co-workers-related issues. Alternatively, you might decide you want to adopt a pet. If you feel uncertain about your life at this time, you can change that by becoming more involved with people around you in your work life and your personal life. 

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd will shine in your sign! What a great time to direct the energy of this new moon in any way you desire. At the same time, with Mars and Saturn’s harmonious connection, your ambition and determination are likely to increase too!

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Scorpio Horoscope For November 2022 


Mercury and Venus are in your sign until November 17th increasing your curiosity and the ability to share information and ideas. Venus will be in your sign until about November 15th, giving you a strong urge to express beauty and love, and at the same time, you will become more appealing to other people. When Mercury moves into your financial sphere after November 17th, you might have a lot of different ideas for improving your financial situation. With Venus here, you will have a greater appetite for accumulating objects of beauty.

Jupiter moved into your sphere of creativity last month increasing your need to express yourself creatively. While seeing the romantic side of your life from a very different angle, you will attract influential people into your life who may help you move up the ladder of success. A new love relationship is also possible for those who are single. If you recently experienced difficulties connecting with your children or young people at your place of work, these relationships or connections might also improve.

Mars, your co-ruler is now retrograde until mid-January 2023. Throughout this time, your intimate life and how you manage your shared and joint resources will go under close review. It is not the best period to try for a loan or expect much gain from any investments you may have. Instead, focus on what you already have and use this time to dive deep within the self and move away from any negative habits and routines to make space for something more significant to arise.  

The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. During this time, you might become involved in a social event, a good time for introducing healthy changes in your life. Any challenges and competition presented by others might stimulate you to prove yourself, allowing you to grow. You want to gain complete control over the circumstances that emerge at this time.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd falls in your area of foreign matters. This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to foreign travel, higher education, law, broadcasting and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. It is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Depending on your circumstances, the ninth house activation may also help with any projects connected to publishing, broadcasting and the media.

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Pisces Horoscope For November 2022


Jupiter, your traditional ruler, returned into your sign in October. It will stay here until until December 20th. The planet of expansion and good fortune will offer you plenty of personal growth and development opportunities. It is also when your unique needs and desires become increasingly important as your future largely depends on them. There is an excellent potential for success, but it is up to you if you take advantage of it and put in the necessary work and effort for self-development. Nevertheless, under the influence of this transit, even though you attract good fortune into your life, you must take action and show initiative as new opportunities won’t just come without you putting some work first. 

Mars is now retrograde until mid-January 2023. Events at home or with family members may require more attention. Mars retrograde may also make you take everything to your heart and absorb the energy of those you surround yourself with. To protect yourself from unnecessary negativity, keep an open eye on any pessimists in your life. For your own benefit, try to surround yourself with optimistic people and experiences and implement boundaries to avoid being a part of other people’s hardships. 

The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. Under the influence of this particular lunar eclipse, you might attract situations in which you must extend yourself when working with others, and this can make you feel that others know more than you. However, in reality, it could be the other way around, with others perceiving you as a highly intellectual individual. For that reason, this Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time for re-gaining self-confidence in your abilities, as you might be capable of much more than you realise. 

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd falls in your tenth house of career, public life and recognition. These next four weeks might be truly fortunate for you. If you work in publishing, broadcasting, or if you are a digital marketer, you will also reap the benefits of this News Moon’s energies. The New Moon in the honours house may also bring career-related rewards for your hard work and dedication.

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel.

Aquarius Horoscope For November 2022


Jupiter returned into your financial sphere last month, where it will stay until December 20th. Jupiter transiting your income sphere in the final months of 2022 can help you improve your financial situation through your efforts due to increased earning capability or other professional developments. If you are unemployed with Jupiter’s support, you may finally find the employment you have been dreaming about. However, if you are already employed, you might earn more by increasing your salary or getting a second job. 

Mars is now retrograde in Gemini until mid-January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockages; however, try to remain flexible and go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this phase.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. This Lunar Eclipse will likely prompt you to establish a solid and secure foundation to build a life for yourself successfully. Gaining a greater sense of independence will give you a better perspective on life. The urge to succeed in your career may prompt you to reach your objectives and exploit your creative talents, which are the ultimate solution to access the gateway to your future.

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd will shine in your area of friendships, group activities, hopes and wishes. Your social life will likely become the prominent theme of your life in the upcoming four weeks. You may enjoy an outing or even two with friends or work colleagues. Alternatively, an important friend in your life might go through essential life changes that could directly impact your friendship in a positive sense. Since the eleventh house also rules our long-term plans, you may find it enjoyable if you create a vision map with your dreams and goals that you wish to manifest.

For more astrological guidance watch your November Horoscope on my YouTube Channel. 

Gemini Horoscope For December 2022


With your ruler Mercury, positioned in the upper part of the chart this month, personal independence is not strong at the moment, and opportunities come easier through others than through your own efforts.

Your eighth house of transformation is highlighted this month, meaning you may need to transform something in your life or let go of whatever lost its purpose. This could be as simple as introducing an exercise regimen in order to maintain better health or alternatively you may feel like breaking away from some unhealthy habits or routines. If this isn’t related to an inner transformation, then perhaps your partner or someone close to your heart may cherish you and show love with more passion and intensity.

Jupiter will remain in your friendship zone until December 20th. Jupiter in Pisces allows you to think of the big picture, have great ideas and have more clarity about your goals for the following year. Settling old and unresolved issues in your social life may become a part of how you move along in the next couple of months. Long-lasting friendships or moving to a position of responsibility and power, through groups you belong to or in your career is also possible. 

Mars is still retrograde in your sign until January 12th, and Mercury, your ruler, is joining the retrograde party on December 29th. It looks like the final days of December and the beginning of January will be more hectic than usual. Try to remain flexible throughout this time, as your plans and ideas may change suddenly and unexpectedly.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 7th brings some aspects of your personal life or goals to light or conclusion. Under the influence of this full moon you will likely become more aware of your own persona and of the impression you make on other people. Since Mars is tightly conjunct this full moon you may experience a feeling of restlesness and a strong need to take action. Be mindful of your actions, as this full moon may create a difficulty when it comes to distinguishing facts from fiction!

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd will shine its light in your sphere of other people’s money, transformation and intimate matters. In the four weeks following this New Moon, you can earn a commission from a sale, investments or through affiliate marketing links if you are a blogger. With the end of the year approaching, you may also be doing tax planning and estimating how much you will have to pay. These next four weeks would be an excellent time to meet with your accountant. If you recently received an inheritance, you could now begin researching how and where to invest it.

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

Taurus Horoscope For December 2022


Jupiter moves back into your 12th house of hidden matters and spirituality on the 21st of December, where it will remain until mid-May 2023. This will likely increase your interest in matters related to Spirituality and Healing. Your eighth house of transformation is very strong this month until the 22nd. This is an ideal month for moving away from unhealthy habits and routines, detoxing or starting an exercise regime.

On the 22nd, your ninth house of travel becomes very vibrant and powerful. This is when the Sun will move here; however Venus, your ruler will be already present here from the 10th. This can significantly increase your appetite for travel and adventure.

Your ruler Venus is no longer combust this month, much stronger in its influence, however, it is out of bounds (2-24 Dec) along with Mars (all month) and Mercury (1-22 Dec ). New and unconventional health regimes or therapies may provoke your interest. Mercury is out of bounds; your finances and personal values might change temporarily. You may find yourself doing, buying or saying things you would not usually say or do.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 7th falls in your second house of money matters. This full moon will likely bring some aspects of your financial sphere to a conclusion. While new moons are about new beginnings, full moons often are about endings and conclusions. This full moon shines a light on your finances, resources, holdings and possessions. With Mars now retrograde financial matters will play an especially important role in your life in the next couple of months. Plans that you initiated and ideas that you started to develop from the moment Mars went into Gemini will continue to grow as you go along.

The New Moon in Capricorn on December 23rd brings new possibilities connected to foreign travel, higher education, law, broadcasting and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. It is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Depending on your circumstances, the ninth house activation may also help with any projects connected to publishing, broadcasting and the media.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th until January 18th, so if you are planning on making any major purchases throughout this time, make sure you keep your receipts, as once Mercury stations retrograde, you might change your mind and want to return some of the items that you purchased during the retrograde phase.

Aries Horoscope For December 2022


As we begin the final month of the year, there are fewer planets in retrograde motion which means that you will likely see more progress in some parts of your life. The pace of life will also likely speed up substantially, however not entirely, as bear in mind that your ruler Mars is still retrograde for another month and a half. This can make you insecure and vulnerable, especially since Mars is also out of bounds.

On a positive note, your career life is looking promising this month since Saturn, the planet ruling your career sphere, is now moving forward, and from the 21st, Jupiter will come back into your sign, bringing abundance and good fortune.

Mars, your ruler, is still retrograde this month, showing the need for gaining greater clarity regarding your inner desires, goals and ambitions. You may experience a temporary confusion regarding your life direction, making you feel like you are going backwards instead of forward. Unclear what you want from life, you may find yourself reviewing and reassessing many aspects of your life. Keep a close eye on your relationship with your siblings, neighbours and community members, as communication might be challenging now.

The Full Moon on December 7th falls in the mutable sign Gemini. Under the influence of this particular lunar eclipse, you might attract situations in which you must extend yourself when working with others, and this can make you feel that others know more than you. However, in reality, it could be the other way around, with others perceiving you as a highly intellectual individual. For that reason, this full moon is an excellent time for re-gaining self-confidence in your abilities, as you might be capable of much more than you realise. 

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd falls in your tenth house of career, public life and recognition. These next four weeks might be truly fortunate for you. If you work in publishing, broadcasting, or if you are a digital marketer, you will also reap the benefits of this News Moon’s energies. The New Moon in the honours house may also bring career-related rewards for your hard work and dedication.

Your ninth house is powerful this month, especially in the first three weeks while the Sun remains here, but also the ruler of your ninth house, Jupiter, will be powerful until the 20th, suggesting that you may travel abroad. Those trying to sort out their student, visa or passport application should also be lucky this month. Spirituality will yet again become important to you. It will likely continue until mid-December when Jupiter returns to your sign. Jupiter in the 12th house acts like a guardian Angel protecting you and ensuring you don’t get into too much trouble. Soul searching and mental health will also be some of your interest topics throughout the next month and a half. 

However don’t worry, good fortune will carry past December 20th, when Jupiter will transition into your sign, which will remain until May 2023. Jupiter has already blessed you with its positive energies between May 10th and October 28th, and it is now returning to allow you to grow in many areas of life.

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

Leo Horoscope For December 2022


You will likely want to enjoy life in the first three weeks of December. Three planets are out of bounds this month. Mars has been out of bounds since the second part of October, Venus from 2-24 December and Mercury from 1-20 December. You may need to go out of your comfort zone in your financial sphere or career or perhaps book a holiday to a unique exotic destination. 

Mars is still retrograde in Gemini this month where it will remain in this motion until January 12th. During this time, there will likely be an increased activity in your social life, prompting you to reassess your social connections and, most importantly, who you want to spend your time with. You may find yourself in situations when your ability to assert yourself in group situations is tested. This retrograde also makes you more realistic about your long-term plans and goals. If you are planning on travelling, you might experience travel-related delays as Mars is the ruler of your ninth house.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 7th Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. The 3rd house matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in the 3rd. The Sun may help you to sharpen your networking skills. You may travel with siblings, and foreign language studies are highlighted with these eclipses, writing and public speaking. Changes to your neighbourhood are possible at this time. This lunar eclipse offers you a new perspective or a broader vision of your life. Alternatively, your sibling might get married or have a child.  

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd acts as an opportunity to improve your health and daily life. Considering that it is a holiday season in many parts of the world, work-life might slow down, but you will have to catch up with all the projects as soon as you’re back to work in case you’re taking a break. Life will require from you more effort and this can eventually lead to a feeling of exhaustion, so make sure you take time for rest as otherwise you might burn out easily. Those looking for additional overtime or an extra job will find more luck in attracting the right opportunities. If you are unemployed, your chances of finding employment will likely increase after mid-January.

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

Cancer Horoscope For December 2022


This is the month to focus on your social skills and put others and their needs ahead of yours. Your way might not always prove to be the best way this month. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune moves into your career sphere on December 21st, and will remain here until mid-May 2023. This is excellent news, as Jupiter’s blessings may bring positive events in the final days of the year and moving forward. Since the ruler of your career area is retrograde until January 12th and also out of bounds, Jupiter coming here on December 21st will help you overcome any challenges at work and everyday life caused by this retrograde. 

Venus and Mercury are out of bounds this month. Venus from the 2-24 and Mercury from 1-22. This suggests that family members may behave differently, out of the ordinary or alternatively, your intellectual interest may change (even temporarily). 

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th may prompt a greater need for withdrawal and contemplation. On the other hand, you may feel restless wanting to resolve some of your private dilemmas. Take it easy, as the Sagittarius season will be busy for you and this full moon might be just the perfect time for doing something soothing and relaxing. This full moon may bring a private and secretive matter to the surface.

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd turns your attention onto your one-to-one relationships. During this time, some degree of your freedom may have to be compromised to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push-and-pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others. Many might be joining forces with another at this time (your love partner, business associate, or agent) in preparation for a significant project.

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

Libra Horoscope For December 2022


Your love planet Mars is still retrograde this month and so you may find it helpful if you delay making any long-term decisions regarding your love life until after January 12th. This is because not everything might be clear or what it seems in regards to your love life. While Mars retrograde can bring delays and a lack of motivation, it is a wonderful time for returning to any projects concerning foreign culture, far-distance travel or languages. Now and in the next couple of weeks, you may also more than once ask yourself whether you are heading in the right direction in your life or whether something needs to change. 

Jupiter, is in your 6th house of work until December 21st. During this time your daily life will continue to be filled with many activities and tasks to complete. When Jupiter moves into your 7th house on December 21st until May 16th, 2023 you will receive lots of abundant energy in the sphere of relationships. Since Jupiter rules your area of siblings, they may also play an important role in your love life throughout the first five months of 2023. Under the influence of this transit you might begin a new project with your brother, sister of cousin. If you are single you won’t have to look far for a potential love partner, it might be someone that is your neighbour or lives in the same neighbourhood as you.

The Full Moon on December 7th falls in the mutable sign Gemini. The third house matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in the here. The Sun may help you to sharpen your networking skills. You may travel abroad, study or alternatively foreign language studies might be on your mind under the influence of this full moon. Changes to your neighbourhood are possible at this time. This full moon offers you a new perspective or a broader vision on your life.

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd acts as an opportunity to improve your home sphere positively. You might feel like hosting an event at home for your family members or friends. This New Moon may initiate a series of social events that will follow in the four weeks after this New Moon. Alternatively, if this isn’t related to you having people around at your house, it might be that your parents will be prominent in your life. They may visit you, or you may travel together to a unique location. Plan well and check the roads for road work and other travel-related disruptions.

Virgo Horoscope For December 2022


Your career life is still active this month with fiery Mars staying here (even though retrograde). However your home life is especially important with the Sun, Venus, your ruler Mercury present here. Venus and Mercury are no longer overpowered (combust) by the energy of the Sun, which means that you can focus on your goals with more ease. Nevertheless, your home and family area governed by philosophical Sagittarius is more important now in the initial three weeks of December.

With three planets out of bounds this month: Mars, Venus and Mercury you might feel like doing something that would force you to get out of your comfort zone. Venus your financial planet is in your home sphere until December 10th, meaning that you might be spending money on your home during this time, or alternatively working from home or getting rid of items that you no longer need.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 7th could bring or initiate significant life changes or a possible change in career direction. Your domestic sphere matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in the fourth house in the first three weeks of December, the most personal area in the astrological chart. Major conclusions to issues concerning the home and housing, parents and family structures brought into the open area of public view (tenth house).

Jupiter stays in your relationships sphere until December 20th. This means that in the initial three weeks of December your relationships with others will likely improve, and difficult problems will be resolved with more ease. Opportunities may come through cooperation with others; Partnerships may bring positive and supporting energy. You may attract strong and competent partners; however, pay attention because you may also attract companions who want to dominate you.

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd brings an opportunity for you to find a new romantic relationship. If you are already committed, you will have more quality, fun time to spend together. Matters related to children and conception will also glow. If you were trying to get pregnant, you might get some good news now. If you have children, thanks to this new moon, you will especially enjoy spending time with them, so plan a day out to make the most of these energies.

Jupiter moves into your 8th house of transformation and regenaration on December 21st where it will stay until mid-May 2023. This transit should bring financial gains that come trough commisions, inheritance or investments. Mercury stations retrograde on January 29th making you undecided about your love life. As the month progresses your 5th house of fun and entertainment gets stronger stimulating a greater need for fun and pleasure.

Sagittarius Horoscope For December 2022


Venus and Mercury will be out of bounds this month until 20-21 December, which can stimulate a need to act out of the ordinary in your love life, as well as at your work and everyday life. 

Jupiter stays in your home until December 20th. During this time, your need for peace and security in your home life, where you want to feel emotionally safe, increases. You may find it comforting to beautify your home space; however, under the influence of Jupiter in Pisces, these projects are likely to be of a minor nature. The goal is to improve the surroundings rather than refurbish the entire house from scratch because that would be more related to Saturn or Pluto transit. For older people, issues concerning retirement or pension plans are essential during this phase. Sometimes Jupiter in the fourth house can also indicate an increase in the number of people living in your home throughout this transit. 

Mars is still retrograde this month, until January 12th  triggering your area of love and personal relationships. You may experience difficulties in communication with your partner. How you handle conflict within your close relationships and your ability to assert yourself will also be emphasised throughout this time. 

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th, turns your attention onto your love life and one to one relationships. Any challenges and competition presented by others may stimulate you to prove yourself, allowing you to grow. It is likely that you want to gain complete control over the circumstances that emerge at this time.

On the 21st, the Sun enters your money sphere, and you will likely experience a financial peak until mid-January. However, this increased energetical activity in your second house will be prominent even earlier as on December 7th Mercury will move into this area of life along with Venus on the 10th

The New Moon in Capricorn on November 23rd falls in your area of money matters. At this time your attention will likely turn onto your income situation making it a good time to take a deeper look at your spending habits. At this time, you might make an important purchase. If someone will try to persuade you to buy something, think carefully, as Mercury is about to station retograde (already in the pre-shadow period from December 14th) affecting your straightforward thinking. Make sure you keep all your receipts in case you want to return any item your purchased throughout December and January period.

Scorpio Horoscope For December 2022


Mars, your co-ruler as well as your health planet, is still retrograde and ‘out of bounds’ in December. This indicates that you may feel like doing something unusual out of your character. This could involve completely transforming your diet, getting an unusual pet or changing your personal appearance. Especially, since Venus and Mercury are also ‘out of bounds’ this month, in the first three weeks of December. With Venus being ‘out of bounds’, you may for example attract very unusual individuals into your life throughout this time.

The Sun moves into your third house on the 22nd, stimulating your mind and increasing the need for travel, communication and social interactions. Learning, teaching and getting involved in mentally stimulating activities will come easily. You may enjoy taking up a new course of study in order to learn new skills or improve existing ones. 

The Gemini Full Moon on December 7th may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents. While the Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd may create an opportunity for a trip in the four weeks following this New Moon. This may be a work-related trip. If this is the case, you may find it enjoyable if you plan something exciting to do during your business trip to spice things up. Otherwise, you might run out of fuel and feel drained and overly emotional by the workload. So make sure you take advantage of these energies but remember to nurture your soul and body!

Jupiter, your financial planet, is now moving in direct motion, improving your financial prospects. On the 21stJupiter moves into your work and everyday routine sphere, which will remain until May 16th, 2023. This energy shift can act as an opportunity to improve your work-related prospects. Employed or unemployed, opportunities will flow your way, stimulating growth and advancement in the work sphere. 

Aquarius Horoscope For December 2022


Jupiter is still in your financial sphere as you begin the month, until December 20th. Jupiter transiting your income sphere in the final months of 2022 can help you improve your financial situation through your own efforts due to increased earning capability or other professional developments. If you are unemployed with Jupiter’s support, you may finally find the employment you have been dreaming about. However, if you are already employed, you might earn more by increasing your salary or getting a second job. 

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th, you might feel more adventurous than usual. This full moon may also encourage you to gain the skills you need to further your career. Your hunger for fun and entertainment will also be stimulated at this time, making you feel strongly about things that please you. At the same time, watch out that you don’t sacrifice other areas of life where your energies should be devoted. 

Jupiter moves into Aries on December 21st, where it will stay until mid-May 2023. The pace of daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Pay attention as there is a tendency to overschedule your diary under this transit’s influence. With Jupiter in Aries in the final months of 2023, you can get mentally overwhelmed, making vital decisions concerning your lifestyle patterns. On a positive note, it is a beautiful time for expanding your mind through learning, reading and writing. 

The Capricorn New Moon on November 23rd will shine in your twelfth house of hidden matters where mental health is emphasised. You may develop a fantastic idea for your next book or blog. You may prefer to keep this project private, at least in the initial phase. Hence you may find it more liberating and satisfying when working from behind the scene (from home or the library, for instance).

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th.  With Mercury retrograde in Capricorn you will be reviewing your past achievements, while having a stronger need for withdrawal and contemplation. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

Capricorn Horoscope For December 2022


Mars is still retrograde in Gemini until mid-January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockages; however, try to remain flexible and go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this phase.

The Full Moon on December 7th falls in the mutable sign Gemini. Work or health-related matters, deadline press on significant work projects, the end of a job, getting a new job that you have wanted for a while or dealing with co-workers-related issues. Alternatively, you might decide you want to adopt a pet. If you feel uncertain about your life at this time, you can change that by becoming more involved with people around you in your work life and your personal life. 

Jupiter stays in your ninth house until December 20th. This means that the pace of daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Pay attention as there is a tendency to overschedule your diary under this transit’s influence. With Jupiter in Pisces in the final months of 2022, you can get mentally overwhelmed, making vital decisions concerning your lifestyle patterns. On a positive note, it is a beautiful time for expanding your mind through learning, reading and writing. When Jupiter moves into Aries on December 21st until mid-May 2023 your career life will receive lots of abundant energy. Take advantage of these energies as they won’t return into this area of life for another twelve years!

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd will shine in your sign! What a great time to direct the energy of this new moon in any way you desire and create a vision may for 2023!

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

Pisces Horoscope For December 2022


Jupiter, your traditional ruler, returned into your sign in October. It will stay here until until December 20th. The planet of expansion and good fortune will offer you plenty of personal growth and development opportunities. It is also when your unique needs and desires become increasingly important as your future largely depends on them. There is an excellent potential for success, but it is up to you if you take advantage of it and put in the necessary work and effort for self-development. Nevertheless, under the influence of this transit, even though you attract good fortune into your life, you must take action and show initiative as new opportunities won’t just come without you putting some work first. 

Mars is still retrograde in Gemini until mid-January 2023. Events at home or with family members may require more attention. Mars retrograde may also make you take everything to your heart and absorb the energy of those you surround yourself with. To protect yourself from unnecessary negativity, keep an open eye on any pessimists in your life. For your own benefit, try to surround yourself with optimistic people and experiences and implement boundaries to avoid being a part of other people’s hardships. 

Jupiter moves into your financial sphere on December 20th, where it will stay until mid-May 2023. Jupiter transiting your income sphere in the first five months of 2023 can help you improve your financial situation through your efforts due to increased earning capability or other professional developments. If you are unemployed with Jupiter’s support, you may finally find the employment you have been dreaming about. However, if you are already employed, you might earn more by increasing your salary or getting a second job. 

The Gemini Full Moon on December 7th will likely prompt you to establish a solid and secure foundation to build a life for yourself successfully. Gaining a greater sense of independence will give you a better perspective on life. The urge to succeed in your career may prompt you to reach your objectives and exploit your creative talents, which are the ultimate solution to access the gateway to your future.

The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd will shine in your area of friendships, group activities, hopes and wishes. Your social life will likely become the prominent theme of your life in the upcoming four weeks. You may enjoy an outing or even two with friends or work colleagues. Alternatively, an important friend in your life might go through essential life changes that could directly impact your friendship in a positive sense. Since the eleventh house also rules our long-term plans, you may find it enjoyable if you create a vision map with your dreams and goals that you wish to manifest.

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th until January 18th. Make sure you keep all the receipts of your purchases made during the retrograde period, as once Mercury stations direct you might regret some of these purchases.

Celestial sun png sticker, astrology

Aries Ingress 2023 UK & USA

The rising sign determines the effective timeframe of the ingress chart. Here in the chart set for the UK, we have got Scorpio rising – a fixed sign indicating a long-lasting influence, meaning that the symbolism will carry on all year long.

The first house, its ruler, and the Moon represent the country and its residents, the country’s general condition of prosperity and health.

Aries Ingress Chart 2023 UK

Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, the planet that represents the people in the Aries Ingress Chart for the UK, is in mutable sign Gemini, now out of its shadow period. Mars is in the final degrees of Gemini, about to move into Cancer, the sign of its fall. This suggests that the country’s general condition of prosperity is likely to be affected negatively by this transition.

With Mars being the traditional ruler of the UK Aries Ingress chart, we could see problems with taxes, finances, and assets for our country and partners. Especially since Mars is placed in the unfortunate 8th house and it rules the unfortunate 6th house. The traditional (Mars) and the modern ruler of the ascendant (Pluto) are about to change signs, indicating immediate changes that will impact the country and its residents.

Mars forms an applying trine to Saturn in Pisces. Saturn represents structures, rigid rules and the need to obey. We may see matters related to land and food production being brought ahead. With Mars ruling both the 1st and the 6th house, there is an added emphasis on the issues connected to the country and its residents, public health, the NHS, work and employment.

The Moon in this ingress chart shows the overall state of the People. The Moon is in Pisces, peregrine conjunct Neptune and sextile Uranus. This can indicate an increased interest in spirituality and art but also people’s emotional detachment from reality, confusion and difficulty coping with reality. 

The Moon (an indicator of the People) is peregrine, in the sign of Pisces in the 5th house of entertainment and children. The Moon rules over the 9th house and is applying to conjunct Neptune, indicating possible confusing news or new rules related to foreign affairs, religion and/or higher education. The Moon is also applying to square Mars, suggesting an overall fear and increased irritability around the world. 

The Sun highlights the 5th house matters and rules the 10th house. The Sun is the natural ruler of the leaders and is in close proximity to Neptune. The Sun-Neptune conjunction can indicate that a scandal connected to a monarch or someone from the government may come to light.

Jupiter, on the other hand, the traditional ruler of the Moon, is unfortunately placed in the cadent 6th house in the sign of Aries. Jupiter rules over the 2nd, and the 5th house suggests matters related to the people’s assets, national wealth, financial institutions, all places of amusement, entertainment, and the birth rate will be prominent in the next six months. Since Jupiter is a benefic planet, it can benefit public health and help find solutions for improving the unemployment rate.

Saturn in the 4th house in this chart is unfortunate for the monarch and the government; it can also make the crops suffer. It indicates poor weather conditions for crops (cold and wet) and affect agricultural matters. Saturn in the 4th house can create difficulties and obstacles for the government, making the nation’s affairs difficult. 

Uranus in the 7th house can increase the power and influence of the nation/country abroad. It is a tricky position when it comes to foreign affairs, producing uneasy and unexpected complications of a severe nature. 

Venus in the 7th can indicate prosperity in foreign trade and relationships, especially since Venus in this chart is angular strong in its sign of rulership. However, since it is in such close proximity to Uranus, it can also indicate unexpected and sudden scandals, divorces and lawsuits.

Now let’s look at the Aries Ingress Chart for the USA…

Aries Ingress Chart 2023 USA

The rising sign determines the effective timeframe of the ingress chart. Here in the chart set for the USA, we have got Virgo rising – a mutable sign indicating a short-lasting influence, meaning that the symbolism will carry on until Cancer Ingress in June 2023.

Most planets in this chart are above the horizon. This indicates that secrets will be exposed, and everything will be out in the open. 

The first house, its ruler, and the Moon represent the country and its residents, the country’s general condition of prosperity and health.

Mercury, this chart’s ruler, the planet that represents the people and the country’s general condition of prosperity, is in the early degrees of Aries, indicating a new situation. Mercury is weakly placed in the 8th house of fear, mortality and intensity, suggesting that this will likely be an intense three months for the population of the USA.

With Virgo on the ascendant, there is a strong focus on health, food, employment, and money matters. With Saturn opposing Virgo ascendant in this chart, this can indicate shortages or deficiencies in these areas. Fortunately, Venus in Taurus, the planet traditionally connected to money, is in close proximity to the North Node; at the same time, it connects harmoniously with the Virgo ascendant by a trine, suggesting that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Even though it might be hard, there will likely be a solution if a challenging situation occurs.

The Moon in this ingress chart shows the overall state of the People. The Moon is in Pisces, peregrine conjunct Neptune and sextile Uranus. This can indicate an increased interest in spirituality and art across the globe but also people’s emotional detachment from reality, confusion and difficulty coping with reality worldwide. While Neptune in the 7th house can indicate secret attacks, and scandals, the Moon being peregrine in Pisces and close to Neptune indicates trouble in foreign affairs or with foreign countries.

The Moon in the 7th house focuses on foreign affairs; the Moon is applying to square fiery Mars, the ruler of the 8th house, suggesting an increase in fear, anxiety, rates, taxes and even mortality.

The Sun in the 8th, along with the rulers of the 4th and the 7th house, suggest that the 8th house themes will be prominent, including public mortality, death rate, financial relations with foreign countries, taxes, mortgages, and interest rates. The Sun symbolises the leaders and people in power, and its placement in the 8th house suggests a possible death of an important person. The Sun highlights the 8th house matters and rules the 12th house. The Sun is the natural ruler of renowned people. This suggests we may find issues around secrets, institutions and matters to do with the finances of partners and the mortality rate. In addition, the Sun in the 8th suggests our partners’ focus is on their assets.

Venus rules the 2nd house of people’s assets, and it is strong in the sign of Taurus in the 9th house of foreign affairs. This suggests that the people’s assets, national wealth, financial institutions, and the economy will depend to a large extent on the relationship the USA has with other countries (foreign trade, import and export-related matters, travel, tourism).

We are undoubtedly living through challenging times. Fortunately, we have astrology to guide us and help us get through these difficult times. These are very brief analyses, and I could probably spend hours writing more, but it would turn into a very long essay if not a book! I will leave it here. Thank you for reading!

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How Mars Retrograde in Gemini 2022 will Influence Your Zodiac Sign

Mars is known as a planet of energy and action, thus its retrograde periods are marked by slowing down, pausing, and making changes. As Mars stations retrograde in Gemini on October 30th until mid-January, learn how this transit will influence your zodiac sign.

Mars retrograde can be frustrating, especially if you have a tendency to be impulsive or rash in your actions. But it’s not all bad news. This period of Mars in Gemini will also be an excellent time for self-reflection, asking yourself important questions about your innermost desires and motivations.

Taurus Horoscope for May 2022


The Sun will stay in your sign this month until May 21st stimulating you to challenge yourself by doing something you think you cannot do. With increased vitality and drive, you can face many challenging tasks resulting in increased energy and an overall improved sense of wellbeing. On May 05th, the Sun and Uranus will unite in your sign, possibly causing an unexpected turn of events. You might suddenly change your plans and ideas, or alternatively, life may present some surprises that happen out of the blue. Whatever the scenario, prepare for the unexpected and go with the flow, as the day’s events may force you to rethink what is essential in terms of self-value since the Sun also rules your sphere of romance and entertainment. There could be sudden opportunities for some fun, or you might suddenly bump into someone very original in a very unusual way.

Mercury stations retrograde on May 10th in your sphere of income and finances creating a temporary lack of clarity regarding your financial situation. This retrograde can act as a wake-up call for you to pay more attention to what you have, what you don’t have and how best to use the resources at your disposal. This is also a great time to catch up with unpaid bills and get your finances in order. 

Jupiter enters your sphere of mental health and hidden matters on May 10th, where it will remain until October 28th. This may begin a period in which you decide to pull back a little bit and focus on yourself for some time. Throughout this time, Jupiter will form a harmonious connection with your 10th house of a career, helping you attract into your life people who can help you move forward in search of your life objectives. 

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 15th is about figuring out how to balance self versus others and your needs versus your partner’s needs or any close one-on-one relationships that you have in your life. This eclipse could mark a significant turning point and a new beginning or new relationship in your life. Alternatively, it can mean that it’s time to change something for relationships that have approached the end of their life cycle, perhaps end that relationship. With this lunar eclipse making a challenging connection with Saturn in Aquarius, your needs and desires will be at odds with some foreign, education,legal-related duties and obligations that will need your attention.  

You might be fortunate allowing lots of fantasy into a particular dream to move beyond your limitations when Mars meets with Neptune on May 17th. It would help if you were realistic to avoid being overwhelmed down the road. Identify the projects that need your attention, then wait and prioritise what is currently possible to ensure your success.

You may temporarily experience a lack of clarity about your life direction towards the end of the month when Mercury retrogrades into your sign on May 22nd.             

Your emotional life might be subject to many problems on May 26th when Venus forms a tense connection (square) with Pluto. What you want and seek is often not what you need, and obtaining the objective or object of your desire may create unhealthy effects. Impractical ideas and actions about love may prompt a need for self-sacrifice for love. On a different level, you might become secretly in love with a person you’re not supposed to desire. 

The New Moon in Gemini on May 30th falls in your earned income area, highlighting the need for stability and security. Mars and Jupiter meet in Aries on May 29th in your sphere of hidden matters emphasising your mental health and a need for rest. Avoid any temptation to utilise secrecy or deception in your actions.)

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plane saturn in graphic illustration

Saturn Direct in Pisces, November 4th, 2023

The highlight of this period is Saturn ending its retrograde phase on November 4, allowing us to solve complex problems with consideration, determination, and persistence. When Saturn changes direction, we may suddenly change our mind about a specific matter we have been dealing with for quite some time.

When a planet stations direct (or retrograde), it spends an unusual amount of time at the same degree of the zodiac, pulling our attention to a particular area of our life that requires our attention. To learn more, watch my latest video about Saturn, where I discuss how this event will influence each rising sign on a deeper level.

Taurus February 2022 Horoscope

Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE!

January 2022 begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on February 1st, turning your attention onto the career sphere and life direction. This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to your life mission, stand in society and worldly achievements. This is the most important new moon of 2022 for your professional interests. You may have an opportunity to be involved in a new project at work, welcome a new member of the team, or there could be changes in your management. However, at the same time, you may also sense the build-up of the Sun-Saturn conjunction, which will be exact on February 4th, pushing you to lay the foundations for long-term objectives connected to your career. The Sun rules your 4th house, so this combination of energies is about building a more emotionally secure life from which you can get yourself out into the world. You will have an opportunity to discover what nourishes your soul and makes you feel safe while giving you a sense of belonging. 

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on February 8th is a great transit for travelling and getting involved in foreign cultures or groups and organizations. If you feel stuck in your life, you might ask yourself what is holding you back because freedom and space is what you truly desire under the influence of these energies. In addition, this transit is also ideal for exploring new philosophies or beliefs.  

The Full Moon in Leo 27° on February 16th, turns your attention onto your domestic sphere, fully illuminating the things that you didn’t see before. Your need for establishing emotional inner safety and security is highlighted at this time. This is when matters concerning your home, family or security come to your awareness.

Also, at the time of this full moon, Venus and Mars will conjoin in Capricorn. Capricorn rules your sphere of foreign and legal matters and higher learning. Your life principles and beliefs may undergo a substantial change moving forward.

Sudden changes in your career or professional standing may occur in your life around February 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. Groups activities and organizations may play a crucial role in your career during this time. It’s also possible that you may feel a need to consider an entirely new career path. Especially if you’ve been feeling bored and stuck with your current work, now would be a good time to start looking at something new you’d like to do. Because of the rebellious temper of Uranus, this transit can also mean problems with bosses or other authority figures. This could lead to stressful situations, so do watch that you don’t do anything too extreme or hasty. 

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Pisces February 2022 Horoscope

1st New Moon in Aquarius 12th house

New Moon activates your Twelfth house of imagination, dreams, and your past. The New Moon will bring rise to something that’s been lying just beneath the surface. It could manifest in your dreams, a time of spirit communication or the signs could appear when you’re alone, resting, or just before you fall asleep or moments after you wake. Something that’s been taking you away from, instead of toward your dreams will begin to haunt you. Raising your awareness of bad habits, thinking, and memories that keep you stuck. As a way to free and liberate yourself from them.

  • Sun-Saturn conjunction 
  • Changing jobs or the way you work
  • Undergoing therapy or counselling
  • Improving your diet
  • Starting an exercise regime
  • Learning new skills

8th – Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 11th/6th

Mars trine Uranus transit allows you to let your hair down and take a few risks. You will feel a strong urge to break free of any previous restrictions or boring routines. You will be presented with many unique opportunities to experience new activities, feelings, and relationships.

Your instincts will be strong and accurate, so taking extra risks at this time should pay off. Your need for freedom or a new type of self-expression will not result in major upheaval at it sometimes can. Other people are more likely to go along with the new you or be attracted to your new ideas or projects.

This is a good time to get new projects off the ground with a burst of daring energy. Although your fighting spirit and adrenaline will eventually fade, you can get new projects to a state where that initiative is no longer required. Your social circle could open up in exciting new ways. New and unusual people may show up in your world or you could get involved in humanitarian groups that help to broaden your view of the world. If you’ve ever wanted a chance to stand up and speak out, Uranus in Taurus is your green light to grab your megaphone and make a difference! Goals and wishes can be realized – especially through the help of friends and organizations. Old friends will be fading out of your life, creating space for a bigger, more diverse group of peers. This is also a good time for getting techy or studying astrology. Heck, why not invent a new astrology software program while you’re at it?  

16th Leo Full Moon 6th house

A Full Moon taking place in your 6th house can bring to the surface anything you have been neglecting at work or with regards to your health and well being. 

It’s often a time where we can now see the benefits to anything that we have been working towards, be this a work goal, a health and fitness goal, or a lifestyle habit. The perfect time to break a bad habit. A Full Moon here illuminates anything that you may be unaware of, like an underlying health issue, a fault in a project, work colleagues, the working environment, or perhaps something to do with a pet. Sometimes this can be an indicator of changes in the work that you do or the workplace itself; an employee could leave during this time. Our true feelings come up with regards to our work and everyday life, you might be upset, or unhappy with your working conditions it can bring up a strong desire to quit your job. It’s things that you weren’t aware of coming up with regards to the 6th house matters. If you have been applying for a new job, this could be a time that you get an offer.

16th Venus and Mars conjunction in the 11th house

This Venus-Mars conjunction is in the 11th house, so you’re going to be lucky in love Libra.

Francesca explained: “This is traditionally the luckiest sector of your chart so think big.

“Venus is your chart ruler and she’s in Leo so she’s supported by the passion and drive of Mars.

“Today is about thinking about what you want for your friends and the wider collective.

“Reflect back on the talent and beauty that you have that you can share with the world.

“When you use that and share it you can expand from there.

“Libra is always interested in relationships, and with your chart ruler meeting her eternal lover Mars, there is some zest, sparkle and magic in the air.

“If you’re looking for a deeper connection, this could be the time to state what you want.

“Let the universe know what you want because there’s more chance that you’ll get it.

“Mars is negating some of Venus’ sitting on the fence vibes and it’s saying get off the fence and say what you want.”

25th Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th/3rd)

Uranus transit in the 12th house: This transit stimulates the intuition and is also helpful for releasing old unconscious memories or habits. Letting go of the old, outworn becomes easier now or perhaps events may arise that give you the motivation to end something once and for all. Meditation may be appealing – and useful. Therapy too. Focusing inward will prove to be extremely beneficial. Take time to rest during this period. Do not push your self – or matters. A slower pace will do you good and keep you grounded. This transit also has a way of bringing private affairs out into the open. If you have something that you don’t want to be made public, you’ll need to be extra careful now. Also, this transit can indicate frenemies – friends who turn out to be secret enemies! Watch your back. 

Aquarius February 2022 Horoscope

1st – New Moon in Aquarius 1st house

New Moon activates your First house of self, health and your direction in life. The first house in astrology points to new beginnings, it’s your life path and how you take action. It’s your personal New Moon for the year. 

 It’s a wonderful time for self-reflection, seeing how far you’ve come and considering your goals and where you want to go next. The New Moon is going to call you to slow down and give yourself what you need. It’s time to pamper, prepare and consider your best next moves.

The New Moon activating your first house is essentially potent energy that sets you up for the next year. It’s something that initiates that’ll continue to blossom as the year unfolds. It’ll highlight or manifest something in connection to what begins now when you reach the Full Moon in your sign, in about 5-6 months’ time.  

Essentially the New Moon is turning the page on a new chapter of your life. How can you work to manifest the life you always dreamed of?

  • 4th Sun-Saturn conjunction 
  • Marriage or making a commitment
  • Ending a failed relationship
  • Establishing a business partnership
  • Meeting the expectations of others
  • Recognition for your skills and talents

8th – Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 12th/7th

Mars trine Uranus transit allows you to let your hair down and take a few risks. You will feel a strong urge to break free of any previous restrictions or boring routines. You will be presented with many unique opportunities to experience new activities, feelings, and relationships.

Your instincts will be strong and accurate, so taking extra risks at this time should pay off. Your need for freedom or a new type of self-expression will not result in major relax upheaval at it sometimes can. Other people are more likely to go along with the new you or be attracted to your new ideas or projects.

This is a good time to get new projects off the ground with a burst of daring energy. Although your fighting spirit and adrenaline will eventually fade, you can get new projects to a state where that initiative is no longer required. Uranus transit in the 12th house: This transit stimulates the intuition and is also helpful for releasing old unconscious memories or habits. Letting go of the old, outworn becomes easier now or perhaps events may arise that give you the motivation to end something once and for all. Meditation may be appealing – and useful. Therapy too. Focusing inward will prove to be extremely beneficial. Take time to rest during this period. Do not push your self – or matters. A slower pace will do you good and keep you grounded. This transit also has a way of bringing private affairs out into the open. If you have something that you don’t want to be made public, you’ll need to be extra careful now. Also, this transit can indicate frenemies – friends who turn out to be secret enemies! Watch your back. 

16th Leo Full Moon 7th house

When the Full Moon takes place here, it can often bring awareness to your contractual agreements, anything you have agreed to do, signed, or other legal documents.  

The 7th house is all about the “other” so it can illuminate anything that you couldn’t see before. If you happen to be single or dating, this is a time that you can take a relationship to the next level or initiate a connection, sign a contract, move in, take on some joint responsibility and start to make plans.  

It’s often a time when we can all assess our relationships, our one-to-one connections, and we can look at our contracts and perhaps gain a little extra as a result. It brings the hidden into the light, and you get to see peoples true feelings and intentions.  

It’s generally an emotionally heightened time because all that you feel about your relationships, commitments, contracts tend to bubble on up into the open.

16th Venus and Mars conjunction in the 12th house

You’ve got the short straw, Virgo because the Venus-Mars conjunction is in your twelfth. This isn’t a bad thing, but you’ll be focusing on yourself more than loving others. Francesca said: “This is a time to really focus on your dreams and anything that you reflect on that might indicate your deepest desires that perhaps aren’t that conscious to you. “From there you can expand this into what you want to make a reality, romantically, creatively or otherwise. “There’s a lot of dormant creative energy that can be burnt from hereon in.”

25th Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st/4th) Uranus transit in the 1st house: Make a radical change to your appearance. Dye your hair green, ditch your old duds, lose weight or bulk up. Be free to be YOURSELF. Drop old friends, seek unusual people. Live the adventurous life you’ve always wanted! Watch out for impractical attitudes and rebelling for the sake of rebelling. Don’t be a rebel without a good cause! Uranus in Taurus is your time to be free – don’t cage yourself in. SOAR!

New Moon in Scorpio November 13th, 2023

On November 13, there is a Scorpio New Moon in opposition to Uranus. The Moon is in its fall when placed in Scorpio. A planet is considered to be in its fall when it is positioned directly opposite a planet’s sign of exaltation. As the exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, the fall is a position of weakness concerning the function of the planet, including everything else the planet represents. During a New Moon in Scorpio, we tend to direct our emotions inwards, which can become intense and obsessive. With an emotional intensity and a strong need for excitement, you might create drama under stressful circumstances. 

The Moon in Scorpio also creates the need to understand feelings on a deeper level. This is when we desire meaningful emotional interactions (more than at any other time), and shallow relationships or conversations will not satisfy us.

With an emotional intensity and a strong need for drama, under stressful circumstances, we might create drama and intensity in your life. 

The theme of this New Moon is related to money, mortgages, investments, death, rebirth, transformation, gains and losses. Scorpio’s captivating nature can manifest in us being pulled into something or someone compulsively and irresistibly. However, getting to the root of any issue may seem too intense, so we might instinctively pull back. Trust issues might be at stake in order to feel safe. 

This new Moon is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is still retrograde, which suggests that the current life situation could remain unresolved or uncertain. We might have to put more effort into managing a set of events. Uranus is the planet of the sudden and the unexpected, so we may see some unexpected events or circumstances that feel out of our control. Rebellious energy may run high, and we must be careful with how we use that. The New Moon and Uranus opposition can cause emotional upsets and relationship disturbance. Whether self-inflicted or out of your control, how you react to change is essential. Careless or rashed responses and emotionally based decisions could turn something of minor significance into complete chaos. This is not the right time to make significant decisions, especially about relationships, as our intuition is unlikely to work accurately. 

Transit Jupiter in Astrology

Transit Jupiter in Astrology

Transit Jupiter in astrology is generally viewed as a positive influence in astrology, bringing with it opportunities for growth, expansion, and good fortune. However, it’s important to remember that the way Jupiter’s energy manifests in your life will depend on your individual birth chart and the aspects it makes to other planets.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and is often associated with growth, expansion, abundance, and good fortune. When Jupiter is in transit, it can bring about opportunities for growth, learning, and prosperity in different areas of life depending on which zodiac sign it is passing through.

Transit Jupiter in the 1st House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 1st house can bring a lot of positive energy and expansion to your personal identity and sense of self. You may feel more confident, optimistic, and enthusiastic about life in general. This is a great time to take on new challenges, try new things, and explore your potential.

You may also experience growth in your physical body or appearance, as well as in your personal philosophy or beliefs. Just be careful not to overdo it or become too self-centered, as Jupiter’s influence can sometimes lead to excess. Overall, this transit can be a very beneficial and uplifting time for you.

Transit Jupiter in the 2nd House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 2nd house can bring a lot of positive energy and expansion to your finances, values, and sense of security. You may experience increased abundance, prosperity, and financial opportunities during this time. You may also feel more generous and giving with your resources, and may be inclined to invest in things that have long-term value.

This is a good time to focus on building your wealth and stability, but be cautious not to become too indulgent or spendthrift, as Jupiter’s influence can sometimes lead to excess. Overall, this transit can be a very beneficial and prosperous time for you, but it’s important to stay grounded and practical in your approach to money matters.

Transit Jupiter in the 3rd House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 3rd house can bring a lot of positive energy and expansion to your communication, learning, and social interactions. You may experience increased opportunities for learning, teaching, writing, or speaking during this time. You may also feel more curious and open-minded, and may be inclined to explore new ideas and perspectives.

This is a great time to connect with others, share your knowledge, and expand your social network. However, it’s important to be careful not to become too scattered or superficial in your communication, as Jupiter’s influence can sometimes lead to overconfidence or exaggeration. Overall, this transit can be a very enriching and enlightening time for you, but it’s important to stay grounded and focused on your goals.

Transit Jupiter in the 4th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 4th house can bring a lot of positive energy and expansion to your home, family, and emotional well-being. You may experience increased harmony and happiness in your domestic life, as well as a desire to create a more nurturing and comfortable home environment. You may also feel more connected to your roots, ancestors, or cultural traditions, and may seek to deepen your sense of belonging and identity.

This is a great time to focus on your inner emotional needs, and to cultivate a sense of inner peace and security. However, it’s important to be careful not to become too dependent or clingy in your relationships, as Jupiter’s influence can sometimes lead to overindulgence or excess. Overall, this transit can be a very healing and uplifting time for you, but it’s important to stay grounded and balanced in your approach to your personal life.

Transit Jupiter in the 5th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 5th house can bring about a period of creative growth and expansion. This is a time when you may feel more confident in expressing yourself and taking risks in your creative endeavors. Your social life may also flourish during this transit, as you may find yourself meeting new people who inspire and uplift you.

This can be a time of increased joy, happiness, and optimism. However, it’s important to remain grounded and not get carried away with excessive indulgences or unrealistic expectations. Remember to balance your desire for fun and pleasure with your responsibilities and commitments.

Transit Jupiter in the 6th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 6th house can bring about a period of increased focus on health, work, and daily routines. You may feel a boost in energy and motivation to improve your physical well-being and daily habits. This can be a good time to start a new exercise routine, adopt a healthier diet, or make positive changes to your work environment.

You may also experience a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in your work, and may even receive recognition or promotions for your efforts. However, it’s important to avoid overworking or taking on too much, as this can lead to burnout or health issues. Remember to maintain balance and prioritize self-care during this transit.

Transit Jupiter in the 7th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 7th house can bring about a period of growth and expansion in your relationships. This is a time when you may feel more optimistic and open to new experiences in your partnerships. You may attract new people into your life who are supportive, helpful, and positive influences.

This can be a good time to strengthen your existing relationships and deepen your connections with others. However, it’s important to maintain balance and avoid becoming overly dependent on others for your happiness. Remember to cultivate a sense of self-worth and independence, while still being open to receiving support and guidance from those around you.

Transit Jupiter in the 8th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 8th house can bring about a period of growth and transformation in your life. This is a time when you may feel more drawn to exploring deeper aspects of yourself and your experiences. You may feel more interested in spirituality, psychology, or other topics related to the mysteries of life and death.

This transit can also bring about financial growth and abundance, as you may receive unexpected gifts or financial opportunities. However, it’s important to be cautious with any major financial decisions, and to avoid taking unnecessary risks. Remember to stay grounded and focused on your long-term goals during this transit, while remaining open to new experiences and opportunities for growth.

Transit Jupiter in the 9th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 9th house can bring about a period of expansion and growth in your spiritual and philosophical beliefs. This is a time when you may feel more interested in exploring new ideas, perspectives, and cultures. You may feel drawn to travel, higher education, or other experiences that expand your knowledge and understanding of the world.

This is a great time to pursue your passions and interests, and to seek out new experiences that broaden your horizons. However, it’s important to remain grounded and not get carried away with excessive idealism or unrealistic expectations. Remember to balance your desire for growth and exploration with your responsibilities and commitments, and to stay true to your core values and beliefs.

Transit Jupiter in the 10th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 10th house can bring about a period of growth and expansion in your career or public reputation. This is a time when you may feel more confident and optimistic about your professional goals and aspirations. You may receive recognition or opportunities for advancement, or may attract influential people who support your endeavors.

This transit can also bring about a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in your work, as you may feel more aligned with your true calling. However, it’s important to avoid becoming arrogant or overly ambitious, and to remember the importance of balance and integrity in your professional pursuits. Remember to stay humble and grateful for your successes, and to use your influence and resources for the greater good.

Transit Jupiter in the 11th House

Transit Jupiter in astrology in the 11th house can bring about a period of growth and expansion in your social life and community involvement. This is a time when you may feel more drawn to connecting with like-minded individuals or joining groups that align with your values and interests. You may also experience a greater sense of camaraderie and support from your friends and peers.

This can be a good time to pursue humanitarian or social causes that are close to your heart, and to make positive contributions to your community. However, it’s important to remain grounded and not get carried away with excessive idealism or unrealistic expectations. Remember to balance your desire for social connection and activism with your responsibilities and commitments, and to stay true to your core values and beliefs.

Transit Jupiter in the 12th House

This transit can also bring about a greater sense of connection to something larger than yourself, whether it be a higher power, universal consciousness, or collective humanity. However, it’s important to be introspective and reflective during this transit, and to avoid becoming too lost in your own fantasies or delusions. Remember to seek out healthy outlets for your emotions and to stay grounded and focused on your long-term goals.

transit neptune in astrology

Transit Neptune in Astrology

Transit Neptune is a slow-moving planetary influence that can bring about profound spiritual and emotional changes over a period of years. Neptune is associated with the realm of dreams, illusions, and the subconscious mind, and its transit through each zodiac sign can bring about different themes and lessons. When Neptune is transiting a particular area of your chart, you may experience a sense of confusion, uncertainty, or disillusionment in that area of your life.

On the other hand, this transit can also bring about increased sensitivity, intuition, and creativity, as well as opportunities for spiritual growth and self-discovery. It’s important to stay grounded and maintain a healthy sense of perspective during this time, as Neptune’s influence can sometimes lead to confusion or delusion if not kept in check. Overall, transit Neptune is a time of deep emotional and spiritual exploration, offering opportunities for growth and transformation in your life.

Transit Neptune in the 1st House

When Neptune transits the first house, it may bring about a period of confusion and uncertainty in personal identity and self-expression. The individual may feel more sensitive and empathetic towards others, which can make them more vulnerable to manipulation and deception. There may also be a tendency to escape reality through substance abuse or other means. However, this transit can also bring about a heightened sense of spirituality and creativity, as well as a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. It’s important to stay grounded and avoid making major life decisions during this transit, as clarity may be difficult to find.

Transit Neptune in the 2nd House

When Neptune transits the second house, it may bring about a period of financial instability and confusion. The individual may feel disillusioned with material possessions and their relationship with money may become more spiritual in nature. It’s important to be cautious with financial decisions during this transit, as there may be a tendency to overspend or invest in risky ventures. This transit can also bring about a desire to give to others and be of service, which can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s important to stay grounded and maintain a realistic perspective on financial matters during this transit.

Transit Neptune in the 3rd House

Transit Neptune in the 3rd House can bring about a lot of confusion and uncertainty in communication and mental processes. You may find it difficult to articulate your thoughts clearly or may misinterpret what others are saying. It’s important to double-check all information and avoid making important decisions based solely on assumptions or vague information. This transit can also bring a heightened sensitivity to your environment, so it’s important to surround yourself with positive and supportive people and avoid toxic or negative influences. Overall, this transit can be a challenging time for mental clarity and communication, but it can also offer opportunities for spiritual growth and creativity.

Transit Neptune in the 4th House

Transit Neptune in the 4th House can bring about a period of introspection and reflection on one’s innermost feelings and emotional needs. You may find yourself more sensitive and intuitive during this time, and may feel a stronger connection to your family and home life. On the other hand, you may also experience some confusion or uncertainty around your sense of identity and where you belong. It’s important to take time to connect with your inner self and listen to your intuition, while also remaining grounded in reality and seeking support from loved ones if needed.

Transit Neptune in the 5th House

Transit Neptune in the 5th House can bring about a period of heightened creativity and imagination. You may find yourself drawn to artistic pursuits or hobbies that allow you to express yourself in a more creative way. This transit can also bring about a desire for more romance and passion in your life, and you may be more inclined to seek out new romantic relationships or deepen existing ones. However, there is also a risk of getting lost in fantasies or illusions, so it’s important to stay grounded in reality and avoid making major decisions based solely on emotions or idealistic notions. This transit can be a time of great inspiration and emotional depth, but it’s important to balance this with practicality and common sense.

Transit Neptune in the 6th House

Transit Neptune in the 6th House can bring a period of confusion or uncertainty regarding daily routines, work, and health. You may feel like you are not sure what your purpose is or what you should be doing to take care of yourself. It is important to pay attention to your intuition and not make any hasty decisions during this time. You may also find yourself more sensitive to medications or other substances, so it is important to be mindful of what you put into your body. This transit can be a time of spiritual growth and increased compassion, so try to stay open to new experiences and perspectives.

Transit Neptune in the 7th House

Transit Neptune in the 7th House can bring a lot of confusion and uncertainty in your relationships. You may struggle with setting clear boundaries and understanding where you stand with your partner or close friends. This transit can also make you more susceptible to deception or idealizing others, which can lead to disappointment and disillusionment. It’s important to be realistic and grounded in your relationships during this time, and to communicate openly and honestly with those you care about. Trust your intuition and be careful not to get too lost in your fantasies or ideals.

Transit Neptune in the 8th House

Transit Neptune in the 8th House can bring a period of intense emotions and spiritual experiences related to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. You may feel more sensitive to the energies of others and have a heightened intuition during this time. It’s important to be cautious with financial matters, as there can be a tendency towards confusion or deception in this area. You may also feel drawn to explore the mysteries of life and death, and may have experiences that deepen your understanding of the afterlife or other spiritual realms. Overall, this transit can be a time of deep healing and growth, but it may also require you to face some of your deepest fears and vulnerabilities.

Transit Neptune in the 9th House

Transit Neptune in the 9th House can signify a time when you may feel more drawn towards spirituality, philosophy, and higher learning. You may seek to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you through travel, education, or exploring different belief systems. However, it’s important to be mindful of potential illusions or delusions that may arise during this transit, as Neptune can also bring confusion and uncertainty. Trust your intuition, but also take the time to research and validate information before making any major decisions.

Transit Neptune in the 10th House

Transit Neptune in the 10th House can bring a period of uncertainty and confusion in your professional life. You may feel unclear about your career goals or direction, and may struggle to find your place in your chosen field. It’s important to be mindful of any illusions or delusions that may arise during this transit, as Neptune can blur the lines between reality and fantasy. Be careful not to make any major career decisions without careful consideration and research. This can also be a time when you may feel drawn towards more creative or spiritual pursuits in your professional life. Trust your intuition, but also be sure to seek guidance and advice from trusted mentors or colleagues.

Transit Neptune in the 11th House

Transit Neptune in the 11th house typically signifies a period of spiritual awakening and heightened intuition in relation to your social circle and long-term goals. You may find yourself drawn to humanitarian causes or become more involved in group activities that aim to make a positive impact on society. However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for confusion, deception, or idealization of others during this time. It’s best to use your intuition and discernment to navigate any challenges that may arise.

Transit Neptune in the 12th House

Transit Neptune in the 12th house typically signifies a period of spiritual growth, introspection, and heightened sensitivity to the unconscious mind. You may find yourself drawn to mystical or metaphysical practices, or become more interested in exploring your dreams and subconscious patterns. This transit can also bring up deep-seated fears or unresolved psychological issues that need to be addressed in order to move forward on your spiritual path.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for confusion, escapism, or self-deception during this time. It’s best to stay grounded and seek the guidance of a trusted spiritual teacher or therapist if you feel overwhelmed or lost. With patience and perseverance, this transit can help you release old patterns and connect with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

Transit Uranus in Astrology

Transit Uranus in Astrology

Uranus is an outer planet in astrology, along with Neptune and Pluto. These planets are sometimes referred to as the “transpersonal” planets because they are associated with larger, collective forces and generational trends, rather than individual experiences. Uranus is associated with innovation, rebellion, and sudden change. It’s often associated with technology, progress, and social revolution.

In the natal chart, the placement of Uranus can indicate where an individual may be drawn to unconventional or non-traditional ways of thinking, and where they may feel a strong urge to break free from established norms and structures. The house placement of Uranus can also provide insight into the area of life where an individual may experience sudden and unexpected change, disruption, or upheaval.

In addition, Uranus is also associated with the sign of Aquarius, which is often linked to themes of individuality, freedom, and progressive ideals. The placement of Uranus in the natal chart can also provide insight into how an individual may express these qualities in their own life and in their interactions with others. Overall, Uranus is a powerful and dynamic force in astrology, and its placement in the natal chart can provide valuable insight into an individual’s unique strengths, challenges, and potential for growth and transformation.

Transit Uranus in the Houses

Transit Uranus in the 1st House

Transit Uranus in the 1st House can bring sudden and unexpected changes to your personal identity and how you present yourself to the world. You may feel a strong urge to break free from old patterns and habits and explore new ways of expressing yourself. This can be an exciting and liberating time, but it can also be unsettling and challenging. You may find yourself rebelling against authority figures or societal norms, and you may experience some degree of tension or conflict in your relationships as a result.

It’s important to stay grounded and centered during this transit, and to be open to unexpected opportunities and experiences that come your way. Ultimately, Transit Uranus in the 1st House can help you to discover new aspects of yourself and to embrace your unique and authentic self-expression.

Transit Uranus in the 2nd House

Transit Uranus in the 2nd House can bring sudden and unexpected changes to your finances and material possessions. You may experience a desire for more freedom and independence in your financial life, or you may feel inclined to take risks and invest in unconventional ways. This transit can also bring a shift in your values and priorities, leading you to reassess what truly matters to you. It’s important to stay open-minded and adaptable during this time, as there may be unexpected opportunities for growth and expansion.

Transit Uranus in the 3rd House

Transit Uranus in the 3rd House can bring sudden and unexpected changes in communication, learning, and daily routines. You may feel a strong urge to break free from old patterns of thinking or speaking, and explore new ideas and perspectives. This transit can also bring technological advancements or disruptions, such as changes in the way you use social media or other forms of digital communication. You may experience a surge of mental energy and creativity, making it a good time to pursue intellectual pursuits or engage in stimulating conversations.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for impulsiveness or recklessness, as Uranus can also bring sudden and unexpected disruptions. Overall, this transit can be a time of exciting and liberating change, as long as you stay open to new possibilities and remain grounded in your communication and learning practices.

Transit Uranus in the 4th House

When Uranus transits through the 4th house, it can bring sudden changes and disruptions to the home and family life. This can manifest in the form of unexpected moves, renovations, or even breakups. There may be a desire for greater independence and freedom within the home environment, which could lead to conflicts with family members or living situations. It’s important to stay grounded and communicate openly with loved ones during this time to navigate any challenges that arise.

Transit Uranus in the 5th House

Transit Uranus in the 5th House is an astrological transit that can bring sudden and unexpected changes to our creative expression, romantic life, and relationship with children. This transit can bring a strong desire for freedom and independence in these areas, which may lead us to break free from traditional ways of expressing ourselves. It can also inspire us to take risks and explore new forms of art, entertainment, or hobbies.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for impulsiveness and recklessness during this transit, as it can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences. Overall, this transit can be a time of exciting and liberating growth, but it’s important to stay grounded and centered as we navigate these changes.

Transit Uranus in the 6th House

Transit Uranus in the 6th House is an astrological transit that can bring sudden and unexpected changes to our daily routines, work, and health habits. This transit can inspire us to break free from old patterns and explore new and innovative ways of approaching our work and health. It can also bring a desire for greater independence and autonomy in these areas, which may lead us to change jobs, start our own business or create a new health regime.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for restlessness and impulsiveness during this transit, as it can sometimes lead to unexpected disruptions in our daily life. Overall, this transit can be a time of exciting and liberating growth, but it’s important to stay grounded and focused on our goals as we navigate these changes.

Transit Uranus in the 7th House

Transit Uranus in the 7th House is an astrological transit that can bring sudden and unexpected changes to our relationships, partnerships, and commitments. This transit can inspire us to break free from old patterns and explore new and innovative ways of relating to others. It can also bring a desire for greater independence and autonomy in our relationships, which may lead us to end a partnership or create a new agreement that honors our individual needs.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for impulsiveness and instability during this transit, as it can sometimes lead to unexpected disruptions in our partnerships. Overall, this transit can be a time of exciting and liberating growth, but it’s important to communicate clearly and honestly with our partners as we navigate these changes.

Transit Uranus in the 8th House

Transit Uranus in the 8th House is an astrological transit that can bring sudden and unexpected changes to our innermost desires, shared resources, and intimate relationships. This transit can inspire us to break free from old patterns and explore new and innovative ways of approaching our deepest desires and our relationship with power and control. It can also bring a desire for greater independence and autonomy in our intimate relationships, which may lead us to redefine boundaries or end a relationship that no longer serves us.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for impulsiveness and recklessness during this transit, as it can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences in our shared resources or intimate relationships. Overall, this transit can be a time of exciting and liberating growth, but it’s important to stay grounded and centered as we navigate these changes.

Transit Uranus in the 9th House

Transit Uranus in the 9th House is an astrological transit that can bring sudden and unexpected changes to our beliefs, spirituality, and higher education. This transit can inspire us to break free from old patterns and explore new and innovative ways of expanding our minds and our understanding of the world. It can also bring a desire for greater independence and autonomy in our spiritual or philosophical beliefs, which may lead us to question our current beliefs or explore new spiritual practices.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for restlessness and impulsiveness during this transit, as it can sometimes lead to rash decisions or commitments that we may later regret. Overall, this transit can be a time of exciting and liberating growth, but it’s important to stay grounded and focused on our deeper values and beliefs as we navigate these changes.

Transit Uranus in the 10th House

Transit Uranus in the 10th House is an astrological transit that can bring sudden and unexpected changes to our career, reputation, and public image. This transit can inspire us to break free from old patterns and explore new and innovative ways of expressing ourselves in our professional life. It can also bring a desire for greater independence and autonomy in our career, which may lead us to change jobs or start our own business.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the potential for impulsiveness and risk-taking during this transit, as it can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences in our professional life. Overall, this transit can be a time of exciting and liberating growth, but it’s important to stay grounded and focused on our long-term goals as we navigate these changes.

Transit Uranus in the 11th House

Transit Uranus in the 11th House is known for bringing sudden and unexpected changes in your social circle, friendships and community. You may find yourself drawn to new and unconventional groups or individuals who challenge your old ways of thinking and introduce you to new ideas and perspectives.

This transit can also bring about a desire for greater personal freedom and independence, and you may feel the need to break free from outdated social norms or traditions. It’s important to be open to new experiences and embrace the changes that come your way during this time.

Transit Uranus in the 12th House

Transit Uranus in the 12th House is known for bringing sudden and unexpected changes in your spiritual and subconscious realm. You may find yourself experiencing vivid dreams, premonitions or intuitive insights during this transit. You may also feel the urge to explore unconventional spiritual practices or alternative healing modalities.

This transit can also bring about a desire for greater personal freedom and independence in your inner world, and you may feel the need to break free from old patterns of thinking and limiting beliefs. It’s important to be open to new experiences and embrace the changes that come your way during this time, as they can lead to greater spiritual growth and self-awareness.

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    transit saturn in astrology

    Transit Saturn in Astrology

    ​Transit Saturn shows where you have work to do, where you can grow, make progress and mature, where you can dedicate yourself, and where you can experience blockages and limitations.

    Transit Saturn in the 1st House

    When Saturn transits the 1st House, it brings a period of self-reflection and self-evaluation. You may feel a sense of restriction or limitation in your personal life, as Saturn’s energy can be quite heavy and serious. This is a time to take responsibility for your actions and decisions, as Saturn encourages you to be disciplined and structured in your approach to life. You may experience challenges or obstacles that test your patience and perseverance, but if you are able to stay focused and committed, you can emerge from this transit stronger and more resilient than before. It’s important to remember that this is a temporary phase, and that Saturn’s lessons are meant to help you grow and evolve as a person.

    Transit Saturn in the 2nd House

    Transit Saturn in the 2nd House can bring some financial challenges and limitations. You may need to be more conservative with your spending and budgeting during this time. It’s important to focus on building a solid financial foundation and taking a disciplined approach to managing your money. You may also need to re-evaluate your values and priorities around money and material possessions. This transit can be a time of hard work and perseverance, but it can ultimately lead to greater financial stability and security in the long run.

    Transit Saturn in the 3rd House

    Transit Saturn in the 3rd House can bring some challenges in communication and learning. You may feel like you are facing obstacles or limitations in your ability to express yourself clearly or to absorb new information. It’s important to be patient and take a disciplined approach to your studies or communication efforts during this time. You may also need to be more mindful of your words and how you communicate with others, as there may be a tendency towards pessimism or negativity. This transit can be a time of hard work and perseverance, but it can ultimately lead to greater clarity and effectiveness in your communication and learning skills in the long run.

    Transit Saturn in the 4th House

    Transit Saturn in the 4th House can bring about a period of introspection and reflection on your roots and family life. You may feel a sense of responsibility towards your family and home, and may need to address any issues that have been neglected in the past. This can be a challenging time, as you may feel limited in your ability to express yourself or make changes in your domestic life. However, with patience and perseverance, you can use this transit to build a stronger foundation for your future. It’s important to focus on practical matters and take a structured and disciplined approach to any challenges that arise.

    Transit Saturn in the 5th House

    Transit Saturn in the 5th House often indicates a time of increased responsibility and discipline in matters related to creativity, self-expression, and romance. You may feel a stronger need to take your hobbies or artistic pursuits more seriously, or perhaps you will be called upon to provide guidance or mentorship to others in these areas. You may also experience a more serious and cautious approach to romantic relationships, as you may be more focused on building a stable and lasting partnership. This transit can be challenging, but it can also bring about a great deal of personal growth and development.

    Transit Saturn in the 6th House

    Transit Saturn in the 6th House can bring a heightened sense of responsibility and duty towards work, health, and daily routines. This placement may require you to take a more disciplined and structured approach in these areas of your life. You may find yourself working harder and longer hours to achieve your goals, but it’s important to remember to take breaks and prioritize self-care. There may also be a need to address any health issues or make changes to your daily habits to improve overall well-being. While this transit can be challenging, it can ultimately lead to greater productivity, efficiency, and success in your work and daily life.

    Transit Saturn in the 7th House

    Transit Saturn in the 7th House can signify a time where relationships and partnerships may be tested. This transit may bring in a more serious and mature energy to your relationships and may require you to take responsibility and commit to your partnerships. It may also bring in some challenges and restrictions, forcing you to reevaluate your relationships and make necessary changes. It is important to approach this transit with patience, understanding, and a willingness to work through any issues that may arise.

    Transit Saturn in the 8th House

    Transit Saturn in the 8th House can bring about a time of deep transformation and change in your life. This transit may bring in a more serious and mature energy to your approach towards intimacy, shared resources, and joint ventures. You may feel a need to take responsibility and control of your financial and emotional affairs during this period. This transit may also bring in some challenges and restrictions, forcing you to face your fears and insecurities. It is important to approach this transit with patience, understanding, and a willingness to work through any issues that may arise. As a result, you may experience a sense of personal growth and empowerment.

    Transit Saturn in the 9th House

    Transit Saturn in the 9th House can be a time of increased responsibility and focus on higher education, travel, and spiritual growth. You may feel a sense of limitation or restriction in these areas, but with hard work and discipline, you can achieve long-term success and fulfillment. This transit can also bring a renewed commitment to your beliefs and values, as well as a desire to share your knowledge and experience with others. It’s important to stay grounded and practical during this time, while also remaining open to new perspectives and experiences.

    Transit Saturn in the 10th House

    Transit Saturn in the 10th House can be a time of increased focus on career, reputation, and public image. You may feel pressure to achieve success and recognition in your professional life, but with hard work and discipline, you can make steady progress towards your goals. This transit can also bring a renewed sense of responsibility and commitment to your work, as well as a need to establish yourself as a respected authority figure. It’s important to stay focused on your long-term goals and to be patient and persistent in your efforts. This can be a challenging time, but with dedication and perseverance, you can lay a solid foundation for future success.

    Transit Saturn in the 11th House

    Transit Saturn in the 11th House can be a time of increased focus on social connections, community, and personal goals. You may feel a sense of responsibility and duty towards your friends, groups, and causes you care about, but may also experience some challenges and limitations in these areas. This transit can bring a renewed commitment to your values and aspirations, as well as a need to establish yourself as a respected member of your social circle. It’s important to stay focused on your long-term goals and to be patient and persistent in your efforts. This can be a challenging time, but with dedication and perseverance, you can make steady progress towards your dreams.

    Transit Saturn in the 12th House

    Transit Saturn in the 12th House can be a time of increased focus on spirituality, inner growth, and emotional healing. You may feel a sense of responsibility and duty towards your inner world, but may also experience some challenges and limitations in these areas. This transit can bring a renewed commitment to your spiritual path, as well as a need to confront and release deep-seated emotional patterns and fears. It’s important to stay grounded and practical during this time, while also remaining open to the wisdom and guidance of your intuition. This can be a challenging time, but with dedication and perseverance, you can make significant progress towards greater inner peace and fulfillment.

    Pluto transit in Astrology

    Transit Pluto in Astrology

    Transit Pluto in the Houses

    Transit Pluto in the 1st House

    Transit Pluto in the 1st house can bring about a period of intense transformation and self-discovery. You may feel a strong urge to explore your innermost desires and confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back. This transit can also bring about a sense of empowerment and a desire to take control over your life.

    During this time, you may experience significant changes in your physical appearance or the way you present yourself to the world. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others. However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 1st house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise.

    Transit Pluto in the 2nd House

    Transit Pluto in the 2nd house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your financial and material circumstances. You may experience significant changes in your financial situation, including gains and losses, and a reevaluation of your values and priorities.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to take control over your financial affairs and to pursue your goals with greater determination and focus. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also experience a sense of loss or upheaval in your personal material possessions, as you are asked to let go of attachments that no longer serve you.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 2nd house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your values and priorities, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 3rd House

    Transit Pluto in the 3rd house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your communication and thought patterns. You may experience significant changes in the way you think, communicate, and interact with others as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to speak your truth and to express yourself with greater clarity and assertiveness. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of communication that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your intellectual pursuits, as you are asked to confront any patterns of thought that are no longer serving you.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 3rd house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your authentic self, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 4th House

    Transit Pluto in the 4th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your domestic and family life. You may experience significant changes in your living situation or in your relationships with family members as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to create a sense of security and stability in your home life, or to confront any issues from your past that may be affecting your relationships with family members. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your emotional life, as you are asked to confront any patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 4th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your family values and priorities, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 5th House

    Transit Pluto in the 5th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your creative expression, romance, and personal identity. You may experience significant changes in your relationships with romantic partners, your artistic pursuits, and your sense of self as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to express your creativity and to pursue your passions with greater determination and focus. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your personal relationships, as you are asked to confront any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 5th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your creative passions and authentic self, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 6th House

    Transit Pluto in the 6th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your work life, daily routines, and health. You may experience significant changes in your work environment or in your relationship with your job as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to take control over your daily routines and to pursue your career goals with greater determination and focus. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your physical health, as you are asked to confront any patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 6th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your career goals and personal well-being, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 7th House

    Transit Pluto in the 7th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your relationships, both personal and professional. You may experience significant changes in your partnerships as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to take control over your relationships and to pursue your goals with greater determination and focus. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your ability to form meaningful partnerships, as you are asked to confront any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 7th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your values and priorities in relationships, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 8th House

    Transit Pluto in the 8th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your intimate relationships, shared resources, and personal transformation. You may experience significant changes in your relationships with others, particularly in the realm of intimacy and trust.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to explore your deepest desires and confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your ability to trust others and to form deep connections.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 8th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your values and priorities in relationships, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 9th House

    Transit Pluto in the 9th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your beliefs, higher education, and spiritual pursuits. You may experience significant changes in your worldview as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to seek greater knowledge and understanding or to confront any issues related to your spiritual or philosophical beliefs. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your pursuit of knowledge or your ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 9th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your values and priorities in your beliefs and pursuits, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 10th House

    Transit Pluto in the 10th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your professional life, public image, and sense of authority and responsibility. You may experience significant changes in your career or in your relationship with authority figures as you confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to take control over your career and to pursue your goals with greater determination and focus. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and a potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your ability to take on authority or to be seen as a leader.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 10th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your values and priorities in your professional life and public image, you can emerge more robust and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 11th House

    Transit Pluto in the 11th house can bring about intense transformation and upheaval in your social circle, community involvement, and sense of belonging. You may experience significant changes in your friendships or relationships with groups or organizations as you confront any fears or limitations holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to pursue social causes or to become more involved in your community. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations holding you back in your ability to connect with others or find a sense of belonging.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 11th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your values and priorities in your social life and community involvement, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Pluto in the 12th House

    Transit Pluto in the 12th house can bring about a period of intense transformation and upheaval in your inner world, subconscious mind, and spiritual beliefs. You may experience significant changes in your relationship with yourself and with spirituality as you confront any fears or limitations holding you back.

    During this time, you may feel a strong urge to explore your innermost desires and confront any shadows or unresolved issues from your past. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships, both with yourself and with others, as you confront any behaviour patterns that no longer serve you.

    However, it is important to approach this transit with caution, as it can also bring about intense power struggles and potential for manipulation or control from others. You may also confront any fears or limitations that have been holding you back in your spiritual pursuits or ability to connect with your intuition.

    Overall, transit Pluto in the 12th house can be a time of profound growth and transformation, but it is important to approach it with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a willingness to face any challenges that may arise. By embracing this period of transformation and staying true to your values and priorities in your inner world and spiritual beliefs, you can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before.

    Transit Mars in Astrology

    Transit Mars in Astrology

    Transit Mars in the Houses

    Transit Mars in the Houses can bring a focus on assertiveness, action, and energy in different areas of life. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect:

    Transit Mars in the 1st House

    When transit Mars moves into the 1st house, it can surge energy and assertiveness. This placement often indicates a time of increased physical activity and a desire to take charge in all areas of life. The person influenced by this transit may feel more confident and able to assert their willpower, which can help pursue personal goals and ambitions.

    However, this placement can also lead to a tendency towards impulsiveness and impatience, leading to conflicts with others. One may also experience restlessness and a desire for change, manifesting in impulsive decisions or actions.

    Overall, the transit of Mars in the 1st house can be an energizing and empowering time, but it is important to channel the energy in productive ways and avoid being overly aggressive or confrontational with others.

    Transit Mars in the 2nd House

    When Mars transits the 2nd house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to deal with your finances, possessions, and values. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your financial goals or standing up for what you believe is important regarding your values. However, this transit can also bring potential challenges, such as impulsiveness with spending or taking unnecessary financial risks. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time.

    Transit Mars in the 3rd House

    When Mars transits the 3rd house in astrology, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your communication, learning, and daily interactions. You may feel more assertive and confident in expressing your ideas and opinions and may be more willing to take risks in your communication style. This transit can also bring increased activity in your immediate environment, such as more short trips or interactions with siblings and neighbours. However, Mars transit the 3rd house can also bring some potential challenges, such as arguments or conflicts in communication or a tendency towards impatience and impulsiveness. For this reason, it’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time.

    Transit Mars in the 4th House

    When Mars transits the 4th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your home, family, and emotional foundation dynamics. You may feel more assertive and confident in your domestic affairs and may be more willing to take risks in making changes to your living situation or in addressing family dynamics. This transit can also bring increased activity in your private life, and you may feel more emotionally charged or reactive during this time. However, this transit can also bring some potential challenges, such as conflicts with family members or a tendency towards impulsive behaviour when it comes to your home life. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time.

    Transit Mars in the 5th House

    When Mars transits the 5th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your creativity, self-expression, and love life. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your hobbies, passions, and artistic endeavours and may be more willing to take risks in expressing yourself. This transit can also increase your romantic activity, and you may feel more passionate or driven when pursuing love and romance.

    However, Mars transit the 5th house, can also bring some potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles in romantic relationships or a tendency towards impulsiveness and recklessness in pursuing pleasure and entertainment. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this transit. Use this time to explore your creative side and express your passions while also being mindful of the potential consequences of impulsive actions.

    Transit Mars in the 6th House

    When Mars transits the 6th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your work, health, and daily routine. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your goals and tasks and may be more willing to take risks in your professional life. This transit can also increase activity in your health and fitness routines, and you may feel more motivated to change your diet and exercise habits.

    However, this transit can also bring some potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles in the workplace, or a tendency towards overworking or burning out. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time. Use this time to focus on your work and health goals while also being mindful of the importance of balance and self-care.

    Transit Mars in the 7th House

    When Mars transits the 7th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your personal and professional relationships, and may be more willing to take risks in forming new partnerships or ending unhealthy ones. This transit can also increase your social activity, and you may feel more motivated to connect with others and engage in networking opportunities.

    However, this transit can also bring potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles in relationships, or a tendency towards impulsive decisions regarding partnerships. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time. Use this time to focus on building healthy and productive relationships while being mindful of your needs and boundaries.

    Transit Mars in the 8th House

    When Mars transits the 8th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing deeper connections with others, and may be more willing to take risks in exploring your own emotional and psychological depths. This transit can also increase your financial and material affairs activity, and you may feel more motivated to make positive changes to your shared resources.

    However, this transit can also bring potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles in intimate relationships, or a tendency towards impulsive decisions regarding shared resources. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time. Use this time to focus on building healthy and meaningful connections with others while being mindful of your boundaries and needs.

    Transit Mars in the 9th House

    When Mars transits the 9th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your beliefs, philosophy, and higher education. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your intellectual and spiritual pursuits, and may be more willing to take risks in exploring new ideas and perspectives. This transit can also increase your travel and adventure activity, and you may feel more motivated to explore new places and cultures.

    However, this transit can also bring some potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles when it comes to philosophical or religious beliefs, or a tendency towards impulsiveness when it comes to travel or spiritual practices. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way. Use this time to focus on expanding your knowledge and horizons while also being mindful of the potential pitfalls of recklessness and impulsivity.

    Transit Mars in the 10th House

    When Mars transits the 10th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your career, reputation, and public image. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your professional goals and ambitions and may be more willing to take risks in your career. This transit can also increase activity in your public life, and you may feel more motivated to make a name for yourself and establish your reputation in your field.

    However, this transit can also bring some potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles in the workplace, or a tendency towards overworking or burning out. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time. Use this phase to focus on achieving your career goals while also being mindful of the importance of balance and self-care.

    Transit Mars in the 11th House

    When Mars transits the 11th house, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your social life, friendships, and group activities. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your social goals and aspirations and may be more willing to take risks in your social life. This transit can also bring increased activity in your community involvement, and you may feel more motivated to engage in group activities and social causes.

    However, this transit can also bring some potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles within groups, or a tendency towards impulsiveness when it comes to social activities or friendships. It’s important to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way. Use this time to focus on building healthy and meaningful connections with others while also being mindful of your own needs and boundaries within groups.

    Transit Mars in the 12th House

    When Mars transits the 12th house in astrology, it can bring a lot of energy and drive to your subconscious, spirituality, and inner world. You may feel more assertive and confident in pursuing your spiritual or psychological growth, and may be more willing to take risks in exploring the depths of your psyche. This transit can also bring increased activity in your private life, and you may feel more motivated to spend time alone or engage in introspection.

    However, this transit can also bring some potential challenges, such as conflicts or power struggles within your subconscious or in your private life or a tendency towards impulsive or reckless behaviour when it comes to your inner world. It’s essential to be mindful of these tendencies and to channel the energy of Mars in a productive way during this time. Use this time to focus on your spiritual or psychological development while also being mindful of the need for balance and self-care in your private life.

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      Taurus Zodiac Sign Traits

      Taurus is an earth sign represented by the bull symbol and ruled by Venus. Taurus individuals are known for their practicality, reliability, and determination. They are often patient, loyal, and possess a strong work ethic and are known for their love of material comforts and their appreciation for beauty.

      Taurus individuals are typically calm and composed, but they can also be stubborn and resistant to change. They value stability and security in their lives and relationships. Taurus individuals are often dependable and trustworthy, making them great friends and partners. They have a strong sense of loyalty and are known for their commitment to their loved ones.

      Taurus is most compatible with other earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn. They also have good compatibility with water signs like Cancer and Pisces. Taureans may face challenges in relationships with fire signs like Aries and Leo, as well as with air signs like Gemini and Aquarius. However, compatibility ultimately depends on the individuals involved and their unique dynamics.

      Taurus individuals thrive in stable and structured work environments. They excel in careers that require patience, persistence, and attention to detail. They are often drawn to professions in finance, real estate, agriculture, and the arts. They value job security and financial stability.

      Taureans are known for their determination and perseverance. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are reliable team members. Furthermore they are often practical and grounded, making them great problem solvers. They have a keen eye for beauty and appreciate the finer things in life.

      Taurus individuals can be stubborn and resistant to change. They may struggle with letting go of grudges and forgiving others. Taurus individuals can be possessive and materialistic at times. They may also have a tendency to be overly cautious and risk-averse.

      Taurus individuals are generally robust and have good physical endurance. They benefit from regular exercise and outdoor activities, especially since they may be prone to stress-related ailments and should prioritize self-care and relaxation. They should also pay attention to their diet and avoid overindulgence.

      Some famous Taurus individuals include Adele, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Queen Elizabeth II, and George Clooney. These individuals showcase the determination, loyalty, and practicality commonly associated with Taurus.

      Taurus individuals can be found in various fields, including music, acting, politics, and business. Their success often stems from their strong work ethic and ability to stay grounded.

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      Aries Weekly horoscope

      Aries Zodiac Sign Traits

      Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is represented by the ram. Aries individuals are known for their boldness, assertiveness, and leadership qualities. They are often energetic, passionate, and have a strong desire to achieve their goals. Aries people are also known for their independence and can be quite competitive. 

      Aries is a fire sign, which represents their passionate and energetic nature. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars, which adds to their assertiveness and determination. The combination of fire and Mars makes Aries individuals highly motivated and action-oriented. They are not afraid to take risks and are often seen as trailblazers.

      Since Aries individuals are courageous and confident, they are always ready to take on new challenges. They have a strong sense of self and are not easily influenced by others. Aries people are known for their optimism and enthusiasm, which can be contagious to those around them. They are natural leaders and inspire others with their passion and drive.

      Aries individuals can be impulsive and impatient, often acting without thinking things through. They can also be stubborn and have a tendency to be self-centered. Aries people may struggle with anger and can be quick-tempered. Their competitive nature can sometimes lead to conflicts and arguments.

      Aries individuals are passionate and adventurous in relationships. They seek excitement and enjoy the thrill of the chase. Aries people are loyal and protective of their loved ones. However, their impulsive nature can sometimes lead to impulsive decisions in relationships.

      Aries individuals thrive in careers that allow them to take charge and be independent. They excel in leadership roles and are not afraid to take risks. Aries people are often ambitious and driven, striving for success in their chosen field. Their energy and enthusiasm make them natural motivators and influencers.

      Aries is most compatible with fellow fire signs, such as Leo and Sagittarius. They share a similar energy and passion for life. Aries can also have a strong connection with air signs like Gemini and Aquarius, who appreciate their adventurous nature. However, they may clash with more grounded signs like Taurus and Capricorn, who value stability and routine.

      Famous Aries Personalities

      Famous Aries individuals include Leonardo da Vinci, Lady Gaga, Robert Downey Jr., and Mariah Carey. These individuals showcase the creativity, determination, and boldness commonly associated with Aries. Aries people often excel in various fields, including arts, sports, and entrepreneurship. Their drive and passion make them stand out in their respective industries.

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      retrograde planets 2024

      Retrograde Planets 2024

      Annual summary of retrograde planets in 2024

      Retrograde beginsRetrograde ends
      Mercury rx Dec 13, 2023 Capricorn 08°Jan 2, 2024 Sagittarius 22°
      Mercury rx Apr 1, 2024 Aries 27°Apr 25, 2024 Aries 15°
      Mercury rx Aug 5, 2024 Virgo 04°Aug 28, 2024 Leo 21°
      Mercury rx Nov 26, 2024 Sagittarius 22°Dec 15, 2024 Sagittarius 06°
      Venus is not retrograde in 2024
      Mars rx Dec 6, 2024 Leo 06°Feb 24, 2025 Cancer 17°
      Jupiter rx Oct 9, 2024 Gemini 21°Feb 4, 2025 Gemini 11°
      Saturn rx Jun 29, 2024 Pisces 19°Nov 15, 2024 Pisces 12°
      Uranus rx Aug 29, 2023 Taurus 23°Jan 27, 2024 Taurus 19°
      Uranus rx Sep 1, 2024 Taurus 27°Jan 30, 2025 Taurus 23°
      Neptune rx Jul 2, 2024 Pisces 29°Dec 7, 2024 Pisces 27°
      Pluto rx May 2, 2024 Aquarius 02°Oct 12, 2024 Capricorn 29°
      Mercury retrograde 2024

      Mercury retrogrades 2024: Key dates

      Annual summary of Mercury retrograde 2024

      January 2nd 2024 Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius ♐️ 22°; the post shadow period begins

      January 21st 2024 Post shadow period ends at 8° of Capricorn ♑️

      March 19th 2024 pre shadow period begins Aries ♈️ 15°.

      April 1st 2024 Mercury retrograde in Aries ♈️ 27° begins.

      April 25th 2024 Mercury retrograde ends Aries ♈️ 15°; the post shadow period begins.

      May 13th 2024 Mercury retrograde post shadow period ends Aries ♈️ 27°.

      July 17th 2024 Mercury pre shadow period begins Leo ♌️ 21°.

      August 5th 2024 Mercury retrograde begins Virgo ♍️ 4°.

      August 28th 2024 Mercury retrograde ends; the post shadow period begins Leo ♌️ 21°.

      September 11th 2024 Mercury post shadow period ends Virgo ♍️ 4°

      November 7th 2024 Mercury pre shadow period begins Sagittarius ♐️ 6°.

      November 26th 2024 Mercury retrograde begins Sagittarius ♐️ 22°.

      December 15th Mercury retrograde ends; the post shadow period begins Sagittarius ♐️ 6°.

      January 3rd 2025 Mercury post shadow period ends Sagittarius ♐️ 22°.

      New and Full Moon 2024

      New & Full Moons of 2024

      Annual summary of New & Full Moons of 2024

      January 11th 2024, New Moon in Capricorn ♑️ 20°

      January 25th 2024, Full Moon in Leo ♌️ 5°

      February 9th 2024 New Moon in Aquarius ♒️ 20°

      February 24th 2024 Full Moon in Virgo ♍️ 5°

      March 10th 2024 New Moon in Pisces ♓️ 20°

      March 25th 2024 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra ♎️ 5°

      April 8th 2024 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries ♈️ 19°

      April 23rd 2024 Full Moon in Scorpio ♏️ 4°

      May 8th 2024 New Moon in Taurus ♉️ 18°

      May 23° 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️ 2°

      June 6th 2024 New Moon in Gemini ♊️ 16°

      June 22nd Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️ 1°

      July 5th 2024 New Moon in Cancer ♋️ 14°

      July 21st 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn ♑️ 29°

      August 4th 2024 New Moon in Leo ♌️ 12°

      August 19th 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius ♒️ 27°

      September 3rd 2024 New Moon in Virgo ♍️ 11°

      September 18th 2024 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ♓️ 25°

      October 2nd 2024 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra ♎️ 10°

      October 17th 2024 Full Moon in Aries ♈️ 24°

      November 1st 2024 New Moon in Scorpio ♏️ 9°

      November 15th 2024 Full Moon in Taurus ♉️ 24°

      December 1st 2024 New Moon in Sagittarius ♐️ 9°

      December 15th 2024 Full Moon in Gemini ♊️ 23°

      December 30th 2024 New Moon in Capricorn ♑️ 9°

      Natal Uranus in Astrology

      Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system. It is a gas giant, similar to Jupiter and Saturn, but it has a unique blue-green color due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere. Uranus is known for its extreme tilt, with its axis of rotation tilted at an angle of about 98 degrees. In astrology, Uranus is associated with rebellion, innovation, and sudden changes. It represents individuality, freedom, and breaking free from societal norms. Uranus is often linked to technological advancements, scientific discoveries, and unconventional thinking.

      In a natal chart, Uranus represents the area of life where we seek personal freedom and express our unique individuality. It signifies our desire for independence and the need to break free from limitations or restrictions. Uranus also governs our ability to embrace change, adapt to new circumstances, and think outside the box. When Uranus forms aspects with other planets in our natal chart, it influences the energy and expression of those planets. Uranus can bring excitement, innovation, and unexpected events when in positive aspects. In challenging aspects, Uranus may create disruptions, rebelliousness, and a need for freedom that can lead to tension.

      Natal Uranus in the Houses

      Natal Uranus in the 1st House

      Uranus in the 1st house brings a strong need for individuality and freedom in self-expression. Individuals with this placement may have a unique and unconventional appearance or personality. They are often seen as trendsetters and can bring sudden changes and disruptions to their own identity.

      Natal Uranus in the 2nd House

      Uranus in the 2nd house indicates a need for financial independence and unconventional approaches to money and possessions. Individuals with this placement may experience sudden gains or losses in their finances. They may also have unique talents or ideas that can bring them unexpected sources of income.

      Natal Uranus in the 3rd House

      Uranus in the 3rd house brings a restless and curious mind, seeking intellectual stimulation and freedom of thought. Individuals with this placement have unconventional communication styles or interests. They may also experience sudden changes in their local environment or relationships with siblings and neighbors.

      Natal Uranus in the 4th House

      Uranus in the 4th house indicates a need for freedom and independence within the home and family life. Individuals with this placement have an unconventional upbringing or experience sudden changes in their family dynamics. They may also have a unique approach to creating a sense of security and stability in their personal life.

      Natal Uranus in the 5th House

      Uranus in the 5th house brings a need for creative freedom and individuality in self-expression. Individuals with this placement often have unique hobbies, interests, or talents. They may also experience sudden and unexpected romantic relationships or changes in their love life.

      Natal Uranus in the 6th House

      Uranus in the 6th house indicates a need for freedom and innovation in work and daily routines. Individuals with this placement seek unconventional career paths or have unique approaches to health and wellness. They may also experience sudden changes in their work environment or work-related relationships.

      Natal Uranus in the 7th House

      Uranus in the 7th house brings a need for freedom and independence within partnerships and relationships. Individuals with this placement may attract unconventional or unpredictable partners. They may also experience sudden changes or disruptions in their relationships or marriage.

      Natal Uranus in the 8th House

      Uranus in the 8th house indicates a need for personal transformation and a desire for freedom in matters related to shared resources, intimacy, and deep emotional connections. Individuals with this placement may experience sudden changes or disruptions in their financial or intimate relationships. They may have unconventional views on topics like death, sexuality, and the occult.

      Natal Uranus in the 9th House

      Uranus in the 9th house suggests a strong desire for intellectual freedom, exploration, and unconventional beliefs. Individuals with this placement are drawn to travel, philosophy, and higher education that challenges traditional norms. They may have a unique perspective on religion, spirituality, and cultural differences.

      Natal Uranus in the 10th House

      Uranus in the 10th house indicates a need for individuality and freedom in one’s career and public image. Individuals with this placement have a strong drive to break free from traditional career paths and may be drawn to innovative or unconventional professions. They may experience sudden changes or disruptions in their professional life, but these can lead to unique opportunities for growth and success.

      Natal Uranus in the 11th House

      Uranus in the 11th house signifies a need for freedom and individuality within social groups, friendships, and community involvement. Individuals with this placement are attracted to unconventional or progressive social causes and may have a wide network of diverse and unique friends. They may experience sudden changes or disruptions in their social circles, but these can lead to personal growth and the discovery of like-minded individuals.

      Natal Uranus in the 12th House

      Uranus in the 12th house suggests a need for freedom and individuality in matters related to spirituality, subconscious mind, and hidden realms. Individuals with this placement have unique intuitive abilities or unconventional spiritual practices. They may experience sudden insights or awakenings from their subconscious mind, leading to personal transformation and spiritual growth.

      Natal Uranus in the Signs

      Natal Uranus in Aries

      When Uranus is in Aries, there is a focus on individuality, independence, and innovation. People with this placement may have a strong desire for freedom and may be pioneers in their fields. Aries is a fire sign, so Uranus in Aries can bring about sudden and unexpected changes and bursts of energy.

      Natal Uranus in Taurus

      Uranus in Taurus brings a shift towards stability, practicality, and material possessions. People with this placement may experience sudden changes in their financial situations or values. Taurus is an earth sign, so Uranus in Taurus can bring about changes related to the physical world and the environment.

      Natal Uranus in Gemini

      Uranus in Gemini emphasizes communication, intellectual pursuits, and adaptability. People with this placement may experience sudden changes in their thinking patterns or may be drawn to unconventional ideas. Gemini is an air sign, so Uranus in Gemini can bring about changes in the realm of ideas and social connections.

      Natal Uranus in Cancer

      Uranus in Cancer highlights emotions, home, family, and nurturing. People with this placement may experience sudden changes in their emotional lives or may have unconventional family dynamics. Cancer is a water sign, so Uranus in Cancer can bring about changes in the realm of emotions and domestic life.

      Natal Uranus in Leo

      Uranus in Leo emphasizes creativity, self-expression, and individuality. People with this placement may experience sudden changes in their creative pursuits or may have a desire for unique self-identity. Leo is a fire sign, so Uranus in Leo can bring about dramatic and unexpected shifts in self-expression and personal identity.

      Natal Uranus in Virgo

      Uranus in Virgo focuses on practicality, organization, and service to others. People with this placement may experience sudden changes in their daily routines or may have unconventional approaches to problem-solving. Virgo is an earth sign, so Uranus in Virgo can bring about changes in the realm of work, health, and daily life.

      Natal Uranus in Libra

      Uranus in Libra emphasizes relationships, harmony, and justice. People with this placement may experience sudden changes in their partnerships or may have unconventional approaches to balance and fairness. Libra is an air sign, so Uranus in Libra can bring about changes in the realm of relationships and social dynamics.

      Natal Uranus in Scorpio

      Uranus in Scorpio highlights transformation, intensity, and deep emotions. People with this placement may experience sudden changes in their personal power or may have unconventional approaches to intimacy and trust. Scorpio is a water sign, so Uranus in Scorpio can bring about changes in the realm of emotions, sexuality, and shared resources.

      Natal Uranus in Sagittarius

      Uranus in Sagittarius brings a desire for freedom and exploration. People with this placement may have unconventional beliefs and seek new experiences. They may be drawn to travel, philosophy, and higher education.

      Natal Uranus in Capricorn

      Uranus in Capricorn brings a need for structure and stability with a twist of innovation. People with this placement may challenge traditional systems and strive for change within established institutions. They may be driven to revolutionize the business and political world

      Natal Uranus in Aquarius

      Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius, so its influence here is strong. People with Uranus in Aquarius are often visionaries and forward-thinkers. They may have a strong sense of social justice and work towards creating a better future for all.

      Natal Uranus in Pisces

      Uranus in Pisces brings a blend of imagination and innovation. People with this placement may have psychic or intuitive abilities. They may be drawn to spiritual pursuits and have a deep connection to the collective consciousness.

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      Finding Your Niche

      What is a niche?

      A niche is a specialized area or field that aligns with your interests, skills, and values. It is a unique space where you can excel and make a meaningful impact. Finding your niche involves exploring different areas, trying new things, and reflecting on what brings you joy and fulfillment. Your niche should align with your values and contribute to a greater purpose.

      When you find your niche, you are more likely to enjoy your work and feel motivated. It allows you to focus your efforts and become an expert in your chosen field. Finding your niche can lead to increased opportunities, personal growth, and a sense of purpose.

      Ways to find your niche

      • Start by identifying your passions, interests, and strengths.
      • Explore different industries, hobbies, and activities to see what resonates with you. Consider what problems you want to solve or what impact you want to make in the world.
      • Experiment and try new things to discover what brings you joy and fulfillment.

      Conduct research to learn more about potential niches and industries. Reflect on your experiences, skills, and values to align them with your niche. Seek guidance from mentors, professionals, or career counselors who can provide insights and advice.

      Testing and refining your niche

      • Test your chosen niche by taking on projects or internships related to it.
      • Evaluate your experiences and gather feedback to refine your niche further.
      • Be open to adjusting and adapting your niche as you learn and grow.
      • Embrace your unique qualities, perspectives, and strengths.
      • Differentiate yourself by bringing your own voice and ideas to your niche.

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      Introduction to Branding

      What is Branding?

      Branding is the process of creating a unique and recognizable identity for a product, service, or company. It involves developing a name, logo, tagline, and other visual and verbal elements that distinguish the brand from its competitors. The goal of branding is to create a positive and memorable impression in the minds of consumers.

      Why is Branding Important?

      Branding helps build trust and credibility with consumers. It differentiates a product or company from its competitors, making it easier for consumers to make purchasing decisions. Strong branding can lead to brand loyalty, where customers become repeat buyers and advocates for the brand.

      5 Essential Elements of Branding

      • Brand name: The name by which a product or company is known.
      • Logo: A visual symbol that represents the brand.
      • Tagline: A memorable phrase that communicates the brand’s key message.
      • Colors and typography: The visual elements that contribute to the brand’s identity.
      • Brand voice: The tone and style of communication used by the brand.

      Key Benefits of branding

      • Increased customer recognition and recall.
      • Enhanced perceived value and credibility.
      • Ability to charge premium prices.
      • Competitive advantage in the market.
      • Opportunities for brand extensions and partnerships.

      Building a brand

      • Define your brand’s mission, values, and target audience.
      • Conduct market research to understand consumer needs and preferences.
      • Develop a unique brand identity, including a name, logo, and visual elements.
      • Create a brand strategy and positioning that aligns with your target audience.
      • Consistently communicate and reinforce your brand message across all touchpoints.

      Branding and Customer Experience

      • Branding plays a crucial role in shaping the overall customer experience.
      • A strong brand can create positive emotions and associations, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
      • Consistent branding across all customer touchpoints helps build trust and loyalty.

      Branding challenges

      • Standing out in a crowded marketplace with numerous competitors.
      • Maintaining brand consistency across different channels and platforms.
      • Adapting to changing consumer preferences and trends.
      • Protecting the brand’s reputation and managing potential crises.

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      natal Jupiter in Astrology

      Natal Jupiter in Astrology

      In astrology, natal Jupiter represents expansion, growth, abundance, and good fortune. It is associated with our beliefs, values, and sense of meaning and purpose in life. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, and its energy is expansive and optimistic, encouraging us to seek out new experiences and opportunities for growth. Those with strong Jupiter placements in their natal chart are often seen as lucky or fortunate, with a natural ability to attract abundance and success. They may have a strong sense of optimism and faith in the universe, and a belief that everything will work out for the best in the end.

      Jupiter also rules higher education, philosophy, and spirituality, and those with a strong Jupiter placement are often drawn to these areas of study. However, there can be a tendency towards excess or overindulgence with Jupiter, and those with an afflicted Jupiter may struggle with issues around greed, arrogance, or self-righteousness. It is important for individuals with a strong Jupiter placement to balance their optimism with practicality and responsibility, and to avoid taking unnecessary risks or making impulsive decisions.

      Overall, natal Jupiter represents the potential for growth, abundance, and good fortune in our lives, and encourages us to embrace new experiences and opportunities for learning and expansion.

      Natal Jupiter in the Houses

      Natal Jupiter in the 1st House

      The 1st house represents our self-image, identity, and the way we approach life. When Jupiter is in the 1st house, there is a natural optimism and expansiveness in how individuals carry themselves. They are often seen as generous, warm, and approachable, exuding a sense of positivity that attracts opportunities and people into their lives. There’s a deep belief in personal potential, and they often approach challenges with a “glass half full” mentality. This placement tends to bring a larger-than-life presence, and individuals may feel that their purpose is to inspire or uplift those around them. However, there can also be a tendency to overdo things—whether that’s in their confidence or how much they take on. Learning moderation is key, as their enthusiasm can sometimes lead to overextension. Still, this placement often brings luck and growth, with a constant desire for self-improvement and exploration of the world.

      Natal Jupiter in the 2nd House

      The 2nd house governs personal values, finances, and material resources. With Jupiter in the 2nd house, individuals often find that abundance flows into their lives, especially when they align their values with their actions. They tend to have a generous approach to money and may find it easy to attract financial opportunities. However, this placement is about more than just material wealth—it speaks to a broader sense of value and self-worth. There’s a deep belief that the universe will provide, which can lead to a certain financial optimism. However, this confidence can sometimes lead to overspending or being too generous, so learning how to manage resources wisely is crucial. Emotional and spiritual richness is also important to them, and they may seek to invest in experiences or possessions that reflect their broader sense of abundance.

      Natal Jupiter in the 3rd House

      The 3rd house relates to communication, learning, and immediate surroundings. Jupiter in the 3rd house brings a curious, expansive mind, always eager to learn, explore, and share knowledge. These individuals are natural teachers or communicators, often inspiring others with their wisdom or broad perspective on life. They may have an optimistic outlook on life’s daily experiences, and there’s a sense of abundance in the flow of ideas and connections they cultivate. This placement often brings a love for travel, not necessarily over long distances, but rather exploring new ideas, cultures, or local environments. There’s a constant need to broaden their horizons, whether through learning new subjects or connecting with a wide range of people. Their enthusiasm for sharing ideas can sometimes lead to an overwhelming amount of communication, but their optimism and ability to see the big picture often help them navigate challenges in this area.

      Natal Jupiter in the 4th House

      The 4th house represents home, family, and the foundation of one’s inner emotional world. With Jupiter in the 4th house, the home becomes a place of growth, expansion, and comfort. These individuals often feel emotionally secure when surrounded by family or when building a home that reflects their expansive nature. They may have a strong connection to their roots, heritage, or even a sense of spiritual belonging within their home environment. Jupiter here can also indicate a large or comfortable home, or a family life filled with abundance and generosity. There’s a deep sense of optimism and faith in the emotional foundations they build for themselves. However, there can be a tendency to rely too much on the comfort of home, or they may seek too much growth too fast within their personal life. Ultimately, this placement suggests that emotional growth and security are found through cultivating a rich, nurturing environment, both internally and externally.

      Natal Jupiter in the 5th House

      The 5th house governs creativity, self-expression, romance, and children. When Jupiter is in the 5th house, there’s a natural exuberance in how individuals approach these areas of life. They are often playful, joyful, and generous in their creative endeavors, drawing inspiration from a deep well of positivity and love for life. Romance can be expansive and exciting, with a tendency to seek out partners who are optimistic, adventurous, and share a similar love for life’s pleasures. They may be particularly lucky in love or find that romantic opportunities seem to come naturally. In terms of creativity, this placement often brings a flourishing of ideas, and they may express themselves through art, performance, or other creative outlets. There’s also a strong connection to children, either their own or through teaching and nurturing others’ creativity. However, there can be a tendency to overindulge in pleasures or become too focused on the joys of life without balancing responsibility.

      Natal Jupiter in the 6th House

      The 6th house relates to work, health, and daily routines. Jupiter in the 6th house suggests that these individuals may approach their daily responsibilities with a sense of optimism and purpose. Work is often a source of personal growth and fulfillment, and they may seek out jobs that allow them to help others, expand their skills, or learn something new. There’s a natural generosity in how they approach their tasks, often going above and beyond what’s required. Health and well-being are also areas of growth, and they may explore various methods of self-care or holistic approaches to maintaining physical and mental balance. However, there can be a tendency to overwork or overextend themselves in service to others, so finding balance is key. This placement often brings luck in the workplace, as they are seen as positive, helpful, and expansive in their approach to their duties.

      Natal Jupiter in the 7th House

      The 7th house rules partnerships, marriage, and one-on-one relationships. With Jupiter in the 7th house, individuals often attract expansive, optimistic partners who help them grow. Relationships are a source of wisdom and personal development, and they may seek out partners who broaden their worldview or inspire them to think bigger. There is a natural generosity in how they approach partnerships, often giving freely of their time, energy, and support. They may feel that they grow the most through their connections with others, and marriage or long-term partnerships can be particularly fulfilling. This placement often brings luck in relationships, with partners who provide emotional or material support. However, they may also need to be cautious of idealizing relationships or expecting too much from others. Balance between giving and receiving is essential for maintaining healthy partnerships.

      Natal Jupiter in the 8th House

      The 8th house is associated with transformation, shared resources, intimacy, and the mysteries of life. Jupiter in the 8th house brings an expansive approach to these deeply complex areas, often indicating that individuals find growth through transformative experiences. They may have a natural optimism when dealing with crises or profound life changes, believing that every challenge offers an opportunity for growth. In terms of shared resources, they may attract financial or material support through others, such as inheritances, investments, or partnerships. Intimacy and emotional connections are also areas of growth, and they may feel that deep, transformative relationships are key to their personal development. This placement often brings a desire to explore the mysteries of life, whether through psychology, spirituality, or the occult. However, they must be careful not to become overconfident in their ability to handle intense emotional or financial situations.

      Natal Jupiter in the 9th House

      The 9th house represents higher learning, travel, philosophy, and spirituality. Jupiter is at home in the 9th house, and its influence here suggests a deep love of exploration and a hunger for knowledge. These individuals are often drawn to travel, whether physically or intellectually, seeking out new experiences, cultures, and ideas that broaden their horizons. They may have a strong sense of faith or a deeply ingrained belief system that guides their approach to life. Higher education, teaching, or philosophical pursuits may play a key role in their personal growth, as they are constantly seeking to expand their understanding of the world. There’s a natural optimism and openness to life’s mysteries, and they often inspire others to see the world in a broader, more inclusive way. This placement often brings luck through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits, though there may be a tendency to become dogmatic or overconfident in their beliefs.

      Natal Jupiter in the 10th House

      The 10th house governs career, public image, and long-term goals. With Jupiter in the 10th house, individuals are often seen as successful, optimistic, and capable of achieving great things in their professional life. There is a natural ambition and desire for growth in their career, and they may find that opportunities for advancement come easily, often through their positive outlook and ability to inspire others. Their public image may be one of generosity, wisdom, and leadership, as they often seek to make a positive impact in their field. This placement suggests that they may experience significant career growth or recognition, especially when they align their professional goals with their personal values of expansion and optimism. However, they must be mindful of overextending themselves or taking on too much responsibility in their pursuit of success.

      Natal Jupiter in the 11th House

      The 11th house is associated with friendships, social groups, and future aspirations. When Jupiter is in the 11th house, individuals often feel a deep sense of optimism about the future and are drawn to friendships or social groups that inspire them to grow. They may be involved in communities or causes that aim to improve society or expand knowledge, and they are often seen as generous and uplifting within their social circles. There’s a strong desire to connect with like-minded individuals who share their vision for the future, and they may feel most fulfilled when working toward collective goals that benefit a wider community. This placement often brings luck and growth through social networks, and they may attract friends or allies who help them achieve their dreams. However, they should be mindful of over-idealizing their social connections or placing too much importance on group validation.

      Natal Jupiter in the 12th House

      The 12th house governs the unconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life. With Jupiter in the 12th house, individuals often experience a deep connection to the spiritual or mystical side of life. They may find personal growth through introspection, meditation, or other forms of spiritual practice that allow them to connect with their inner self. This placement suggests that they may be drawn to exploring the unseen realms of life, whether through spirituality, psychology, or humanitarian work. There’s often a quiet, subtle expansion happening within their unconscious mind, and they may feel a deep sense of faith in the universe or a higher power. This placement often brings protection or luck in hidden ways, as if they are being guided by unseen forces. However, they may also need to guard against escapism or relying too heavily on spiritual bypassing to avoid dealing with reality.

      Natal Jupiter in the Signs

      Natal Jupiter in Aries

      When Jupiter is in Aries, it enhances the sign’s assertiveness, courage, and leadership qualities. It brings opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and taking bold actions. People with Natal Jupiter in Aries may experience increased confidence and a desire to pursue new ventures.

      Natal Jupiter in Taurus

      When Jupiter is in Taurus, it emphasizes the sign’s stability, practicality, and material abundance. It brings opportunities for financial growth, material success, and enjoying the pleasures of life. Individuals with Jupiter in Taurus may experience increased luck in money matters and a desire for comfort and security.

      Natal Jupiter in Gemini

      When Jupiter is in Gemini, it enhances the sign’s curiosity, communication skills, and intellectual pursuits. It brings opportunities for learning, networking, and expanding one’s social circle. Individuals with Jupiter in Gemini may experience increased luck in education, writing, and connecting with others.

      Natal Jupiter in Cancer

      When Jupiter is in Cancer, it emphasizes the sign’s nurturing, emotional sensitivity, and family-oriented nature. It brings opportunities for emotional growth, strengthening family bonds, and finding comfort and security at home. Individuals with Jupiter in Cancer may experience increased luck in matters related to home, family, and emotional well-being.

      Natal Jupiter in Leo

      When Jupiter is in Leo, it enhances the sign’s creativity, self-expression, and leadership qualities. It brings opportunities for recognition, success, and pursuing one’s passions. Individuals with Jupiter in Leo may experience increased luck in creative endeavors, public speaking, and gaining attention and admiration from others.

      Natal Jupiter in Virgo

      When Jupiter is in Virgo, it emphasizes the sign’s practicality, attention to detail, and service-oriented nature. It brings opportunities for personal growth through hard work, organization, and improving skills. Individuals with Jupiter in Virgo may experience increased luck in work, health, and finding fulfillment through helping others.

      Natal Jupiter in Libra

      Jupiter in Libra emphasizes the importance of balance, harmony, and fairness in relationships. It encourages us to seek partnerships that are based on equality and mutual respect. This placement can bring opportunities for personal growth through cooperation and diplomacy.

      Natal Jupiter in Scorpio

      Jupiter in Scorpio intensifies our desire for deep transformation and emotional connections. It encourages us to explore our hidden depths and confront our fears. This placement can bring opportunities for personal growth through self-discovery and healing.

      Natal Jupiter in Sagittarius

      Jupiter in Sagittarius amplifies our sense of adventure, optimism, and desire for knowledge. It encourages us to expand our horizons, both physically and intellectually. This placement can bring opportunities for personal growth through travel, education, and embracing new experiences.

      Natal Jupiter in Capricorn

      Jupiter in Capricorn emphasizes the importance of discipline, responsibility, and long-term goals. It encourages us to work hard and make practical choices to achieve success. This placement can bring opportunities for personal growth through career advancement and building a solid foundation.

      Natal Jupiter in Aquarius

      Jupiter in Aquarius promotes individuality, innovation, and social consciousness. It encourages us to embrace our uniqueness and contribute to collective progress. This placement can bring opportunities for personal growth through humanitarian efforts and unconventional thinking.

      Natal Jupiter in Pisces

      Jupiter in Pisces enhances our intuition, compassion, and spiritual connection. It encourages us to trust our instincts and embrace our emotions. This placement can bring opportunities for personal growth through artistic expression, spiritual exploration, and acts of kindness.

      Natal Mars in Astrology

      Mars is one of the key planets in astrology and is associated with energy, action, and passion. It represents our drive, ambition, and how we assert ourselves in the world. Mars is often seen as a symbol of masculine energy and is linked to physical strength and courage.

      In traditional astrology, Mars is considered the ruling planet of Aries and co-ruler of Scorpio. People with strong Mars placements in their birth chart are often assertive, competitive, and have a strong desire to achieve their goals. Mars is also associated with anger, aggression, and conflict, and can indicate how we handle and express these emotions.

      Mars in the Birth Chart

      The placement of Mars in our birth chart reveals how we express our desires and take action in different areas of life. It can indicate our approach to relationships, career, and personal goals. Mars in different zodiac signs can influence our energy levels, assertiveness, and how we pursue our passions.

      Mars forms aspects with other planets in our birth chart, which can further shape its influence. Positive aspects, such as trines and sextiles, can enhance our motivation, drive, and ability to take action. Challenging aspects, like squares and oppositions, may indicate conflicts, impulsiveness, or a need to learn how to channel Mars energy in a constructive way.

      Mars plays a significant role in how we approach love, relationships, and sexuality. It can indicate our level of passion, desire, and how we express our romantic feelings. Mars placements in synastry (the comparison of two birth charts) can reveal compatibility and potential areas of conflict in relationships.

      Mars influences our drive, ambition, and how we assert ourselves in the professional sphere. It can indicate our career choices, leadership abilities, and willingness to take risks. A strong Mars in the birth chart can indicate success in competitive fields and a natural inclination towards entrepreneurship.

      Mars retrograde & in transit

      Mars retrograde occurs when it appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. During this period, Mars energy may feel more internalized, and it can be a time for reflection, reassessment, and reevaluation of our desires and actions. Mars retrograde can also bring up unresolved anger or conflicts that need to be addressed.

      When Mars transits through different zodiac signs, it influences the collective energy and can bring about changes in various areas of life. Mars transits can activate our motivation, drive, and assertiveness, pushing us to take action and pursue our goals. It is important to be aware of Mars transits to understand the overall energetic climate and make the most of the opportunities they bring.

      Natal Mars in the 1st House

      Natal Mars in the 1st house indicates a strong and assertive personality. People with this placement are often energetic, ambitious, and competitive. They have a strong physical presence and a need to take charge in their personal and professional lives.

      Natal Mars in the 2nd House

      Natal Mars in the 2nd house indicates a strong drive for financial security and material possessions. People with this placement are usually ambitious and motivated to earn money and accumulate wealth. They have a competitive nature when it comes to financial matters and may strive to be financially independent. Natal Mars in the 2nd house can also indicate a tendency to take risks in financial investments or business ventures.

      Natal Mars in the 3rd House

      Natal Mars in the 3rd house indicates a strong desire for communication and mental stimulation. People with this placement have a quick and assertive communication style. They may be passionate about learning, debating, and expressing their opinions. This placement can also indicate a tendency towards impatience and a need to control their environment.

      Natal Mars in the 4th House

      Natal Mars in the 4th house can indicate a strong connection to one’s home and family. Individuals with this placement have a protective and nurturing nature towards their loved ones. They may also experience conflicts or power struggles within their family dynamics.

      Natal Mars in the 5th House

      Natal Mars in the 5th house indicates a passionate and creative approach to self-expression. People with this placement have a strong desire for romance, fun, and adventure. They may also excel in artistic or athletic pursuits and enjoy taking risks.

      Natal Mars in the 6th House

      Natal Mars in the 6th house suggests a strong work ethic and a drive for perfection in one’s daily routines and health habits. People with this placement may excel in careers that require physical stamina and attention to detail. They have a tendency to be critical of themselves and others, which can lead to high standards and a need for control. This placement can also indicate a tendency towards workaholism and a need to find balance between work and self-care.

      Natal Mars in the 7th House

      Natal Mars in the 7th house can indicate a passionate and intense approach to relationships. People with this placement are usually attracted to partners who are assertive and independent. They may also experience conflicts and power struggles in their partnerships.

      Natal Mars in the 8th House

      Natal Mars in the 8th house suggests a deep and intense approach to shared resources and intimacy. Individuals with this placement have a strong desire for power and control in their relationships. They may also experience transformative experiences or challenges related to sexuality, joint finances, and trust.

      Natal Mars in the 9th House

      Natal Mars in the 9th house suggests a strong desire for exploration, adventure, and intellectual pursuits. People with this placement have a passion for travel, higher education, and philosophical or religious beliefs. They are assertive in expressing their opinions and beliefs, and may seek to inspire others through their actions. This placement can also indicate a tendency towards restlessness and a need for freedom and independence.

      Natal Mars in the 10th House

      Natal Mars in the 10th house suggests a drive for success and recognition in one’s career. People with this placement are often ambitious, hardworking, and determined to achieve their goals. They excel in leadership positions and have a strong desire for professional accomplishments.

      Natal Mars in the 11th House

      Natal Mars in the 11th house represents a strong desire for social connections and involvement in group activities. Individuals with this placement may be highly active in social circles and may have a large network of friends. They are passionate about causes and actively participate in community or humanitarian work. Mars in the 11th house can also indicate a competitive nature in group settings and a drive to achieve goals collectively.

      Natal Mars in the 12th House

      Natal Mars in the 12th house suggests a need for solitude and introspection. People with this placement have a hidden or repressed energy that needs to be expressed in a constructive way. They may also face challenges in asserting themselves or taking action due to subconscious fears or limitations.

      Natal Mars in Aries

      Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, making this placement particularly strong. Individuals with Mars in Aries are known for their boldness, courage, and competitive nature. They have a strong desire for independence and are natural leaders. However, they may also be impulsive and prone to anger if their desires are not met.

      Natal Mars in Taurus

      Mars in Taurus brings a more grounded and practical energy. People with this placement are determined, patient, and persistent in pursuing their goals. They have a strong work ethic and are reliable, but may also be possessive or stubborn at times. Mars in Taurus individuals value stability and material comforts.

      Natal Mars in Gemini

      Mars in Gemini brings a lively and intellectual energy. People with this placement are quick-witted, adaptable, and enjoy mental stimulation. They have excellent communication skills and are often skilled debaters or writers. However, they may struggle with consistency and may have scattered energy.

      Natal Mars in Cancer

      Mars in Cancer brings an emotional and nurturing energy. Individuals with this placement are protective, caring, and deeply connected to their family and home. They are driven by their emotions and may be sensitive to criticism or rejection. Mars in Cancer individuals are motivated by their need for security and may have a strong intuition.

      Natal Mars in Leo

      Mars in Leo brings a confident and passionate energy. Individuals with this placement are natural leaders and enjoy being in the spotlight. They have a strong sense of self-expression and are creative and dramatic. However, they may also be prone to ego-driven behavior and seeking attention.

      Natal Mars in Virgo

      Mars in Virgo brings a practical and analytical energy. Individuals with this placement are detail-oriented, hardworking, and strive for perfection. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are dedicated to their work. However, they may also be critical of themselves and others, and may struggle with perfectionism.

      Natal Mars in Libra

      Mars in Libra brings a harmonious and diplomatic energy. Individuals with this placement value fairness, justice, and balance in their relationships. They are skilled at compromise and seek harmony in their interactions. However, they may struggle with making decisions and may avoid conflict.

      Natal Mars in Scorpio

      Mars in Scorpio intensifies emotions and desires, making individuals passionate and determined. People with this placement may have a strong need for control and can be secretive or possessive in relationships. They are driven to uncover the truth and may excel in investigative or research-oriented fields.

      Natal Mars in Sagittarius

      Mars in Sagittarius brings enthusiasm and a thirst for adventure. Individuals with this placement are optimistic, independent, and enjoy exploring new ideas and cultures. They may have a strong desire for freedom and can be impulsive or restless at times.

      Natal Mars in Capricorn

      Mars in Capricorn signifies a disciplined and ambitious nature. People with this placement are hardworking, responsible, and focused on achieving their goals. They possess strong leadership qualities and are often successful in their careers.

      Natal Mars in Aquarius

      Mars in Aquarius indicates a rebellious and unconventional energy. Individuals with this placement are innovative, independent thinkers who value their individuality. They are motivated by social causes and may excel in fields related to technology or humanitarian work.

      Natal Mars in Pisces

      Mars in Pisces brings a compassionate and empathetic nature. People with this placement are sensitive, intuitive, and have a strong connection to their emotions. They may excel in creative or spiritual pursuits and have a natural ability to understand and support others.

      natal Sun in the 2nd house

      Natal Sun in the 2nd House

      The 2nd house in astrology represents our personal values, self-worth, and material possessions. It influences our relationship with money, financial stability, and how we handle resources. Natal Sun in the 2nd house brings attention to these areas of our lives, emphasizing their importance and impact.

      Since the Sun represents our core identity and self-expression, when placed in the 2nd house, it indicates that our personal values and self-worth are closely tied to our sense of self. Individuals with this placement may have a strong need to express themselves authentically and align their actions with their values.

      The 2nd house is associated with financial stability and material possessions. The Sun’s presence in this house suggests that an individual’s sense of self-worth may be linked to their financial success and material achievements. They may have a natural ability to attract wealth and abundance, but it’s important for them to maintain a healthy balance between their self-worth and material possessions.

      The Sun represents confidence, self-esteem, and personal power. When positioned in the 2nd house, it amplifies these qualities, making individuals with this placement naturally confident and self-assured. They may have a strong belief in their own abilities and talents, which can contribute to their financial success and overall sense of self-worth.

      Natal Sun in the 2nd house can also indicate a generous nature when it comes to sharing resources. Individuals with this placement may find joy in giving and sharing their wealth with others. They may have a strong sense of responsibility towards their loved ones and a desire to provide financial support and security.

      Natal Sun in the 2nd house highlights the need for individuals to find a balance between their material pursuits and spiritual growth. While financial stability and material possessions are important, it’s equally crucial for them to nurture their inner selves and prioritize their spiritual well-being. Striking a harmonious balance between the material and spiritual realms can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

      Natal Sun in the 2nd house can bring challenges related to self-worth, financial stability, and material possessions. Individuals with this placement may struggle with finding their true value beyond external achievements and possessions. They may need to learn to detach their self-worth from their financial status and focus on inner growth and self-acceptance.

      Ultimately, natal Sun in the 2nd house encourages individuals to embrace their personal worth and abundance. It reminds them to value themselves beyond material possessions and to recognize their inherent worthiness. When they align their actions with their values and cultivate a healthy relationship with money, they can experience true abundance in all aspects of life.

      Natal Moon in Astrology

      Natal Moon in Astrology

      In the birth chart, our natal Moon represents our emotions, instincts, and innermost feelings. It is associated with our subconscious mind, our sense of security and comfort, and our relationship with our mother or other nurturing figures. The Moon is the fastest-moving body in our solar system, and its energy is changeable and responsive, reflecting our ever-shifting moods and emotions. Those with a strong Moon placement in their natal chart are often highly intuitive and empathetic, with a strong connection to their inner selves and an ability to tune into the emotions of others. They may have a deep emotional sensitivity and a need for security and stability in their personal lives.

      The Moon also rules our habits and our relationship with food and nurturing, and those with a strong Moon placement may have a strong emotional attachment to these areas of life. However, there can be a tendency towards moodiness or emotional reactivity with the Moon, and those with an afflicted Moon may struggle with issues around emotional instability or emotional repression. Overall, natal Moon represents our emotional nature and our need for security and comfort in life, and encourages us to tune into our inner selves and embrace our emotional sensitivity as a source of strength and intuition.

      Our natal Moon sign is determined by the zodiac sign the Moon was in at the time of our birth. It reveals our emotional nature and we process and express our feelings. In addition, our Moon sign can provide insights into our emotional needs and what makes us feel secure. It is an essential aspect of our astrological profile.

      The Moon’s placement in our birth chart can indicate our emotional needs in relationships. It influences how we connect with others on an emotional level. Compatibility between Moon signs can provide insights into the emotional dynamics of a relationship. Understanding the Moon’s influence can help foster healthier and more fulfilling connections.

      Since the Moon is closely associated with intuition and psychic abilities, its energy enhances our receptivity to subtle energies and messages from the universe. Paying attention to the Moon’s phases and transits can help us tap into our intuition and trust our inner guidance.

      Natal Moon in the Houses

      The Moon’s placement in a particular house can highlight the emotional themes and experiences related to that area of life.

      Natal Moon in the 1st House

      The first house represents our self-image, physical appearance, and how we present ourselves to the world. When the Moon resides here, emotions and intuition become a fundamental part of shaping one’s identity and approach to life. Individuals with this placement often come across as emotionally expressive, wearing their heart on their sleeve. Their sensitivity is palpable, making them deeply empathetic to the moods and needs of those around them. This emotional openness can make them nurturing, as they are naturally attuned to providing comfort and care to others. However, they may also experience mood swings or a tendency to react strongly to changes in their environment. Their emotional state often influences their self-image, and they may feel the need to adjust how they present themselves based on their feelings at any given moment.

      Natal Moon in the 2nd House

      The second house governs personal values, material possessions, and financial stability. When the Moon is in the second house, emotions are closely tied to one’s sense of security and resources. People with this placement often seek emotional comfort through financial stability or tangible assets. Owning things or having a steady income can provide them with a sense of safety and peace. Emotional satisfaction often comes from knowing they are well-provided for, whether in terms of money, possessions, or even a stable value system. They might form strong emotional attachments to their belongings or their financial security, and fluctuations in these areas can significantly affect their mood and sense of self-worth. The act of nurturing others may also extend into providing material support or ensuring their loved ones are taken care of.

      Natal Moon in the 3rd House

      The third house deals with communication, learning, and everyday interactions. With the Moon in the third house, emotions flow naturally into conversations, thoughts, and connections with others. These individuals may find that expressing their feelings through words—whether spoken or written—provides a sense of emotional relief. They are often emotionally attuned to their immediate surroundings, including siblings, neighbors, or their local community. Their mood may fluctuate based on what they hear or learn, making them quick to pick up on emotional cues in conversations. There’s a tendency to seek emotional validation through intellectual or verbal exchange, and they may feel a strong urge to share their inner world with those around them. This placement can also indicate a mind that is shaped by emotional experiences, making them curious, empathetic, and keen to learn through their emotional lens.

      Natal Moon in the 4th House

      The fourth house is the foundation of one’s inner world, symbolizing home, family, and roots. When the Moon is in the fourth house, emotions are deeply rooted in one’s home life and family connections. These individuals tend to feel most secure when surrounded by familiar comforts, whether that’s their physical home or the people who represent ‘home’ to them. Emotional fulfillment often comes from nurturing relationships with family members or creating a safe, warm environment where they can retreat and recharge. The past may hold great emotional significance, as childhood memories and ancestral ties play a large role in shaping their sense of self. This placement suggests a strong need for emotional security and privacy, with a tendency to be protective of their personal space and inner world.

      Natal Moon in the 5th House

      The fifth house is associated with creativity, self-expression, romance, and play. With the Moon in the fifth house, emotions are often expressed through creative outlets or joyful activities. These individuals find emotional satisfaction in the act of creation, whether that’s through art, performance, or even parenting. The heart leads the way in their pursuits, and they are drawn to experiences that allow them to share their joy and passion with others. They may also have a deep emotional connection to children or feel a strong need to nurture their inner child by engaging in playful, spontaneous activities. Romantic relationships can be emotionally charged, with a desire to experience deep emotional fulfillment through love and affection. This placement often inspires a flair for dramatic emotional expression, as they seek to convey their feelings in a vibrant, heartfelt way.

      Natal Moon in the 6th House

      The sixth house governs daily routines, work, and health. When the Moon occupies the sixth house, emotions often find expression through one’s everyday habits and responsibilities. These individuals may feel most emotionally secure when they are productive and have a sense of order in their daily lives. Work can be a source of emotional satisfaction, particularly if it involves caring for others or being of service in some way. Health and emotional well-being are closely linked, and they may be highly attuned to how their physical state affects their emotions, or vice versa. Emotional fluctuations can manifest through the body, perhaps through stress or physical ailments, and they may find comfort in routines that help them maintain a sense of balance. This placement often indicates someone who feels emotionally nurtured by creating structure and helping others in practical, tangible ways.

      Natal Moon in the 7th House

      The seventh house rules partnerships, relationships, and one-on-one interactions. When the Moon is in the seventh house, emotions are often deeply influenced by close relationships. These individuals may seek emotional security through partnerships, and their mood can be heavily impacted by the state of their personal connections. There is a natural tendency to nurture and be nurtured in relationships, and they may feel most emotionally fulfilled when they are in a committed partnership or surrounded by those they trust. This placement suggests a strong emotional need for balance and harmony in relationships, as conflicts or emotional disharmony can cause significant distress. They are likely to be highly empathetic toward their partners and may instinctively understand the emotional needs of others, making them supportive and caring in close relationships.

      Natal Moon in the 8th House

      The eighth house is connected to transformation, intimacy, shared resources, and the mysteries of life. With the Moon in the eighth house, emotions run deep and often come with a sense of intensity or complexity. These individuals may experience profound emotional transformations throughout their life, often tied to intimate relationships or shared financial resources. Emotional security may be found in the deep, hidden realms of life, where they feel compelled to explore the psychological or spiritual aspects of their existence. This placement suggests a strong emotional connection to themes of power, control, and surrender, and they may feel drawn to experiences that challenge them to grow through emotional depth and vulnerability. There can be an almost magnetic pull toward the unknown, as they seek emotional satisfaction through uncovering life’s mysteries or engaging in intense emotional exchanges with others.

      Natal Moon in the 9th House

      The ninth house symbolizes higher learning, travel, philosophy, and exploration of the broader world. When the Moon is in the ninth house, emotions are often tied to the quest for meaning and understanding. These individuals may find emotional fulfillment through expanding their horizons, whether through travel, education, or spiritual exploration. Their emotional needs may push them to seek out new experiences, cultures, and ideas that help them grow and evolve. This placement suggests a deep emotional connection to belief systems or philosophies, as they are often searching for emotional security through understanding life’s larger purpose. They may feel most at ease when they are exploring new territory, whether that’s physically, mentally, or spiritually, and are likely to be emotionally inspired by the world around them.

      Natal Moon in the 10th House

      The tenth house represents career, public image, and long-term goals. When the Moon is in the tenth house, emotional security is often tied to one’s achievements and how they are perceived by the outside world. These individuals may feel emotionally fulfilled when they receive recognition for their work or contribute to society in a meaningful way. There is often a deep emotional drive to succeed or to be seen as accomplished, and their emotions can be heavily influenced by their public standing or reputation. This placement suggests that they are emotionally invested in their career path, and they may feel a strong sense of responsibility to maintain their professional or public role. Emotional satisfaction often comes from knowing they are making an impact and that their efforts are acknowledged by others.

      Natal Moon in the 11th House

      The eleventh house is associated with friendships, social groups, and future aspirations. With the Moon in the eleventh house, emotions are often tied to connections with others and shared goals. These individuals may find emotional satisfaction through being part of a community or working toward collective dreams. Friendships and social networks play an important role in their emotional life, and they may feel emotionally secure when they are surrounded by like-minded individuals. This placement often suggests a strong connection to causes or movements that align with their values, and they may be deeply invested in helping others or contributing to the greater good. Emotional fulfillment comes from feeling a sense of belonging and knowing that they are part of something larger than themselves.

      Natal Moon in the 12th House

      The twelfth house governs the unconscious, spirituality, and hidden realms. When the Moon is in the twelfth house, emotions often reside beneath the surface, and there may be a tendency to keep feelings private or hidden from the world. These individuals may experience a rich inner emotional life, with deep feelings that are not always easy to articulate or express outwardly. There is often a need for solitude or quiet reflection to process emotions, and they may feel emotionally nourished by spiritual practices or time spent in retreat from the outer world. This placement suggests a connection to the unseen and intangible, with emotional security often found through introspection, meditation, or helping others behind the scenes. They may feel drawn to the mysteries of the subconscious mind or spiritual realms, where they can explore their emotions in a more private, internal way.

      Natal Moon in the Signs

      Your Moon sign is determined by the position of the Moon at the time of your birth. It reveals your emotional needs, how you express your feelings, and how you seek security. Your zodiac sign, on the other hand, is determined by the position of the Sun at the time of your birth. The combination of your Moon sign and zodiac sign provides a deeper understanding of your personality.

      Natal Moon in Aries

      Aries is the sign of action, impulsivity, and assertiveness, and when the Moon is in Aries, emotions tend to be fiery and immediate. Individuals with this placement often feel things quickly and intensely, but they don’t linger on emotions for long. They are driven by their instincts and tend to react swiftly to emotional triggers. Their feelings are often outwardly expressed, sometimes without much filtering, making them seem bold and straightforward. While their emotional world can be volatile at times, they are quick to move on from emotional upsets. There is a need for independence in how they handle their emotions, and they are often energized by taking charge of situations, especially those that stir their passions.

      Natal Moon in Taurus

      Taurus is known for its stability, practicality, and connection to the material world. When the Moon is in Taurus, emotions are grounded and steady. These individuals often seek comfort in routine and the familiar, finding emotional security in the simple pleasures of life—whether it’s good food, nature, or physical touch. Their emotional world tends to be calm and slow-moving, as they prefer to process feelings at their own pace rather than rushing through them. There is a deep need for security, both emotionally and materially, and they may feel most at ease when they have a solid foundation beneath them. This placement often brings a nurturing quality, as they enjoy taking care of others in practical, tangible ways.

      Natal Moon in Gemini

      Gemini is the sign of communication, curiosity, and adaptability. With the Moon in Gemini, emotions are processed through the mind. These individuals often need to talk about their feelings or intellectualize them in order to understand them fully. Their emotional world is constantly shifting, much like the wind, as they seek variety and new experiences to keep themselves emotionally engaged. They may find it difficult to sit with heavy emotions for too long, preferring to keep things light and move on quickly. Conversations, reading, or learning something new can provide emotional comfort, and they are often quick to adapt to changes in their emotional environment. Their curiosity extends to their own feelings, making them keen to explore emotions from multiple perspectives.

      Natal Moon in Cancer

      Cancer is the sign ruled by the Moon, making this a powerful placement for emotional depth and sensitivity. Those with the Moon in Cancer are highly intuitive, often picking up on the emotions of others without needing words. Their emotional world is rich and complex, and they are deeply connected to their home, family, and memories of the past. Emotional security is paramount, and they may retreat into themselves or their personal space when they feel vulnerable or threatened. There is a strong nurturing instinct here, as they are naturally attuned to caring for those they love. However, their emotional sensitivity can also make them prone to mood swings, especially if they feel unappreciated or neglected.

      Natal Moon in Leo

      Leo is the sign of self-expression, creativity, and confidence. When the Moon is in Leo, emotions are often dramatic and boldly expressed. Individuals with this placement have a deep need to feel valued and appreciated, especially by those they love. Their emotional world is infused with a sense of pride and generosity, and they are often happiest when they can shine or make others feel special. Emotional fulfillment comes from being recognized and adored, and they may seek out opportunities to express their feelings in creative or attention-grabbing ways. There’s a regal quality to how they handle emotions, as they tend to carry themselves with dignity, even in the face of emotional challenges.

      Natal Moon in Virgo

      Virgo is the sign of analysis, practicality, and service. With the Moon in Virgo, emotions are often filtered through a lens of logic and order. These individuals may have a tendency to overthink or analyze their feelings, trying to make sense of them in a structured, practical way. They feel most emotionally secure when they are being useful or helpful to others, and there is a natural instinct to nurture through acts of service. Their emotional world can be reserved or understated, as they may not feel comfortable with overt displays of emotion. Instead, they show their care through the little things—organizing, problem-solving, and ensuring the well-being of those around them. However, they may need to learn to relax their critical eye, both toward themselves and others.

      Natal Moon in Libra

      Libra is the sign of balance, harmony, and relationships. When the Moon is in Libra, emotions are often focused on maintaining peace and equilibrium in relationships. Individuals with this placement are highly attuned to the emotional needs of others, often seeking to create harmony in their surroundings. They may feel emotionally unbalanced when there is conflict or disharmony in their relationships, and they have a strong need for companionship and emotional connection. Their feelings are often influenced by those they are close to, and they may go out of their way to avoid confrontation in order to keep the peace. Emotional fulfillment comes from creating beauty and harmony in their environment, and they are often happiest when they feel emotionally balanced within themselves and in their relationships.

      Natal Moon in Scorpio

      Scorpio is the sign of transformation, depth, and intensity. With the Moon in Scorpio, emotions run deep and often come with a sense of mystery or complexity. These individuals experience their feelings intensely, and their emotional world can be private or hidden from others. There is a powerful need for emotional transformation, and they are often drawn to experiences that challenge them to explore the deeper, darker aspects of their psyche. Emotional security may be hard-won, as they may find it difficult to trust others with their feelings. However, when they do open up, their loyalty and emotional depth are unmatched. This placement often brings a magnetic intensity to their emotions, and they may go through periods of emotional rebirth throughout their lives.

      Natal Moon in Sagittarius

      Sagittarius is the sign of exploration, freedom, and optimism. When the Moon is in Sagittarius, emotions are often light, expansive, and tied to a sense of adventure. Individuals with this placement tend to approach their feelings with a sense of curiosity and openness, seeking emotional growth through new experiences and exploration. They are often optimistic, preferring to look on the bright side of things rather than dwelling on heavy emotions. Emotional fulfillment comes from having the freedom to explore their inner and outer worlds, whether through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. However, they may sometimes struggle with emotional depth, preferring to keep things light and breezy rather than diving too deeply into complex feelings.

      Natal Moon in Capricorn

      Capricorn is the sign of discipline, responsibility, and ambition. With the Moon in Capricorn, emotions are often controlled and measured. These individuals may find it difficult to express their feelings openly, preferring to keep a stoic or composed exterior. Emotional security is often tied to achievements and long-term goals, and they may feel most fulfilled when they are working toward something concrete and meaningful. There is a deep need for emotional stability, and they are often cautious about letting others see their vulnerable side. However, beneath the surface, they feel just as deeply as any other Moon sign, though they may take a more pragmatic approach to their emotional life. Their care and nurturing often come through acts of responsibility and providing for others.

      Natal Moon in Aquarius

      Aquarius is the sign of innovation, independence, and social consciousness. When the Moon is in Aquarius, emotions are often filtered through a lens of detachment and rationality. Individuals with this placement may find it challenging to deal with overly emotional situations, preferring instead to approach their feelings from a logical or objective standpoint. They often feel most emotionally secure when they are able to maintain their independence and freedom. Emotional fulfillment comes from connecting with larger social or humanitarian causes, as they often feel a strong sense of responsibility to the collective. While they may seem emotionally detached at times, they care deeply about the well-being of society and often express their emotions through intellectual or social pursuits.

      Natal Moon in Pisces

      Pisces is the sign of compassion, imagination, and spirituality. With the Moon in Pisces, emotions are boundless, intuitive, and often difficult to define. Individuals with this placement are highly sensitive to the emotional undercurrents around them and may absorb the feelings of others like a sponge. There is a dreamlike quality to their emotional world, as they are often guided by intuition, imagination, and a deep connection to the unseen. Emotional security may come from spiritual or creative practices that allow them to tap into their inner world. However, they may also struggle with boundaries, as their empathy can sometimes overwhelm them. This placement often brings a profound sense of compassion and a desire to heal or help others through emotional understanding and empathy.

      Full Moon in Gemini, Nov 27th, 2023

      We begin the new week under the influence of Gemini Full Moon (November 27).The energy of the Gemini Full Moon (November 27) is changeable and inconsistent, encouraging us to slow down and be ourselves in interactions with othersTake your time to listen and learn without rushing impatiently. It is a great time to let go of negative energy and set yourself new and exciting life goals. Since the messenger planet Mercury, the ruler of this Full Moon, is now square Neptune and also in the pre-shadow period, you should delay decisions with long-term effects until later. Especially since with Mercury and Neptune square, there is a tendency for our imagination to get in the way of logical thinking. This Full Moon is also opposite Mars in Sagittarius, meaning that strong opinions and resistance to alternative viewpoints may slow down our openness to different perspectives. For this reason, it is essential to be more mindful and considerate of other people’s thoughts and beliefs. Self-centeredness and desire for personal fulfilment may produce challenges in relationships unless you learn to compromise and prioritize your partner’s needs.

      1st House in Astrology

      The 1st house in astrology represents our physical appearance, personality, and how we present ourselves to the world. It is the starting point of the astrological chart and sets the tone for the rest of the houses. The 1st house reveals our self-image, self-expression, and overall identity. It influences our behavior, attitude, and approach to life. The planets and signs in the 1st house provide insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and personal style.

      The 1st house represents our physical body, appearance, and health. It governs our first impressions, how we initiate new experiences, and our overall vitality.

      When planets are placed in the 1st house, they strongly influence our personality and behavior. For example, having Mars in the 1st house can indicate an assertive and energetic nature, while Venus in the 1st house may suggest charm and attractiveness. The specific planets and their aspects in the 1st house provide further insights into our strengths and challenges.

      The zodiac sign that occupies the 1st house influences our outward expression and personality traits. For instance, having Aries in the 1st house can indicate a bold and independent nature, while Cancer in the 1st house may suggest a nurturing and sensitive demeanor. The combination of the zodiac sign and the planets in the 1st house provides a more detailed understanding of our individuality.

      Aspects from other houses and planets to the 1st house can modify its influence. Positive aspects, such as trines and sextiles, can enhance the qualities of the 1st house, while challenging aspects, like squares and oppositions, may create inner conflicts or obstacles. Analyzing the aspects to the 1st house helps in understanding how different areas of life interact with our self-image and identity.

      The 1st house is associated with various life areas, including physical appearance, self-confidence, personal goals, and overall well-being. It also influences our approach to relationships, career choices, and how we navigate new beginnings. Understanding the 1st house can provide valuable insights into these aspects of our lives.

      Look at the planets in the first house of the horoscope, and you’ll find out what’s unique about you.

      Planets placed in the first house have a great influence on our personality, and they can tell us what’s unique about us. The more planets found in this house, the more we will be egocentric and self-centred.

      However don’t worry, not everyone has got planets in the first house. If there aren’t any planets in this house in your chart, then you should look at the sign on the cusp and the placement of its ruler within the chart.

      Now, let’s look at the meaning of the planets in the first house.

      Natal Sun in the 1st House

      Natal Sun in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s personality and self-expression. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while the Sun represents our core self and ego. With the Sun in the 1st house, a person may have a strong sense of self and a desire to be seen and recognized for who they are in their life. They may also have a natural charisma and a magnetic presence that draws others to them.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards self-centeredness or an overemphasis on personal identity. It’s important for those with natal Sun in the 1st house to balance their desire for self-expression with a consideration for the impact they have on others.

      Overall, the natal Sun in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of confidence and individuality to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of empathy and understanding in our interactions with others.

      Natal Moon in the 1st House

      Natal Moon in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s emotional expression and inner world. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while the Moon represents our emotional nature and our deepest needs. With the Moon in the 1st house, a person may have a strong emotional presence and be highly attuned to their own feelings and the feelings of others. They may also have a tendency towards moodiness or emotional reactivity.

      However, this placement can also bring a sense of empathy and understanding towards others, as well as a deep connection to their own emotions and intuition. Those with natal Moon in the 1st house may also have a nurturing quality that attracts others to them. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their emotional sensitivity with a sense of stability and security. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-worth and self-care, as they may be prone to taking on the emotions of others and neglecting their own needs.

      Overall, the natal Moon in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a deep emotional awareness and understanding to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of boundaries and self-care in maintaining emotional balance.

      Natal Mercury in the 1st House

      Natal Mercury in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s communication style and mental processes. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Mercury represents our thought processes, communication, and learning. With Mercury in the 1st house, a person may have a sharp mind and a quick wit, as well as a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge. They may also have a talent for communication, whether through writing, speaking, or other forms of expression.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards overthinking or mental restlessness. Those with natal Mercury in the 1st house may also be prone to nervousness or anxiety, particularly in social situations. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their mental activity with a sense of mindfulness and presence in the moment. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-awareness and self-expression, as they may be prone to overanalyzing their own thoughts and feelings.

      The natal Mercury in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sharp mind and a talent for communication to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of presence and self-awareness in maintaining mental balance.

      Natal Venus in the 1st House

      Natal Venus in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s sense of beauty, self-worth, and relationships. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Venus represents our sense of beauty, love, and harmony. With Venus in the 1st house, a person may have a natural charm and grace, as well as a strong sense of personal style and aesthetics. They may also have a talent for creating beauty, whether in their physical appearance or in their surroundings. However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards vanity or superficiality.

      Those with natal Venus in the 1st house may also be prone to seeking validation through their appearance or relationships, rather than from within. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their desire for beauty and harmony with a sense of inner worth and self-love. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of boundaries and self-care, as they may be prone to putting the needs of others before their own.

      The natal Venus in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of beauty and harmony to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of inner worth and self-care in cultivating lasting happiness and fulfillment.

      Natal Mars in the 1st House

      Natal Mars in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s energy, drive, and assertiveness. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Mars represents our energy, ambition, and desire for action. With Mars in the 1st house, a person may have a strong physical presence and a high level of energy and vitality. They may also have a competitive or combative nature, and a desire to be seen as a leader or pioneer in their field.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards impulsiveness or aggression. Those with natal Mars in the 1st house may also be prone to taking risks or acting on instinct, rather than considering the consequences. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their desire for action and achievement with a sense of caution and consideration. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-control and conflict resolution, as they may be prone to confrontational or argumentative behavior.

      The natal Mars in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of drive and ambition to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of self-control and conflict resolution in maintaining healthy relationships and achieving long-term goals.

      Natal Jupiter in the 1st House

      Natal Jupiter in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s sense of optimism, growth, and expansion. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Jupiter represents our sense of purpose, abundance, and opportunity. With Jupiter in the 1st house, a person may have a natural charisma and a positive outlook on life. They may also have a desire for growth and expansion, whether in their personal or professional life, and a talent for attracting opportunities and abundance.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards overindulgence or excess. Those with natal Jupiter in the 1st house may also be prone to taking on too much or overestimating their abilities. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their desire for growth and expansion with a sense of humility and moderation. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-awareness and self-discipline, as they may be prone to overcommitting or overspending.

      The natal Jupiter in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of optimism and abundance to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of moderation and self-discipline in maintaining healthy relationships and achieving long-term goals.

      Natal Saturn in the 1st House

      Natal Saturn in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s sense of responsibility, discipline, and self-mastery. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Saturn represents our sense of duty, limitation, and structure. With Saturn in the 1st house, a person may have a strong sense of responsibility and a desire for order and structure in their life. They may also have a tendency towards caution or reserve, and a need for self-discipline and hard work in order to achieve their goals.

      This placement can also bring a tendency towards self-doubt or self-criticism. Those with natal Saturn in the 1st house may also be prone to taking on too much responsibility or feeling burdened by their obligations. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their desire for structure and discipline with a sense of self-compassion and self-care. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-worth and self-esteem, as they may be prone to self-criticism or a sense of unworthiness.

      Natal Saturn in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of responsibility and self-mastery to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of self-care and self-compassion in maintaining a healthy balance.

      Natal Uranus in the 1st House

      Natal Uranus in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s sense of individuality, freedom, and innovation. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Uranus represents our sense of rebellion, originality, and change. With Uranus in the 1st house, a person may have a strong desire for independence and a need to express their unique identity. They may also have a talent for innovation and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

      This placement can also bring a tendency towards unpredictability or eccentricity. Those with natal Uranus in the 1st house may also be prone to restless or impulsive behavior. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their desire for individuality and innovation with a sense of consideration for the impact they have on others. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of stability and routine, as they may be prone to taking on too much or neglecting their responsibilities.

      Natal Uranus in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of freedom and innovation to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of stability and consideration for others in maintaining healthy relationships and achieving long-term goals.

      Natal Neptune in the 1st House

      Natal Neptune in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s imagination, spirituality, and sense of connection to the divine. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Neptune represents our sense of creativity, idealism, and intuition. With Neptune in the 1st house, a person may have a strong sense of empathy and an intuitive understanding of others. They may also have a tendency towards idealism or a desire for spiritual connection.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards confusion or illusion. Those with natal Neptune in the 1st house may also be prone to self-deception or a lack of clarity in their self-image. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their desire for spiritual connection and idealism with a sense of practicality and self-awareness. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of boundaries and self-care, as they may be prone to taking on the emotions or problems of others.

      Natal Neptune in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of creativity and intuition to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of self-awareness and practicality in maintaining healthy relationships and achieving long-term goals.

      Natal Pluto in the 1st House

      Natal Pluto in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s sense of power, transformation, and self-empowerment. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Pluto represents our sense of intensity, depth, and transformation. With Pluto in the 1st house, a person may have a strong desire for power and a need for deep transformation in their life. They may also have a natural magnetism and a talent for influencing others.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards control or manipulation. Those with natal Pluto in the 1st house may also be prone to intense or obsessive behavior. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their desire for power and transformation with a sense of respect for the boundaries and autonomy of others. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-control and self-awareness, as they may be prone to letting their desires or emotions control their actions.

      Natal Pluto in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of intensity and transformation to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of respect for others and self-control in maintaining healthy relationships and achieving long-term goals.

      full moon on a daybreak

      New Moon in Scorpio November 2023

      November 2023 New Moon in Scorpio is in opposition to Uranus (November 13th). The Moon is in its fall when in Scorpio. A planet is considered to be in its fall when it is positioned directly opposite a planet of its exaltation (the Moon is exalted in Taurus). As the exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, the fall is a position of weakness concerning the function of the planet, including everything else the planet represents. During a New Moon in Scorpio, we tend to direct our emotions inwards, which can become intense and obsessive. With an emotional intensity and a strong need for excitement, you might create drama under stressful circumstances. 

      The Moon in Scorpio also produces the need to understand feelings deeper. This is when we desire meaningful emotional interactions (more than at any other time), and shallow relationships or conversations will not satisfy us.

      With an emotional intensity and a strong need for drama, we might create drama and intensity in your life under stressful circumstances. 

      Scorpio’s captivating nature can manifest in us being pulled into something or someone compulsively and irresistibly. However, getting to the root of any issue may seem too intense, so we might instinctively pull back. Trust issues might be at stake in order to feel safe. 

      This new Moon is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is still retrograde, which suggests that the current life situation could remain unresolved or uncertain. We might have to put more effort into managing a set of events. Uranus is the planet of the sudden and the unexpected, so we may see some unexpected events or circumstances that feel out of our control. Rebellious energy may run high, and we must be careful with how we use that. The New Moon and Uranus opposition can cause emotional upsets and relationship disturbance. Careless or rashed responses and emotionally based decisions could turn something of minor significance into complete chaos. This is not the right time to make significant decisions, especially about relationships, as our intuition is unlikely to work accurately.

      Natal Mercury in Astrology

      Characteristics of Natal Mercury in Astrology

      Mercury is one of the key celestial bodies in astrology, representing communication, intellect, and mental agility. It influences how we think, learn, and express ourselves, as well as our ability to adapt and make decisions.

      Mercury is considered a neutral planet, meaning it takes on the qualities of the sign it is placed in. It is known for its quickness, versatility, and curiosity, symbolizing a need for mental stimulation and variety. Individuals with strong Mercury placements are often articulate, witty, and skilled in communication. Mercury is also associated with travel and exploration, reflecting a need for new experiences and mental stimulation.

      A well-aspected Mercury can indicate a love for travel, adaptability to different cultures, and the ability to communicate effectively in foreign environments. Challenging aspects to Mercury may bring travel-related mishaps, delays, or difficulties in expressing oneself in unfamiliar settings.To make the most of Mercury’s energy, it is essential to engage in activities that stimulate the mind, such as reading, writing, learning, and engaging in intellectual discussions. Developing effective communication skills, being open to new ideas, and embracing change are also key to harnessing Mercury’s positive qualities. It is important to be mindful of Mercury retrograde periods and take extra precautions in communication, travel, and technology-related matters.

      One of the most well-known phenomena associated with Mercury is its retrograde motion. During Mercury retrograde, it appears as if the planet is moving backward in the sky, creating a period of potential challenges and miscommunications. It is advised to be cautious during this time, as technology, travel, and communication may be affected.

      The placement of Mercury in a birth chart reveals how an individual processes information, communicates, and learns. Its sign, house, and aspects to other planets provide insights into one’s intellectual strengths, learning style, and communication patterns. A well-aspected Mercury indicates mental clarity and effective communication skills, while challenging aspects may bring difficulties in expressing oneself or making decisions.

      Mercury plays a significant role in relationships, as it governs communication and understanding between partners. A harmonious Mercury placement can foster open and effective communication, intellectual connection, and shared interests. Challenging aspects to Mercury may lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, or differences in communication styles.

      Mercury’s influence extends to career and professional life, as it governs how we express ourselves in the workplace and handle tasks that require mental agility. A strong Mercury placement can indicate success in fields such as writing, teaching, journalism, or any profession that involves communication and intellectual pursuits. Challenging aspects to Mercury may bring difficulties in decision-making, expressing ideas, or adapting to changing work environments.

      Mercury in Vocational Astrology

      Natal Mercury in the 1st House

      Natal Mercury in the 1st house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s communication style, mental processes, and self-expression. The 1st house is associated with our identity, physical appearance, and the way we present ourselves to the world, while Mercury represents our thought processes, communication, and learning. With Mercury in the 1st house, a person may have a sharp mind and a quick wit, as well as a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge. They may also have a talent for communication, whether through writing, speaking, or other forms of expression.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards overthinking or mental restlessness. Those with natal Mercury in the 1st house may also be prone to nervousness or anxiety, particularly in social situations. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their mental activity with a sense of mindfulness and presence in the moment. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-awareness and self-expression, as they may be prone to overanalyzing their own thoughts and feelings.

      Overall, the natal Mercury in the 1st house is a powerful placement that can bring a sharp mind and a talent for communication to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of presence and self-awareness in maintaining mental balance.

      Natal Mercury in the 2nd House

      Natal Mercury in the 2nd house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s communication style, mental processes, and sense of values. The 2nd house is associated with our sense of self-worth, personal possessions, and financial security, while Mercury represents our thought processes, communication, and learning. With Mercury in the 2nd house, a person may have a sharp mind and a talent for communication, particularly in matters related to finances and personal values. They may also have a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge in these areas.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards overthinking or mental preoccupation with financial matters. Those with natal Mercury in the 2nd house may also be prone to placing too much emphasis on material possessions or financial gain. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their mental activity with a sense of mindfulness and gratitude for what they already have. They may also need to work on developing a healthy sense of self-worth and self-validation, as they may be prone to seeking validation through material possessions or financial success. Overall, the natal Mercury in the 2nd house is a powerful placement that can bring a sharp mind and a talent for communication in matters related to personal values and finances. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of gratitude and self-validation in maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth.

      Natal Mercury in the 3rd House

      Natal Mercury in the 3rd house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s communication style, mental processes, and learning style. The 3rd house is associated with communication, learning, and our immediate environment, while Mercury represents our thought processes, communication, and learning. With Mercury in the 3rd house, a person may have a sharp mind and a talent for communication, particularly in matters related to learning and education. They may also have a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge in these areas.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards mental restlessness or a scattered focus. Those with natal Mercury in the 3rd house may also be prone to information overload or mental exhaustion. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their mental activity with a sense of focus and clarity. They may also need to work on developing healthy communication skills and strategies for managing information overload.

      Overall, the natal Mercury in the 3rd house is a powerful placement that can bring a sharp mind and a talent for communication in matters related to learning and education. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of focus and clarity in maintaining mental balance.

      Natal Mercury in the 4th House

      Natal Mercury in the 4th house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s communication style, mental processes, and connection to their roots and family. The 4th house is associated with our home, family, and sense of emotional security, while Mercury represents our thought processes, communication, and learning. With Mercury in the 4th house, a person may have a sharp mind and a talent for communication, particularly in matters related to their family or home life. They may also have a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge in these areas.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards overthinking or mental preoccupation with family matters. Those with natal Mercury in the 4th house may also be prone to placing too much emphasis on their family or home life. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their mental activity with a sense of mindfulness and appreciation for their home and family. They may also need to work on developing healthy communication and conflict resolution skills in their family relationships.

      Overall, the natal Mercury in the 4th house is a powerful placement that can bring a sharp mind and a talent for communication in matters related to home and family. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of mindfulness and healthy communication in maintaining healthy family relationships and achieving emotional security.

      Natal Mercury in the 5th House

      Natal Mercury in the 5th house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s communication style, mental processes, and creativity. The 5th house is associated with self-expression, creativity, and leisure activities, while Mercury represents our thought processes, communication, and learning. With Mercury in the 5th house, a person may have a sharp mind and a talent for communication, particularly in matters related to self-expression and creativity. They may also have a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge in these areas.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards mental preoccupation with leisure activities or creative pursuits. Those with natal Mercury in the 5th house may also be prone to neglecting their responsibilities in favor of pursuing their creative interests. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their mental activity with a sense of responsibility and discipline. They may also need to work on developing healthy communication and conflict resolution skills in their creative or leisure pursuits.

      Overall, the natal Mercury in the 5th house is a powerful placement that can bring a sharp mind and a talent for communication in matters related to self-expression and creativity. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of responsibility and discipline in achieving long-term goals and maintaining healthy relationships.

      Natal Mercury in the 6th House

      Natal Mercury in the 6th house is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s communication style, mental processes, and work habits. The 6th house is associated with work, health, and daily routines, while Mercury represents our thought processes, communication, and learning. With Mercury in the 6th house, a person may have a sharp mind and a talent for communication, particularly in matters related to work and health. They may also have a natural curiosity and desire for knowledge in these areas.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards mental preoccupation with work or health matters. Those with natal Mercury in the 6th house may also be prone to overthinking or mental exhaustion due to their work habits. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their mental activity with a sense of mindfulness and self-care. They may also need to work on developing healthy communication and conflict resolution skills in their work relationships.

      Overall, the natal Mercury in the 6th house is a powerful placement that can bring a sharp mind and a talent for communication in matters related to work and health. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of self-care and healthy work habits in maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

      Natal Mercury in the 7th House

      Natal Mercury in the 7th house of a birth chart indicates that communication and intellectual exchange play a significant role in the native’s partnerships and relationships. The 7th house is associated with marriage and committed relationships, and Mercury represents communication, learning, and adaptability. People with this placement are likely to seek partners who are intelligent, articulate, and can engage in stimulating conversations. They may be attracted to those who can challenge their ideas and opinions and are open to new perspectives. In their partnerships, they value mutual communication and a shared intellectual connection.

      However, this placement can also indicate a tendency towards over-analyzing and being overly critical in relationships. The native may need to learn to listen to their partner’s perspectives and not get caught up in their own thoughts and opinions. Overall, those with natal Mercury in the 7th house may have a natural talent for diplomacy and negotiation in relationships, and can use their communication skills to create harmony and understanding with their partners.

      Natal Mercury in the 8th House

      Natal Mercury in the 8th house of a birth chart indicates that the native’s thinking and communication style is influenced by the themes of the 8th house, such as transformation, power, and intimacy. The 8th house is associated with shared resources, deep emotional connections, and the mysteries of life and death.

      People with this placement may have a keen interest in psychology, spirituality, and the occult. They may be naturally intuitive and have the ability to see beneath the surface of things. They may be drawn to exploring the deeper aspects of life and may have a desire to understand the hidden forces that shape our experiences. In relationships, those with natal Mercury in the 8th house may seek deep emotional connections and may be attracted to partners who can offer them a sense of intimacy and shared vulnerability. They may be skilled at uncovering secrets and may value honesty and transparency in their partnerships.

      However, this placement can also indicate a tendency towards obsessive thinking and a fixation on the darker aspects of life. The native may need to learn to balance their interest in the unknown with a healthy dose of skepticism and rational thinking. Overall, those with natal Mercury in the 8th house may have a natural talent for uncovering hidden truths and may use their communication skills to delve deep into the mysteries of life and the psyche.

      Natal Mercury in the 9th House

      Natal Mercury in the 9th house of a birth chart indicates that the native’s thinking and communication style is influenced by the themes of the 9th house, such as higher learning, philosophy, and travel. The 9th house is associated with expanding one’s horizons, seeking knowledge, and exploring new ideas. People with this placement may have a natural curiosity about the world and a desire to understand the bigger picture.

      They may be interested in exploring different cultures, religions, and belief systems, and may be drawn to higher education and intellectual pursuits. In relationships, those with natal Mercury in the 9th house may seek partners who share their love of learning and exploration. They may be attracted to those who can challenge their intellectual curiosity and engage in deep conversations about life’s big questions. However, this placement can also indicate a tendency towards dogmatism and a rigid adherence to one’s own beliefs and opinions. The native may need to learn to be more open-minded and receptive to different perspectives.

      Overall, those with natal Mercury in the 9th house may have a natural talent for teaching, writing, or speaking, and may use their communication skills to share their knowledge and ideas with others. They may be drawn to careers in education, journalism, or the arts, and may find fulfillment in sharing their love of learning with others.

      Natal Mercury in the 10th House

      Natal Mercury in the 10th house of a birth chart indicates that the native’s thinking and communication style is heavily influenced by their career, public image, and social status. The 10th house is associated with one’s public persona, reputation, and achievements in the world. People with this placement may be naturally ambitious and driven to succeed in their chosen field.

      They may be skilled at communicating their ideas and may excel in public speaking, writing, or other forms of communication that require a strong command of language. In relationships, those with natal Mercury in the 10th house may seek partners who are successful and ambitious, and who can support their own career goals. They may value partners who can help them build their public image and reputation, and who can offer them a sense of social status and recognition. However, this placement can also indicate a tendency towards being overly concerned with one’s public image and reputation. The native may need to learn to balance their career ambitions with their personal relationships and inner sense of self-worth.

      Overall, those with natal Mercury in the 10th house may have a natural talent for leadership, communication, and public relations. They may be drawn to careers in business, politics, or the media, and may find fulfillment in using their communication skills to make a positive impact on the world.

      Natal Mercury in the 11th House

      Natal Mercury in the 11th house of a birth chart indicates that the native’s thinking and communication style is heavily influenced by their social networks, friendships, and group affiliations. The 11th house is associated with community, social causes, and the collective.

      People with this placement may have a natural talent for networking and may value their friendships and social connections. They may be skilled at communicating with groups and may enjoy being part of a community or social movement. They may also be interested in new technologies and may use their communication skills to connect with others online. In relationships, those with natal Mercury in the 11th house may seek partners who share their social values and who are active in their communities. They may value partners who can support their own social causes and who can help them make a positive impact on the world. However, this placement can also indicate a tendency towards being overly influenced by the opinions of others. The native may need to learn to trust their own intuition and not get too caught up in the groupthink of their social networks.

      Overall, those with natal Mercury in the 11th house may have a natural talent for teamwork, collaboration, and communication with groups. They may be drawn to careers in social activism, politics, or the arts, and may find fulfillment in using their communication skills to bring people together for a common cause.

      Natal Mercury in the 12th House

      Natal Mercury in the 12th house of a birth chart indicates that the native’s thinking and communication style is influenced by the themes of the 12th house, such as spirituality, subconscious, and hidden knowledge. The 12th house is associated with the unconscious mind, hidden fears, and spiritual development.

      People with this placement may have a natural talent for accessing their intuition and may be drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or dream analysis. They may have a deep interest in the mysteries of the universe and may be skilled at uncovering hidden truths and meanings. In relationships, those with natal Mercury in the 12th house may seek partners who share their spiritual values and who can help them access their intuition and inner wisdom. They may be attracted to partners who are compassionate, empathetic, and can offer them a sense of emotional support. However, this placement can also indicate a tendency towards being overly introspective and withdrawn. The native may need to learn to balance their inner world with the demands of the outer world, and to communicate their ideas and thoughts more clearly.

      Overall, those with natal Mercury in the 12th house may have a natural talent for artistic expression, writing, or other forms of creative communication. They may be drawn to careers in the arts, psychology, or spirituality, and may find fulfillment in using their communication skills to help others connect with their deeper selves and the mysteries of the universe.

      Natal Mercury in the Signs

      Natal Mercury in Aries

      Mercury in Aries individuals are direct and assertive communicators. They are quick thinkers and tend to speak their mind without hesitation. They have a strong need for independence and can be impulsive in their decision-making.

      Natal Mercury in Taurus

      Mercury in Taurus individuals have a practical and grounded approach to communication. They are reliable and prefer to think things through before expressing their opinions. They have a strong connection to the physical world and may have a talent for practical skills.

      Natal Mercury in Gemini

      Mercury in Gemini individuals are curious and adaptable communicators. They have a quick wit and love to engage in intellectual conversations. They can easily multitask and may have a variety of interests and hobbies.

      Natal Mercury in Cancer

      Mercury in Cancer individuals have a sensitive and intuitive approach to communication. They are empathetic listeners and value emotional connections in their interactions. They may have a strong memory and a talent for storytelling.

      Natal Mercury in Leo

      Mercury in Leo individuals have a confident and expressive communication style. They are natural leaders and enjoy being in the spotlight. They have a creative flair and may excel in fields that require self-expression.

      Natal Mercury in Virgo

      Mercury in Virgo individuals have a meticulous and analytical approach to communication. They pay attention to detail and have a strong sense of organization. They excel in problem-solving and may have a talent for critical thinking.

      Natal Mercury in Libra

      Mercury in Libra individuals have a diplomatic and harmonious communication style. They value fairness and strive for balanced conversations. They have a natural ability to see different perspectives and find common ground.

      Natal Mercury in Scorpio

      Mercury in Scorpio brings intensity and depth to communication and thinking. Individuals with this placement tend to be investigative, secretive, and have a sharp intuition. They are skilled at uncovering hidden truths and are drawn to topics like psychology and the occult

      Natal Mercury in Sagittarius

      Mercury in Sagittarius brings a philosophical and adventurous nature to communication and thinking. Individuals with this placement are optimistic, open-minded, and love to explore new ideas and cultures. They have a natural gift for storytelling and often excel in fields like teaching, writing, or travel.

      Natal Mercury in Capricorn

      Mercury in Capricorn brings a practical and disciplined approach to communication and thinking. Individuals with this placement are focused, organized, and have a strong sense of responsibility. They excel in areas that require structure and planning, such as business, finance, or law.

      Natal Mercury in Aquarius

      Mercury in Aquarius brings a unique and innovative perspective to communication and thinking. Individuals with this placement are independent, intellectual, and have a strong sense of social justice. They are often ahead of their time and excel in fields related to technology, science, or activism.

      Natal Mercury in Pisces

      Mercury in Pisces brings a dreamy and intuitive nature to communication and thinking. Individuals with this placement are imaginative, empathetic, and have a strong connection to their emotions. They excel in creative fields like art, music, or writing, and have a natural ability to understand others’ feelings.

      Natal Venus in Astrology

      Introduction to Venus in Astrology

      Venus is one of the key planets in astrology, representing love, beauty, and harmony. It influences our relationships, values, and aesthetic preferences. Venus is associated with romance, attraction, and the way we express affection. In astrology, Venus is considered a personal planet, along with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars. Its placement in our birth chart reveals our approach to love, relationships, and personal values.

      Venus sign determines our romantic style and the qualities we seek in a partner. Venus spends about a month in each zodiac sign, influencing the way we express love and relate to others. Venus in Taurus individuals value stability, sensuality, and material comforts in relationships. Venus in Gemini individuals seek intellectual stimulation, communication, and variety in their romantic connections. Each zodiac sign has a unique expression of Venus’s energy.

      Venus in Mythology

      In mythology, Venus is most famously known as the Roman goddess of love, beauty, desire, and fertility. Her Greek counterpart is Aphrodite, and in both traditions, she embodies the principles of attraction, sensuality, and the creative forces of nature. Venus was born from the sea foam, according to myth, rising from the ocean’s depths in a shell—a symbol of both her beauty and her connection to the life-giving powers of water and nature.

      Venus was revered for her influence over human emotions, relationships, and harmony. She governed romantic love, but also the broader concepts of affection, friendship, and the pursuit of pleasure and beauty. In art and literature, she is often depicted as the epitome of physical and emotional attraction, inspiring feelings of passion and love.

      Beyond her role in love and beauty, Venus also represented fertility and the growth of crops, reflecting her nurturing, life-giving qualities. In Roman culture, she was also associated with victory, particularly in battles, symbolizing the harmonious balance needed for success. In astrology, the planet Venus retains many of these mythological qualities, governing love, beauty, harmony, and values in our personal lives.

      Venus in Retrograde

      Every 18 monts Venus turns retrograde for approximately 40-43 days. During this period, Venus appears to move backward in the sky, signaling a time for reflection, reassessment, and transformation in matters related to love, relationships, beauty, and finances. Retrogrades are known for encouraging a pause in forward momentum, and Venus retrograde specifically prompts us to reconsider our connections, values, and the way we approach pleasure and desire.

      In relationships, Venus retrograde can bring unresolved issues to the surface, encouraging reflection on past relationships or current dynamics. It’s a time when old lovers might resurface, but it’s also a period for healing and closure. New relationships that begin during Venus retrograde may require careful consideration, as clarity around emotional needs may be clouded.

      In terms of finances and beauty, Venus retrograde invites a more cautious approach. It’s not typically recommended to make large financial investments, major purchases, or significant changes to one’s appearance during this time, as values and tastes may shift once the retrograde ends.

      Venus in retrograde is a time for introspection, reevaluating how we give and receive love, what we value most, and how we can realign our lives with those deeper desires.

      Venus in Career and Finances

      In financial matters, Venus favours a balanced approach, where wealth and comfort are important, but so is enjoying life and sharing resources with others. Venus transits or placements in favourable houses or aspects can bring financial windfalls or opportunities to earn money in enjoyable and harmonious ways. However, challenging aspects to Venus can signal overspending, financial indulgence, or difficulties in aligning career success with personal fulfillment. Venus in career and finances emphasizes finding balance between material success, personal values, and the enjoyment of life’s pleasures.

      Venus in Transit

      As Venus travels through different signs and houses in the natal chart, it brings its harmonious and pleasurable energy to those areas. Venus transits can inspire deeper connections in relationships, enhance creativity, or bring a focus on aesthetics and material comforts. Depending on the aspects Venus forms with other planets during its transit, the effects can range from smooth and joyful experiences to challenges in balancing desires, self-worth, and emotional harmony. This is a time when love and pleasure take center stage, and individuals may feel drawn to cultivate beauty, affection, and peace in their lives.

      Venus in Synastry (Love)

      When Venus forms significant aspects between two natal charts, it highlights how each person experiences love, affection, and emotional connection within the relationship. Positive Venus aspects, such as trines or conjunctions, often indicate natural harmony, mutual attraction, and shared values, creating a sense of warmth and affection. These aspects can foster feelings of love, beauty, and understanding between partners. Challenging aspects, like squares or oppositions, may introduce tension around love styles, self-worth, or expectations in relationships. While these aspects can bring growth and transformation, they also require more conscious effort to align desires and emotional needs. Venus in synastry reveals the potential for intimacy, pleasure, and emotional fulfillment between two people, shaping the tone of their romantic connection.

      Natal Venus in the Houses:

      Natal Venus in the 1st House

      Venus in the 1st House indicates a strong emphasis on personal charm, attractiveness, and self-expression. Individuals with this placement are often seen as charming, attractive, and have a natural sense of style. They prioritize their appearance and enjoy being in the spotlight.

      Natal Venus in the 2nd House

      Venus in the 2nd House indicates a focus on material possessions, financial stability, and personal values. People with this placement have a strong desire for financial security and enjoy luxury and comfort. They also have a talent for attracting wealth and resources.

      Natal Venus in the 3rd House

      Venus in the 3rd House indicates a love for communication, learning, and social interactions. Individuals with this placement have a charming and persuasive way of expressing themselves. They enjoy intellectual pursuits, writing, and connecting with others through conversation.

      Natal Venus in the 4th House

      Venus in the 4th House indicates a strong emphasis on home, family, and emotional security. People with this placement have a deep love for their family and enjoy creating a harmonious and beautiful home environment. They prioritize their emotional well-being and seek comfort and stability in their personal life.

      Natal Venus in the 5th House

      Venus in the 5th House indicates a love for creativity, romance, and self-expression. Individuals with this placement have a natural talent for artistic endeavors and enjoy activities such as painting, music, or theater. They have a playful and romantic approach to relationships.

      Natal Venus in the 6th House

      Venus in the 6th House indicates a focus on work, service, and health. People with this placement find fulfillment through helping others and may have a strong sense of responsibility towards their work. They prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

      Natal Venus in the 7th House

      Venus in the 7th House indicates a strong emphasis on partnerships, relationships, and marriage. People with this placement have a deep desire for harmony and balance in their relationships. They attract partners who are charming, attractive, and share similar values.

      Natal Venus in the 8th House

      Natal Venus in the 8th house indicates a deep and intense approach to love and relationships. People with this placement are drawn to transformative experiences and have a strong desire for emotional intimacy. They possess a natural magnetism and attract resources and financial opportunities through partnerships.

      Natal Venus in the 9th House

      Natal Venus in the 9th house suggests a love for exploration, travel, and cultural experiences. People with this placement seek relationships with people from different backgrounds and enjoy learning through diverse perspectives. They find joy and fulfillment in philosophical or spiritual pursuits.

      Natal Venus in the 10th House

      Natal Venus in the 10th house indicates a strong focus on career and public image in relationships. People with this placement attract partners who are influential or have a prominent social status. They find fulfillment in professions related to beauty, art, or public relations.

      Natal Venus in the 11th House

      Natal Venus in the 11th house suggests a love for friendships, social connections, and group activities. People with this placement usually prioritize the collective and find fulfillment in contributing to causes or organizations. They attract friends who are supportive and share similar values.

      Natal Venus in the 12th House

      Natal Venus in the 12th house indicates a deep and spiritual approach to love and relationships. People with this placement experience love as a form of transcendence and seek connections that go beyond the material realm. They have a tendency to sacrifice their own needs for the sake of others.

      Natal Venus in the Signs:

      Natal Venus in Aries

      You are spontaneous in expressing your feelings and enjoy flirting straightforwardly. You get quickly fascinated with other people, and for this reason, you may fall in love instantly. However, because of that, you can also get bored rapidly with your partner and, for this reason, may find it hard to build lasting relationships. You may realise that you are more interested in the process of flirting and getting someone’s interest than in maintaining a healthy relationship. With your charming and often childlike attitude, it makes others difficult to get angry with you. In a relationship, you attract others with your vibrant energy, enthusiasm and self-confidence. You tend to stay away from partners who are serious, responsible, and controlling.

      Natal Venus in Taurus

      It is a dominant position for Venus, as Taurus is its natural ruling sign. This placement makes you highly sensual. You enjoy comfort, pleasant experiences and like to surround yourself with luxury and beautiful objects. For this reason, you need to have the financial security that will provide this type of comfort. In relationships, intimacy and touch are critical to you. You often need to control what is happening in your relationships and feel threatened by any changes. It can often result in you being quite possessive. Usually, you need some time to fall in love, as you do not like to throw yourself into new relationships. However, as soon as someone gets your feelings, the relationship will last a long time.

      Natal Venus in Gemini

      With Venus in this mutable sign, you value communication in relationships with other people, and you also have a great need to share your thoughts with your partners continually. Apart from that, it would be best if you also had intellectual stimulation in your relationships. You most certainly dislike when things are predictable and every day is the same in love partnerships, as you can get bored quickly. Moreover, you tend to avoid quiet and somewhat difficult partners, as they would undoubtedly drain you. Finally, people with Venus in Gemini enjoy charming their love partners with intellect, brilliance and a great sense of humour. They are often very good at flirting using a game of words.

      Natal Venus in Cancer

      With your natal Venus in Cancer in the relationships, you expect safety, stability and care from the partner. You often treat your partner like a mother, always caring for their physical and mental well-being. Emotions and closeness are significant to you, as you would find it hard to be with a cold person who keeps you at a distance. It would be best if you found someone with whom you share similar hobbies and interests. You can intuitively sense the moods and needs of others. At times you can be careless and prone to being offended. With Venus in Cancer, family is essential to you, and you usually stay connected to it throughout life. Similarly, your home, which you treat as a place where you want everyone to feel cosy and comfortable. For this reason, you enjoy looking after it, decorating it and making it look pretty and stylish.

      Natal Venus in Leo

      With Venus in Leo, you like to feel special and noticed by others. In love, you are very romantic and, at the same time dramatic, inclined to essential words and grand gestures. Sometimes you may like to make your partner envious, talking about how much attention you get from the opposite sex. However, you only make your partner jealous because, in reality, you are faithful, loyal and constant in feelings. On the other hand, you perceive jealousy from your partner as a compliment, confirming that your partner cares about you. You may have some artistic talent and may try to create something in life to feel more fulfilled.

      Natal Venus in Virgo

      You like to be needed and are willing to sacrifice and persevere in working on the relationship. You can accept the fact that the relationship is far from ideal, but at the same time, you try to strive for the perfect partnership. Often you do not feel confident when it comes to your ability to get the other person’s feelings, and you may even think that you do not deserve them. For this reason, some people who fancy you may feel that you are not interested in having a relationship, even though it isn’t true. Furthermore, when you meet someone for the first time, it may take you a little while until you open up. You are not attracted to people who like to show off and are superficial. When it comes to your taste in art, clothing or interior design, you usually go for the natural raw materials, simplicity and toned down colours.

      Natal Venus in Libra

      People with this Venus in Libra like to impress others with their charming and kindness. They usually have idealised image of their relationships, however due to their sensitivity they can easily sense if someone is taking advantage of them. In which case they can become quite resentful and distant. They seek harmonious relationships with others and dislike to be offended or disrespected at all cost. If you treat Venus in Libra person with respect and politeness they will reward you with kindness and appreciation. Art and creativity play an important role in this people’s lives, to the point that they can become quite picky when it comes to aesthetics and will take their time when it comes to choosing the right art work, clothing or furniture.

      Natal Venus in Scorpio

      When Venus is placed in Scorpio in your birth chart, you attract people with a particular magnetism and mystery in behaviour. You are a passionate and sensual person with strong feelings. In general, you are very much involved in love relationships, and you need to love and be loved wholly and exclusively. You may be prone to emotional dependence and control partners, even though you may find it difficult to admit it to yourself. You create an impression of being stable in your feelings and loyal. Nevertheless, at the same time, you may find it hard to feel secure emotionally in relationships. At times you may be overwhelmed by fears that your partner will leave you, and what is important to you will come to an end. This can lead to you losing the joy of partnership and identify love with constant fears and suffering.

      Natal Venus in Sagittarius

      You are a sincere, direct, spontaneous and usually a cheerful person who enjoys being on the move, dancing and spending time in nature. In relationships, you want to develop and expand your horizons, and you appreciate the company of people from whom you can learn something interesting. You want the other person to share or at least accept your views and ideas. You do not like monotony and routine; you are not interested in relationships and too predictable people. You are impatient, you don’t like to stay in unsatisfying situations, and when a crisis occurs, you can break up such a relationship quite quickly. You must be very committed to wanting to give this relationship a second chance and work on it. You have a great need for freedom, and it can take some time before you get involved and bond with someone permanently. When you are interested in someone romantic, you will try to win that person’s heart with your optimism, sense of humour and joy of life. Sometimes you also try to show off your life wisdom and have a tendency to philosophise.

      Natal Venus in Capricorn 

      With your natal Venus in Capricorn, you may project yourself to others like a cold and reserved person. You approach your love and relationships very seriously by being devoted and faithful; however, you lack spontaneity. Sometimes you associate with practical reasons, for example, to improve your position. When someone is interested in you, you try to make a good impression on him/her with your responsibility, competence and self-control. You may seem distanced and isolated, but some people are fascinated, and the more they will try to break the barriers to gain your interest. The apparent coolness usually results from a lack of self-confidence and, at the same time try to hide it. Love in your concept is expressed in practical gestures, in responsibility for the other person, not in great words and dramatic deeds. You are pretty conservative, and at the same time, have been in feelings and are looking for a serious relationship that you will probably want to formalise.

      Natal Venus in Aquarius

      With natal Venus in Aquarius, you have a great need for freedom in relationships. You cannot stand limitations and possessiveness. You can give the impression of being cool and not very involved. Your partner relationships are more like a friendship than a typical love relationship. As with all Venus positions in air signs, you are looking for intellectually stimulating partners with whom you can have stimulating conversations. With your natal Venus in Aquarius, it is particularly essential for you that your partner has an open mind and does not follow the schemes so that he can accept your often unique views, interests or preferences. At the same time, you usually give others the right to own opinions and preferences, however strange they may seem. Often you have a modern, avant-garde sense of aesthetics and your unique style, for example, in clothing or the way of furnishing your apartment.

      Natal Venus in Pisces

      You are a sensitive and romantic person, dreaming about perfect love. You often idealise your partners without noticing or ignoring their bad habits, which later may result in disappointments.

      People with this placement often attract partners with problems and people who need help, as they do not consider their social status. In other scenarios, you may get involved in complicated relationships with people who are sick or addicted, believing that you can get them out of it. Meanwhile, it may happen that someone like you will get in trouble or use your credulity. You can also be inclined to sacrifice for someone and give up your own goals.

      Unfortunately, especially with the problematic aspects of Venus, the not-so-nice feature of this position is the use of this sacrifice to make a sacrifice and arouse a sense of guilt in the partner.

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      Natal Pluto in Astrology

      Introduction to Pluto in Astrology

      natal pluto in astrology

      Pluto is a celestial body in our solar system and holds significant importance in astrology. It is considered a dwarf planet and was discovered in 1930. In astrology, Pluto is associated with transformation, power, and regeneration. Pluto’s orbit is very long, taking approximately 248 years to complete. As a result, its influence is more generational, affecting entire groups of people born during a specific time period.

      Pluto’s Symbolism & the Astrological Significance

      Pluto is named after the Roman god of the underworld, symbolizing the hidden and subconscious aspects of life. It represents the process of destruction and rebirth, bringing about profound changes and personal growth. Pluto’s influence can be intense and transformative, often leading to deep inner exploration and self-discovery. In astrology, Pluto is associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio and is considered its ruling planet. It governs themes of power, control, secrets, and the subconscious mind. Pluto’s placement in an individual’s birth chart can indicate areas of life where transformation and regeneration are likely to occur. Pluto’s influence in relationships can bring about intense emotional connections and profound transformations. It can signify power struggles, obsession, and the need for control within partnerships. Pluto’s energy can also facilitate deep healing and growth, leading to transformative experiences in love and intimacy.

      Pluto’s Role in Evolutionary Astrology

      In evolutionary astrology, Pluto is seen as a symbol of the soul’s evolution and growth across lifetimes. It represents karmic patterns, past-life experiences, and the soul’s journey towards transformation and enlightenment. Understanding Pluto’s placement in an individual’s birth chart can provide insights into their soul’s purpose and lessons in this lifetime.

      Pluto’s Transit

      When Pluto transits a planet or point in an individual’s birth chart, it often signifies a period of profound change and transformation. It can bring about endings, letting go of old patterns, and embracing new beginnings. Pluto’s transits can be challenging but ultimately lead to personal growth, empowerment, and the shedding of outdated aspects of one’s life.

      Pluto in the Houses

      Natal Pluto in the 1st house

      The 1st house represents the self, identity, and how one approaches the world. When Pluto is in the 1st house, personal transformation is a central theme in life. Individuals with this placement often have a magnetic presence, exuding a powerful and sometimes intense aura that others may find captivating or intimidating. There is a deep desire to reinvent oneself, and life may present them with challenges that force profound inner growth. People with this placement are not afraid to confront the darker sides of their personality and are often drawn to self-discovery through shadow work or deep psychological exploration. These individuals have a strong will and an unyielding determination, often using their inner strength to overcome adversity. Their personal evolution is ongoing, and they may experience significant changes in how they perceive themselves over time.

      Natal Pluto in the 2nd house

      The 2nd house is associated with personal values, material possessions, and financial security. With Pluto in the 2nd house, individuals may experience power struggles or deep transformation in relation to money, resources, or self-worth. There is often an intense need to control their financial situation or to build a strong sense of security. They may go through periods of financial loss or gain that challenge them to reevaluate their relationship with material wealth. On a deeper level, Pluto here drives them to transform their self-esteem and values, often through crises that force them to confront what truly matters. Their approach to resources is rarely superficial; they tend to seek depth and meaning in their possessions, and they may feel a strong need to align their financial pursuits with their personal sense of power.

      Natal Pluto in the 3rd house

      The 3rd house governs communication, learning, and immediate surroundings. Pluto in the 3rd house suggests that words have immense power for these individuals, and they may wield language as a tool for influence and transformation. Their communication style is often intense and probing, with a desire to uncover the truth in every conversation. They are deeply curious, with a mind that naturally gravitates toward understanding the hidden or taboo aspects of life. This placement can indicate a tendency to experience power dynamics in sibling relationships or within their local community. There may also be a transformative approach to learning, where periods of intellectual upheaval lead to profound shifts in how they think and express themselves. They are likely to be drawn to subjects like psychology, occultism, or other fields that explore the deeper workings of the mind.

      Natal Pluto in the 4th house

      The 4th house represents home, family, and one’s emotional foundation. With Pluto in the 4th house, there is often a deep, transformative connection to one’s family or ancestral roots. These individuals may experience powerful emotions linked to their home life, sometimes tied to family secrets or unresolved issues from the past. Their early life may have been marked by intensity, power struggles, or profound emotional experiences that shaped their sense of security. This placement often drives a need for deep emotional transformation, particularly in how they relate to their inner self and their sense of belonging. They may be drawn to exploring their family history or working through inherited emotional patterns, seeking to break free from any toxic influences. As they evolve, their home environment may go through significant changes, mirroring their inner transformations.

      Natal Pluto in the 5th house

      The 5th house is associated with creativity, romance, and self-expression. Pluto in the 5th house brings intensity to matters of the heart, and individuals with this placement may experience transformative relationships or creative passions. Their love life is rarely light-hearted, as they seek deep, transformative connections with others. Romantic relationships may involve power struggles, intense emotions, or experiences that force them to confront their own fears and desires. Similarly, their creative self-expression is likely to be profound and cathartic, often driven by a need to explore the darker, more complex aspects of life. They may have an all-or-nothing approach to pleasure, throwing themselves into hobbies or romantic pursuits with passion and intensity. Through their creative or romantic experiences, they often undergo deep personal transformations.

      Natal Pluto in the 6th house

      The 6th house rules work, health, and daily routines. Pluto in the 6th house suggests that transformation occurs through their approach to service, health, and everyday responsibilities. These individuals may experience power struggles in the workplace or find themselves in environments where they must assert their personal power. Their approach to work is intense and focused, often pushing themselves to extremes in pursuit of efficiency or perfection. Health can also be a significant area of transformation, and they may undergo profound changes in their physical or mental well-being. This placement can drive them to explore the deeper causes of illness or imbalance, often seeking to heal themselves through psychological or holistic methods. They may also feel compelled to transform their daily routines or find more empowering ways to serve others, aiming to bring a sense of purpose and depth to their everyday life.

      Natal Pluto in the 7th house

      The 7th house governs partnerships, marriage, and one-on-one relationships. When Pluto is in the 7th house, relationships become a powerful source of transformation. Individuals with this placement often attract intense, passionate partners who challenge them to confront their own emotional depths. Power dynamics may play a significant role in their relationships, and they may experience both empowerment and disempowerment through their close partnerships. This placement can indicate a need to undergo profound transformation through marriage or other long-term relationships, often facing themes of control, obsession, or emotional intensity. They may attract partners who mirror their shadow side, forcing them to evolve emotionally. While their relationships can be intense, they have the potential to lead to deep personal growth if they are willing to confront their fears and embrace change.

      Natal Pluto in the 8ht house

      The 8th house is associated with transformation, shared resources, intimacy, and the mysteries of life and death. Pluto is the natural ruler of the 8th house, making this a particularly potent placement for deep, soul-level transformation. Individuals with Pluto in the 8th house are drawn to explore life’s mysteries, often fascinated by subjects like death, rebirth, and the occult. They are intensely private and may have a magnetic pull toward hidden or taboo areas of life. This placement often involves transformative experiences around shared resources, such as inheritances, joint finances, or emotional intimacy. They may experience crises in these areas, leading to profound personal evolution. Their relationships with others are likely to involve emotional intensity and a desire for deep, soul-level connections. This placement suggests a life marked by profound inner transformation, often driven by the exploration of life’s deepest mysteries.

      Natal Pluto in the 9th house

      The 9th house represents higher learning, philosophy, and long-distance travel. With Pluto in the 9th house, individuals are drawn to transformative experiences through education, spiritual exploration, or travel. They may have a powerful urge to seek the truth, often delving into philosophical or spiritual subjects with intensity and depth. This placement can lead to transformative changes in their belief system, often triggered by experiences that challenge their worldview. They may be drawn to explore foreign cultures or distant lands in search of meaning, and their travels may bring about profound personal changes. Pluto in the 9th house suggests that their search for knowledge is not superficial—they are looking for the deeper truths that lie beneath the surface. Their beliefs may evolve significantly over time, often through crises or intense personal experiences that force them to question what they thought they knew.

      Natal Pluto in the 10th house

      The 10th house rules career, public image, and long-term goals. When Pluto is in the 10th house, individuals may experience a powerful drive to achieve success and make a lasting impact in their professional life. They are often drawn to positions of power or influence, and their career may involve themes of transformation, control, or deep personal change. Power struggles in the workplace or with authority figures are common, as they navigate their own desire for control and recognition. Their public image may undergo significant shifts throughout their life, and they may feel a strong need to be seen as powerful or transformative in their chosen field. This placement often brings a sense of purpose to their career, driving them to leave a lasting legacy or to transform the world around them through their professional endeavors.

      Natal Pluto in the 11th house

      The 11th house is associated with friendships, social groups, and future aspirations. With Pluto in the 11th house, individuals may experience transformation through their involvement in groups or communities. Friendships may be intense or involve power dynamics, and they may attract friends who challenge them to grow and evolve. This placement suggests a strong desire to influence society or contribute to collective causes, often through revolutionary or transformative efforts. They are not content with superficial social connections and may seek out groups that share their vision for deep, meaningful change. Their long-term goals may involve transforming society or creating a lasting impact on a larger scale. However, they may also experience challenges in aligning their personal power with the collective, leading to profound shifts in how they approach their aspirations.

      Natal Pluto in the 12th house

      The 12th house rules the unconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life. Pluto in the 12th house suggests that much of the individual’s transformation takes place behind the scenes or in the depths of their psyche. There is a powerful connection to the unconscious mind, and these individuals may be drawn to explore their inner world through spiritual or psychological practices. They may experience periods of isolation or retreat, during which profound personal growth takes place. This placement often brings up hidden fears, desires, or past traumas that must be confronted in order to evolve. Their journey of transformation is likely to be deeply private, and they may work through their personal shadows in ways that are not immediately visible to others. Ultimately, Pluto in the 12th house suggests a path of spiritual evolution, where letting go of the old and embracing transformation on a soul level leads to profound healing and growth.

      Pluto in the Signs

      Natal Pluto in Aries

      Pluto in Aries brings intense transformation and power struggles. Individuals with this placement may have a strong desire for independence and assertiveness. They may experience significant changes and rebirth in their personal identity and self-expression. This placement can also bring challenges related to control and power dynamics in relationships.

      Natal Pluto in Taurus

      Pluto in Taurus emphasizes the need for stability and security. Individuals with this placement may experience profound transformations in their values, possessions, and material resources. They may have a strong drive for financial security and material abundance. This placement can also bring challenges related to possessiveness and stubbornness.

      Natal Pluto in Gemini

      Pluto in Gemini emphasizes the power of communication and intellectual transformation. Individuals with this placement may experience intense changes in their thinking patterns and beliefs. They may have a strong desire for knowledge and intellectual growth. This placement can also bring challenges related to manipulation and deceit in communication.

      Natal Pluto in Cancer

      Pluto in Cancer brings deep emotional transformations and intense family dynamics. Individuals with this placement may experience significant changes in their emotional security and sense of belonging. They may have a strong connection to their roots and ancestral heritage. This placement can also bring challenges related to emotional control and manipulation in relationships.

      Natal Pluto in Leo

      Pluto in Leo emphasizes personal power, creativity, and self-expression. Individuals with this placement may experience profound transformations in their identity and ego. They may have a strong desire for recognition and leadership roles. This placement can also bring challenges related to ego conflicts and power struggles in creative endeavors.

      Natal Pluto in Virgo

      Pluto in Virgo emphasizes the need for perfection and self-improvement. Individuals with this placement may experience intense transformations in their work, health, and daily routines. They may have a strong drive for efficiency and practicality. This placement can also bring challenges related to obsessive behavior and critical self-judgment.

      Natal Pluto in Libra

      Pluto in Libra brings a focus on relationships, partnerships, and justice. People born with Pluto in Libra may experience intense transformations in their relationships and have a strong desire for fairness and balance. This placement can bring challenges in finding harmony and may lead to power struggles within relationships.

      Natal Pluto in Scorpio

      Pluto in Scorpio intensifies emotions, passions, and transformations. Individuals with Pluto in Scorpio may have a deep desire for power, control, and uncovering hidden truths. This placement can bring about intense personal growth and the ability to regenerate after challenging experiences.

      Natal Pluto in Sagittarius

      Pluto in Sagittarius focuses on expanding beliefs, spirituality, and higher knowledge. People born with Pluto in Sagittarius may have a strong drive for exploration, seeking truth, and philosophical pursuits. This placement can bring about transformative experiences through travel, education, and broadening horizons.

      Natal Pluto in Capricorn

      Pluto in Capricorn emphasizes power, authority, and structure. Individuals with Pluto in Capricorn may experience intense transformations in their career, ambition, and social status. This placement can bring about a need for control and a desire to reform established systems and structures.

      Natal Pluto in Aquarius

      Pluto in Aquarius focuses on innovation, revolution, and collective consciousness. People born with Pluto in Aquarius may have a strong urge for social change, unconventional thinking, and breaking free from traditional norms. This placement can bring about transformative experiences through technological advancements and societal shifts.

      Natal Pluto in Pisces

      Pluto in Pisces emphasizes spirituality, intuition, and emotional depth. Individuals with Pluto in Pisces may experience intense transformations in their emotional and spiritual lives. This placement can bring about a deep connection to the collective unconscious and a desire for transcendence.

      woman in lake covering face with hands

      Natal Sun in the 12th House

      The Sun in the 12th House indicates a strong connection to the spiritual realm and a need for solitude and introspection. The 12th House is one of the twelve houses of an astrology chart. It represents hidden strengths, spirituality, subconscious mind, and self-undoing.

      Characteristics of the natal Sun in the 12th House

      • individuals with Sun in the 12th House are often highly intuitive and empathetic.
      • they have a deep sense of compassion and a desire to help others.
      • these individuals may struggle with expressing their true selves and may feel a need to hide their talents or achievements.

      Challenges and Growth Opportunities with the Sun in the 12th house

      • individuals with this placement may face challenges in asserting their identity and finding their purpose in life.
      • they may need to overcome self-doubt and learn to trust their intuition.
      • embracing solitude and introspection can lead to personal growth and spiritual development.
      • Sun in the 12th House individuals often possess a rich imagination and creative potential.
      • they find solace and inspiration in artistic pursuits or spiritual practices.
      • exploring their creative side can be a source of fulfillment and self-expression.
      • this natal placement can indicate a need for healing and transformation on a deep level.
      • these individuals have a strong connection to alternative healing modalities or spiritual practices.
      • embracing self-reflection and inner work can lead to profound personal growth and healing.
      • a strong spiritual inclination and a deep connection to the divine.
      • may be drawn to mystical or esoteric practices and have a natural affinity for spiritual teachings.
      • nurturing the spiritual side can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
      • the Sun in the 12th House individuals may struggle with expressing their true selves and may feel a need to hide their talents or achievements.
      • a fear of being seen or judged, which can hinder their personal growth.
      • learning to embrace their uniqueness and share their gifts can lead to greater self-acceptance and fulfillment.
      • the Sun in the 12th House individuals often have a need for solitude and introspection.
      • they find solace in spending time alone or in nature.
      • balancing their need for solitude with healthy social connections can lead to a harmonious and fulfilling life.

      Read More

      jupiter retrograde in Aries

      Jupiter Retrograde in Aries 2022: What it Means for Your Zodiac

      On July 28th, Jupiter turns retrograde in fire sign Aries. Jupiter goes direct on November 23, 2022. This will be a four-month retrograde in total that could bring some significant changes to our lives. Jupiter retrograde transit reoccurs roughly every thirteen months. This is a time when we may have to deal with matters concerning personal growth and development. The area of life influenced by Jupiter retrograde will require more work and extra attention.

      You might become more competitive, wanting to be recognised for your accomplishments. Often under the influence of this retrograde, one may become highly independent.

      This retrograde may stimulate you to do soul searching through your own research/studies rather than seeking it through others. Your intuition is likely to be heightened at this time too.

      You may have a greater need for more versatile lifestyle experiences. Your attitude towards life is likely to be more open-minded. When cooperating with others (in group activities), you may choose/prefer to do things your own way.

      You might feel like you want to change your career direction. Alternatively, if you are currently undergoing career changes, you may question every career step you take.

      You may find it difficult to express your knowledge to others. You might experience an increased desire for freedom.

      You might have stronger sexual urges and an inner desire to form deeper connections with others. You might also become more secretive; however, with this in mind, you may experience an imbalance between the need to be open and the need to be secretive.

      During this time, you might see yourself through the eyes of others, with a greater need to gain the respect of the important people in your life.

      You might feel like dealing with many tasks simultaneously (multitasking) but find it more challenging to finish whatever your start. Your expectations of others might be higher during this time. However, keep in mind that sometimes the expectations can’t meet reality.

      There is a tendency with this transit to become overly emotional, often going back in thoughts into happy memories. Alternatively, this transit may also create situations when you may feel like the family members are standing in your way or blocking your life progress.

      Under the influence of this transit, you might become impersonal when interacting with others, preferring to listen rather than get involved in the conversations. Your mind might be restless at this time, and at times you may find it difficult to express yourself.

      During this time, you may want to re-establish or re-define your personal values and your sense of wealth/abundance.

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      chiron retrograde in Aries

      Chiron Retrograde in Aries 2022

      Chiron enters retrograde on July 19th 2022, the sign of fiery Aries, until December 23, when it turns direct. Chiron was discovered in 1977 orbiting between the planets Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. Many consider it as an asteroid or a small planet. 

      In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur – an ideal combination of human intelligence and animal instinct. He was the child of the Gods, a half-human and a half-horse immortal creature. Regardless of its look, Chiron was a great teacher, holistic healer, astrologer and musician. Many of his students were the greatest warriors, healers and future leaders of the times. 

      Chiron is very often regarded as” the wounded healer” due to a wound he received from a poison arrow. The arrow didn’t kill him; however, he never quite recovered from it and as a result of that, was destined to live in pain. 

      This myth about Chiron’s suffering, and what awareness and meaning we can derive from it, becomes the central theme of the tale and the planet Chiron. 

      Chiron in the birth chart reveals where we have suffered but also where we have a chance to become a healer or a mentor for others. Chiron here not only shows the sphere of life where we are expected to feel hurt; however, also the area where we obtain healing when we bring awareness to our woundedness.

      Once we identify the cause of our wounding, we can become a healing force for others in that area.

      Chiron’s house position in the birth chart points to an area of life where we are generally more vulnerable and where healing can occur. By failing to accept this vulnerability, we are unable to obtain meaning from it. As a result of that, we may end up hurting others unintentionally around the very same issues. 

      By bringing this vulnerability to light, we move from being incurably wounded in this area of our life to becoming master teachers, like Chiron, for the healing of others. 

      Chiron’s position by sign symbolises the valuable lessons we are here to learn, also the essence of our wounding and how healing can occur.

      As Chiron retrogrades through passionate sign Aries, we are being urged to confront the feelings we’ve been pushing down instead of processing. During this time, we have the opportunity to allow our wounds caused by people or events in our life, to heal so that we can take action and create a brighter future.

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      April 2022 Astrology Forecast

      The month starts with a New Moon in 11° Aries (March 31st-April 1st) conjunct Mercury and Chiron. This conjunction offers us an opportunity for healing through communication, therapy, guided meditation or forgiveness. The deep wound that may now become visible also has to do with experiences that happened in the past. It is crucial to allow the sorrow and pain to be expressed in order to allow ourselves to heal.

      Mars-Saturn conjunction on April 4 can be pretty frustrating. The last time these two planets conjoined was in late March of 2020 at the beginning of the global pandemic and the lockdowns. This conjunction is in some way ending that cycle and bringing it to completion to a certain extent, and some aspects of life related to the pandemic might also come to an end. At the same time, we begin a new cycle of those same energies as these two planets yet again meet in the sign of Aquarius. The Mars-Saturn conjunction will particularly impact people with fixed sign placements or angles of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, as they will feel it more deeply than the other signs. This is the second and the last Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. This conjunction is about you want to do something, do something fast (Mars), but there’s something in the way, some obstacle, a delay, especially in a case where Saturn has more strength. It might be like you put a lot of energy into something with minimal results, which can be frustrating. These two planets will be within the orb from the 1st to–April 9. This conjunction may bring a heavy workload, increased and unwanted responsibilities, and plenty of frustration for those under its influence. So here, slow but steady progress can be made toward long-term success without rushing. 

      Venus enters Pisces on April 5 after spending months in Capricorn and then Aquarius, the signs where Venus doesn’t feel very comfortable or powerful. Venus is exalted in Pisces, which is excellent, and at this point, Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, is there too, along with Neptune. Those few weeks of Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in Pisces will be truly satisfying, as all three planets will be in the signs where they feel lovely, so enjoy these pleasant energies, as these vibes will only last for a few weeks. 

      Jupiter conjoins Neptune on the 12th, and this conjunction will be highly influential from the 7th to–the 17th. Following this conjunction, we can expect increased interest in spirituality, more vivid imagination, creativity, and a greater interest in the arts, especially music, increased empathy, compassion, and delusion and illusion. The downside of this conjunction can bring increased escapism from the difficult realities of daily life and even deception on a big scale. 

      Mars also enters Pisces on April 15. A depressing experience of powerlessness and disillusionment could follow, passive.

      The Full Moon on April 16 falls at 26 degrees of Libra. With a Libra full moon, we seek to establish more balance in our lives and realise where we lack the balance and what we need to do to change it. Both the Sun and the Moon are in a square to Pluto in Capricorn. This indicates that many of us might discover some secrets that were deeply hidden away from us, but it will require an effort to figure things out with the square involved.  

      Saturn squares the North Node on the 21st, and the strongest influence of this square will be 19th–to the 29th; during this time, destiny or fate may come into play. Saturn may bring difficult experiences within our lives = forcing us to question our involvement with certain people in certain situations and circumstances. Those with important placements at 22°–24° of any fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius fall under a more significant influence of this aspect.

      We have the first eclipse of 2022 arriving at the end of April, on April 30. Visible only in southern South America and Antarctica. This is a solar eclipse at 10° of Taurus conjunct Uranus at 14° Taurus. This is our second eclipse in this sign; at the end of 2021, we had a lunar eclipse in Taurus and this time a solar eclipse. This eclipse will likely bring significant life changes for those with critical natal placements. 8°–12° of the Taurus–Scorpio polarity, Leo and Aquarius. These changes might culminate in recent events since transiting Uranus has just passed through this degree area. 

      This eclipse will affect everyone’s charts differently depending on where it falls in the birth chart. It is likely to be about an unexpected beginning with Uranus involved that sets off a series of events that turns out to be more meaningful and more important than it might have seemed at first. Please pay close attention to where the Taurus-Scorpio axis falls in your chart and what houses they activate. For many people personally, it is just great beginnings (solar eclipses). In May, during the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, it will be about great endings (lunar eclipses) in those areas of your life that correspond with those two houses. 

      With Uranus in proximity to the eclipses, things will be changing more quickly than expected or may happen unexpectedly. 

      The Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces is exact just about the same time as the eclipse in Taurus, which is delightful because Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is also the ruler of this eclipse. 

      Also, around this eclipse, Pluto is stationing retrograde in Capricorn. With Pluto retrograde, we’ll have to get honest about how much we’re driven by a need for recognition, money and power. At the same time, we might have to face the darker sides of what we want; The ultimate goal of this retrograde is self-improvement and self-empowerment concerning the areas of life activated by this retrograde in the birth chart.

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      Black Moon Lilith in Cancer – All Signs Forecast

      Black Moon Lilith in Cancer transit commences on April 14th until January 8th of 2023. The last time Black Moon Lilith stayed in Cancer was between June 2013, and February 2014. If you look back to that period and try to remember what happened in your life around that time and what life themes you had to deal with, you will better understand how this transit may influence you this time around. You are older and wiser at this point in life, and you are unlikely to think the same way about certain things; it is still a great way to mentally prepare for the upcoming period.  

      Black Moon Lilith is a geometrical point, like the Ascendant or Nodes of the Moon. Geometrically, Black Moon Lilith symbolises the empty focal (central) point of the Moon’s elliptical orbital path around the planet Earth (found within a void that falls between the Earth and the Moon’s orbital apogee as seen from Earth). 

      Black Moon Lilith takes approximately nine years to go around the zodiac, staying nine months in each sign. Her exaltation is in Scorpio, and her domicile is in Capricorn. 

      Black Moon Lilith is connected with maturity, especially emotional maturity, and seems to be involved in working with complex and intense feelings, jealousy and anger, to the point of inner balance, harmony, and self-empowerment. Her dark side is revealed in emotional outbursts of destructive anger, intense passion, emotional manipulation and disordered aggression. The Black Moon Lillith is associated with sexual energy, taboo, and deepest desires. Transits of the Black Moon Lilith help us to stand up for ourselves, even when it means getting in trouble.

      If your natal Black Moon Lilith is in Cancer, then you will go through your Black Moon Lilith Return in the next nine months as the Black Moon Lilith will be conjunct your natal BM Lilith. During this time, you may be more aware of your blockages or issues around being able to stand up, speak out, or defend yourself, and you may be required to do those things in a way that stands out for you. 

      Black Moon Lilith in the Water Sign Cancer can be emotionally manipulative. When afflicted (especially by squares or oppositions with natal planets), it can bring up our insecurities to the surface and create challenges when dealing with feelings and emotional situations. Withdrawal and escapism are some of the common themes of the negative manifestations of the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. Nevertheless, once we realise that we can change how we react to our own and other people’s emotions, we will be able to connect with others more profoundly and with greater satisfaction.

      Find out How the BML in Cancer will Influence Your Zodiac Sign:

      The Black Moon Lillith in Cancer can make you upset about matters and issues concerning your home and family. You may get caught up in a situation assuming that your family is the problem, but in reality, it could be that you are the one who is running away from home or family-related responsibilities. On a different level, throughout the duration of this transit, you may expect your family members to save you from life difficulties or resolve your emotional problems. Deep down, though, you may discover that some parts of your behaviour might be upsetting your loved ones, prompting you to change something in your way of being. Even if you are dealing with a situation out of your control, you will eventually realise that you need to be more patient with your family members without always expecting them to help you. The Black Moon Lillith’s offering to you is the opportunity to bring unconscious behaviour to the surface where it can no longer act uncontrollably.

      With the Black Moon Lillith in Cancer, your words will have a profound effect on others, so use your words wisely as they may seem harsh at times and might put you in trouble even if your intentions are genuine. Throughout the duration of this transit, you might become more critical and have dark feelings and thoughts. On the positive side, you will be able to face the truth with more ease, dive deep into the core of any problem that made you speak out and acknowledge the impact of your words on your loved ones. You may find that others come to you with their problems more often than usual, as your ability to understand strong emotions will become as beneficial as a counselling session. 

      With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, problems may arise regarding money. Throughout the duration of this transit, you are likely to blame others for your money issues, but in reality, it is unlikely to be purely their fault. Perhaps your ability to manage the finances, in some way, contribute to any problems concerning your income. You can overcome your financial difficulties once you realise what is blocking or contributing to your financial success. Your self-esteem may be somehow connected to your financial problems. Perhaps you need to change your job, or are afraid of taking a financial risk or are you overspending, compensating for lack of self-esteem and happiness? Whatever the scenario, with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, you can face the truths and build more financial freedom for yourself and your loved ones.

      With the Black Moon Lilith in your sign – Cancer, you will make a significant impact on those around you, especially your behaviour, even if you think you lash out when you are upset. Occasionally you may have an inner need to withdraw from the company of others or the outside world in general. Under the influence of this transit, you may blame others or accuse them of doing the wrong thing; however, in reality, it might be your unhappiness upsetting your colleagues or loved ones. Sometimes your dark feelings can affect your physical or mental health. Once you claim your feelings and break the cycle of blame, you will be free of self-undoing behaviour. Self-understanding and acceptance will bring comfort and greater life satisfaction.

      Black Moon Lilith in Cancer can make you delve too deeply into some issues or relationships in your life. Throughout the duration of this transit, you may think that other people are the problem and the cause of your life dilemmas, and perhaps they are. However, it would help if you focused your energies on less complicated matters. With Black Moon in Lilith, you might be too prone to get lost in the imaginary world rather than focus on everyday practicalities. You may struggle with self-discipline, and for this reason, it is crucial that you stay focused and live in the now and focus on what is essential in the present moment.

      With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, friendships can become a little upsetting in your lifetime. You may feel that your friends fail to live up to your expectations and that you cannot count on them. Alternatively, you may feel like your friends don’t listen to you. Your desire to become a part of a group and connect with like-minded people is likely to be stronger. Nevertheless, you might often feel rejected and think that it is others who are rejecting you. In fact, it might be the opposite. You may not realise it at first, but you might be pretty fixed in your ideas trying to impose your thoughts and feelings on others expecting them to agree with you. If someone disagrees, you may see it as a lack of support. The challenge for you is to learn to be more understanding and accept other people’s points of view. Otherwise, you are likely to encounter social issues, as the universe will likely attract people into your life who will have different opinions to yours so that you can learn your lessons. By becoming accepting, flexible and tolerant, you will find more joy and satisfaction in connecting with others in your social life.

      With the Black Moon Lillith in Cancer, you may become overly ambitious to the point of overriding other people on your way to the top. Throughout this transit, you may become more confident than usual (especially in your public life), believing that you are better at your job than others. This type of attitude can annoy your colleagues without you even realising it. The Black Moon Lillith’s gift is the opportunity to bring unconscious or self-defeating behaviour to the surface where it can no longer be left unnoticed. Therefore the goal of this transit for you is to understand that others are just as capable. It would help if you learned to appreciate your colleagues’ skills and show them their respect. This will, in turn, increase other people’s respect for you.

      Black Moon Lillith in Cancer in the 9th house is not the most comfortable placement. It indicates that you are at odds with society’s laws, structures or establishments. Throughout the duration of this transit, you are likely to blame pillars of society for all of their mistakes – their rigid religious principles, unfair laws, violation of civil rights etc. Nevertheless, the truth is that deep inside, you feel pretty rebellious and perhaps even fed up as your life philosophies, and principles changed or are different from the norm. If you have a strong need to rebel, you may cause chaos, both for yourself and those around you. However, if you can learn to agree to disagree with individuals and society as a whole, especially the ones who have different life views or life principles, then you can enjoy your unique approach more joyfully.

      The transiting Black Moon Lillith in the 8th house of your birth chart can reveal intimate details of your life that you would, perhaps, prefer that stayed forgotten. This is because the darker aspects of the Black Moon Lillith are associated with sexuality, birth, death, debt, greed, and other private matters. Throughout the duration of this transit, you may unintentionally attract the darker aspects of society into your life. It can vary from strange things happening around you, like your partner excessively investing money in risky shares, to someone in your community turning violent. You are likely to be unsure why weird things are happening to you, but they will do and will trigger deep emotions inside you. The challenge for you is to face your emotional and psychic depths, understand them and release whatever is not needed anymore. 

      With Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, you might never be truly satisfied with your relationship. It is possible that you don’t want to get married because you can’t find someone who measures up to your expectations. Alternatively, you may commit to someone but complain excessively about them to others. Whatever the scenario, you may find it challenging to be satisfied in a committed relationship because all you see is the dark side of your significant other. The issue may be that you do not see things clearly. The closeness demanded by marriage is likely triggering a subconscious memory of your parents’ relationship. Whether you realise it or not, an unpleasant aspect of your parents’ union is playing on your subconscious mind. You may also seek perfection in your partner to avoid the emotional pain associated with old memories. Once you realise that there is no such thing as a perfect partner, you will be able to break free from the emotional pain from old memories and find a loving and rewarding connection with your loved one. 

      With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, work can sometimes be distressing. You may have difficulty planning your daily life and work schedule, assuming this to be the fault of others. It might be that you take on or are given too many duties, your co-workers may interrupt your thoughts, and the days may seem not long enough. It would help if you organised your daily workload more constructively in order to assert your rights. You have a right to say ‘no’, especially when you are given too much work. It also doesn’t make sense to overload your schedule in an attempt to feel good about yourself, as this will only affect your wellbeing. 

      With the Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, your desire to live a more carefree lifestyle will increase. For this reason, self-discipline will play an essential role throughout the duration of this transit, as there might be days when you would rather play than take responsibility for your life. Your creative pursuits, hobbies and interests will be dominant, fulfilling a deep need within you. If someone stands in the way of your happiness, you are likely to lash out. You may blame other people, perhaps even your children, for preventing you from following your passionate interests. If this is the case, you may find it beneficial to find a balance between pleasure and responsibilities. Once you have found this balance, you may be an excellent teacher, artist, and parent.

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      ocean waves

      Aries Ingress 2022

      Virgo is the sign that rises (in both charts set for London and Kiev), and when a mutable sign rises, this chart is valid for six months until Libra Ingress. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo is the natural significator of the youth of the country, as well as commerce, trade, travel and all forms of communication. Mercury, along with the Moon, symbolises the people and their condition. The anaretic degree of the Moon indicates, a lot of danger for the population on a global level. Since there are no earth planetary placements at this time, this suggests a lack of stability in the months to follow until at least the Libra Ingress, which sadly doesn’t look that promising either.

      Some thoughts about Ukraine Aries Ingress Chart

      In the chart set for Kiev, Mercury is located in the 6th house of Pisces, the sign of its fall and detriment. Mercury has minor dignity by term, which suggests that it (Ukraine) has some strength, although its (Ukraine’s) overall condition is weak. Mercury also rules the 10th house (Gemini) that is related to the Leader or Head of the Country. The only planet that Mercury aspects is Jupiter by applying conjunction. The applying conjunction to Jupiter from Mercury suggests that in the next 6 months, there will be an opportunity for a resolution of the problem of Ukraine and the enemy.

      Jupiter ruling the 4th, 6th and the 7th suggests matters related to the land, army, public health and relations with other countries, whether friendly or hostile will be prominent in the next 6th months. Since Mercury (the people, the country) is in detriment and fall, it won’t be in the position to support Jupiter (the land and the public health). 

      Jupiter that also represents the open enemy (7th house ruler) is in a stronger position than Mercury (Ukraine). However, on a positive note, Mercury having dignity by term will lessen any problems that may arise between the people and matters related to the land and public health.

      The Sun highlights 7th house matters and rules the 11th house. The Sun is alone. The Sun is the natural ruler of notable persons, the leaders. This very well shows how the leader of Ukraine is acting alone, but he is strong angular in Aries his sign of exaltation. He has got the confidence and the willpower to protect his people. However since the Sun is located in the 7th of open enemy, this does also suggest that in the months to come, there won’t be overall control of the Country’s parliament, town and County Councils and similar bodies (Sun rules 11th house).

      Venus on the other hand, the dispositor of the Moon, is unfortunately placed between Mars and Saturn, besieged and peregrine. She is dominated by all that Saturn symbolises, constrictions, strict rules and the need to obey. Venus is the ruler of the assets of the people and being located in the 5th house indicates financial issues around anything to do with places of amusement, entertainment and pleasure, but also the birth rate, children, sexual concerns (women and children are especially the most vulnerable and at risk of exploitation). Venus as ruler of the 2nd and the 9th house indicates people’s assets, the country’s economy and international trade, commerce and relationships will be in poor condition.

      Some thoughts about the UK Ingress Chart

      In the chart set for London, the country’s overall condition and the international relationships look much better than in the Ukraine’s chart. Mercury, the ruler of the chart is placed in angular 7th house of Pisces, so even though Mercury (the country and economy) is weakened by its placement in Pisces where it is in its fall and detriment; it receives its strenght by being placed in angular house along with Jupiter its dispositor.

      The Moon on the other hand (the people) is weak, and about to move into Scorpio its sign of fall. So it is almost like moving from bad to worse. In the next six months the cost of fuel may continue to rise, as well as the cost of living. There might be also food shortages resulting in people not travelling as much as usual. The rise of cost of fuel will automatically increase the cost of travel. The Moon is placed in cadent 3rd house, suggesting that the people’s focus will be on information, news, internet, neighboring nations as well as all means of inland transportation such as railways, road and river traffic and cars.

      Venus, besieged between Mars and Saturn, (unfortuantely placed) is the co-ruler the 2nd house related to people’s assets, income and the economoty. Its placement is weak suggesting that the finances might be resticted, emphesizing the importance of spending money wisely, avoiding unneccessary expenses.

      What strikes me about this chart is that Jupiter ruling the 8th suggests matters relating to mortality will be prominent in the next 6th months. Ibn Labban noted that when the ruler of the Ascendant applies to the ruler of the 8th it can indicate many deaths. Since Mercury is considered a neutral planet and Jupiter a benefic, I think this may also signify fear of death of the people. 

      to be continue…

      March 2022 Full Moon in Virgo 27°

      The Full Moon in Virgo 27° will become exact on March 18 at 12:17am PDT, 07:17am GMT. Any placement you have at 27° (plus or minus one degree) in any of the mutable signs (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius) will be under the influence of this full moon.

      With the Moon in Virgo, there is a need for order and perfectionism versus the chaos and vagueness of Pisces. The Moon is peregrine in Virgo, out of essential dignity, suggesting that it is wandering aimlessly, lacking a clear sense of focus, and feels lost, so the level of emotional expression can be limited.

       With a Virgo full moon, any important issues or projects you are going to deal with around this time, you may ask yourself questions, including how it is going to be done, within what timeframe, what do I need to achieve this goal or reach that milestone. You might have a big idea for your next business venture or life project, but the challenge here you will have is how to implement this idea in order for it to work out for you. 

      Virgo Full Moon happens once a year, but this one is pretty fascinating as the Sun is in the same sign as Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, the sign opposing Virgo. With so much Pisces emphasis and Mercury-Jupiter applying conjunction, this is about big dreams or something extraordinary or inspiring being created of all the possibilities. It is like dreams coming to fruition. 

      At the same time, the Sun and the Moon connect to Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon is trining Pluto, and the Sun is sextiling it, creating positive and harmonious energies. Pluto is a planet that’s intervening, getting the Moon and the Sun actually to be in conversation or collaboration with one another.

      Since the Sun received a form of support from Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, it could make it hard for the Virgo Moon to hold on to its desires for order, neatness, and balance. We might experience this in everyday life as working hard to stay more organised whilst unintentionally creating more mess or chaos. Despite good intentions, it might be difficult to achieve the results desired.  

      On the positive note, the Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn may help cut through any fogginess or vagueness that could arise from the Sun-Neptune conjunction in Pisces throughout this Full Moon.

      This Full Moon’s planetary dispositor: Mercury (Mercury rules Virgo), is in Pisces. With Mercury in Pisces, our emotions might influence our thinking process, and our minds could wander away, making it hard to concentrate. 

      A day after this full moon, we have the energy of a Venus-Uranus square. And then, just a few days later, on March 22, Mars will square Uranus. These events can lead to unexpected developments in relationships, and sometimes that can be fascinating in terms of the new dynamics that it presents. At the same time, the excitement of a new relationship can sometimes sweep us away unexpectedly and go in directions that we might not have planned otherwise or change our day-to-day routine in a way that seems new, appealing and fresh. An excellent way to work with these energies is by doing someting different out of the ordinary instead of going for the same old thing. 

      To Learn How this Full Moon will Influence Your Zodiac Sign, Watch the Video Below:

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      Four Elements in Astrology

      The Four Elements in Astrology

      All 12 zodiac signs share distinct qualities and can be divided into four key elements. These are Fire, Earth, Water, and Air.

      Fire Element

      The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. People with a dominant fire element in their birth chart often make good leaders. They are dynamic and tend to light up everything around them. Since fire needs air to exist, fire signs are most compatible with the air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra). Water is anathema to fire, and a person with a dominant water element in their chart could try to depress the liveliness and eagerness that defines fire. These sorts of people tend to be very friendly and inspirational. They are passionate and often fiery. They are also risk-takers, and when in love, most of them give in to a passionate romance quickly.

      Air Element

      The Air signs are Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. They require freedom of movement and thought and do not like to be tied down. These people are generally talkative and verbally expressive. They enjoy learning new ideas, which tend to make them more communicative. Most of them are extroverts and enjoy being around people. On the negative side, they may lose control because their minds and thoughts travel so much up in the air that they lose a sense of reality. Those who do not have much air element in their natal chart may find it difficult to express themselves. As a result, communicating their ideas may prove to be a challenge to them.

      Water Element

      The water signs include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They are deep thinkers of an emotional and sensitive nature. They are usually very good at keeping secrets, given their secretive emotions and abilities. The Water signs are most compatible with Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo). Emotionality and passion best describe people whose dominant element in the natal charts is water. They dislike being confined and have high artistic capabilities. Compassionate to other people’s feelings, they are very caring and giving. On the downside, some of them may exaggerate their feelings occasionally.

      Earth Element

      The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. They are stable, consistent, determined and can easily get attached to daily routines. While not as compassionate as the water signs, they are still very nurturing. They are most compatible with Water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio), as water is necessary for the earth to sustain living conditions. With their careful and practical approach to life, they are determined to create a solid foundation based on financial wealth and success. People with a dominant earth element are grounded and maybe more attuned to things that connect them to earth-like activities like gardening and pottery. Those with too much earth element in their birth chart may develop a tendency of being too greedy and fearful, which, as a result, may stop them from living their life to their fullest potential.

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      Interpreting Solar Returns

      A solar return chart is erected for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its position in the natal chart. A chart is erected for the time and place a native happens to be when the transiting Sun reaches this degree. By analysing the solar return chart you can discover what life themes will be significant over the coming year, and these themes can usually be felt one or two months before the actual birthday.

      Essential factors to consider when analysing a solar return chart:

      • The Solar Ascendant shows how an individual will approach life in general in the coming year (for example, a Solar Return Ascendant in Virgo would indicate a year where work, health matters and being organised take on the primary focus)
      • What natal house is ascending in the SR? (12 house rising -> 12th house matters -> work in isolation, hospitals, imprisonment etc.)
      • Any solar return planets on angles (example: Saturn angular -> unfulfillment, Saturn on the ascendant=not an easy year, Jupiter -> prosperity, optimism)
      • The placement of the ruler of the SR ascendant sign within the SR chart (example: with Capricorn ascendant, Saturn would be the ruler of the SR chart ->if placed in the 6th house, this may suggest working with the father)
      • The degree of the ascending sign. If 29 degrees of any sign is ascending in the SR chart, that means the native is about to finish something or is about to close a chapter/phase in their life. This is also valid for the degree position of the ruler of the ascending sign, since the SR ascendant indicates the native. It is also worth considering any planets in the last degree of any sign, as it can show that the theme which they symbolise will undergo some important change or endings. When the first degree of a sign ascends, it means the native is about to begin something. This is valid for the ruler of the ascending sign as well.
      • The next thing we should consider is observe the quality of the SR angles, to see if they are cardinal signs (you will take initiation to make a change), fixed signs (change is not likely) or mutable signs (something is about to change).
      • Next we should look at the aspects of the SR planets to the SR Ascendant, and where these aspects are coming from (the nature of the aspecting planet, its SR house location and the houses it rules.
      • Next we should look at the SR 10th house if there are any planets and then the SR location of the lord of the SR 10th house – the house it is in indicates the results of the native’s actions and undertakings, and will give information about his career and profession in the upcoming year.
      • Also, look at the Sun placement. We should never read the SR chart in isolation from the nativity. After analysing the SR chart, we should begin to compare it with the natal chart and see where the natal planets are now located in the SR; for any natal planet, where was it in the nativity, and where did it move to in the SR chart. When a planet is in a SR house which is different from the one it was in the natal chart, it manifests its natal influences through the SR house – in other words, each planet carries its natal influence into the SR chart. So you should never ignore the promises of the natal chart when evaluating the SR chart, even though its specific SR influences have priority in that year. Each planet will try to actualise itself each year, through the SR house it is in.
      • The sign of each planet is also important: if a planet is in the same sign in both charts, it manifests its natal promise; if it is also in the same degree, it is called ‘a perfect return’. If it is in the same sign, but not in the same degree, then it is called uncompleted return.
      • Contacts between natal planets and SR planets should be evaluated and predictions should be based on their themes: positive contacts between planets bring positive results, and negative contacts bring negative results.
      • Natal stellium in a sign or a house indicates the lifetime focus, and SR stellium indicates the yearly focus of the native.


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      photo of woman wearing white shirt

      Physical appearance based on Your Zodiac Sign

      Did you know that your appearance is influenced by many planetary combinations and not just your rising sign? In today’s article I will explore how each zodiac sign impacts certain physical features in our personal appearance. Remember to not only check your Sun or rising sing, but also your Moon sign. If you have a stellium (three or more planets) in one of the 12 zodiac signs, then also read the interpretation of that sign.

      Since Aries rules the head, there is almost always something remarkable about the face, especially the eyes, the forehead or the eyebrows that stand out. The complexion tends to be reddish, dusk red. Sharp features with high cheekbones, the jaw/face is narrow. Often the hair is either blonde or red with a v-shape hairline. Men tend to turn bold with age. However, this isn’t always the case. The genes play an essential role in the process too. The nose is either narrow and hooked, prominent or upturned and with nostrils exposed. There are often moles, scars or freckles on the face.  

      Taurus rules the lower jaw, lower teeth, tongue, ears, neck and tonsils. With Venus being the ruling planet, people with prominent Taurus in their birth chart often have a soft appearance of their face. There is a tendency towards lower face fullness. The lips are often full and the nostrils wide. Large and warm hands and feet are often a common trait too. When it comes to the hair, it is usually soft and thick. The neck is thick, and the shoulders broad. In men’s appearance, Adam’s apple may be evident too. 

      Gemini rules arms, shoulders, lungs and fingers. People with prominent Gemini in their chart frequently use their hands when communicating with others or getting their message across. They often like wearing bracelets and rings. Their eyes are twinkling and sparkling, and the shoulders broad, with a reddish or dark complexion. They can’t stay still for too long. The hair is fine and thin. In males, there is a tendency towards baldness. 

      Cancer rules breasts, rib cage and stomach. There are two types of physical appearance for this water sign. The first one is a full moon type distinguished by a round face, a flat profile and full lips. The shoulders are small, and so are the hands and the feet. The hairline is rounded with deep-set eyes. The second one is the new moon type, often relatively slender, with big sad eyes and a long narrow face. 

      Leo rules the hearth and the back. With a dominant Leo in the birth chart, the face is angular with large eyes, high cheekbones, and a reddish complexion. The lips are usually full with a flashed complexion. The head is often large with a pronounced chin. The nostrils are flaring, and the body temperature is warm. Males tend to be bald. The shoulders are usually broad, and the hips narrow. The body is overall muscular, and the voice is strong. 

      Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is connected to the intestines and the immune system. The hair is fine with a prominent Virgo, prone to premature greyness. The body is dry and with a tendency towards dehydration. The lips are long and thin, while the nose is often long, narrow, and pointy. The complexion is dark. The head and hands are relatively small, but the body is well proportioned.

      Libra, ruled by Venus, governs the kidneys and the lower back. The head and face are usually oval, occasionally round. The forehead and upper head are round. The voice is pleasant to the ear. The face is sweet looking, with pretty eyes. The nose is usually petite or tiny. The hair is shiny and lovely in touch. The hands are narrow and long.

      Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto, governs our genitals, sweat glands and nose. The hair is often thick with a prominent Scorpio in the birth chart, eyebrows joined or v-shaped. The nose is often unique, and the voice is low. There is a tendency towards acne, scars and excessive sweating. The bones are thick and strong. Scorpio can make one have a very intense facial expression. It is often hard to read the mood of Scorpio people because the face is not expressive.

      Sagittarius rules hips, thighs and buttocks. With a prominent Sagittarius in the birth chart, the legs are long and attractive with a high waist. The smile is big, often with big teeth and a loud cheerful laugh. The nose is usually straight and long. Hair is long and straight.

      Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, governs knees, bones, joints, skin and nails. Capricorn often produces well-proportioned features and a clean look, lean and slender face with a narrow chin and a long small neck. The head is usually small, so are the lips. The bones are strong, while the fingers are long with prominent joints. Skin, nail and gum problems are common. The hair is often white or pale, especially if Capricorn is rising.

      Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, governs the ankles and the blood circulation of the blood. With a prominent Aquarius in the birth chart, the face and the neck is long with a clear complexion. The head is large and oval with a very high forehead. There is usually something unusual about these types: interesting clothing style or usual hairstyle. The hair is fine or fizzy, often difficult to manage. The voice is intelligent. 

      Pisces, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, governs feet, toes and the immune system. With a strong Pisces influence in the birth chart, the eyes are usually large, and so is the face with a pale complexion. The eyes are sweet and dreamy, and the lips are full and loose. The voice is soft, and there is often something unusual about the shoes and foot. Either the foot shape is unique, or the shoe taste is extraordinary.

      photo of woman doing yoga while sitting on rock

      The Four Elements: Excess, Deficit and How to Balance them?

      Before diving deeper into health astrology, I should first point out that I am not a medical practitioner. This presentation is for information only. Should you want specific guidance in medical matters, you would be advised to seek the relevant professionals.

      In this blog post, I will discuss the four elements in astrology and explain how you can better understand your body and psyche by observing and analysing the planetary placements in your birth chart.

      Each of the zodiac signs is assigned to one of the four elements:

      • Fire (Aries, Leo, Sag)
      • Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
      • Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
      • Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

      In the simplest context, the four elements are four states of matter: light, liquid, gas and mineral. 

      Fire manifests as fire (hot, light, dry), releases energy, and the fuel-burning energies of the body occur through the activation of the Fire element.

      Air as air (cold, light and moist) governs the oxygen action of the blood, breath, and language.

      Water as water (cold, heavy and wet) rules the body’s fluids, our memory.

      Earth as earth (warm, heavy, dry) rules the minerals within the body, the bones, the building of a bodily structure. It is connected to stamina, food storage and longevity.

      Imbalances of the four Elements and Health can be divided into:

      • deficiency
      • excess 


      Fire Excess

      • dehydration
      • hyperactivity
      • baldness
      • great hunger
      • heart attack
      • high blood pressure
      • stroke
      • overheating
      • itch
      • inflammation
      • sunstroke


      • hydration with cool liquids
      • cool baths
      • green colour
      • calm music
      • stay away from the hot sun
      • avoid red colours
      • avoid overheating

      Fire Deficiency:

      • weak
      • hypo energetic
      • overweight
      • poor self-esteem
      • lack of confidence
      • poor digestive 
      • low blood pressure

      How can you balance these energies out:

      • exercise
      • red stones
      • dance
      • iron
      • spices
      • sing & paint


      Air Excess

      • dehydration
      • hyperactivity
      • baldness
      • great hunger
      • nervous
      • excess talking
      • mentally unbalanced
      • hyperactive
      • restless
      • unstable
      • thin and balding hair
      • indecisive


      • good nutrition (healthy diet)
      • massage
      • warm meals every day
      • calming music
      • root foods
      • sleep
      • mental rest
      • yellow & blue colours

      Air Deficiency:

      • weak
      • hasthma
      • poor judgement
      • lack of humour
      • slow in thought/movement
      • low blood pressure
      • speech difficulties

      How can you balance these energies out:

      • breathing exercises
      • fresh air
      • speech therapy
      • yoga
      • meditation


      Water excess:

      • water retention
      • bloat
      • nausea
      • yeast
      • low energy
      • indulgent
      • weak teeth and bones
      • noise sensitivity
      • excess mucous
      • overly emotional
      • swellings
      • addictive behaviours


      • exercise
      • avoid ice cream/watermelon
      • dry heat
      • sunlight
      • warm colours
      • hot spices

      Water Deficiency:

      • insomnia
      • dehydrated
      • restless
      • constipated
      • phobias/paranoias
      • memory disfunction
      • insensitivity
      • low appetites

      How can you balance these energies out:

      • swim 
      • bathe
      • drink liquids
      • exposure to moonlight
      • silver
      • pearls
      • dolphins
      • romantic music
      • sleep
      • lake/rivers/oceans
      • boating/sailing/fishing
      • meditation


      Earth Excess

      • lack of mental creativity
      • constipation
      • skin problems
      • insensitive
      • great longevity
      • tendency to overeat/overwork


      • fasting
      • saunas
      • vegetarianism/veganism
      • a regular exercise
      • mental stimulation
      • travel
      • breathing exercise
      • reading/writing
      • yoga

      Earth Deficiency:

      • difficulty in maintaining
      • a steady weight/money
      • poor appetite
      • weak posture
      • ungrounded
      • weak bones/teeth

      How can you balance these energies out:

      • sitting on the earth
      • barefoot walking at home/outdoor
      • stable routine
      • weight lifting
      • massage
      • calcium
      • pottery

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      Planets in Medical Astrology

      Medical astrology is an ancient system that connects different body parts, human anatomy, and illnesses under the 12 astrological signs and the planets. In today’s post, we are going to explore each planet and its significance in medical astrology.

      The Sun:

      • our vital force
      • allows our bodies to synthesize Vitamin D through our exposed skin. Vitamin D helps regulate Calcium usage and create strong bones for supporting the immune system. It is also linked to the prevention of some cancers and diabetes. 
      • Sun in the 2nd in Libra – doesn’t like to exercise
      • Aspects between Sun and Mars speed up metabolism
      • Sun/Mars people lose heat quickly and are often hungry
      • Sun/Saturn have a slower metabolism, hold heat well and burn fuel slowly (unless in fire)

      The Moon

      • rules nutrition, digestion
      • feeding patterns and habits
      • emotional based disease
      • eating disorders
      • water retention
      • a tendency towards storage/security
      • an afflicted Moon can use food as emotional support
      • Moon/Mars holds anger (swallows it)
      • Moon/Jupiter or Venus – indulgent, lazy
      • Moon/Saturn – deprived, guilty
      • Moon/Uranus the abandoned, independent
      • Moon/Neptune – invisible, victim or rescuer
      • Moon/Pluto – dominated, invaded
      • Moon in Virgo – knows what to eat in the 12th house – hidden away, so that nobody sees her


      • rules hormones
      • if afflicted can cause wrong signals being sent
      • responsible for nervous system issues
      • transiting Mercury can facilitate healing – during this time it is often possible to make connections that hadn’t been made before


      • rules sweets and the 5 senses
      • the co-ruler of metabolism
      • doesn’t love exercise and hard work
      • transits to and from Venus can be a time to restore balance
      • related to blood sugar issues
      • Venus and Sun in the 2nd in Libra – don’t like to exercise
      • Venus/Mercury opposition Saturn (thyroid – slow)


      • governs sports and physical activity
      • rules the adrenal glands and the stress response
      • rules cortisol, which if too high can cause weight gain
      • Mars retro natally can cause issues of weight gain
      • transits to and from Mars can initiate action to our health


      • linked to fat and its storage
      • can promote growth
      • rules diabetes, obesity and liver disease
      • too much Jupiter energy- weight gain from poor dietry choices
      • be aware of Jupiter transiting 1st and 6th house
      • Transits can act as a signal of hope


      • rules bones, teeth
      • it is related to depression, things slowing down, delays, blockages
      • vomiting (linked to bulimia)
      • weight loss (especially when connected to the Sun or the ruler of the 1st house)
      • Saturn transits can be a great time for a new health regime
      • transiting 1st and 6th can be great for weight loss
      • Saturn in the 6th – teeth problems
      • Saturn in the 1st transit – new regime/new routine


      • can cause hormones to be out of balance
      • can cause sudden health related issues
      • can be involved with eating disorders
      • Uranus transits can bring change to habits, lifestyle, though not always of your choosing.
      • can cause allergic reactions


      • over-eating/over-indulgence (no boundaries)
      • misdiagnosis (often when placed in the 6th house)
      • can cause addiction to drugs/alcohol
      • linked to eating disorders/OCD
      • hidden eating/emotional issues


      • linked to genetics/inherited issues and DNA
      • responsible for hormone regulation
      • transits to and from Pluto can bring to the surface what is hidden and needs to be expelled both physically and psychologically.
      • Pluto transits can be a great way for a total transformation

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      The Solar Return Chart Tutorial

      A solar return chart is erected for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its position in the natal chart. A chart is erected for the time and place a native happens to be when the transiting Sun reaches this degree. By analysing the solar return chart you can discover what life themes will be significant over the coming year, and these themes can usually be felt one or two months before the actual birthday.

      Essential factors to consider when analysing a solar return chart:

      • The Solar Ascendant shows how an individual will approach life in general in the coming year (for example, a Solar Return Ascendant in Virgo would indicate a year where work, health matters and being organised take on the primary focus)
      • What natal house is ascending in the SR? (12 house rising -> 12th house matters -> work in isolation, hospitals, imprisonment etc.)
      • Any solar return planets on angles (example: Saturn angular -> unfulfillment, Saturn on the ascendant=not an easy year, Jupiter -> prosperity, optimism)
      • The placement of the ruler of the SR ascendant sign within the SR chart (example: with Capricorn ascendant, Saturn would be the ruler of the SR chart ->if placed in the 6th house, this may suggest working with the father)
      • The degree of the ascending sign. If 29 degrees of any sign is ascending in the SR chart, that means the native is about to finish something or is about to close a chapter/phase in their life. This is also valid for the degree position of the ruler of the ascending sign, since the SR ascendant indicates the native. It is also worth considering any planets in the last degree of any sign, as it can show that the theme which they symbolise will undergo some important change or endings. When the first degree of a sign ascends, it means the native is about to begin something. This is valid for the ruler of the ascending sign as well.
      • The next thing we should consider is observe the quality of the SR angles, to see if they are cardinal signs (you will take initiation to make a change), fixed signs (change is not likely) or mutable signs (something is about to change). 
      • Next we should look at the aspects of the SR planets to the SR Ascendant, and where these aspects are coming from (the nature of the aspecting planet, its SR house location and the houses it rules. 
      • Next we should look at the SR 10th house if there are any planets and then the SR location of the lord of the SR 10th house – the house it is in indicates the results of the native’s actions and undertakings, and will give information about his career and profession in the upcoming year.
      • Also, look at the Sun placement. We should never read the SR chart in isolation from the nativity. After analysing the SR chart, we should begin to compare it with the natal chart and see where the natal planets are now located in the SR; for any natal planet, where was it in the nativity, and where did it move to in the SR chart. When a planet is in a SR house which is different from the one it was in the natal chart, it manifests its natal influences through the SR house – in other words, each planet carries its natal influence into the SR chart. So you should never ignore the promises of the natal chart when evaluating the SR chart, even though its specific SR influences have priority in that year. Each planet will try to actualise itself each year, through the SR house it is in. 
      • The sign of each planet is also important: if a planet is in the same sign in both charts, it manifests its natal promise; if it is also in the same degree, it is called ‘a perfect return’. If it is in the same sign, but not in the same degree, then it is called uncompleted return.
      • Contacts between natal planets and SR planets should be evaluated and predictions should be based on their themes: positive contacts between planets bring positive results, and negative contacts bring negative results. 
      • Natal stellium in a sign or a house indicates the lifetime focus, and SR stellium indicates the yearly focus of the native. 

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      The Real Difference Between Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Sign

      Most people are familiar with their Sun Sign. However, unless they know astrology or have had their chart analysed by an astrologer, they may not know which Sign their Ascendant, also called Rising Sign, falls in.

      The simplest way to explain your Ascendant or Rising Sign is to compare it to an avocado. What we see first is the skin (the Ascendant), then there is the green bit, the actual avocado part (our Sun), and finally, we get into the centre – the seed (our Moon). All of this makes the majority of the avocado or us as a person. The Ascendant describes our outer personality, the lens through which we see the world. On the other hand, the Sun defines our fundamental nature and ego, and the Moon our feelings and instinctual behaviour. A planet close to the Ascendant always significantly affects a person’s personality and needs to be considered. 

      Your Sun sign represents your basic ego. Your Moon sign defines your inner emotional self. Your Ascendant describes the first impression, how you appear to other people, and your physical appearance.

      While the Sun plays a vital role in the astrological chart, the Ascendant or Rising Sign play an equivalently important role. Both have distinct characteristics but work together to form our personalities. The Sun Sign traits are more apparent after we get to know a person deep-down. It describes the core behaviour we are most comfortable with. The Ascendant is regarded as an outer mask to hide some characteristics of our inner self that we may not wish to reveal.

      The Sun Sign indicates our true nature and sense of self. In contrast, our everyday habits and goals in life are more based on our Sun Sign. Rising Sign qualities are more of our characteristics, describing how we unintentionally act in personal interactions with others.

      The Ascendant shows how we appear to others and the first impression we make on people. It also describes our image and how we would like to be seen by others. Consequently, the Rising Sign qualities are more prominent than our Sun sign attributes when meeting someone for the first time. Although deep inside, we are more like our Sun sign. However, that takes longer to become apparent.

      When the Ascendant is in a different sign than the Sun sign, you may find that you don’t actually resonate that much with your Sun sign characteristics. The reason for that is because your Ascendant and your Sun sign are in a different sign. As a result, you appear more like your Rising Sign. However, you still have your Sun sign qualities.

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      purple and brown colored planet

      Natal Venus in the Signs

      Venus is one of the personal planets orbiting the Sun in approximately 225 days. It symbolises harmony, beauty, love, sensuality, desire for relationship, passion and the type of bonds with people you like forming. In ancient Greece, Venus was identified with the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite. Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. In the body, it is responsible for the throat, bloodstream, ovaries and kidneys. Apart from that, it also controls skin rashes.

      Natal Venus in the Signs:

      You are spontaneous in expressing your feelings and enjoy flirting straightforwardly. You get quickly fascinated with other people, and for this reason, you may fall in love instantly. However, because of that, you can also get bored rapidly with your partner and, for this reason, may find it hard to build lasting relationships. You may realise that you are more interested in the process of flirting and getting someone’s interest than in maintaining a healthy relationship. With your charming and often childlike attitude, it makes others difficult to get angry with you. In a relationship, you attract others with your vibrant energy, enthusiasm and self-confidence. You tend to stay away from partners who are serious, responsible, and controlling.

      It is a dominant position for Venus, as Taurus is its natural ruling sign. This placement makes you highly sensual. You enjoy comfort, pleasant experiences and like to surround yourself with luxury and beautiful objects. For this reason, you need to have the financial security that will provide this type of comfort. In relationships, intimacy and touch are critical to you. You often need to control what is happening in your relationships and feel threatened by any changes. It can often result in you being quite possessive. Usually, you need some time to fall in love, as you do not like to throw yourself into new relationships. However, as soon as someone gets your feelings, the relationship will last a long time.

      With Venus in this mutable sign, you value communication in relationships with other people, and you also have a great need to share your thoughts with your partners continually. Apart from that, it would be best if you also had intellectual stimulation in your relationships. You most certainly dislike when things are predictable and every day is the same in love partnerships, as you can get bored quickly. Moreover, you tend to avoid quiet and somewhat difficult partners, as they would undoubtedly drain you. Finally, people with Venus in Gemini enjoy charming their love partners with intellect, brilliance and a great sense of humour. They are often very good at flirting using a game of words.

      With your natal Venus in Cancer in the relationships, you expect safety, stability and care from the partner. You often treat your partner like a mother, always caring for their physical and mental well-being. Emotions and closeness are significant to you, as you would find it hard to be with a cold person who keeps you at a distance. It would be best if you found someone with whom you share similar hobbies and interests. You can intuitively sense the moods and needs of others. At times you can be careless and prone to being offended. With Venus in Cancer, family is essential to you, and you usually stay connected to it throughout life. Similarly, your home, which you treat as a place where you want everyone to feel cosy and comfortable. For this reason, you enjoy looking after it, decorating it and making it look pretty and stylish.

      With Venus in Leo, you like to feel special and noticed by others. In love, you are very romantic and, at the same time dramatic, inclined to essential words and grand gestures. Sometimes you may like to make your partner envious, talking about how much attention you get from the opposite sex. However, you only make your partner jealous because, in reality, you are faithful, loyal and constant in feelings. On the other hand, you perceive jealousy from your partner as a compliment, confirming that your partner cares about you. You may have some artistic talent and may try to create something in life to feel more fulfilled.

      You like to be needed and are willing to sacrifice and persevere in working on the relationship. You can accept the fact that the relationship is far from ideal, but at the same time, you try to strive for the perfect partnership. Often you do not feel confident when it comes to your ability to get the other person’s feelings, and you may even think that you do not deserve them. For this reason, some people who fancy you may feel that you are not interested in having a relationship, even though it isn’t true. Furthermore, when you meet someone for the first time, it may take you a little while until you open up. You are not attracted to people who like to show off and are superficial. When it comes to your taste in art, clothing or interior design, you usually go for the natural raw materials, simplicity and toned down colours.

      People with this Venus in Libra like to impress others with their charming and kindness. They usually have idealised image of their relationships, however due to their sensitivity they can easily sense if someone is taking advantage of them. In which case they can become quite resentful and distant. They seek harmonious relationships with others and dislike to be offended or disrespected at all cost. If you treat Venus in Libra person with respect and politeness they will reward you with kindness and appreciation. Art and creativity play an important role in this people’s lives, to the point that they can become quite picky when it comes to aesthetics and will take their time when it comes to choosing the right art work, clothing or furniture.

      When Venus is placed in Scorpio in your birth chart, you attract people with a particular magnetism and mystery in behaviour. You are a passionate and sensual person with strong feelings. In general, you are very much involved in love relationships, and you need to love and be loved wholly and exclusively. You may be prone to emotional dependence and control partners, even though you may find it difficult to admit it to yourself. You create an impression of being stable in your feelings and loyal. Nevertheless, at the same time, you may find it hard to feel secure emotionally in relationships. At times you may be overwhelmed by fears that your partner will leave you, and what is important to you will come to an end. This can lead to you losing the joy of partnership and identify love with constant fears and suffering.

      You are a sincere, direct, spontaneous and usually a cheerful person who enjoys being on the move, dancing and spending time in nature. In relationships, you want to develop and expand your horizons, and you appreciate the company of people from whom you can learn something interesting. You want the other person to share or at least accept your views and ideas. You do not like monotony and routine; you are not interested in relationships and too predictable people. You are impatient, you don’t like to stay in unsatisfying situations, and when a crisis occurs, you can break up such a relationship quite quickly. You must be very committed to wanting to give this relationship a second chance and work on it. You have a great need for freedom, and it can take some time before you get involved and bond with someone permanently. When you are interested in someone romantic, you will try to win that person’s heart with your optimism, sense of humour and joy of life. Sometimes you also try to show off your life wisdom and have a tendency to philosophise.

      With your natal Venus in Capricorn, you may project yourself to others like a cold and reserved person. You approach your love and relationships very seriously by being devoted and faithful; however, you lack spontaneity. Sometimes you associate with practical reasons, for example, to improve your position. When someone is interested in you, you try to make a good impression on him/her with your responsibility, competence and self-control. You may seem distanced and isolated, but some people are fascinated, and the more they will try to break the barriers to gain your interest. The apparent coolness usually results from a lack of self-confidence and, at the same time try to hide it. Love in your concept is expressed in practical gestures, in responsibility for the other person, not in great words and dramatic deeds. You are pretty conservative, and at the same time, have been in feelings and are looking for a serious relationship that you will probably want to formalise.

      With natal Venus in Aquarius, you have a great need for freedom in relationships. You cannot stand limitations and possessiveness. You can give the impression of being cool and not very involved. Your partner relationships are more like a friendship than a typical love relationship. As with all Venus positions in air signs, you are looking for intellectually stimulating partners with whom you can have stimulating conversations. With your natal Venus in Aquarius, it is particularly essential for you that your partner has an open mind and does not follow the schemes so that he can accept your often unique views, interests or preferences. At the same time, you usually give others the right to own opinions and preferences, however strange they may seem. Often you have a modern, avant-garde sense of aesthetics and your unique style, for example, in clothing or the way of furnishing your apartment.

      You are a sensitive and romantic person, dreaming about perfect love. You often idealise your partners without noticing or ignoring their bad habits, which later may result in disappointments.

      People with this placement often attract partners with problems and people who need help, as they do not consider their social status. In other scenarios, you may get involved in complicated relationships with people who are sick or addicted, believing that you can get them out of it. Meanwhile, it may happen that someone like you will get in trouble or use your credulity. You can also be inclined to sacrifice for someone and give up your own goals.

      Unfortunately, especially with the problematic aspects of Venus, the not-so-nice feature of this position is the use of this sacrifice to make a sacrifice and arouse a sense of guilt in the partner.

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      The 4 Elements in Astrology

      All 12 zodiac signs share distinct qualities and can be divided into four key elements. These are Fire, Earth, Water, and Air.

      In astrology, the four elements—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—are the building blocks that shape each zodiac sign’s personality and approach to life. These elements represent different types of energy that influence how we think, feel, and interact with the world around us. Each element brings unique traits: Fire is dynamic and passionate, Earth is grounded and practical, Air is intellectual and communicative, and Water is emotional and intuitive. Understanding the elements in astrology provides deeper insights into the fundamental qualities that drive each sign, helping us connect with ourselves and others on a more meaningful level.

      The Fire element in astrology represents passion, energy, and action. Fire signs—Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius—are known for their bold, dynamic, and enthusiastic nature. They are driven by inspiration, constantly seeking excitement and new adventures. Fire signs are natural leaders, often charging ahead with confidence and courage, fueled by a strong sense of purpose. Their vibrant, optimistic energy is infectious, bringing warmth and motivation to those around them. However, fire can also be impulsive and sometimes impatient, with a tendency to burn out if not properly managed. Balancing their high-energy approach with patience and focus allows Fire signs to harness their powerful drive effectively.

      The Water element in astrology represents emotions, intuition, and deep sensitivity. Water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—are highly attuned to their own feelings and the emotions of those around them. These signs are compassionate, nurturing, and empathetic, often possessing a natural ability to offer comfort and healing to others. Water signs are intuitive and have a profound connection to the subconscious, making them drawn to creativity, spirituality, and emotional depth. They are often introspective and seek meaningful connections in relationships. However, their emotional intensity can sometimes lead to overwhelm or a tendency to withdraw if they feel too vulnerable. Balance is essential for Water signs, allowing them to channel their emotions in healthy, fulfilling ways.

      The Air element in astrology represents intellect, communication, and adaptability. Air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—are known for their mental agility, curiosity, and social nature. They thrive on exchanging ideas, engaging in stimulating conversations, and exploring new concepts. People with strong Air energy are open-minded, analytical, and often excel in problem-solving. They value logic and objectivity, making them natural communicators and thinkers. Air signs are highly adaptable and enjoy connecting with others, whether through friendships, partnerships, or collaboration. However, they can sometimes come across as detached or overly focused on the intellectual side of things, making emotional connection and grounding important for balance.

      The Earth element in astrology represents stability, practicality, and a deep connection to the material world. Earth signs—Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—are grounded, reliable, and focused on building lasting foundations in their lives, whether in relationships, careers, or personal goals. People with strong Earth energy value hard work, discipline, and a methodical approach to life. They are patient and persistent, preferring slow and steady progress over impulsive actions. Earth signs also have a deep appreciation for beauty, comfort, and luxury, enjoying the tangible pleasures of life. However, they may sometimes resist change or become too focused on material success, making balance important for their overall well-being.

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      The 12 houses in Astrology

      Understanding the 12 houses in astrology can provide you with valuable insights into various aspects of your life. Each house can provide valuable insights, and by exploring them, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life.

      The 1st house in Astrology

      The 1st house in astrology represents the self, including our personality, appearance, and how we present ourselves to the world. It is also known as the Ascendant or Rising Sign, as it is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of our birth. The 1st house is associated with our physical body, our general outlook on life, and our approach to new situations and experiences. It reflects our individuality, our self-image, and our overall identity. In addition, the 1st house can reveal how we come across to others, including our first impressions, our communication style, and our overall demeanor. It can also provide insight into our personal strengths and weaknesses, as well as our natural talents and abilities. The ruling planet of the 1st house is Mars, which represents energy, drive, and ambition. The sign on the cusp of the 1st house can also influence our personality traits and behavior patterns, as well as our physical appearance. By exploring the 1st house in astrology, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and how we interact with the world around us. It can provide valuable insights into our strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for personal growth and development.

      The 2nd house in Astrology

      In astrology, the 2nd house is traditionally associated with money, possessions, and personal values. It represents our material resources, including our income, savings, and investments. It also reflects our attitudes towards money, as well as our ability to manage and accumulate wealth. The 2nd house can also reveal our personal values and priorities, as well as our self-worth and self-esteem. Planets and aspects in this house can give insights into our financial situation, our relationship with material possessions, and our potential for financial growth and stability.

      The 3rd house in Astrology

      In astrology, the 3rd house is traditionally associated with communication, learning, and our immediate environment. It represents our mental processes, including our ability to think, reason, and communicate effectively. It also reflects our learning style and our intellectual curiosity. The 3rd house can reveal our relationship with siblings, neighbors, and other close relatives, as well as our daily routines and interactions. Planets and aspects in this house can give insights into our communication skills, our ability to learn and adapt, and our relationship with our immediate surroundings.

      The 4th house in Astrology

      In astrology, the 4th house is traditionally associated with the home, family, and our roots. It represents our emotional foundation and our sense of belonging, as well as our relationship with our parents and ancestors. The 4th house also reflects our private life and our innermost feelings, providing insights into our psychological makeup and our deepest desires. Planets and aspects in this house can give insights into our domestic life, our emotional needs, and our relationship with our past and our heritage. The 4th house is also associated with our physical home, including the type of residence we live in, our relationship with our home environment, and our sense of security and stability.

      The 5th house in Astrology

      In astrology, the 5th house is associated with creativity, self-expression, pleasure, and romance. It is ruled by the Sun and is traditionally associated with the sign of Leo. The 5th house is also connected to children, hobbies, and entertainment. This house represents the ways in which we seek enjoyment and fulfillment in life, and how we express our unique talents and creativity. The placement of planets in the 5th house can provide insights into our artistic abilities, our approach to love and romance, and our relationship with our inner child.

      The 6th House in Astrology

      In astrology, the 6th house is associated with work, health, and daily routines. It is traditionally associated with the sign of Virgo. The 6th house represents the ways in which we approach our daily responsibilities, including our jobs, chores, and self-care routines. This house also governs our physical health and well-being, and how we attend to our bodies through diet, exercise, and medical care. The placement of planets in the 6th house can provide insights into our work ethic, our approach to health and wellness, and our relationship with our daily routines. It can also reveal our attitudes towards service and helping others, as this house is also associated with volunteer work and community service.

      The 7th House in Astrology

      In astrology, the 7th house is associated with partnerships, relationships, and marriage. It is traditionally associated with the sign of Libra. The 7th house represents the ways in which we seek harmony and balance in our relationships with others, including romantic partners, business associates, and close friends. This house is also associated with legal matters, negotiations, and contracts. The placement of planets in the 7th house can provide insights into our approach to intimate relationships, our ability to compromise and collaborate with others, and our capacity for diplomacy and negotiation. It can also reveal our attitudes towards commitment and marriage, and our desires for partnership and companionship.

      The 8th House in Astrology

      In astrology, the 8th house is associated with transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. It is traditionally associated with the sign of Scorpio. The 8th house represents the ways in which we experience profound change and transformation in our lives, including through death, rebirth, and spiritual awakening. This house is also associated with sexual intimacy, emotional depth, and psychological exploration. Additionally, the 8th house governs shared resources, including inheritances, joint finances, and investments. The placement of planets in the 8th house can provide insights into our relationship with power and control, our capacity for deep emotional connection, and our ability to handle intense experiences of transformation and change. It can also reveal our attitudes towards money and resources, and our approach to managing joint assets and investments.

      The 9th House in Astrology

      In astrology, the 9th house is associated with higher learning, travel, and philosophy. It is traditionally associated with the sign of Sagittarius. The 9th house represents the ways in which we seek to expand our horizons and broaden our understanding of the world around us, including through travel, education, and religion. This house is also associated with spirituality, ethics, and moral values. Additionally, the 9th house governs legal matters, including international law, and how we approach issues of justice and fairness. The placement of planets in the 9th house can provide insights into our intellectual pursuits, our approach to spirituality and religion, and our attitudes towards different cultures and belief systems. It can also reveal our desire for adventure and exploration, and our willingness to take risks in pursuit of personal growth and enlightenment.

      The 10th House in Astrology

      In astrology, the 10th house is associated with career, public image, and reputation. It is traditionally associated with the sign of Capricorn. The 10th house represents the ways in which we seek to establish ourselves in the world, including through our professional accomplishments, social status, and public recognition. This house is also associated with authority, leadership, and ambition. Additionally, the 10th house governs the father, and our relationship with authority figures and mentors. The placement of planets in the 10th house can provide insights into our career aspirations, our approach to leadership and authority, and our desire for recognition and respect. It can also reveal our attitudes towards tradition, structure, and discipline, and our willingness to work hard to achieve our goals.

      The 11th house in Astrology

      In astrology, the 11th house is associated with community, social networks, and aspirations. It is traditionally associated with the sign of Aquarius. The 11th house represents the ways in which we connect with others and form groups based on shared interests and common goals. This house is also associated with our aspirations and hopes for the future, and our ability to manifest our dreams through collaboration and teamwork. Additionally, the 11th house governs humanitarian causes and our desire to make a positive impact on the world. The placement of planets in the 11th house can provide insights into our social life, our approach to networking and collaboration, and our aspirations for the future. It can also reveal our attitudes towards social justice and activism, and our desire to create positive change in the world.

      The 12th house in Astrology

      The 12th house in astrology represents the unconscious, hidden strengths and weaknesses, karma, and self-undoing. It is associated with the sign of Pisces and governs places such as hospitals, prisons, and monasteries. The 12th house is often seen as a difficult house, as it brings challenges related to inner fears, anxieties, and limitations. However, it can also bring spiritual growth and intuitive insights when properly understood and integrated.

      The Sun/Moon midpoint in Astrology

      There are 78 midpoints in total in astrology. This is if we take into account the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the nodes of the Moon, the Ascendant and MC. Our chart is full of important midpoints that, when triggered by transits, progressions, solar arcs or eclipses, can bring either life improvements and developments or crises depending on the nature of the aspect and the factor/object involved.

      The Sun/Moon midpoint is a significant point in the birth chart, and it is located halfway between the natal Sun and the Moon.

      To fully understand the Sun/Moon midpoint, we first need to look at some of the characteristics of the Sun and the Moon. While the Sun is our vitality and fundamental life force, the Moon is connected to our feelings and emotional needs. When we combine these energies, we get the strongest combined expression of these two luminaries’. The Sun/Moon midpoint describes the integration of our self-expression and emotional as well as masculine and feminine energy.

      The Sun/Moon midpoint is also an important midpoint for relationships. Suppose you meet someone whose personal planets, or the ascendant aspect your Sun/Moon midpoint or alternatively your Sun/Moon midpoint aspect someone else’s Venus or Mars by hard aspect then there is a potential that this could be a potential love partner. The aspects that are made to the Sun/Moon midpoint should be ‘hard’ like conjunctions, squares and oppositions because these types of aspects stimulate change and are action-oriented.

      When already in an established commitment, on the other hand, the relationship can go through major changes when triggered by transit, progression or when a solar arc makes an aspect to the Sun/Moon Midpoint. Here again, the nature of the changes or dilemmas will depend on the planet that aspect the midpoint. For example, when your Sun/Moon midpoint is activated by transiting Uranus, issues of independence and freedom will come into focus; Pluto can initiate a transformative theme, while Saturn can make one feel restricted or limited within their relationship.

      When it comes to the orbs, according to astrologer Don McBroom who spent years researching this topic, his recommended orb for the Sun/Moon midpoint is up to 2 degrees. However, he also emphasised that it is essential to follow one’s instinct, and if one feels strongly that a larger orb should be applied, then it is OK to extend the recommended orb for another half degree.

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      The Ascendant: How Others See You

      Ascendant, also called the rising sign, is a zodiacal sign that rises in the sky at the time of our birth. It doesn’t have to be the same sign as our Sun Sign. However, it is one of the most important and most significant points in the horoscope. Often called the second sign of the zodiac, it is even more important than the Sun sign. It informs us about the type of body and face features we will have, how others see us and how we project ourselves into the outer world.

      When we first meet someone, the first impression they make on us and what we see is the ascendant sign characteristics and not the Sun Sign features. Once we get to know the person well, we will then start to recognise their Sun Sign characteristics, but, initially, we will primarily notice their rising sign features.  Ascendant is, therefore, a mask that we wear for the world, or glasses, through which other people perceive us.

      Learn about the Traits of Your Ascendant Sign (Rising sign)

      Aries Ascendant (Aries Rising Sign)

      People with Aries on their ascendant are often seen as dynamic, assertive, and full of energy. They approach life head-on, with a bold, pioneering spirit and a strong desire to take action. Aries Ascendants tend to exude confidence, independence, and a fearless attitude, often taking the lead in situations. Their impulsive and enthusiastic nature can make them appear decisive and ready to tackle challenges, while their direct approach can sometimes come off as intense or impatient. With Aries as their rising sign, these individuals are likely to face the world with a sense of adventure and a desire to constantly move forward.

      Furthermore, those with Aries on their Ascendant are usually very active, slim and have an athletic figure. Their face is often triangular with a high forehead, the chin is strongly marked, and they have a distinctive glance and sometimes even curly hair. The neck and head are slim and the nose is rather sharp, strongly distinguished and protruded. Often there are marks or a scar on their face, such as spots or birthmarks. An individual with this sign placement can be of dynamic and impulsive nature, usually independent from an early age.  The vocations associated with this ascendant sign are often connected to leadership and management.  People with Aries on their ascendant are great at starting projects, but very often find it difficult to get through to the end. Monotony and routine are their biggest enemies and they love the variation and are action-oriented.

      Taurus Ascendant (Taurus Rising Sign)

      Those with Taurus as their rising sign are often seen as reliable, practical, and patient, preferring a measured approach to life. They exude a sense of stability and security, often coming across as serene and composed, even in stressful situations. Taurus Ascendants tend to have an appreciation for beauty and comfort, valuing the finer things in life and often displaying a love for nature, art, or luxury. Their strong sense of persistence and determination helps them achieve their goals over time, though they can be slow to embrace change. With Taurus as their rising sign, these individuals project a steady, earthy energy, making others feel safe and supported in their presence.

      Taurus on the ascendant, makes one a very attractive and good looking person, often with big and round eyes. People with this sign on their ascendant may have a tendency to gain weight. They are of an honest and trustworthy nature and they reveal their outer personality in a way that follows their values of stability, practicality and persistence. Their nature and attitude show that they are loyal and genuine. The way they approach life is from the point of stability with5e an inner gift for building success in the outside world.

      Gemini Ascendant (Gemini Rising Sign)

      People with Gemini on their ascendant are often seen as social, quick-witted, and intellectually engaging. They approach life with a sense of curiosity, always seeking new experiences and information. Communication is a key trait, and Gemini Ascendants are skilled at connecting with others through conversation, often expressing themselves in a vibrant and versatile manner. Their adaptable nature allows them to thrive in different environments, but they can sometimes appear restless or scattered due to their constant need for mental stimulation. With Gemini as their rising sign, these individuals exude an energetic, youthful vibe, often charming those around them with their cleverness and enthusiasm for learning.

      With the rising sign in Gemini, you are slim and tall. You walk fast and burn calories quickly, as you cannot sit still. Your eyes are big and sharp and your nose is long. You also have long arms and large but thin lips. You keep your youthful body shapes for a long time. People with Gemini on their ascendant, can one day be full of faith and optimism, and another day they can act opposite. Furthermore, they are also always full of good intentions, but often finding no strength to achieve them. Nevertheless, these moods are not persistent, as the mind is too active and occupied with all sort of thoughts and ideas.

      Cancer Ascendant (Cancer Rising Sign)

      People with Cancer as their rising sign are often seen as caring, intuitive, and deeply connected to their emotions. They project a protective, home-oriented energy, making others feel comfortable and safe in their presence. With their natural empathy, Cancer Ascendants can easily tune into the emotions of those around them, often taking on a supportive, nurturing role in relationships. While they may initially appear reserved or cautious, they are highly sensitive to their environment and the people they care about. This rising sign often values family, security, and emotional connections. With Cancer as their rising sign, these individuals project a soft, compassionate, and approachable demeanor, although they may guard their true feelings behind a protective exterior.

      With ascendant in Cancer, you are rather short, have a round, chubby face like the Moon, the ruler of this sign. Your figure is rather round with full lips. Women with Cancer on their ascendant have often large breasts and men have a tendency to grow a belly. Sensitive and aware of other people’s feelings, you have natural empathy and desire to protect those around you.

      Leo Ascendant (Leo Rising Sign)

      People with Leo on their ascendant are often seen as warm, expressive, and naturally inclined to take center stage. They radiate a sense of vitality and enthusiasm, drawing others in with their magnetic personality. Leo Ascendants tend to approach life with a sense of drama and creativity, often seeking to leave a lasting impression wherever they go. Their strong self-assurance and leadership qualities make them natural leaders, and they thrive in situations where they can showcase their talents. However, they may also have a tendency to seek validation or attention. With Leo as their rising sign, these individuals exude a radiant, regal energy, often coming across as proud, generous, and passionate, making a memorable impact on those they meet.

      If your ascendant is in Leo, your body is well built with wide shoulders. Your eyes are beautiful and they often look like cat eyes. Your head may be large, and your hair is rather of a lighter shade like of a lion. Men with Leo on their ascendant often grow a beard. Your natural approach to life is to enjoy your enthusiasm for having fun. With your unique ability for being a creative and a sensible leader, you know how to motivate and encourage people around you.

      Virgo Ascendant (Virgo Rising Sign)

      People with Virgo as their rising sign are often seen as detail-oriented, thoughtful, and grounded, with a focus on self-improvement and efficiency. They approach life in a methodical, organized way, often seeking to bring order and clarity to their surroundings. Virgo Ascendants tend to be observant and cautious, preferring to analyze situations before taking action. Their appearance and manner are often neat and composed, reflecting their desire for perfection and precision. While they may sometimes come across as reserved or critical, this stems from their genuine desire to help and improve things around them. With Virgo as their rising sign, these individuals project a calm, modest, and intelligent demeanor, often giving off an air of competence and reliability.

      People with Virgo as their ascendant sign are usually rather slim. Your nose is narrow and eye close together. Your hair is straight and your lips narrow. Growing up you may have looked older than your actual age, but this won’t be the case in your adolescence. You always strive for perfection and have a need to tell others what they can improve in their life or themselves. Precise, analytical, good at organising and planning, you can be incredibly critical of yourself. You should be careful and not lose your spontaneity in pursuit of perfection.

      Libra Ascendant (Libra Rising Sign)

      People with Libra as their rising sign are often seen as graceful, sociable, and naturally attuned to the needs and feelings of others. They have a strong desire for balance and fairness in their lives and relationships, often acting as peacemakers or mediators. Libra Ascendants project a sense of beauty and elegance, and they tend to be well-liked due to their courteous, tactful nature. Their keen sense of aesthetics and style often makes them drawn to art, beauty, and creating pleasing environments. While they strive for harmony, they can sometimes struggle with indecisiveness, as they weigh options carefully to avoid conflict. With Libra as their rising sign, these individuals exude a warm, balanced, and likable energy, often fostering positive connections and a sense of peace wherever they go.

      When your ascendant is in Libra, you will be a good-looking person full of grace and charm. You are of a slim figure, with a small nose, full lips and rather a light complexion. You have beautifully curled eyelashes, which bring other’s attention. With age, your body may change and you will be more round than in you were in your youth. You are a friendly person of a polite nature. Partnerships are vital to you, and you probably have no major difficulty getting the attention of potential partners or partners. Worse, however, with maintaining a relationship for longer, because your love relationships often break down because of the struggle for dominance. Sometimes you attract people who are brave and willing to provoke conflicts.

      Scorpio Ascendant (Scorpio Rising Sign)

      People with Scorpio on their ascendant are often seen as mysterious, deeply focused, and passionate, drawing others in with their strong energy and aura of intrigue. They approach life with intensity and purpose, and they are not afraid to dive deep into complex emotional or psychological matters. Scorpio Ascendants tend to be private and guarded, often revealing little about themselves until they fully trust someone. They have a natural ability to read people and situations, which gives them an edge in navigating relationships and challenges. Their transformative energy means they can reinvent themselves or rise from difficult circumstances with great resilience. With Scorpio as their rising sign, these individuals exude an aura of depth, strength, and mystery, often leaving a lasting impression on those they encounter.

      With ascendant in Scorpio, you will have a square face, often bushy eyebrows, and thick hair. Your eyes or probably your best feature, you look deeply in people’s eyes. Some may find it uncomfortable and mysterious. The outer world perceives you as an energetic individual. There is a lot of magnetism and charisma that fascinates some, while others can be frightened of the intense energy that surrounds you. You are an incredibly insightful person who can see the motives of others. Privacy is crucial to you, and you do not like to give others personal details from your life. In love, you are looking for a stable, dedicated and responsible person.

      Sagittarius Ascendant (Sagittarius Rising Sign)

      People with Sagittarius as their rising sign are often seen as enthusiastic, open-minded, and always seeking new experiences. They approach life with a sense of freedom and curiosity, constantly exploring new ideas, cultures, and philosophies. Sagittarius Ascendants have a natural thirst for knowledge and truth, which often leads them on journeys of personal growth and discovery. They exude a friendly, outgoing vibe and are known for their sense of humor and love of adventure. However, they can sometimes come across as blunt or overly direct due to their honesty and candid nature. With Sagittarius as their rising sign, these individuals project a spirited, confident, and adventurous energy, often inspiring others with their optimistic outlook and desire to live life to the fullest.

      Sagittarius on your ascendant will give you a wide, happy smile. Apart from that, you have got big lips and teeth. You are tall and slim, due to your hyperactive personality, however, Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, will make you gain weight with age. You are an enthusiastic and spontaneous individual, continually looking for a new adventure. At times others may perceive as being a bit naive or overly optimistic. You try to create your own opinions on everything that seems relevant or interesting to you, and then share them with others.

      Capricorn Ascendant (Capricorn Rising Sign)

      People with Capricorn as their rising sign are often seen as responsible, practical, and focused on achieving long-term goals. They project a mature, grounded energy, often approaching life with careful planning and a strong sense of duty. Capricorn Ascendants tend to be self-reliant and hardworking, driven by a desire for success and stability, both materially and professionally. While they may come across as reserved or conservative, they have a deep inner determination and patience that helps them overcome obstacles and steadily progress toward their goals. Their outward demeanor can seem serious, but this stems from their focus on building a solid foundation in life. With Capricorn as their rising sign, these individuals exude an air of authority, reliability, and perseverance, often commanding respect and admiration through their steady, goal-oriented approach to life.

      Capricorn on your ascendant you will be of a slim nature, with a face with strongly defines cheekbones and chin. Your nose will often be rather long and hooked. Women with Capricorn ascendant have fine and weak hair. Men, on the other hand, become bald very quickly. Success comes later in life for those with Capricorn on their ascendant. You feel that you need to work long and persistently for success. It is possible that growing up, you were overwhelmed with work and responsibilities and people said you looked older than your age. You are future-oriented, and the final goal is more important to you than temporarily satisfying your desires.

      Aquarius Ascendant (Aquarius Rising Sign)

      People with Aquarius on their ascendant are often seen as original, forward-thinking, and open to unconventional ideas. They approach life with a desire to break free from tradition and explore new ways of thinking and being, often embracing innovation and social change. Aquarius Ascendants tend to be friendly and sociable, but they also value their independence and individuality, sometimes coming across as aloof or detached. Their outlook is often humanitarian, driven by a strong sense of equality and fairness, and they may be drawn to causes that benefit the collective. With Aquarius as their rising sign, these individuals exude an air of originality and intellectual curiosity, often standing out from the crowd with their unique perspectives and open-minded approach to life.

      If your rising sign is in Aquarius, you are of a rather eccentric nature. You can have an unusual and attention-seeking personality. Your complexion can be quite distinct with exotic features. You are rather tall with big eyes and thin lips. At first, you may seem a bit cold and distant, but that is due to your great need for independence. Both with your behaviour and the way of being you try to emphasize your originality and uniqueness. You try to stand out from the crowd, often with some element of appearance (for instance clothes, make-up). Apart from that, you can understand other people’s need for individuality, thanks to your tolerant nature.

      Pisces Ascendant (Pisces Rising Sign)

      People with Pisces as their rising sign are often seen as gentle, empathetic, and highly sensitive to their surroundings. They approach life with a strong sense of intuition and imagination, often deeply connected to their emotions and the emotions of others. Pisces Ascendants tend to be adaptable and go with the flow, but they can also appear elusive or hard to pin down due to their tendency to live in their inner world of dreams and feelings. Their creative and spiritual nature often draws them toward artistic or mystical pursuits. While they are caring and selfless, they may need to be mindful of boundaries to avoid absorbing too much of others’ emotions. With Pisces as their rising sign, these individuals project an aura of kindness, mystery, and emotional depth, often making others feel nurtured and understood in their presence.

      If your ascendant is in the sign of Pisces you are of a rather small body built. Your skin colour is clear and light, your nose is usually small, lips are full and eyes are dreamy. You are very easy-going. Others perceive you as a dreamy person and spiritual. Usually, you are guided by instinct and intuition and not logic. Your friends and family often don’t know what to expect from you, as you are very receptive to the influence of other people. You can be very changeable, both in appearance and in your way of being.

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      Karma and Bodily Abnormalities

      Birthmarks and physical handicaps can result from a possible traumatic and violent death that the native is likely to be deeply affected and may begin a new life with a similar wound or mark.

      The abuse of any human organ in the present life may result in either the weakening or malformation (deformity) of that organ in a future incarnation. Likewise, the abuse of any physical organ in the past life will result in deformation or simply issues with that organ in the present life. Hence positive thoughts and efforts can help to fix conflicting forces behind bodily abnormalities.

      Deformed or missing limbs or features may indicate what we did to another in a previous lifetime. Nevertheless, it is essential to note that such events were frequent in ancient times, and probably most of us have committed this type of crime. Other times the incarnating soul may decide to take on this type of anomalies at a sacrifice to work out family karma.

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      full moon

      Natal Moon in Cancer

      The Moon is the largest celestial body visible in the night sky, shining with the reflected light of the Sun. Furthermore, it is a natural satellite of the Earth and needs about 28 days to go around it, making it the fastest blue body moving in the sky. The Moon as we see it from Earth changes every day. This rhythmic cycle is called the lunar phase. They are related to the rhythms of nature the tides and outflows of the oceans. That is how the weather is monitored and various natural phenomena. For this reason, the Moon symbolises what is variable and quick, something that fluctuates, appears and disappears. Just like emotions that are the expression of our internal reactions.

      In Astrology the Moon represents our Mother, our needs, our past, our feelings, our home and family environment and our mood.

      The Moon feels best in water signs, especially in romantic, caring and nurturing but also capricious and moody Cancer. With the Moon in Cancer, you rely on the acceptance and recognition of others. Deeply sensitive and emotional, with an exceptional memory, you are one of the fastest learners in the whole zodiac. Once you learn something, it stays in your mind for a long time if not forever. Still, you do not strive to become intellectually superior to others, but you do feel the need to be educated enough to escape negative judgment.

      To get through life, you rely more on your instinct rather than the thought. Without a doubt with the Moon placement in this sign, the heart overrules the mind. It is often hard for you to make a confident decision since rational thought is not your most potent ability. However, you do have a strong intuition and trust that is above and beyond even your own naturally distrusting and suspicious thoughts.

      Your heart is on your sleeve, but you spend significant amounts of time crafting a shell over it so that others can’t spot the vulnerability. How you are perceived is so vital that you may have a genuine fear of showing weakness. These changing moods can make it difficult for maintaining a relationship. That’s unfortunate, considering how much importance you put on family and the security of home. In a loving relationship, you are gentle and romantic, significantly protective over your castle.

      You give the utmost importance to anything that has to do with securing the home. You certainly do not appreciate anything that challenges the security of the domestic environment. Apart from that you dislike sudden change, risks or divergent opinions and treat them with apprehension. You enjoy holding on to things tightly. However, you should realise that they may not be around forever.

      Natal Moon in Cancer is a placement that can greatly influence a person’s emotional nature and sense of security. The Moon is the natural ruler of Cancer, and so this placement is said to be very comfortable and strong. With the Moon in Cancer, a person is likely to have a strong emotional connection to their family and home. They may be nurturing and caring, with a natural desire to take care of others. They may also have a strong sense of intuition and be very attuned to the emotions of others.

      However, this placement can also bring a tendency towards moodiness or emotional sensitivity. Those with natal Moon in Cancer may be prone to feeling easily hurt or overwhelmed by their emotions. It’s important for those with this placement to balance their emotional sensitivity with a sense of stability and security. They may also need to work on developing healthy boundaries and self-care practices, as they may be prone to taking on the emotions and problems of others.

      Overall, the natal Moon in Cancer is a powerful placement that can bring a sense of emotional depth and nurturing energy to a person’s life. It’s important to embrace this energy while also being mindful of the importance of self-care and emotional balance in maintaining healthy relationships and achieving long-term goals.

      Natal Chiron in Astrology

      Chiron was discovered in 1977 orbiting between the planets Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius. Many consider it as an asteroid or a small planet. 

      Chiron in Greek Mythology

      In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur – an ideal combination of human intelligence and animal instinct. He was the child of the Gods, a half-human and a half-horse immortal creature. Regardless of its look, Chiron was a great teacher, holistic healer, astrologer and musician. Many of his students were the greatest warriors, healers and future leaders of the times. Chiron is very often regarded as”the wounded healer” due to a wound he received from a poison arrow. The arrow didn’t kill him; however, he never quite recovered from it and as a result of that, was destined to live in pain. This myth about Chiron’s suffering, and what awareness and meaning we can derive from it, becomes the central theme of the tale and the asteroid Chiron. 

      Chiron in the Astrological Chart

      Chiron in the birth chart reveals where we have suffered but also where we have a chance to become a healer or a mentor for others. Chiron here not only shows the sphere of life where we are expected to feel hurt; however, also the area where we obtain healing when we bring awareness to our woundedness. Once we identify the cause of our wounding, we can become a healing force for others in that area.

      Chiron’s house position in the birth chart points to an area of life where we are generally more vulnerable and where healing can occur. By failing to accept this vulnerability, we are unable to obtain meaning from it. As a result of that, we may end up hurting others unintentionally around the very same issues. By bringing this vulnerability to light, we move from being incurably wounded in this area of our lives to becoming master teachers, like Chiron, for the healing of others. Chiron’s position by sign symbolises the valuable lessons we are here to learn, also the essence of our wounding and how healing can occur.

      Chiron in Aspects

      The main aspects that Chiron makes to the birth chart in its fifty-year journey around the Sun correspond to important events and lessons in our lives. As the orbit of Chiron around the Sun is quite oval, the first time Chiron squares its natal position can be anywhere from the age of 5 and a half to the age of 23 years old. The challenge that we experience at the time of our first Chiron square can mean both our first early wounding and our opening to spirituality. The opposition describes a time of opening and deepening to spiritual realities and also to the difficulties that arose at the first square. For many people, the opposition occurs in their mid 30’s. Oftentimes this can be a time when we begin to truly understand what our goal and life purpose are on this planet. 

      Chiron Return

      Chiron returns to its original natal position around the age of around 49 and 51. This return marks a powerful period of healing, reflection, and transformation. Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” in astrology, representing deep emotional wounds, vulnerabilities, and lessons surrounding pain and healing. During the Chiron return, these old wounds—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual—tend to resurface, offering an opportunity for profound personal growth and healing. This period encourages individuals to confront unresolved issues, release past hurts, and embrace a more holistic sense of self-acceptance. While it can be a challenging and introspective time, the Chiron return ultimately facilitates wisdom, empowerment, and a deeper understanding of one’s life journey, making it a transformative milestone in midlife

      Chiron in the Houses

      Natal Chiron in the 1st House

      Natal Chiron in the first house indicates that our wounds and healing journey are strongly connected to our self-image, identity, and physical appearance. Individuals with Chiron in the first house may struggle with issues of self-worth, self-acceptance, or physical ailments that impact their self-confidence. However, this placement also offers the opportunity for profound self-discovery, self-empowerment, and personal growth through healing and embracing their unique identity.

      Natal Chiron in the 2nd House

      Natal Chiron in the second house suggests that our wounds and healing process are related to our values, self-worth, and material possessions. Individuals with Chiron in the second house may struggle with issues of financial stability, self-esteem, or a lack of self-value. However, this placement also presents the opportunity for healing and growth by reevaluating their relationship with money, possessions, and self-worth, and finding a deeper sense of inner value and abundance.

      Natal Chiron in the 3rd House

      Natal Chiron in the third house indicates that our wounds and healing journey are connected to communication, learning, and sibling relationships. Individuals with Chiron in the third house may struggle with issues of self-expression, effective communication, or difficulties in their relationships with siblings. However, this placement also offers the potential for healing and growth through developing better communication skills, embracing their unique voice, and fostering harmonious relationships with siblings and peers.

      Natal Chiron in the 4th House

      Natal Chiron in the fourth house suggests that our wounds and healing process are deeply connected to our family, home, and emotional foundation. Individuals with Chiron in the fourth house may struggle with issues related to their childhood, family dynamics, or a sense of emotional security. However, this placement also presents the opportunity for healing and growth by creating a nurturing home environment, resolving family traumas, and cultivating emotional resilience and stability.

      Natal Chiron in the 5th House

      Natal Chiron in the fifth house indicates that our wounds and healing journey are intertwined with creativity, self-expression, and romantic relationships. Individuals with Chiron in the fifth house may struggle with issues of self-confidence, creative blocks, or difficulties in romantic partnerships. However, this placement also offers the potential for healing and growth through embracing their creative gifts, developing self-love and self-acceptance, and experiencing transformative relationships.

      Natal Chiron in the 6th House

      Natal Chiron in the sixth house suggests that our wounds and healing process are connected to work, health, and daily routines. Individuals with Chiron in the sixth house may struggle with issues of physical or mental health, work-related stress, or a lack of fulfillment in their daily routines. However, this placement also presents the opportunity for healing and growth through prioritizing self-care, finding meaningful work, and establishing healthy habits and routines.

      Natal Chiron in the 7th House

      Natal Chiron in the seventh house indicates challenges and healing opportunities in relationships, partnerships, and marriage. Individuals with this placement may struggle with issues of trust, commitment, and finding balance in their relationships. It is important for them to learn to heal their own wounds and establish healthy boundaries in order to have fulfilling partnerships.

      Natal Chiron in the 8th House

      Natal Chiron in the eighth house signifies deep emotional wounds and transformational healing. Individuals with this placement may experience intense emotional experiences, such as loss, trauma, or power struggles. They have the potential to undergo profound personal growth and healing by embracing their vulnerabilities and exploring their subconscious patterns.

      Natal Chiron in the 9th House

      Natal Chiron in the ninth house represents the healing journey through knowledge, beliefs, and spirituality. Individuals with this placement may have experienced wounds related to their beliefs, education, or cultural background. They have the opportunity to heal and grow by expanding their horizons, seeking higher truths, and embracing diverse perspectives.

      Natal Chiron in the 10th House

      Natal Chiron in the tenth house signifies challenges and healing in the realm of career, public image, and authority. Individuals with this placement may struggle with finding their true vocation, facing setbacks in their professional life, or feeling a lack of recognition. They can achieve healing by aligning their career with their authentic self, embracing their unique talents, and cultivating self-confidence.

      Natal Chiron in the 11th House

      Natal Chiron in the eleventh house represents healing and growth through friendships, social groups, and humanitarian causes. Individuals with this placement may have experienced wounds related to their sense of belonging, acceptance, or feeling like an outsider. They can find healing by forming authentic connections, participating in community activities, and embracing their role in creating positive change.

      Natal Chiron in the 12th House

      Natal Chiron in the twelfth house signifies deep spiritual wounds and the potential for profound spiritual healing. Individuals with this placement may have experienced past traumas, subconscious patterns, or a sense of isolation. They can achieve healing by exploring their inner world, connecting with their intuition, and embracing practices that nourish their soul.

      Chiron in the Signs

      Chiron in Aries

      Chiron in Aries represents a wounded warrior archetype. Individuals with Chiron in Aries may struggle with asserting themselves and their identity. They may have experienced early wounds related to their sense of self and independence.

      Chiron in Taurus

      Chiron in Taurus highlights wounds related to self-worth and material possessions. Individuals with this placement may have experienced financial or material instability in their past. They may need to learn how to value themselves and find stability in their lives.

      Chiron in Gemini

      Chiron in Gemini signifies wounds related to communication and learning. Individuals with this placement may have experienced difficulties in expressing themselves or may have faced challenges in their education. They may need to heal their communication patterns and embrace lifelong learning.

      Chiron in Cancer

      Chiron in Cancer represents wounds related to emotional vulnerability and family dynamics. Individuals with this placement may have experienced emotional trauma within their family or struggle with emotional intimacy. They may need to heal their emotional wounds and establish healthy boundaries in their relationships.

      Chiron in Leo

      Chiron in Leo highlights wounds related to self-expression and creativity. Individuals with this placement may have experienced challenges in expressing their authentic selves or may have faced criticism for their creative endeavors. They may need to embrace their unique talents and find confidence in their self-expression.

      Chiron in Virgo

      Chiron in Virgo signifies wounds related to perfectionism and self-criticism. Individuals with this placement may have experienced pressure to be perfect or may struggle with self-doubt. They may need to heal their self-critical tendencies and embrace self-acceptance.

      Chiron in Libra

      Chiron in Libra highlights themes of relationships, harmony, and balance. Individuals with this placement may experience wounds related to partnerships, fairness, and compromise. They may have a strong desire to heal and bring harmony to their relationships.

      Chiron in Scorpio

      Chiron in Scorpio brings focus to themes of transformation, intensity, and deep emotional healing. Individuals with this placement may have experienced wounds related to power dynamics, trust, and intimacy. They may have a strong urge to delve into the depths of their emotions and heal any hidden wounds.

      Chiron in Sagittarius

      Chiron in Sagittarius emphasizes themes of expansion, higher learning, and spiritual growth. Individuals with this placement may have experienced wounds related to belief systems, truth, and exploration. They may have a strong desire to heal and find meaning in their spiritual journey.

      Chiron in Capricorn

      Chiron in Capricorn highlights themes of responsibility, structure, and achievement. Individuals with this placement may have experienced wounds related to authority, success, and self-discipline. They may have a strong drive to heal and overcome any limitations in their pursuit of success.

      Chiron in Aquarius

      Chiron in Aquarius brings focus to themes of individuality, innovation, and social change. Individuals with this placement may have experienced wounds related to belonging, rebellion, and unconventional thinking. They may have a strong desire to heal and bring about transformation in society.

      Chiron in Pisces

      Chiron in Pisces emphasizes themes of spirituality, compassion, and transcendence. Individuals with this placement may have experienced wounds related to boundaries, escapism, and self-sacrifice. They may have a strong urge to heal and connect with their spiritual essence.

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