YOUR OCTOBER HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES Three planets are having their solstice this month. Venus until October 3rd (temporary lack of clarity regarding intellectual projects), Mercury between 13th-16th (possible love-related dilemmas) and Jupiter until October 16th (delays in the career area). Mars, the planet that governs your financial sphere, goes ‘out of bounds’ on October 22nd until (more…)
YOUR OCTOBER HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS Jupiter, your ruler, is in its solstice until October 16th (since September 8th). This has likely slowed down your life progress and made it more challenging to achieve certain goals and milestones, eventually making you reassess certain aspects of your current life situation. You will get better clarity regarding your life (more…)
YOUR OCTOBER HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS As Mercury, Pluto and Saturn station direct in October, life is beginning to move forward. What a blessing! After months of delays, you will see progress in your personal life. Saturn, your traditional ruler, may bring some rewards to you, especially if you have worked consistently without cutting corners in the last (more…)
YOUR OCTOBER HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows down in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. For you, Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about possible delays and changes related to mortgage and loan applications. Mercury solstice, on the other hand, may bring delays and a (more…)
YOUR OCTOBER HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows down in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to your private life and the romantic side of your life. Mercury solstice may bring delays and a fresh (more…)
Gemini November 2021 Horoscope This month the emphasis is on your 6th house matters, turning your attention onto everyday tasks, diet, health and work. It is an excellent time of the year for tackling chores, especially those that need self-discipline and good organisational skills. Mercury, your planetary ruler, is in Scorpio (6th) until November 24th (more…)
Taurus November 2021 Horoscope In November 2021 dear Taurus the strongest emphasis is on your 7th house, where the focus tends to become upon personal relationships. You may welcome new associations into your life, but primarily you might become more conscious of the dynamics at work or in your existing relationships. Venus, your planetary ruler, (more…)
The November 2021 New Moon falls at 12 degrees of water sign Scorpio November 4th. The Moon is in its fall when placed in Scorpio. A planet is considered to be in its fall when it is positioned directly opposite a planet’s sign of exaltation. As the exaltation is a place of awareness for the (more…)
The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in a fixed sign Taurus 27°. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis that will occur between 2021-2023. A lunar eclipse is a very intense full moon. While solar eclipses are more external when we deal with situations or circumstances that we might (more…)
Aquarius November 2021 Horoscope This month your focus is likely to be on your career, your lifestyle and your public reputation. During this time, you might be more concerned with the progress of your career, wanting to ensure that you are on the right track. This in turn can stimulate you to implement necessary adjustments (more…)
Pisces November 2021 Horoscope This month the greatest emphasis is on the 9th house matters, and this energetic influence can make you feel more excited and spontaneous in pretty intense and perhaps even transformational ways. Your sense of adventure and playfulness is likely to return with a need to seek more vivid activities and experiences. (more…)
Sagittarius November 2021 Horoscope This month your attention turns onto the 12th house matters, urging you to evaluate all that has occurred in the course of the last 12 months. You might find yourself in situations that make you aware of the longer-term consequences of the things you have said and done in the past. (more…)
Capricorn November 2021 Horoscope This month your attention turns onto your friendships, group activities and your long-term goals and plans. It is likely to be a pleasant month for you, especially after busy few weeks where the energies were centered around your career sphere. You might be more than usual involved in activities unrelated to (more…)
Leo November 2021 Horoscope This month the strongest influence is on your 4th house of home and family matters, where the Sun, Mars and Mercury will be present throughout the majority of the month. So much emphasis on this area makes domestic affairs of great importance. You might have a greater desire to spend time (more…)
Libra November 2021 Horoscope This month your attention turns onto your financial sphere, making it a good time for reviewing your money spending habits. Venus, your planetary ruler, will move into Capricorn on November 05th, (4th house) where it will remain until March 06th due to its retrograde period between December 19th – January 29th, (more…)
Scorpio November 2021 Horoscope This month your attention turns onto your own goals and aspirations. With the Sun shining its light in your sign for the majority of the month, this is likely going to be an enthusiastic period producing a sense of renewal. What you initiate now will be based upon a more thorough (more…)
Cancer November 2021 Horoscope This month the emphasis is on your 5th house of children, creativity, romance, fun and joy. This is likely to be a time when your spirit and energy level will be high, occasionally causing you to feel both vivid and energised. It is an excellent time of the year for starting (more…)
The October New Moon falls on the 6th of the month at 13°24′ of air sign Libra. During a new moon, we tend to look for new opportunities to express our ideas and thoughts and for this reason it is usually a great time for starting new projects. Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy and balance (more…)
This week’s main transits: Wednesday, September 29th Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces Thursday, September 30th Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius Friday, October 01st Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn Saturday, October 02nd Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn Sunday, October 03rd Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius The (more…)
On October 7th, 2021, Mars will commence a new 2-year cycle which will end on November 18th, 2023. The Mars cycle begins when the Sun is conjunct Mars. It is a brand new cycle of passion, excitement, and desire that will play out differently for everyone over the next two years. If you set your goals and objectives (more…)
This week’s main transits: Wednesday, October 6th New Moon in Libra Thursday, October 6th/7th Pluto turns direct Thursday, October 7th, Venus enters Sagittarius Friday, October 7th/8th Sun conjunct Mars in Libra Saturday, October 9th Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars in Libra Sunday, October 10th Saturn turns direct in Aquarius The October New Moon falls at 13°24′ (more…)
This week’s main events: Wednesday, October 13th Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius Friday, Oct 15th Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius Saturday, Oct 16th Mercury in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius Sunday, Oct 17th Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn The week begins with Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (exact (more…)
This week’s main events/transits: October 19th — Mercury goes direct in Libra October 20th — Full Moon in Aries October 22nd — Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn October 23rd — Sun enters Scorpio Mercury goes direct in Libra on October 19th, at which point, anything concerning information, communication, and commuting stops getting balled (more…)
Your Aries November 2021 Horoscope In November 2021 dear Aries your planetary ruler Mars will travel through fix sign Scorpio, the ruler of your 8th house. Mars in Scorpio is strong as this is its traditional sign of rulership. During this time, privacy is likely to be very important to you, and you may have (more…)
Virgo November 2021 Horoscope This month your focus turns onto mentally stimulating activities. During this time you should be able to express yourself with more ease. For this reason this is a favourable time for social activities and studying. Mercury, your planetary ruler will be in your 3rd house of communication, ruled by fixed sign (more…)
Mars in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius is the highlight of the cycle between Mars and Saturn that began in March 2020, at the beginning of the global pandemic when the first lockdowns commenced worldwide. Mars is the planet that stimulates motivation, drive and courage, while Saturn, especially in opposition or in a square, can (more…)

Black Moon Lilith in Gemini starts on July 18th and ends on April 14th of 2022. The last time Black Moon Lilith stayed in Gemini was from September 2012 to June 2013. If you look back to that period in time and see what influenced you during that time and what was the main focus of (more…)
A full moon occurs when the transiting Moon and the Sun meet at the same degree in the opposing signs. Full Moons are connected to endings, things coming to a culmination. This is a time to take action and eliminate whatever is not needed so that you can move forward fully recharged into the next (more…)
The August New Moon falls at 16°13′ of fire sign Leo on the 8th of August, which also happens to be the day of the activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal. This famous portal always gets activated on the 8th day of the 8th month by the Sun in Leo and the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (more…)
The week concludes with a Full Moon at 19 degrees of air sign Aquarius. This full moon is called a seasonal Blue Moon. There are, in fact, two types of Blue Moons: a seasonal (occurs when there are four full moons in one season and the third one is called a blue moon), and a (more…)
The September New Moon falls at 14° of earth sign Virgo (strongest influence 6-7th), turning our attention onto health, diet, exercise and work with a greater tendency towards perfectionism. Since Virgo loves precision, you are likely to want to become better organised and more efficient in whatever that you do. With the Moon phase in (more…)
The final Mercury retrograde of 2021 will occur this month in the air sign Libra on September 27th. Each retrograde has a pre-and post-shadow phase that each last for about two weeks. The Pre-Shadow phase of this retrograde begins on September 6th, and this is when we begin to feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde (more…)
The Full Moon in Pisces falls on September 21st, 2021, at 28 degrees of water sign Pisces. The Universal time of this full moon is 11:54 PM. In the Northern Hemisphere, the full moon closest to the autumn equinox is the Harvest Moon. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, this full moon will (more…)
This week we transition into the year 2021, with both Jupiter and Saturn already travelling through the air sign Aquarius and Mars about to change sing to Taurus. Also, with Jupiter the planet of good fortune and expansion moving away from Pluto and eventually also from Saturn by the end of February 2021, we may begin to (more…)
The week begins with Sun square Mars leading to somewhat cranky and irritable behaviour. Challenging events during this time may force us to defend our goals or desires. It is not a good time for getting involved in any conflicts or heated debates. The best way to deal with these energies is to exercise, clean, or do (more…)
This week begins with the Sun in Aquarius conjunct Mercury retrograde turning our focus onto communication and relationships with people from our immediate environment. During this time, our curiosity and mental activity are likely to be more active than usual, making this a good time for dealing with a variety of mentally stimulating activities, such as reading, (more…)
This week begins with the Sun conjunct Neptune transit (exact on March 10th), increasing our consciousness, intuition, and understanding. During this time, we are likely to be more than usually affected by the thoughts and attitudes of others, and for this reason, it is a wonderful time to surround ourselves with positive people or experiences, (more…)
This week begins with Mercury moving into water sign Pisces, where it will remain until April 3rd. During this time, our communication style and thinking process are likely to be more emotional and imaginative. Our dreams may become more vivid than usual, and there is also a tendency with this transit to daydreaming. Mercury in Pisces helps us (more…)
The week begins with Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (exact on March 23rd), making us more impatient and restless, especially in our communication style. Under this transit’s influence, there is a tendency to jump too quickly to conclusions and possibly say something without thinking it through. Short-tempered behaviour and impulsiveness can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings (more…)
With the New Moon in Aries happening at 22 degrees and 24 minutes, there is a desire for change in order to move forward to find a greater purpose in life. The focus is on our identity and individuality, making it a good time for setting some long-term goals. Aries is also a cardinal sign, (more…)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse happening on June 10th falls at 19°47′ of air sign Gemini. This solar eclipse will be visible from parts of Russia, Greenland and Northern Canada and depending on the weather conditions, it could also be partially visible in Northern Asia, Europe and the United States. A solar eclipse can only occur at (more…)
On 20th, Jupiter turns retrograde in Pisces, where it will remain until July 28th, at which point it will move back into air sign Aquarius. This will be a four-month retrograde in total that could bring some significant changes to our lives. Jupiter retrograde transit reoccurs roughly every thirteen months. This is a time when (more…)
The Full Moon in Capricorn falls at 3°27’ on June 24th. The Moon in Capricorn is in its detriment, meaning that its influence is weakened. Thus, this is not a strong placement for the moon. During a moon phase in Capricorn, we tend to repress our energies because we want to be in control of (more…)
July’s New Moon falls on July 9th, 2021 at 16°13′ of water sign Cancer. A new moon is a dark period (the Moon is dark) when the Sun and the Moon meet at the same degree in the same sign, and things are initiated. During a moon phase in Cancer, we tend to become highly (more…)
Venus and Mars conjunction on July 13th at 19 degrees of Leo marks the beginning of the the cycle between these two relationship planets that will last until 22nd February 2024. The last Venus and Mars conjunction took place on August 24th, 2019 at 4° Virgo. Venus and Mars conjunct more or less every 2 years however these cycles (more…)
This year’s Mars retrograde takes place in passionate Aries from Wednesday, September 9, to Friday, November 13. During this time, our impulses and urges can be affected, along with our drive. Due to this year’s events, we have already seen significant changes when it comes to work and romance. For the next couple of months, it may (more…)
This week begins with the final lunar eclipse of 2020, on November 30th, in air sign Gemini. This lunar eclipse is a partial one so it won’t be that obvious – the Sun will illuminate the majority of the Moon; however, a part of it will be covered by the earth’s shadow. In astrology, the Sun (more…)
A New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 14th takes places at 23 degrees and 8 minutes of Sagittarius. This New Moon is as a major eclipse event because it is a total eclipse of the Sun in the mutable sign Sagittarius. It will be mainly noticeable in Chile and some parts of Argentina. It is (more…)
We begin this week with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on Monday 14th. It is a total eclipse of the Sun in Sagittarius happening at 23 degrees and 8 minutes. It is a South Node lunar eclipse meaning that this is somewhat a clearing-away time or a phase when we may have to move away (more…)
This week begins with the energies of the Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces, making it more challenging to get motivated and enthusiastic about life. Certain people or situations can cause chaos and frustration, making many of us feel anxious or even guilty. For that reason, this is not a good time for any type (more…)
This week begins with lots of energetical shifts, starting from the Sun moving into practical and action-oriented Capricorn, giving us the necessary commitment and discipline to achieve our goals while overcoming every obstacle along the way. With the Sun in Capricorn, we might also be challenged to learn our lessons around responsibility, however at the (more…)
The week begins with Mercury conjunct Pluto, adding extra intensity and depth into our thinking and communications. It is an excellent time to get to the bottom any troubling matters. It is also a good time to do research studies of any type and discuss tabu topics that you wouldn’t usually discuss otherwise. On Wednesday, January (more…)
The first New Moon of the year occurs on 12-13 of January at 23 degrees and 13 minutes of Capricorn, where stability, cautious planning and structure come into focus. A New Moon in Capricorn is a good time for committing to personal goals, setting realistic and practical intentions while focusing on developing self-discipline. At the (more…)
This week begins with Mercury/Jupiter conjunction that brings optimism and positivity into our lives, making it an excellent time for being friendly and generous towards others. Our enthusiasm and positive thinking mean that nearly anything we put into our minds will work. If you plan on buying or selling anything, you should turn a profit (more…)
The week begins with Mars conjunct Uranus (exact on Wednesday 20th) giving us a strong urge to break out of any limiting and restricting situations in our lives. This feeling is likely to increase in the upcoming weeks with the approaching Saturn/Uranus square. (more about this square in my February newsletter). During this time, you may get (more…)
The week begins with the Sun square Uranus transit, causing uneasiness and worry about approaching change. An increase of nervous tension can result in erratic behaviour, leading to quick shifts in direction and even accidents. Alternatively, you may be subject to a drastic change in your environment or sudden outbursts of anger from other people. (more…)
The week begins with the continuation of Mercury and Jupiter’s planetary alignment, bringing us more optimism and happy moments into our lives, making this a good time for brainstorming and studying as thanks to these energies, almost anything you put into your mind is likely to bring fruitful results. On Wednesday 17th, Saturn square Uranus, the first of (more…)
This week begins with Mars trine Pluto transit (exact on February 24th), giving us a great boost of goal-oriented energy, which makes us more ambitious and determined. This is a wonderful time for directing this energy into achieving your greatest desires and aspirations. Sun sextile Uranus transit on Thursday, February 25th, can bring surprises and unexpected events, (more…)
This week begins with Mars moving into curious Gemini, where it will remain until April 23rd. While Mars travels through this mutable sign, all Geminis (Sun, Moon and Rising) will feel more energised, motivated and passionate. This is a wonderful time to act, as if you put in the work, you could turn your dreams (more…)

Mercury started its retrograde in Libra on September 9 until October 2. This Mercury retrograde will end in the sign of Virgo, and while Mercury stays in the retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of your thoughts and actions. During this time, you may feel confused and overwhelmed with ideas, making this (more…)

The Full Moon in Aries 9° on October 09th, can make you quite impatient with getting what you truly desire. There is no time to waste when the Moon travels through this cardinal sign. As a result, waiting for things to happen might be more challenging than usual. Emotional issues are likely to take priority. Under the (more…)

Every time Venus aligns with the Sun, it transforms from a morning to an evening star and at the same time it creates a petal known as the Venus Star Point. It takes eight years for the whole star to be created. The current Rose of Venus cycle began in June 2020 (Venus rx) and it (more…)

This month’s Solar Eclipse in the water sign Scorpio 2° will intensify our lives on October 25th, 2022. This is a partial eclipse, meaning that partial changes may occur rather than big changes. While lunar eclipses are more emotional and internal, connected to events produced by our own thoughts or feelings, solar Eclipses are more (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR CANCER The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th falls in the fixed sign Taurus. Your sphere of friendships is highlighted at this time. Your friendships with another person might be tested, or your relationships with groups you belong to. You might have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group (more…)

Mars retrograde is undoubtedly one of our major and most transits of the end of 2022. Mars moved into the versatile air sign Gemini on August 20, 2022, and it will remain in this sign until March 26, 2023. At that point, Mars will have spent more than seven months there. This unusually long stay is, (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR LEO Mars turns retrograde in Gemini last month where it will remain in this motion until January 12th. During this time, there will likely be an increased activity in your social life, prompting you to reassess your social connections and, most importantly, who you want to spend your time with. You may (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR VIRGO Jupiter moves back into your relationship sphere last month. This means that for the next seven weeks your relationships with others will likely improve, and difficult problems will be resolved with more ease. Opportunities will come through cooperation with others; Partnerships may bring positive and supporting energy. You may attract (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES October ended with Jupiter leaving your sign and moving into your 12th house. Spirituality has yet again become important to you. It will likely continue until mid-December when Jupiter returns to your sign. Jupiter in the 12th house acts like a guardian Angel protecting you and ensuring you don’t get into (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS Jupiter has been in your friendship zone since the end of October. While Jupiter stays in Pisces until December 20th, you will think of the big picture, have great ideas and have more clarity about your goals for the following year. Settling old and unresolved issues in your social life may (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI Jupiter is now in your 12th house of hidden matters, where spiritual life takes centre stage. The harder you worked this year, the greater the befits you will see throughout this time. You might also decide to leave a problematic work-related situation as life may present new opportunities regarding your (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA As we begin the month, Mars is also retrograde. While Mars can bring delays and a lack of motivation, it is a wonderful time for returning to any projects concerning foreign culture, far-distance travel or languages. Now and in the next couple of months, you may also more than once (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR SCORPIO Mercury and Venus are in your sign until November 17th increasing your curiosity and the ability to share information and ideas. Venus will be in your sign until about November 15th, giving you a strong urge to express beauty and love, and at the same time, you will become more appealing to (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS Jupiter returns into your home sphere last month, where it will remain until December 20th. During this time, your need for peace and security in your home life, where you want to feel emotionally safe, increases. You may find it comforting to beautify your home space; however, under the influence of Jupiter in Pisces, (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR CAPRICORN Jupiter moved back into Pisces last month, where it will stay until December 20th. The pace of daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Pay attention as there is a tendency to overschedule your diary under this transit’s influence. With Jupiter in Pisces in the final (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS Jupiter returned into your financial sphere last month, where it will stay until December 20th. Jupiter transiting your income sphere in the final months of 2022 can help you improve your financial situation through your efforts due to increased earning capability or other professional developments. If you are unemployed with Jupiter’s (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES Jupiter, your traditional ruler, returned into your sign in October. It will stay here until until December 20th. The planet of expansion and good fortune will offer you plenty of personal growth and development opportunities. It is also when your unique needs and desires become increasingly important as your future largely (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR ARIES As we begin the final month of the year, there are fewer planets in retrograde motion which means that you will likely see more progress in some parts of your life. The pace of life will also likely speed up substantially, however not entirely, as bear in mind that your (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS Jupiter moves back into your 12th house of hidden matters and spirituality on the 21st of December, where it will remain until mid-May 2023. This will likely increase your interest in matters related to Spirituality and Healing. Your eighth house of transformation is very strong this month until the 22nd. (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR GEMINI With your ruler Mercury, positioned in the upper part of the chart this month, personal independence is not strong at the moment, and opportunities come easier through others than through your own efforts. Your eighth house of transformation is highlighted this month, meaning you may need to transform something in (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR CANCER This is the month to focus on your social skills and put others and their needs ahead of yours. Your way might not always prove to be the best way this month. Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune moves into your career sphere on December 21st, and will remain (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR LEO You will likely want to enjoy life in the first three weeks of December. Three planets are out of bounds this month. Mars has been out of bounds since the second part of October, Venus from 2-24 December and Mercury from 1-20 December. You may need to go out of your (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR VIRGO Your career life is still active this month with fiery Mars staying here (even though retrograde). However your home life is especially important with the Sun, Venus, your ruler Mercury present here. Venus and Mercury are no longer overpowered (combust) by the energy of the Sun, which means that you (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR LIBRA Your love planet Mars is still retrograde this month and so you may find it helpful if you delay making any long-term decisions regarding your love life until after January 12th. This is because not everything might be clear or what it seems in regards to your love life. While (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR SCORPIO Mars, your co-ruler as well as your health planet, is still retrograde and ‘out of bounds’ in December. This indicates that you may feel like doing something unusual out of your character. This could involve completely transforming your diet, getting an unusual pet or changing your personal appearance. Especially, since (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR SAGITTARIUS Venus and Mercury will be out of bounds this month until 20-21 December, which can stimulate a need to act out of the ordinary in your love life, as well as at your work and everyday life. Jupiter stays in your home until December 20th. During this time, your need for peace and (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR CAPRICORN Mars is still retrograde in Gemini until mid-January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockages; however, try to remain flexible and go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this (more…)
YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR AQUARIUS Jupiter is still in your financial sphere as you begin the month, until December 20th. Jupiter transiting your income sphere in the final months of 2022 can help you improve your financial situation through your own efforts due to increased earning capability or other professional developments. If you are unemployed with Jupiter’s (more…)
YOUR DECEMBER HOROSCOPE FOR PISCES Jupiter, your traditional ruler, returned into your sign in October. It will stay here until until December 20th. The planet of expansion and good fortune will offer you plenty of personal growth and development opportunities. It is also when your unique needs and desires become increasingly important as your future largely (more…)
MAY HOROSCOPE FOR TAURUS The Sun will stay in your sign this month until May 21st stimulating you to challenge yourself by doing something you think you cannot do. With increased vitality and drive, you can face many challenging tasks resulting in increased energy and an overall improved sense of wellbeing. On May 05th, the Sun and (more…)
Mars is known as a planet of energy and action, thus its retrograde periods are marked by slowing down, pausing, and making changes. As Mars stations retrograde in Gemini on October 30th until mid-January, learn how this transit will influence your zodiac sign. Mars retrograde can be frustrating, especially if you have a tendency to (more…)

Aries Ingress Chart 2023 UK The rising sign determines the effective timeframe of the ingress chart. Here in the chart set for the UK, we have got Scorpio rising – a fixed sign indicating a long-lasting influence, meaning that the symbolism will carry on all year long. The first house, its ruler, and the Moon (more…)
Your Monthly Horoscope for February is HERE! January 2022 begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on February 1st, turning your attention onto the career sphere and life direction. This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to your life mission, stand in society and worldly achievements. This is the most important new moon of 2022 for your professional (more…)

The highlight of this period is Saturn ending its retrograde phase on November 4, allowing us to solve complex problems with consideration, determination, and persistence. When Saturn changes direction, we may suddenly change our mind about a specific matter we have been dealing with for quite some time. When a planet stations direct (or retrograde), (more…)
1st – New Moon in Aquarius 1st house New Moon activates your First house of self, health and your direction in life. The first house in astrology points to new beginnings, it’s your life path and how you take action. It’s your personal New Moon for the year. It’s a wonderful time for self-reflection, seeing (more…)
1st New Moon in Aquarius 12th house New Moon activates your Twelfth house of imagination, dreams, and your past. The New Moon will bring rise to something that’s been lying just beneath the surface. It could manifest in your dreams, a time of spirit communication or the signs could appear when you’re alone, resting, or (more…)

On November 13, there is a Scorpio New Moon in opposition to Uranus. The Moon is in its fall when placed in Scorpio. A planet is considered to be in its fall when it is positioned directly opposite a planet’s sign of exaltation. As the exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, the fall (more…)

We begin the new week under the influence of Gemini Full Moon (November 27).The energy of the Gemini Full Moon (November 27) is changeable and inconsistent, encouraging us to slow down and be ourselves in interactions with others. Take your time to listen and learn without rushing impatiently. It is a great time to let go of negative energy (more…)

November 2023 New Moon in Scorpio is in opposition to Uranus (November 13th). The Moon is in its fall when in Scorpio. A planet is considered to be in its fall when it is positioned directly opposite a planet of its exaltation (the Moon is exalted in Taurus). As the exaltation is a place of awareness (more…)

On July 28th, Jupiter turns retrograde in fire sign Aries. Jupiter goes direct on November 23, 2022. This will be a four-month retrograde in total that could bring some significant changes to our lives. Jupiter retrograde transit reoccurs roughly every thirteen months. This is a time when we may have to deal with matters concerning (more…)

Chiron enters retrograde on July 19th 2022, the sign of fiery Aries, until December 23, when it turns direct. Chiron was discovered in 1977 orbiting between the planets Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. Many consider it as an asteroid or a small planet. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur (more…)