weekly astrology forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast July 18-24, 2022

We begin the week under the influence of Mercury-Pluto opposition, which strongly intensifies mental energy.  Hidden issues or secrets can come to light now as our senses activate our intuition. This is a good transit for working on projects that require attention to detail and intense focus. 

Mercury enters Leo on Tuesday 19th, where it will remain until Aug 2. Mercury in Leo gives a greater need to speak from the heart, loudly and clearly. It should not be surprising that communication becomes much more straightforward during this transit since fiery Leo is known for pure and vibrant self-expression. 

Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on Jul 19, shifting our attention toward our internal wounds as we focus on what needs to heal.

Also, on the same day (Tuesday), the Sun-Pluto opposition can make us more aware of the issues related to power and control. It may feel like other people or outside forces are trying to block or undermine you. It would be best to avoid making decisions and taking action until a couple of days later, when we can see things more clearly, with our ego out of the picture. On the positive side, this transit can facilitate an awareness of your issues around power and control and unconscious impulses and obsessions that drive you. Dealing with the outside pressure, you might discover inner resources you did not know you had.

The Sun enters the playful and self-expressive fire sign Leo on Jul 22. The Sun in Leo is warm and vibrant. Confident Leo doesn’t hold back, so now would be a great time to go after what you truly desire- a relationship, a job, or a new project or adventure. Leo is strong, outgoing, and ambitious, and all this energy gives you an extra boost toward success.

Mercury trine Jupiter on Saturday (Jul 23), brings optimism and balanced thinking. This is an excellent transit for any intellectual pursuits, business growth, legal matters and proposals. This lucky transit boosts our optimism and overall well-being. Any mental and intellectual pursuits are favoured throughout the day, although you might not have the motivation to solve complex problems today. 

The week concludes under the influence of Venus square Jupiter. The square is an aspect that requires taking some effort. In this case, we may need to take tangible actions to acquire the things we truly want. We may not have enough resources for that, but it can motivate us to put in the needed efforts.

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Full Moon in Aquarius 19º July 2022: Everything You Need to Know

This Full Moon will be exact on:

  • 6.35PM PDT Aug 11th
  • 1:35AM GMT Aug 12th

Aquarius, the sign of this full moon, rules groups, charities, humanitarian activities, social and professional clubs, political groups and rallies. Aquarius is a fixed sign, and during a moon phase in a fixed sign, we tend to become more stubborn and resistant to change.

This full moon illuminates the enduring Saturn–Uranus square, focusing on the profound challenges involved in this planetary clash. The clash is between the old structures and regulations and the ones being implemented in the present time. The Saturn-Uranus square could play out in the way of sudden events causing many of us to take on new long-term responsibilities.

♈︎ ARIES ♈︎

This month’s full moon highlights your social life and group activities. You may attend a wedding reception, a community event or a series of workshops. Since the eleventh house governs not only companionship but is also the area of the chart responsible for your most profound hopes and wishes, some of your deepest desires and goals may come to fruition around this time.

♉︎ TAURUS ♉︎

This full moon falls in your career sphere, bringing a possible culmination to a career-related situation. This full moon puts a spotlight on your work, reputation and public life. A work-related situation may come to a conclusion, or alternatively, a promotion or recognition for your achievements may come your way. If you have been actively looking for a new job, you may get an exciting job offer or complete a significant project that brings a positive review. Suppose you are self-employed and working in the creative industry. In that case, you may gain an exciting new client with a significant project for you that could be related to the entertainment endeavour. 

♊︎ GEMINI ♊︎

This full moon influences your desire for freedom, adventure and long-distance travel. You might be up for a spontaneous trip to see your friends or family in a foreign country. Nevertheless since Saturn, the traditional ruler of this full moon will be closely aligned with the Moon, you may expect some delays or even issues coming back from the past that you will have to resolve. Uranus, the planet of sudden events, may shake things up and force you to change your plans in the last minute. This might also be a time when you finally get to complete your research on a thesis or other important assignment. 

♋︎ CANCER ♋︎

This month’s full moon lands in your eight house of financial matters and transformation. As with every full moon, this is a process of purification, and with the 8th house activation, you may suddenly have an inner desire to bring more life and spark into the area of life that lost its purpose. At the same time, this is a fantastic full moon for going on a detox. On a different level, you might be dealing with anything related to investments, mortgage, taxes and insurance and concluding talks of a financial matter concerning these kinds of funds.

♌︎ LEO ♌︎

This full moon turns your attention onto your significant other. With the full illumination on your relationship sphere, everything connected to your relationship and love life becomes clearer. This full moon may create a very strong desire to spend quality time with your significant other. You may receive unexpected news from your partner or someone close to your heart with the beautiful energetical connection between Mercury and Uranus. 

♍︎ VIRGO ♍︎

This full moon may bring a vital work project to a conclusion. You might be pretty surprised with the outcomes as Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius and the planet of sudden events will square this full moon. On a different level, while suprising news and events might be dominant throughout this time, Saturn will conjunct this full moon, which indicates that you might also experience some pressure from someone at your work, or perhaps you may have to work longer hours. On a different level, those currently unemployed and seeking employment, might get a job offer, however extra effort will be required with so much heaviness in the air. If you are a freelancer or self-employed, on the other hand, this full moon might make you more cautios and serious about the next project you take on board.

♎︎ LIBRA ♎︎

This month’s full moon falls in your romantic sector. The outcomes of this chilling full moon will be spontaneous and maybe even surprising. Uranus, the erratic planet, will make a difficult connection with both the Sun and the Moon, creating a sudden turn of events. Remain flexible for this reason. If you are single, you may go on a blind date, arranged by a close friend or alternatively you may meet someone at a social event. Whatever the scenatio the tone of this full moon is serious, so don’t expect too much romance in the air at this time. Don’t worry though as between August 17th-19th Venus, your ruler will connect with Jupiter in a beautiful sextile, bringing love and affection desperately needed after this challening full moon!


During this full moon your domestic situation is likely to be on your mind. This is the best full moon of this year for dealing with home and family-related matters. Things could suddenly change unexpectedly if you have been actively looking for a new place to live, especially if you continue to review your options. If this isn’t related to a house move, then perhaps your current home might be undergoing a renovation and around full moon, you may find the right specialist to help you with your home project.


This full moon may produce an inner desire to plan a short trip outside town or to visit your relatives or friends. With Uranus squaring this full moon, you may receive some shocking news out of the blue. Alternatively, someone may pretty spontaneously invite you for a weekend away. Altough remain flexible, with so much chaos in the sky, your plans may change in the last minute. Learning, studying and working with your hands is also emphasised during this time. Especially since Saturn will be closely aligned with this full moon prompting you to proceed with caution.


This full moon will fully illuminate your financial sphere of earned income and material wealth. For some, this might be when you finally hear from your superior about a potential opportunity or a new idea. Since this full moon will closely align with Saturn, you might somewhat feel slighlty drained or overworked at this time. Lack of motivation may also be possible, especially since your ruler Saturn is currently retrograte. Watch out for any obsessive or compulsive behavioural patterns, as these may lead to you becoming overly demanding or controlling of others. If this isn’t related to changes concerning your income then it might be that you will finally purchase something you’ve wanted to get for a long time.


This full moon is one of the most significant this year as it is happening in your sign. It may, without a doubt, bring an important matter to either fruition or completion. Since Uranus, the planet of the unexpected events, will square both the Sun and the Moon, you may see some sudden and unexpected development of something that you have not anticipated or perhaps you have anticipated but for such a long time, that you almost forgot about it! Whatever it is, it may show up unexpectedly and bring mixed feelings

♓︎ PISCES ♓︎

This month’s full moon falls in your area of hidden matters. Whenever there is a full moon in the twelfth house, there is often some sort of ending to the life chapter or a story in one’s life. It might be the case for you too, while on the other hand, during this time, you may need more than usual to relax and reflect upon your past. You may also have a stronger need for privacy, preferring to be alone rather than socialise. In addition, this might be an especially creative time, so take advantage of these artistic energies. 

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Aquarius 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter transiting your sphere of income in the first four and a half months of the year can help you improve your financial situation through your own efforts due to increased earning capability or other professional developments. If you are currently unemployed with Jupiter’s support, you may finally find the employment you have been dreaming about. However, if you are already employed, you might earn more this year by increasing your salary or by getting a second job. Pay attention as a salary increase is not the only aspect of Jupiter’s influence in your life in the initial phase of 2022. You may also make a large purchase or have increased expenses this year. From mid-May to October, Jupiter will travel through fiery Aries, and during this period, the pace of your daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Make sure you are well organized, as you may easily overschedule your diary under the influence of this transit. On the other hand, this is a wonderful time for expanding your mind through learning, reading and writing. 

Home is important to you in 2022 with the transiting North Node in Taurus and the transiting South Node in Scorpio, and also the eclipses activation throughout the year. Property management, gardening, cooking, baking come easily, but also you may start working from home if you haven’t already. Generally, this year you will significantly benefit from any activities concerning your domestic life. However, it is not an ideal time for seeking public or career recognition or paying too close attention to your social status. Instead, follow your heart and listen to what your inner voice is trying to tell you. 

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockage; however, try to remain flexible and just go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this phase.

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new moon in leo

You Horoscope for the New Moon in Leo 5° July 28th, 2022

The July 28th New Moon falls at 5° of fire sign Leo. Leo is a fixed sign; during a moon phase in a fixed sign, we tend to become resistant to change, behaving more stubbornly than usual. With a strong fire element at the time of this lunation, we will likely find it easier to self-motivate ourselves to reach the most desired goals. Nevertheless, lack of air throughout this time can make it difficult to logically see the pros and cons of some issues. 

This highly promising New Moon is trine Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter’s energy is boosted since Jupiter is now about to station retrograde. Leo, new moons are great times for pleasure, entertainment, and genuine connections. 

Leo is a creative sign, making it a wonderful time for working on new creative and imaginative projects and getting attention for our creative work. We may infuse creativity into the mundane, which can help us stay focused. Otherwise, the focus may be entirely lacking.

The new moon is widely trine (favourable aspect) Jupiter in Aries, and Jupiter happens to turn retrograde on the same day as the New Moon. Apart from this, the Leo New Moon is widely aligned (conjunct) with dwarf planet Ceres in Leo, making us more nurturing and supportive. 

Jupiter retrograde can slow down opportunities, but at the same time allow us to focus on old issues and dilemmas that need to be worked out, so we may use this Leo new moon for doing something romantic, enteraining or creative.

Since Jupiter is a planet of good fortune, that often signifies luck wherever it falls in the birth chart. Its expanding nature usually means increases or gains, especially in favourable connections with other planets. Nevertheless, with the Leo New Moon, the potential opportunities might not be as desirable as initially anticipated due to its stationary motion. Jupiter is connected to financial and trade relations on a global scale. It rules religion, the clergy, judges and the high courts. It governs treaties and borders between countries. Jupiter’s favourable aspects promote peace and diplomacy, gains and benefits through import/export trades.

The Leo New Moon brings new beginnings in the spehere of conception, romance and entertainment. It is your time to shine, so don’t forget to find more time for the things that make you feel excited. Expand your wisdom and learn something new, discover a new hobby, and find new friends. Everyone has a passion in life, let this new moon guide you in the right direction.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your home sphere, making it a good time for carrying out home improvements, decluttering and redecorating. This New Moon might also shine a light on something you were unaware of before concerning your family dynamics. You may find that some aspects of your domestic situation are no longer satisfactory, resulting in you undertaking major home renovations.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to news, short-distance travel, siblings and your life within the community. You might become popular around your neighbourhood, or perhaps changes in your local area could happen at this time. It’s also an excellent time for implementing something new into your everyday routine. On a different level, you might decide you want to learn a new skill or improve an existing one.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your finances, moveable possessions and resources; however, at this time, your personal values may also come into focus, and you may decide it is time to redefine them. Significant purchases are also possible at this time, possibly related to your children or the romantic partner in your life.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to self, health and your life. This new moon acts as an excellent opportunity for self-reflection and for deciding where you want to go next in your life. This is an ideal time for setting new goals as these may help you to stay on track with your life and achieve your dreams, or at least some of them.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your private life, dreams, and past. Secrets and personal matters that have been forgotten or pushed aside might come to light now. You might have to face some issues that have kept you from reaching your goals. It is an excellent time to heal and reflect upon your past achievements and let go of all that stands in the way of your happiness. In addition, this New Moon brings full awareness to things you couldn’t see before. 

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your hopes, wishes and friendships. During this time, you may gain recognition for something you did in the past, or alternatively you might experience a sense of belonging to a new group or a social circle. On a different level, it could also be a time of unexpected opportunities that come your way.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your life mission, stand in society and your achievements. You might be involved in a new project at work, welcome a new team member, or there could be management changes in the career sphere. Whatever the scenario, rest assured that this New Moon brings you closer to your dreams and goals. Gaining recognition in your professional life over something you do is emphasised now. Sometimes a New Moon in the 10th house may cause a change in status, meaning that you might get engaged or married. 

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to personal experiences, beliefs, foreign affairs and higher learning. During this time, you might be prompted to deal with matters that will help you expand your mind and your horizons while at the same time providing new opportunities. This New Moon is also an excellent time for reconnecting with your life aspirations and taking action to move forward in the right direction.

This New Moon acts as an opportunity for transforming the area of your life that has lost its spark. Transformation and regenaration are one of the themes in your life in the upcoming four weeks following this new moon. This New Moon also brings into light what you gain due to other people. n addition, someone that you know might go through unexpected life changes.

The Leo New Moon, brings new beginnings related to relationships, friendships, business partners, clients, and contractual agreements. There could be a new relationship story about to unfold around this time. You might sign a new contract or renew an existing agreement or a commitment. Additional issues might come into the light, including negotiations, lawsuits, and other legal documentation that’ll need signing and agreeing to.

This New Moon brings new beginnings related to improving your working or daily environment. It is an excellent time of year to establish a new lifestyle routine to ensure your health and wellbeing are harmony with your body and mental state. For some Pisceans this might be also a time when you either start looking for a new job, or begin a new and exciting project at your existing work. 

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Capricorn 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter stays in your sphere of communication until May 10th and then again from the 28th of October until the end of 2022, making communication very important during this period. The pace of daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Pay attention as there is a tendency to overschedule your diary under this transit’s influence. With Jupiter transiting your Pisces this year, you can get mentally overwhelmed, resulting in making some vital decisions concerning significant commitment to lifestyle patterns.  It is a wonderful time for expanding your mind through learning, reading and writing. Between mid-May and October, Jupiter transiting your domestic sphere increases your need for peace and security in your home life, where you want to feel emotionally safe. You may find it comforting to beautify your home space; however, under the influence of Jupiter, these projects are likely to be of a minor nature. The goal is to improve the surroundings rather than refurbish the entire house from scratch because that would be more related to Saturn or Pluto transit. For older people, issues concerning retirement or pension plans are essential during this phase. Sometimes Jupiter in the 4th house can also indicate an increase in the number of people living in your home throughout this transit. 

Under the influence of the eclipses this year and the transiting nodes on Taurus/Scorpio axis, you benefit in the area of love, children, art, dance and creativity. With the South Node in Scorpio, this is not the best year for benefiting from group activities. You may however decide you want to get involved in volunteer work. Gains come through independent work, performance acting, sports activities are also emphasized throughout this period.

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockage; however, try to remain flexible and just go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life are also going to be important to you during this phase.

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Scorpio 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


When Jupiter stays in your sphere of creativity, children, and romance in the first four and a half months of the year, you will approach life in a more carefree way. Your need to express yourself creatively is likely to increase, and you may also decide you want to break away from old routines and outlived life patterns. While seeing the romantic side of your life from a very different angle, you will attract influential people into your life who may help you move up the ladder of success. A new love relationship is also possible. If you experienced difficulties connecting with your children in the past or young people at your place of work, this year situation might also improve.

When Jupiter stays in fiery Aries between mid-May and October 2022, your job will get more effortless and more enjoyable. Working conditions may improve too, as well as relationships with your co-workers. If your job involves providing service of some sort, then this transit helps establish a friendly interchange with clients and customers. Under the influence of this transit, you function best when you can handle tasks your own way and at your own pace. Watch out as your dietary choices may change temporarily, and you may unconsciously be more prone to eating more fatty foods, resulting in quick weight gain.

Partnerships may bring positive and strengthening energy with the transiting North Node in Taurus this year and the South Node in Scorpio, partnerships may bring positive and sweetening energy. You may attract strong and competent partners; however, pay attention because you might also attract partners who want to dominate you. With the transiting South Node in Scorpio in your 1st house, you may also experience physical or psychological fatigue, resulting in you being easily drained by others. For this reason, make sure you rest when tired. 

Mars retrograde occurs in the mutable sign Gemini this year between the end of October and the middle of January 2023. Throughout this time, your intimate life, how you manage your shared and joint resources will go under close review. It is not the best period to try for a loan or expect much gain from any investments you may have. Instead, focus on what you already have and use this time to dive deep within the self and move away from any negative habits and routines to make space for something greater to emerge.  

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Libra 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast

Welcome to Your Annual Forecast for 2022!

Jupiter stays in Pisces for the first four and a half months of 2022. If your job involves providing service of some sort, then this transit may help you establish friendly relations with clients and customers. Your office area may change too, resulting in you gaining more space. Under the influence of this transit, you perform best when you have the freedom to manage tasks your own way and at your own speed. Job benefits and incentives are also possible. Pay attention as under the influence of this transit, there is a tendency toward overeating, especially in the initial phase of this transit; hence a well-balanced diet is crucial for the healthy maintenance of your overall vitality.

A new and important relationship may emerge between mid-May and mid-October, or even a possible long-term partnership. Opportunities come through cooperation with others throughout this time, while any business partnerships may bring positive and supporting energy. You may attract strong and intelligent partners; however, pay attention because you may also attract companions who want to dominate you.

In 2022 your earning potentials are reduced to a certain extent; however, you can rely on others in case you need financial help and support. It includes loans, inheritances or partner’s income. Pay attention to your diet, as with the transiting South Node in Scorpio in your 2nd house, there is a tendency to neglect healthy nutrition. It is also a great time to see a dentist. Even if you don’t have any symptoms make sure to go for a check-up. You might have a greater interest in death, healing, research and intimacy. Self-transformation is also highly possible.

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until January 2022. It would be an excellent time to return to any projects concerning foreign culture, far-distance travel or languages. With Mars retrograde activating your 9th house, you may also more than once ask yourself whether you are on the right direction in your life or whether something needs to change. 

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Sagittarius 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter remains in Pisces until May 10th, and during this time, your need for peace and security in your home life, where you want to feel emotionally safe, is increased. You may find it comforting to beautify your home space; however, under the influence of Jupiter in Pisces, these projects are likely to be of a minor nature. The goal is to improve the surroundings rather than refurbish the entire house from scratch because that would be more related to Saturn or Pluto transit. For older people, issues concerning retirement or pension plans are essential during this phase. Sometimes Jupiter in the 4th house can also indicate an increase in the number of people living in your home throughout this transit. Between mid-May and mid-September, When Jupiter stays in Aries in your sphere of creativity, children, and romance, you will approach life in a more carefree way. Your need to express yourself creatively is likely to increase, and you may also decide you want to break away from old routines and outlived life patterns. While seeing the romantic side of your life from a very different angle, you will attract influential people into your life who may help you move up the ladder of success. A new love relationship is also possible. If you experienced difficulties connecting with your children in the past or young people at your place of work, this year situation might improve.

Under the influence of the eclipses this year and the transiting nodes on Taurus/Scorpio axis, you benefit in the area of employment, health and wellbeing. It is also an ideal year to develop or master a helpful skill. On the negative side, you may experience sleeping issues, insomnia, fears and phobias. Your imagination and dreams are likely to be very vivid, too, resulting in a possible increased interest in spirituality.

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until January 2023, triggering your area of love and personal relationships. During this time, you may experience difficulties concerning communication with your partner. How you handle conflict within your close relationships and your ability to assert yourself will also be emphasized throughout this time. 

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Taurus 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, stays in water sign Pisces until May 10th turning your attention onto your friendships and groups. It is when you will be stimulated to get more engaged with friends, groups, or community service. You might even decide you want to work for different social causes in 2022. Under the influence of Jupiter, you are thinking of the big picture and have more clarity about your goals throughout the year. Settling old and unresolved issues in your social life may be a part of how you move along in the months to come. Long-lasting friendships or moving to a position of responsibility and power, through groups you belong to or in your career is also possible. Between May 10th and October 28th, Jupiter will travel through your 12th house, and during this time, your private and spiritual life may take centre stage. You will also have a chance to reflect upon your life achievements, assess what is and what isn’t working for you and let go of situations holding you back.

This year the North Node is in your sign, and the South Node is in your area of partnerships. Under the influence of these energies, you may find that you are the strong one in your one to one relationships, as this transit enhances your leadership capabilities. You will also benefit from working independently, following your own ideas and objectives throughout the year. With the South Node in Scorpio, your partner, husband, or someone close to your heart may be weaker at this time. It could manifest as him being unemployed, burnt out, or busy with his own affairs. It is not a great time for overly relying on your partner. Instead, this is a good time for helping and supporting the important people in your life while relying on yourself. 

The North Node will conjunct with Uranus in Taurus on July 26th, and this can prompt you to make essential changes in your personal life. It could include starting a new relationship, a career transition, or changes concerning personal appearance. 

With two eclipses in your sign this year, your identity is getting a unique makeover when significant life-changing events are more likely. The solar eclipse in your sign on April 30th may stimulate some exciting new beginnings. 

Mars retrogrades this year in the mutable sign Gemini from October 30th until January 12th 2023. Watch out for your expenses, as these may be unexpectedly high throughout this time. For this reason, you may find it helpful if you set aside some money earlier in the year. 

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Leo 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


2022 is a good year for creating additional revenues for generating more income. Situations that occur this year are meant to stimulate you to define your own values to live a better life. Between May 10th and September 15th Jupiter will move into your sphere of foreign matters, emphasizing the expansion of your wisdom, knowledge, and horizons, where you will look for a higher understanding of your life purpose. If you are knowledgeable about a specific topic, you may decide to pass on your knowledge to others and begin to teach.

Under the influence of the transiting North Node in Taurus and the transiting South Node in Scorpio, you may be given more authority in your career this year. Homelife may suffer at this time, and you may find it difficult to either buy or sell a property. Your focus is on your outer world rather than your home life. You may have a specific calling; however, since the 10th house also represents the parental figure, you may also have to care for an ageing parent. If you plan on renting or buying a property, avoid areas close to flood zones or earthquake spots and check the past history of any property you intend to invest your money in. 

During the eclipses seasons in late April and mid-May and then again throughout October and November, elderly parents may need your attention. Watch out for any leaks, toxins or other hidden problems at your home. These periods favour strong career growth. 

Mars turns retrograde in Gemini this year, between the end of October and mid-January 2023. During this time, there might be some turbulence in your social life, prompting you to reassess your social connections and who you want to spend your time with. You may find yourself in situations when your ability to assert yourself in group situations might also be tested. This retrograde also pushes you to become realistic about your long-term plans and goals. 

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Virgo 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter stays in Pisces until May 10th, when your relationships with others will likely improve and difficult problems resolve. Opportunities this year, come through cooperation with others; Partnerships may bring positive and supporting energy. You may attract strong and competent partners; however, pay attention because you may also attract companions who want to dominate you under the influence of this transit.  Jupiter moves into Aries between May 10th and October 28th, making this a reasonable period for creating additional revenues for generating more income. Situations that occur during this time are meant to stimulate you to define your own values to live a better life. You might also have a greater interest in death, healing, research and intimacy. Self-transformation is emphasized too. 

Under the influence of the transiting North Node in Taurus this year, anything to do with higher education, religion, long-distance travel and publishing is highlighted. Pay attention, however, because your mental life may require extra attention with the transiting South Node in your 3rd house. Also, be cautious when driving and check everything twice before signing anything important this year. At times, you may experience writing blockage or communication difficulties. 

The early 2022 eclipses fall in houses 3rd and 9th for you, so travel, education, publishing or siblings are the focus for the year. You will find it beneficial to support your nervous system with adequate nutrition and enough rest. With the emphasis on the 9th house, long-distance travel will bring more satisfaction and fulfilment rather than short trips.

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until January 2023, triggering your career sphere and public life. During this time, pay close attention to how you project yourself in your outer world and your career and how others react and respond to you. You may also experience career blockages; however, don’t let these energies stop you from making progress in your career. 

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Aries 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, stays in water sign Pisces until May 10th turning your attention onto your private life, as it is the inner world that matters in the first months of the year. During this time, your spiritual life may take centre stage. Still, you will also have a chance to reflect upon your life achievements, assess what is and what isn’t working for you and let go of situations, relationships, habits or routines that are holding you back. Jupiter will conjunct with Neptune on April 12th at 23 degrees commencing a new cycle of art, culture, spiritualism, where questions concerning life after death won’t be uncommon anymore. Between May 10th and October 28thJupiter will travel through your sign. Personal needs and qualities become increasingly important as your future growth and development will depend on these. There is an incredible possibility for success, but it is up to you to take advantage of it and put in the necessary work and effort for self-development. You can easily attract opportunities under the influence of this transit as long as you believe in yourself and your abilities. Freedom is essential to you throughout this phase.

This year also, on January 18th, the North Node will move into your sphere of income, resources and possessions, with the South Node in your area of joint finances, resources and intimate life. This shift of energies enhances your earning capabilities and income this year. While the North Node helps you attract financial opportunities, pay attention to the conjunction with Uranus in Taurus (18 degrees) on July 26th, as this period may bring unexpected possibilities and excitement into your financial sphere. Pay close attention to any investments or loans you may take; as with the South Node in Scorpio, you may experience money losses because of your partner’s affairs, debts or stock markets. For this reason, it is essential that you manage your finances wisely and pay off old debts if possible. Under the influence of the South Node, you may also undergo an internal transformation that could eventually lead to self-empowerment.

Your earning powers and incoming money are enhanced during the eclipses seasons in April and May and then again in October and November. It is a good time to refuel your energies and vital force. Manage your savings and outflow wisely. It is a good time for paying off your old debts and loans. 

This year, Mars is retrograde in the mutable sign Gemini between October 30th and January 12th. During this time, keep a close eye on the relationship with your siblings, neighbours and people in your community, as communication might be a challenge. At the same time, you may have an inner desire to pursue more education or learn new skills. Make sure you get your car checked and be particularly careful while driving. 

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Weekly Astrology Forecast w/c July 4th-10th, 2022

The week begins with Mars moving into the stable earth sign Taurus where it will remain until August 20th, 2022. With Mars in Taurus, we are more determined to achieve our goals. However, it is also going to makes us more persistent and relentless over the next six weeks—moving towards our desires at a slower pace as we play the long game.

Mars is about action, movement and activity, while Taurus is about our values, so what we do throughout this transit must align with our needs if they’re going to amount to anything. This is a fantastic time to look at what we’ve recently started, around May, during the eclipses season and use the drive and ambition of Mars in Taurus to make it happen.

Also, on Monday, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters the water sign Cancer until July 18th. With Mercury in Cancer, thoughts and communication take on a deeper meaning, and everything becomes a little more personal. Feelings can be easily hurt when emotions rule over our thoughts.

While Mercury travels through Cancer, we think about things on a deeper level during this transit and have a greater ability to process and express our feelings. Mercury in Cancer allows us to communicate with a softer touch, become more intimate, and share ourselves more personally with others. Cancer focuses on everything that makes us feel comfortable, safe, and loved. When the planet of communication is in this sign, it’s easier to connect lovingly with others

As Mercury and Mars transition into new territories, they will connect in a supportive sextile, creating opportunities to practice your knowledge. This is, without a doubt, an action-oriented time. 

The middle of the week is likely to remain pretty calm until at least Friday (July 8th), at which point Mercury will make a rather challenging connection with Jupiter. On the one hand, this transit can put us in a positive mindset. However, on the other hand, too much confidence can lead to mistakes and bad decisions. For this reason, this is not a good time for jumping too quickly to conclusions, as under the influence of this transit, there is a tendency for exaggeration and overestimation. 

To make the best out of this transit, it is best to remain cautious without committing to anything before thinking things through. Although this influence can give a lot of energy and enthusiasm to start something, you may lack the self-discipline to follow through. If you take on a new project now, be careful not to overestimate your abilities and promise too much. You can be a little impractical now. This transit is not the best for routine work or anything that requires a lot of focus. It is better suited for going out and having fun with people.

The week concludes (Sunday, July 10th) with the Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus, making it an excellent time for spending time with friends and family. With Uranus involved, this is also a perfect time for trying new things and experiences. Any projects related to media and the internet are also like to go smoothly. 

Success! You're on the list.

For more insights regarding the energies for the upcoming week, watch the video below.

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Virgo January 2022 Horoscope

Gemini January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

In January, your skills and capabilities play an essential role in everyday life. You will also have an opportunity to expand your awareness through one to one relationships.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto the creative and the romantic side of your life. During this new moon, you may have a great need for expressing yourself creatively in various imaginative ways. This lunar phase also favours activities connected to children and young people. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity to review your dietary or health-related habits. You may also find it useful to re-organise your diary as daily demands this month may require you to become more flexible and adaptable.

The Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto. During this retrograde, which will last until February 4th, you may experience occasional creative blockage, resulting in a temporary loss of confidence in your creative abilities. There is often a tendency to compare yourself to others. To move away from any negative and limiting thoughts you may have, try to do things that inspire you and stimulate the creative side of your psyche.

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022.

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Capricorn January 2022 Horoscope

Capricorn January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

This month the focus is on your persona. It is a wonderful time for setting new intentions and goals for the new year.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto your personal needs and desires. This lunar phase is a great opportunity for a fresh makeover. You may begin a new chapter in your life, start a new job a relationship. Whatever the scenario, the attention is on you! Use this time to your greatest potential, as you might surprise yourself with the ideas that come into your mind at this time.

This retrograde may stimulate you to reassess your financial situation. You may wonder whether the amount of money you earn is sufficient in relation to the quality of work you put out. You might need to review your business outgoings and office-related expenses if you have your own business. If you feel unappreciated by others, you may limit your contact with people who lower your self-esteem during this retrograde.

The Full Moon in emotional water sign Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on personal ambitions that are likely to be intensified at this time. The Moon on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the most satisfactory results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades into your sign Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate you to reassess your needs and desires. This is a good time to put into action what you already have and know. 

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022.

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Sagittarius January 2022 Horoscope

Sagittarius January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

This month your focus turns on establishing more financial safety and security in your life. At the same time, your mind and intellect will also be stimulated, making it a wonderful opportunity for studying, reading, and expanding your perspective on life.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. This New Moon brings new opportunities connected to your financial sphere. During this time, make sure you manage your time effectively, as, under the influence of this lunar phase, time may seem running at a different pace, forcing you to slow down and incorporate a more practical approach to doing things. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde may stimulate your thirst for knowledge. It could be a time of major realisations with memories from childhood coming back unexpectedly. Watch out as you might be misinformed or even lied to by someone in your community. The information you gather might not be correct or accurate at this time. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to use more than one source in order to confirm the information you require. Under the influence of the Mercury-Pluto conjunction, don’t let any phobias, fears or obsessions negatively influence your rational thinking.

The Full Moon in emotional water sign Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on personal ambitions that are likely to be intensified at this time. If used correctly, this blend of energies can significantly change one’s life. The Moon on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life or perhaps that you no longer have control over and treat them as valuable lessons for the future. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the most satisfactory results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate you to reassess your financial situation. You may wonder whether the amount of money you earn is sufficient in relation to the quality of work you put out. You might need to review your business outgoings and office-related expenses if you have your own business. If you feel unappreciated, you may limit your contact with people who lower your self-esteem during this retrograde.

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022.

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Libra January 2022 Horoscope

Libra January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

This month your domestic sphere is especially emphasised as well as your need for expressing yourself creatively while living a more carefree lifestyle.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. During this time, you may feel like the home responsibilities squash or overwhelm your individuality or restrict your ability to be free. This can result in your desire to seek or establish more emotional security and safety and improve your living conditions. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. During this retrograde, which will last until February 4th, you may experience occasional creative blockage, resulting in a temporary loss of confidence in your creative abilities. Under the influence of this retrograde, there is also often a tendency to compare yourself to others. To move away from the negative and limiting thoughts, try to do things that inspire you and stimulate the creative side of your psyche.

Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate you to review your long-term decisions regarding your future financial security and stability. While reassessing your present living conditions, you may ask yourself whether you should fix the current home or move to another? If your present home doesn’t meet your expectations, you may decide that something needs to change when this retrograde is over in February.

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Leo January 2022 Horoscope

Leo January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

In January, your skills and capabilities play an essential role in your daily life. As the weeks go by, you will also have an opportunity to expand your awareness through one to one relationships.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more practical approach when trying to get any project or idea off the ground. A tip for this New Moon for you is to be realistic about your expectations.

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity for reviewing any contracts or agreements you may have. Alternatively, relationship-related issues that you thought were forgotten may come back, and you may find yourself having to deal with them. Mercury retrograde in the 7th house has also got its benefits, as it can bring you closer with your partner by allowing you to identify and clarify differences of opinion. By the time this retrograde is over, you may both feel like you understand each other a lot better.

Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th  

opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your inner ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto. This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity to review your dietary or health-related habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You may also find it useful to re-organise your diary as daily demands this month may require you to become more flexible and adaptable.

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Cancer January 2022 Horoscope

Cancer January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

January for you is about expanding your awareness and understanding through one-to-one relationships. It is also when your desire to blend your energies with another on a deeper level increases.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn turning your attention onto your one to one relationships. During this time, some degree of your personal freedom may have to be compromised in order to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push and pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde is a good time for paying off debts, loans and taxes. However, it is not the best time to take out a mortgage or a loan or invest in a new business. You may also desire to discuss sexual issues with your partner to understand your preferences and needs better.

Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto. This retrograde acts as an excellent opportunity for reviewing any contracts or agreements you may have. Alternatively, old issues that you thought were forgotten might come back, and you may find yourself having to deal with them. Mercury retrograde in the 7th house has also got its benefits, as it can bring you closer with your partner by allowing you to identify and clarify differences of opinion. By the time this retrograde is over, you may both feel like you understand each other a lot better.

Read Your Annual Horoscope for 2022,

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Taurus January 2022 Horoscope

Taurus January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

January 2022 begins with the New Moon in Capricorn (12 degrees) on January 2nd, turning your attention onto your life direction, higher learning and at the same time energising you to expand your wisdom and horizons. This New Moon brings new possibilities for you connected to foreign travel, higher education, law and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. This is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Saturn, the ruler of this New Moon sextile Mars in Sagittarius, allows you to understand different aspects of your outer life more objectively, especially if you have been overly emotionally invested in certain situations or circumstances in your life.

Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces on January 11th can temporarily blur your understanding of what you really want in your life. This, in turn, can create difficulty trusting in your ability to go after your long-term goals and objectives, resulting in you possibly wanting to go deeply within to discover and understand your true desires. 

On January 14th, Mercury stations retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius until February 4th. The pre-shadow period of this retrograde started on December 29th and the post-shadow period ends on February 24th. While Mercury stays in retrograde motion, in the fixed sign Aquarius, you may feel like reassessing your career path and see whether you are heading in the right direction or whether something needs to change. You may also wish to get in touch with people you haven’t seen for a while, or you may bump into an old colleague quite unexpectedly. Misunderstandings with others are also possible. If this is the case, this can prompt you to reassess some of your business connections and see where you stand in your professional life as an individual. 

The Full Moon in emotional water sign Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on your personal ambitions, which are likely to be intensified. This blend of energies can significantly change your life direction moving forward if used correctly. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues concerning life within your community, your communications style and your life within your community. You may let go of habits or situations that no longer belong in your life or perhaps that you no longer have control over. Furthermore, the Moon is void, meaning that patience could be the best way forward instead of rushing for things to happen.

On January 18th, the nodal axis change signs into Taurus and Scorpio.  Under the influence of these energies, you may find that you are the strong one in your one to one relationships, as this transit enhances your leadership capabilities. You will also benefit from working independently, following your own ideas and objectives throughout the year. With the South Node in Scorpio, your partner, husband, or someone close to your heart may be weaker at this time. It could manifest as him being unemployed, burnt out, or busy with his own affairs. It is not the best time for overly relying on your partner. Instead, this is a good time for helping and supporting the important people in your life while relying on yourself. 

As we near the end of the month, your sphere of foreign affairs, higher learning and life direction is activated again. Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn, the ruler of your long-distance travel, religion and life philosophy, on January 25th. Then on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto prompting you to re-evaluate past issues and blockages that stand in the way towards your success and at the same time help you determine how these issues or limitations connected to your growth can be overcome.

Venus stations direct in Capricorn on January 29th, after spending over a month triggering your area of foreign affairs and life direction. Hopefully, by now, you have a better idea of where you’re going with your life and what is it that you aim to achieve.

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Aries January 2022 Horoscope

Aries January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

January 2022 begins with the New Moon in Capricorn (12 degrees) on January 2nd, turning your attention onto your career sphere and life direction. This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to your life mission, stand in society and your achievements. You may have an opportunity to be involved in a new project at work, welcome a new member of the team, or there could be changes in your management. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your professional and public life with a mature and responsible attitude. This is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Saturn, the ruler of this New Moon sextile Mars in Sagittarius, allows you to understand different aspects of your career life more objectively, especially if you have been overly emotionally invested in certain situations or circumstances in your professional life sphere.

Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces on January 11th can temporarily blur your understanding of what you really want in your life. This, in turn, can create difficulty trusting in your ability to go after your long-term goals and objectives, resulting in you possibly wanting to go deeply within to discover and understand your true desires. 

On January 14th, Mercury stations retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius until February 4th. The pre-shadow period of this retrograde started on December 29th and the post-shadow period ends on February 24th. While Mercury stays in retrograde motion, in the fixed sign Aquarius you may feel like getting in touch with people you haven’t seen for a while, or you may bump into an old friend quite unexpectedly. Misunderstandings with others are also possible, and if this is the case, this can prompt you to reassess some of your closest friendships and see where you stand in your social circle as an individual. Since the 11th house is also connected to dreams and hopes, a wish you once had for yourself may come back into life. 

The Full Moon in emotional water sign Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on your personal ambitions that are likely to be intensified at this time. This blend of energies can significantly change your career life moving forward if used correctly. The Moon on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly in your domestic life and let go of habits or situations that no longer belong in your life or perhaps that you no longer have control over. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward to get the best results concerning any issues connected to your home and family life instead of rushing for things to happen.

On January 18th, the nodal axis change signs into Taurus and Scorpio.  This shift of energies enhances your earning capabilities and income this year. Pay close attention to any investments or loans you may take; as with the South Node in Scorpio, you may experience money losses because of your partner’s affairs, debts or stock markets. For this reason, it is essential that you manage your finances wisely this year and pay off old debts if possible. Under the influence of the South Node, you may also undergo an internal transformation that could eventually lead to self-empowerment.

As we near the end of the month, your career sphere is activated again. Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn, the ruler of your 10th house of career, on January 25th. Then on January 28th, it will conjunct transformational Pluto prompting you to re-evaluate past issues and blockages that stand in the way towards your success and at the same time help you determine how these issues or limitations connected to your growth can be overcome.

Venus stations direct in Capricorn on January 29th, after spending over a month triggering your area of professional life and life direction. Hopefully, by now, you have a better idea of where you’re going with your career and what you want out of life.

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Aries Horoscope for May 2022


Venus, the planet of charm and beauty, is in your sign this month until May 28th. Venus will help you attract positive energies and experiences throughout this time, making you feel luckier and more attractive while allowing you to make better choices and perhaps even gain more resources.

The Sun will travel through your sphere of income until May 21. If you have been delaying making any important changes in your life because you didn’t have the money to pursue your goals, this is the month to start investing. Make a plan to help you reach your dreams. Figure out what will it take to save the amount that you require. 

The Sun will conjoin with Uranus in Taurus on May 05, and this can be a time when you might experience some shocking changes in your financial sphere, happening pretty unexpectedly. Following this conjunction, you might finally realise what is essential in terms of self-value. Since the Sun also rules your 5th house, you might also receive sudden financial gains through freelancing, hobbies, interests, or other creative efforts. For some people, this could also mean unexpected expenses concerning their children.

On May 10, Mercury will station retrograde for the second time this year. This time around, in the air sign Gemini, triggering your sphere of communication and short distance travel. Confusion may mean you need further information to gain greater clarity. If you haven’t heard from someone you have been awaiting news, check if they received your message. This retrograde might also reunite many Aries with their siblings or next of kin. A lack of clarity may push you to re-think or review certain aspects of your life.

Jupiter enters the fire sign, Aries, on May 10, where it will remain until October 28, 2022. Jupiter will square your home and career sphere throughout this time, stimulating a desire to achieve something meaningful. Whatever you have now will not be enough or feel like enough. You will want more, and you will be able to overcome any previous limitations and blockages—an opportunity may arise to improve your living conditions related to purchasing real estate and land. BE REALISTIC!

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 15 with the solar point in your sphere of income may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents. It can also indicate that you will deal with a situation related to any debts you may have, including mortgages. This eclipse could also mean that you may have to deal with additional financial obligations. Alternatively, you might be ready to pay off a significant debt hanging over your head up until now. Saturn will square this eclipse, which is likely to create strong ambitions, fear and expectation of rejection. You may underestimate your potential and question your self-worth. 

You may feel slightly disoriented and uncertain about your life direction around May 17 when your ruler Mars aligns with mystical Neptune in Pisces. Avoid any temptation to employ secrecy or deception in your actions, as this may get you lost inside your head.

Mercury retrogrades into stable Taurus on May 22 until June 1st (ends at 26 degrees of Taurus), prompting you to review your financial situation as this retrograde might create a lack of clarity about your finances. Think twice before making significant purchases, as you might purchase something that you don’t really need under the influence of this transit. 

Mars enters your sign – Aries, on May 24, increasing your drive, courage and confidence. This is a crucial time to make appointments and prepare for presentations or interviews. When Mars is in your sign—a rare event that happens for six weeks every two years—you have something precious: control over your life. You are in the driver’s seat.

The month’s final days may get quite intense when Venus forms a challenging connection to intense Pluto on May 26, meaning that your emotional life is subject to many problems. What you want and seek around this time might not be what you need, resulting in undesirable consequences. You might find yourself in a situation where you may finally claim back your power after some crisis. Alternatively, you may undergo a total transformation of your personality and appearance.

Scorpio January 2022 Horoscope

Scorpio January 2022 Monthly Astrology Forecast

In January, your focus turns onto the growth and expansion of your intellect. Communication, as well as the exchange of information with family members, plays an important role this month.

The New Moon on January 2nd falls at 12 degrees of earth sign Capricorn. You may receive some important news, letter, or an email during this time. Alternatively, your need to communicate with others is also likely to increase. Whatever new beginnings occur around this time, they may give you an increased sense of security. Try to remain patient without jumping too quickly to conclusions when communicating with others. 

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14th. This retrograde may stimulate you to review your long-term decisions regarding your financial security and stability. While reassessing your present living conditions, you may ask yourself whether you should fix something in the current home or move to another? If your present home doesn’t meet your expectations, you may decide that something needs to change as soon as this retrograde is over in February.

Full Moon in Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction intensifies your personal ambitions. The Moon, on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life. Furthermore, with the Moon void of course, patience could be the best way forward in order to get the most satisfactory results instead of rushing for things to happen.

Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn on January 25th, and on January 28th, it will be conjunct with transformational Pluto. This retrograde may stimulate your thirst for knowledge. It could be a time of major realisations with memories from childhood coming back unexpectedly. Watch out as you might be misinformed or even lied to by someone in your community. The information you gather might not be correct or accurate at this time. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to use more than one source in order to confirm the information you require. Under the influence of the Mercury-Pluto conjunction, don’t let any phobias, fears or obsessions negatively influence your rational thinking.

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Leo Horoscope for October 2022

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows down in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to your career and public life. Mercury solstice, on the other hand, may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your financial sphere between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding your children, hobbies and the romantic area of life.

The solar eclipse on October 25th might not be the most exciting for you, as the energies of Scorpio clash with the ones of Leo. Here your home sphere is highlighted. We had one of these eclipses back in May, and that was a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which dealt with karmic endings (South Node). This time around, this is about major new beginnings (solar eclipse), however with the South Node prominent, before these new beginnings are initiated, first, you will have to let go of something that outlived its purpose related to your home and family life. It might be as simple as getting rid of old furniture; for other people, it might be a relocation or something different related to domestic life. There might be major events happening in your parents life too. In addition, the 4th house is your sibling’s 2nd house, so perhaps your sibling(s) might be going through financial changes or making a major purchase. 

Mars turns retrograde in Gemini between October 30th and mid-January 2023. During this time, there will likely be increased activity in your social life, prompting you to reassess your social connections and, most importantly, who you want to spend your time with. You may find yourself in situations when your ability to assert yourself in group situations is tested. This retrograde also makes you realistic about your long-term plans and goals. 

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Aries Horoscope For October 2022

What a busy month we are about to begin! Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows downs in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to your love and financial sphere. Mercury solstice may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your health and employment between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding legal matters and college admissions.

This month’s full moon falls in your sign on October 9th. Projects initiated six months ago during the Aries New Moon might take centre stage now. You will have to decide whether you want to carry on with any ideas and tasks you have been working on in the last few months or whether you wish to end them and move on to something else.

The Sun is in your sphere of relationships until October 23rd, highlighting this area of your life. Something or someone may disrupt your peace of mind when both the Sun and Venus form a challenging connection with intense Pluto between 19th-20th. In addition, some work-related demands may cause relationship dilemmas.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th activates your area of deep and transformative emotions and feelings, making you feel more serious about life. Changes connected to your intimate life or joint or shared resources might be on the horizon. It might also be that you will deal with a similar situation as the one from May. Pluto will pressure both the Sun and the Moon, suggesting that someone may pressure you and be overly demanding. This might be someone related to banking, an insurance or a financial advisor of some sort.

Jupiter moves back into your 12th house of hidden matters on October 27th-28th, where it will remain until December 20th. During this time, your spiritual life may take centre stage. You will also have a chance to reflect upon your life achievements, assess what is and what isn’t working for you and let go of situations, relationships, habits or routines that are holding you back.

Mars retrograde begins on October 30th. This retrograde shows the need for greater clarity regarding your inner desires, goals and ambitions. You might experience temporary confusion regarding your life direction, making you feel like you are going backwards instead of forward. Unclear what you want from life, you may find yourself reviewing and reassessing many aspects of your existence. During this time, keep a close eye on the relationship with your siblings, neighbours and people in your community, as communication might be a challenge. At the same time, you may have an inner desire to learn new skills. Make sure you get your car checked and be particularly careful while driving. 

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Cancer Horoscope for October 2022

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows down in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to your friendships and the home sphere. Mercury solstice, on the other hand, may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your siblings, relatives and short-distance travel between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding your employment and daily routine.

Mercury stations direct this month along with Saturn and Pluto. This should initiate movement and increased activity in your life. Nevertheless, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are still retrograding for a while, with Mars joining the party on October 30th, so some aspects of your will still move slower. Mars and Jupiter are particularly noteworthy as these two planets rule your career and work sphere. With things slowing down in your career area, it is beneficial to focus on your home and family and see what needs your immediate attention in this sphere of life. 

You will seek more fun and pleasure from the second part of the month, when the Sun enters your 5th house of entertainment on October 23rd. It is time to enjoy life and dedicate more time to life’s simple pleasures. For those of you who have children, the final days of the month might be filled with fun experiences with them. 

The solar eclipse on October 25th takes place in your conception, creativity, fun and romance sphere. Major new beginnings regarding new hobbies, children and interests might be the highlight of this phase, or your children might be going through significant changes in their life. Since the 5th house is the 2nd house of your parents, a parental figure may undergo financial changes or perhaps invest their money in a property or a piece of land. 

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Virgo Horoscope for October 2022

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows down in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to foreign travel and your life direction. Mercury solstice, on the other hand, may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your personal matters between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding your home and family-related affairs.

This is likely to be a productive month for you. The Sun is in your financial sphere until October 23rd, and Venus and Mercury will be here too throughout the month (Mercury from October 11th). With so much emphasis on your money area this month, this signals increased earnings and more luck in your finances. 

The solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th takes place in your 3rd house of communication and short-distance travel. This eclipse emphasises your relationships with siblings and significant events in their life. Apart from this, you may receive an important message through a letter, email or text that could change the course of your life moving forward. 

Jupiter moves back into your relationship sphere on October 28th, where it will remain until December 20th. This suggests that your relationships with others will likely improve, and difficult problems will be resolved. Opportunities will come through cooperation with others; Partnerships may bring positive and supporting energy. You may attract strong and competent partners; however, pay attention because you may also attract companions who want to dominate you.

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until January 2023, triggering your career sphere and public life. During this time, pay close attention to how you project yourself in your outer world, your career, and how others react and respond to you. You may also experience career blockages; however, don’t let these energies stop you from making progress in your career. 

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Capricorn Horoscope for October 2022

In the first days of the month, Venus, the planet that rules your career sphere, is still having her solstice until October 3rd. This may bring some delays in your career sector, forcing you to re-think your strategy and the next step you want to take regarding any career-related matter. 

On the 23rd of the month, your ruler Saturn finally changes direction and begins its direct motion. What a blessing! After months of delays, you will see progress in your personal life as well as in your financial sphere. Saturn stationing direct may bring some rewards to you, especially if you have worked consistently without cutting corners in the last few months. Since Saturn rules your financial sphere, you will likely become clearer about your financial situation. However, since Saturn is still going to form a tense aspect with Uranus until the end of November, you will have to work harder to increase your earnings.

Your profession will likely bring many rewards until the 23rd, thanks to both the Sun and Venus positively influencing this sphere of your life, helping you reach your goals and objectives more efficiently. The only issue is that with all that is happening in your career and public life, you might easily forget about your home-related responsibilities. For this reason, try to find a healthy balance between these two areas to avoid disappointment. On the 23rd of the month, when the Sun and Venus move into your friendship zone, your social life will likely take centre stage. 

A solar eclipse on October 25th occurs in your sphere of friends, large events and wishes. This eclipse may bring a new friendship into your life, you may attend an important social event, or alternatively, your parents may go through economic changes or make a major financial investment. 

Communication may become essential when Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 28th until December 20th. The pace of daily life may pick up, resulting in you having to multitask. Pay attention as there is a tendency to overschedule your diary under this transit’s influence. With Jupiter in Pisces in the final months of 2022, you can get mentally overwhelmed, making vital decisions concerning your lifestyle patterns. On a positive note, it is a beautiful time for expanding your mind through learning, reading and writing. 

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until mid-January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockages; however, try to remain flexible and go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this phase.

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Scorpio Horoscope for October 2022

Venus, your love planet, is in her solstice until October 3rd, prompting you to re-evaluate any events and discussions that occurred in your personal relationships or love life in the last few weeks. Jupiter is in its solstice until October 16th (since September 8th). This has likely slowed down your financial growth and made you reassess certain aspects of your economic situation. You will get better clarity regarding your financial sphere after the 16th of the month. 

The Sun enters your sign on October 23rd, along with Venus, the planet that governs your love life and your spiritual sphere of life. This will likely increase your self-confidence and help you attract the right opportunities into your life. 

A solar eclipse on October 25th takes place in your sign. It impacts you profoundly and personally, forcing you to gain greater clarity about your future identity, goals and objectives. This may make you want to change your look, style, or overall presentation style. The Sun is the ruler of your career sphere, so every eclipse brings events into your professional life too. This eclipse may act as a trigger causing a career path change that you may initiate or resulting from external influences, such as government law changes. 

Jupiter re-enters Pisces, your sphere of creativity, on October 28th, until December 20th. Your need to express yourself creatively is likely to increase, and you may also decide you want to break away from old routines and outlived life patterns. While seeing the romantic side of your life from a very different angle, you will attract influential people into your life who may help you move up the ladder of success. A new love relationship is also possible for those who are single. If you recently experienced difficulties connecting with your children or young people at your place of work, these relationships or connections might also improve.

Mars retrograde occurs in Gemini between October 30th and mid-January 2023. Throughout this time, your intimate life and how you manage your shared and joint resources will go under close review. It is not the best period to try for a loan or expect much gain from any investments you may have. Instead, focus on what you already have and use this time to dive deep within the self and move away from any negative habits and routines to make space for something more significant to arise.  

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libra new moon 2022

How the September New Moon in Libra will Influence Your Zodiac Sing?

The Libra 2° New Moon of September 25 brings an optimistic vibe. During a new moon, we tend to look for new opportunities to express our ideas and thoughts and for this reason it is usually a great time for starting new projects. Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy and balance with a strong sense of fairness. When the Moon travels through cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace. Throughout this time, primary relationships play a crucial role in our lives, governing our feelings and desires. We are often prompted to reassess our priorities and work towards finding a balance between thoughtful understanding and assertiveness. 

This New Moon will be in opposition to Jupiter in Aries. This is about big dreams or something extraordinary or inspiring being created of all the possibilities. It is like dreams coming to fruition. At the same time it is essential to avoid takin on too much. Jupiter-Full Moon opposition can make us easily exagarrate certain aspects of our life. Choose wisely as choices and decisions have consequences.

The Saturn-Uranus square, which won’t be exact this year (but with an orb of half a degree throughout September and October) forcing us into the battle between the familiar past and the unknown future, or in other words, between the old and the new. The three previous squares took place on February 17th and June 14th and December 23rd of 2021.

With retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus and trine Pluto Capricorn, much can be gained but also lost and wasted, even unintentionally. Don’t disregard your instincts, there might be an important message coming through from the invisible world.

This New Moon turns your attention onto your one-to-one relationships. During this time, some degree of your freedom may have to be compromised to help another person. You may also experience a feeling of a push and pull effect, prompting you to consider how much you give and take from others. Venus, the goddess of this New Moon, will trine (harmonious connection) Pluto sending positive vibes and helping you reach career-related goals and objectives. Venus will also be within an orb of a deep connection with erratic Uranus in your financial sector, bringing some unusual ideas concerning your money situation. Many Aries might be joining forces with another at this time (your love partner, business associates, agent) in preparation for a significant project. Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde until October 2, so wait until then to sign any important documents, like contracts or agreements.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Aries >>>

This New Moon turns your attention onto your health, diet, work and daily life. During this lunar phase, you may have to take a more practical approach when getting any project or idea off the ground (Mercury is still retrograding until October 2nd). A tip for this New Moon for you is to be realistic about your expectations. Venus, your ruling planet, will stand out at this time, and connect harmoniously with expansive Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance. Expect the unexpected as Uranus connects with Venus. The Sun travelling through your work sphere suggests that you may feel exceptionally social at work, wanting to spend time with your co-workers. This New Moon favours careers related to beauty, art, film, and creativity.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus >>>

This New Moon will bring an opportunity for you to find a new romantic relationship. If you are already in a commitment, you will have more quality, fun time to spend together. Matters related to children and conception will also glow. If you were trying to get pregnant you may get some good news now. If you have children, thanks to this new moon, you will especially enjoy spending time with them, so plan a day out to make the most of these energies. This New Moon will connect with abundant and expansive Jupiter, in your friendship sector, so friends will also play a part during this time. 

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini >>>

This New Moon acts as an opportunity to improve your home sphere positively. You might feel like hosting an event at home for your family members or friends. This New Moon may initiate a series of social events that will follow in the four weeks after this New Moon. Alternatively, if this isn’t related to you having people around at your house, it might be that your parents will be prominent in your life. They may visit you, or you may travel together to a unique location. Mercury is still retrograde; don’t let this disturb your mind. Plan well and check the roads for road work and other travel-related disruptions.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer >>>

This New Moon may create an opportunity for a trip in the four weeks following this New Moon. This may be a work-related trip. If this is the case, you may find it enjoyable if you plan something exciting to do during your business trip to spice things up. Otherwise, you might run out of fuel and feel drained and overly emotional by the workload. With Venus, the planet connected to love and finances in the final degrees of perfectionist Virgo connecting with transformative Pluto in your 6th house of work and daily routine, you may find that whatever that you do throughout this New Moon period, whether this is a business trip or something, it might benefit you in the financial sense. So make sure you take advantage of these energies but don’t forget to nurture your soul and body!

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Leo >>>

The New Moon will shine in your second house of personal earnings, resources and possessions. You will likely think about an opportunity to earn more money. Alternatively, you may come up with a new idea allowing you to increase or improve your money situation. This New Moon may also bring you a gift from a friend or a family member. On a different level, if you have a shop on Etsy, you might make this important sale of something that you have created using your own skills and talents. Venus is still in your sign at this time, making you feel more optimistic and uplifted than usual. Even though Mercury will be retrograde, you can still enjoy the arrival of a new season, so make the most of it!

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo >>>

This New Moon will shine in your sign! What a great time to direct the energy of this new moon in any way you desire. Venus, your ruler, is connecting to transformative Pluto in your home sphere. This may suggest that any home-related projects and ideas may come to fruition in the four weeks following this New Moon. At the same time, with Mars and Saturn’s harmonious connection, your ambition and determination are likely to increase too!

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Libra >>>

This New Moon will shine in your twelfth house of hidden matters where mental health is emphasized. You may come up with an amazing idea for your next book or blog. It seems like you may prefer to keep this project private, at least in the initial phase. Hence you may find it more liberating and satisfying when working from behind the scene (from home or the library, for instance). With Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, prominent in your friendship zone, it seems that these coming four weeks will be more about friendships rather than romance. With Mercury retrograde now in Virgo until October 2nd, you might unexpectedly meet an old friend or renew an old friendship with a friend you haven’t been in contact with for a long time. 

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Scorpio >>>

This New Moon will shine in your area of friendships, group activities, hopes and wishes. Your social life will likely become the prominent theme of your life in the upcoming four weeks. You may enjoy an outing or even two with friends or work colleagues. Alternatively, an important friend in your life might go through essential life changes that could directly impact your friendship in a positive sense. Since the eleventh house also rules our long-term plans, you may find it enjoyable if you create a vision map with your dreams and goals that you wish to manifest.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius >>>

This New Moon falls in your tenth house of career, public life and recognition. Venus, the goddess of Libra, will be prominent at this time. Venus will connect harmoniously with intense and transformative Pluto, suggesting that you have a business that deals with import and export or works for an international company. These next four weeks might be fortunate for you. On a different level, if you work in publishing, broadcasting, or if you are a digital marketer, you will also reap the benefits of this News Moon’s energies. Finally New Moon in the house of honours may also bring you career related rewards for your hard work and dedication.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn >>>

This New Moon brings new possibilities connected to foreign travel, higher education, law, broadcasting and publishing. Under the influence of this New Moon, you shall handle any challenges in your life with a mature and responsible attitude. It is a time to take action rather than wait for things to happen. Since Libra is associated with cultural activities like a museum, theatre, and fine dining, you may have an opportunity to enjoy life’s luxuries in the four weeks following this New Moon. Depending on your circumstances, the 9th house activation may also help with any projects connected to publishing, broadcasting and the media.

Read Your October 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius >>>

This New Moon will shine in your sphere of other people’s money, transformation and intimate matters. In the four weeks following this New Moon, you can earn a commission from a sale, investments or through affiliate marketing links if you are a blogger. With the end of the year approaching, you may also be doing tax planning and estimating how much you will have to pay. These next four weeks would be an excellent time to meet with your accountant. If you recently received an inheritance, you could now begin researching how and where to invest it.

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Gemini 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will travel through your career sphere until May 10th, improving your employment prospects. The harder you worked in the past, the greater the befits you will see throughout this time. You might also decide to leave a problematic work-related situation as life may present new opportunities regarding your professional path. It is generally an extremely eventful time in terms of your career. An authority figure or a parent might become more central in your life throughout the first and the last quarter of the year too. From May 10th until October 28th, Jupiter will move into your area of friendships and groups – you are likely to get more involved with friends, groups, various organizations, or community services during that time. Under the influence of this transit, you are thinking of the big picture and have more clarity about your goals throughout the year. Resolving past issues in your social life may be a part of how you move forward with your life. You could make a long-lasting friendship or move to a position of responsibility and power, either in groups you belong to or in your career. 

This year with the Nodes shifting into Taurus and Scorpio, you may have a strong need for resting, meditation, spiritual work and spiritual understanding. You might also experience health sensitivity or a tendency towards exhaustion and a feeling of low vitality. It is not a year to purely rely on others, especially when it comes to your work and your relationship with co-workers. For this reason, it is essential that you stay well organized.

Mars retrogrades in your sign this year from October 30th until January 12th, 2023. During this time, a partner or employer may need your attention or become your support system in helping you achieve a specific milestone. Make sure you look after your health and diet, as you may over-extend yourself or burn out from too much work or action. Use your wisdom and compassion in your dealings with others, as with Mars retrograde in your sign, you might become easily insensitive, even unintentionally.

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Cancer 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, stays in Pisces until May 10th boosting your hunger for knowledge, higher learning and foreign travel. During this time, the way you see the world and fit into the bigger picture might change significantly. As mentioned above, the focus of this transit is on higher education; you may either teach, self-study or attend a school. Your mind will be very active and need constant stimulation. It can prompt you to write a book for publication or start a blog.

Moreover, you might have an opportunity to travel or become fascinated by foreign people, customs, or foods. From May 10th until September 15th Jupiter will stay in fiery Aries, enhancing your career prospects. The harder you worked in the past, the more remarkable the befits you will see throughout this period. You might also be released from a challenging work-related situation. It is a highly eventful time in terms of career, and for some Cancers, this could even mean moving into a new career direction. Alternatively, an authority figure or a parent might become more central in your life throughout this time. 

In 2022, the Nodes shift into stable Taurus and transformational Scorpio. This shift of energy will make you more than usual fortunate in any group activity, helping you create a big vision for your life. The North Node in Taurus will help you attract many friends and associates while increasing your popularity, helping you come up with some brilliant ideas and powerful visions. With the South Node in Scorpio, on the other hand, your love life might suffer from time to time, and you may have to put more effort into any projects or professions connected to art, beauty and creativity. 

With the eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio throughout the year, young people, creative projects, romance and children are especially highlighted. It would be the best time to work on a profoundly creative project, like writing your first book or showing off your talents in some unique way. Babies (newborns) or increased responsibilities with children are also the themes of 2022.

Mars retrogrades on October 30th until January 2023 in the sign of Gemini. During this time, your energies might be slightly lower than usual, making it a great time for doing things that positively influence your spiritual life. These may include going on a spiritual retreat, meditating or letting go of any unhealthy habits or routines. During this retrograde, you may also have to deal with unresolved issues from the past, and at the same time, have an opportunity for resolving them.  

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Pisces 2022 Horoscope – Your Annual Forecast


Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, will stay in your sign for the first four and a half months of 2022, offering you plenty of opportunities for personal growth and development. It is also when your unique needs and desires become increasingly important as your future largely depends on them. There is an excellent potential for success, but it is up to you if you take advantage of it and put in the necessary work and effort for self-development. Nevertheless, under the influence of this transit, even though you attract good fortune into your life, you must take action and show initiative as new opportunities won’t just come without you putting some work first. 

Jupiter will temporarily transition into your income area between May 10th and October 28th. During that time, you will have an opportunity to work on your financial sphere and improve your income capabilities through your own efforts due to increased earning powers or other professional developments. If you are going to be unemployed during this period, then under the influence of Jupiter in Aries, you might finally find the right employment. Otherwise, you may earn more this year by increasing your salary through a second job or other professional activities. The negative manifestation of this transit is that you may also have increased expenses. Whatever the scenario, Jupiter transiting this sphere of your life for a short period gives you a little taste or a hint of what you may expect next year when Jupiter stays in fiery Aries for much longer. 

Also in 2022, the North Node transits the sign of stable earth sign Taurus, while the South Node will be in transformational Scorpio. For you on a personal level, this is a good time for learning new skills, studying, growing your creative talents as well as your intellect. With the South Node in your area of foreign affairs, you may not be fully satisfied or experience delays with matters connected to foreign affairs or long-distance travel. Watch out for any unexpected expenses concerning higher education or foreign travel as any rushed and unplanned decisions may result in the feeling that you wasted your time or money. Pay attention to your mental health throughout the year. If under stress, try to practice stress management techniques that involve good sleep, regular exercise, and, if needed, reduce alcohol and instead consume more water.  

Mars stations retrograde in air sign Gemini between October 30th and mid-January 2023, during which time, events at home or with family members may require more attention.  Mars retrograde may also make you take everything to your heart and absorb the energy of those you surround yourself with. To protect yourself from unnecessary negativity, you may want to keep an open eye on any pessimists in your life. For your own benefit, try to surround yourself with optimistic people and experiences and implement boundaries to avoid being a part of other people’s hardships. 

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Your Cancer Monthly Horoscope for December

Hello Cancer and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 stimulating your intellect and increasing your desire for expanding your knowledge, wisdom and horizons.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar eclipse meaning that around this time you may move away from some old life structures in order to make space for something new to begin. Your employment, issues with co-workers and health are highlighted during this time. Pets might be a major concern or expense. You might be forced to deal with health-related issues and as a result, decide you want to develop a new health routine. This Solar Eclipse may stimulate you to move away from any obsessive or behavioural patterns and organise your life with clearly defined goals.

Mars enters adventurous fire sign Sagittarius on Dec 13, where it will remain until Jan 24. During this time you will have more energy for completing physical activities and your daily routine is likely to speed up too during this transit. It might be that you have a larger workload than usual, however, whatever the scenario make sure that you don’t overextend yourself as this may affect your health in the long term or you might simply burn out quickly and later find it difficult to self-motivate yourself. For this reason make sure you find the right balance between your work and free time, allowing your body to recover. This is also a great time to take charge of your health and diet.

The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 18-19 turns your attention onto your inner life. With the moon fully illuminated in your 12th house, you might discover some secrets about an important person in your life or alternatively, you might become more aware of a life situation that before seemed rather unclear. This full moon also favours working on artistic projects from behind the scene, reconnecting with your inner self, reading and meditating.

Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19 until Jan 29. Venus will form 2 conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and 25th. This is happening in your sphere of personal relationships, love and marriage. While these two conjunctions may dramatically increase your love, passion and romance, the retrograde may bring life changes concerning how you relate to others in your life and whether there is enough balance between what you give and receive from others. Throughout this time you might be re-assessing your personal relationships, you might be also dealing with all sorts of contracts and agreements. However, if you are planning on signing any important contracts make sure that you check everything twice, as with retrogrades it is very easy to miss out on some important details.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

Jupiter moves into water sign Pisces on Dec 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months and then from Sept 15 it will retrograde back into Pisces. This transit brings optimism and opportunities for travel, study, and for meeting people who are of diverse backgrounds. You are also likely to become more intellectually curious, and if you are currently studying your academic matters should go well. With Jupiter in your 9th house, you become more open-minded, particularly about subjects that you may normally take little interest in. Success in business is likely through expansion or connection with foreign business professionals. More about this transit in the yearly horoscope for 2022, which will come out in the second part of December.

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for December 2021

The month begins with mystical Neptune stationing direct in your sign – Pisces on December 1st. Neptune Direct is all about showing you how far you’ve come in your life journey, and trusting that it’s OK to make mistakes. Over the past few months, you had a chance to understand your authentic self better. Now you are ready to move into the next phase of your life.  

The South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th turns your attention onto your goals, career and public image. Possible changes in career direction or a shift in your career role is possible now due to the pressure from the important person/people in your life. Alternatively, the company you work for may go through major changes. Whatever the scenario, during this eclipse season, you are fully aware of your reputation and you want to do the right thing. Whether material or emotional, you strive for success, and you don’t want to waste any of your valuable time.

Mars enters fire sign Sagittarius on December 13th where it will remain until January 24th. This transit activates your career and professional development area, increasing your desire for others to notice you. This can be a good time to either start a new business or gain more authority over a specific matter that allows you to show off your leadership skills. Be cautious when dealing with people in authority as under the influence of Mars, you may jump too quickly to conclusions or appear overconfident, pouring more energy into self-promotion.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18th, turns your attention onto your domestic sphere, illuminating the things that you didn’t see before. Your need for establishing emotional inner safety and security is highlighted at this time. It’s when matters concerning your home, family or security come to your awareness.

Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn from December 19th until January 29th. This retrograde stimulates you to re-evaluate your friendships, groups, and organisations you belong to and your long-term plans and goals. During this retrograde, you may either let go of toxic friendships or organisations or devote yourself more deeply to the existing ones which you realise are the right fit for you. The goal of this retrograde is to review your social networking skills and re-define your long term plans and goals. If you feel unsure about the future, and resist change, this will limit your ability to take advantage of opportunities that come your way. Watch out for the 11th and the 25th of December. This is when Venus will conjunct with transformational Pluto. This blend of energies can bring out some obsessive and compulsive behavioural patterns concerning your future or an important friendship in your life. Alternatively, one of your friendships may turn into a deep romance. 

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore.   

Jupiter moves into your sign for the second time this year on December 28th, where it will remain until May 10th 2022. This transit increases your optimism and self-confidence, helping you see life from a more open-minded perspective. What happened in the past may not be very important to you now, as your primary focus is the future. This is an excellent time for self-improvement, as furthering your inner drives and goals comes more easily during this period. With Jupiter in your 1st house, you will likely feel considerably more outgoing and free to be your true self. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscope, which will be released in the second part of December 2021. 

Thank you for reading. I wish you a pleasant December!

Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for December

Hello Taurus and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01st in your sphere of friendships and group activities. It can prompt you to get involved in group activities or charity work where you can share your feelings of compassion and empathy with those that need it most.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar eclipse meaning that around this time you may move away from some old life structures in order to make space for something new to begin. You might begin a deep relationship with another and get involved in healing work or metaphysics. Besides, this solar eclipse may help you get out of places you feared you would never leave. If you feel like your life was on the wrong track, then this eclipse may help you to realign yourself with your best interests and move away from any blockages that stand in the way towards personal empowerment. 

Fiery Mars enters adventurous fire sign Sagittarius On Dec 13, where it will remain until Jan 24. Mars rules your 12th house, suggesting that your intimate partner might need your help throughout the duration of this transit. When applying for loans make sure you think everything through without rushing too quickly into making important decisions as any careless behaviour could turn into losses and misfortune. Mars in the 8th house stimulates your sexual energy making you want to merge with your partner on a deep level. Nevertheless watch out for any impulsive behaviours concerning joint finances or properties, as conflicts with partners over values or possessions are possible at this time. 

The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 18-19, turns your attention onto your feelings surrounding money, property, family, and assets. You may reassess your income, assets, and budget – the money that you earn and spend. At this time you may decide to purchase an item you have been saving for or wanting for quite some time. Alternatively, something might break, prompting you to buy a replacement.

Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19 until Jan 29. Venus will form 2 conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and 25th. This is happening in your sphere of beliefs, foreign travel and higher learning. With the retrograde, you are going to reassess your life direction in order to figure out whether you are on the right track or whether something needs to change. You may have to make an important life decision regarding your marriage, your life mission or a foreign journey. 

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

Jupiter moves into water sign Pisces on Dec 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months and then from Sept 15 it will retrograde back into Pisces. Pisces rules your 11th house of friendships, group activities and long term plans. This transit primarily favours friendships, teamwork and long-term goals. During this time you will find it easier to co-operate with others and your friends will be more reliable than usual, valuing your advice and turn to you for help if needed. This transit also favours working with others towards a common cause. 

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for December 2021

Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces on December 1st, urging you to reflect upon your personal values and your money spending habits that affect your ability to establish financial stability. This can result in your inner need to move away from anything that blocks you from achieving your goals and dreams

The South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th increases your confidence, making you feel like nothing is beyond your reach. Focusing your energies on what you truly desire will attract positive experiences and opportunities with your goal-oriented attitude. Business networking events and group activities are also highlighted under the influence of this solar eclipse. You may feel like joining a new group to meet like-minded people or alternatively, you may leave a group. 

Mars moves into fire sign Sagittarius on December 13th where it will remain until January 24th. Here yet again your sphere of friendships, group activities and long term plans is highlighted. Under the influence of this transit, you are a better leader rather than a follower. When it comes to reaching your goals and desires, the best way to do so is by working with others, ideally as a manager or a project leader. You may feel that your calendar gets overloaded with tasks and social arrangements at this time or things to do (usually for other people).

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18-19, activates your sphere of children, creativity and romance. With the moon fully illuminated in this area of your chart, you may realise what is missing in your life. This may also be a time when you reap the rewards of an important project you have been working on for a while. This full moon also intensifies your need for expressing yourself creatively making it a wonderful time for reconnecting with your inner child. 

Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn from December 19th until January 29th. Capricorn rules your sphere of hidden matters and with Venus retrograde here you might be prompted to re-assess your life achievements and accomplishments. By the end of this retrograde, you may decide you want to transform your life by moving away from any unhealthy routines and habits that no longer serve any purpose. While Venus stays in Capricorn, it will form two conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and then again on the 25th, dramatically increasing your sensitivity and empathy. You might decide you want to get involved in some charity work or volunteer for a good cause. However, since Venus is also the planet of love, these conjunctions may also attract an intense love relationship into your life or intensify your existing union.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

The month concludes with Jupiter moving into the water sign Pisces until May 10th. Between May and September, 2022 Jupiter will be in Aries and then in September it will retrograde back into Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces positively influences your area of income, resources and self-worth. During the duration of this transit, you are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living. You may also choose to develop your talents to increase your earning potential. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscopes, which I will release in the second part of December 2021.

Thank you for reading, I wish you a pleasant month!

The Energies of December 2021

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces, making us collectively want to become more compassionate and tolerant towards another. The South Solar Eclipse on December 4th is conjunct Mercury enhancing our ability to see a more positive future.

Relationships that have recently struggled may find the first part of the month particularly challenging with Venus in Capricorn square Eris in Aries on December 7th and then conjunct Pluto on December 11th and again on December 25th. In the meantime, Venus will also station retrograde in Capricorn on December 19th, causing possible changes in the areas of relationships, values and finances.

Mars enters Sagittarius from December 13th until January 24th. Mars will conjunct the South Node on December 15th, making this a good time for going on a detox or decluttering. Don’t expect much gains or recognition around this time.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18th stimulates a spiritual awakening and growth collectively as the Sun will be at the same degree as the Galactic Centre. Chiron stations direct on December 19th at 8 degrees of Aries after being retrograde for five months. If you managed to heal from deep-rooted wounds or traumas when Chiron was retrograde, now with Chiron stationing direct, you might feel more confident about the choices you make moving forward.

The Saturn-Uranus square on December 23rd once again forces into the battle between the familiar past and the unknown future, or in other words, between the old and the new. The two previous squares took place on February 17th and June 14th, 2021.

The month concludes on a liberating and optimistic note, with Jupiter moving into water sign Pises on December 28th until May 10th.

Your Monthly Video Horoscope for December 2021

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How the December Solar Eclipse Is Messing With Your Zodiac Sign

The December Total Solar Eclipse occurs on the 4th at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. A solar eclipse is six times stronger than a regular new moon. A total solar eclipse rather than a partial, suggests that big changes may occur.

It is a South Node lunar eclipse meaning that this is somewhat a clearing-away time or a phase when we may have to move away from a situation or a relationship that is no longer working in our life in order to make space for more positive events to come to us.

The Moon at the time of this solar eclipse will be in the mutable sign Sagittarius symbolizing a time of change. Mutable signs are connected to information and its development. Sagittarius is a sign related to the distribution of information. Collectively, we may experience a significant shift in the months to come in philosophical and religious views. The education system may change and also foreign travel. We may get a greater need for more space but at the same time experience a loss of freedom due to too much control of others.

This solar eclipse is closely conjunct Mercury, the planet that rules communication and mind, siblings, people from our immediate surroundings and short trips, making these aspects of our life an important theme throughout this period. Our minds are likely to be more alert and curious than usual. A more confident and effective communication style makes this an excellent time for having consultations, debates and conversations. You have the motivation and urge to share views and beliefs you might otherwise keep to yourself.

Mercury is also combust, overpowered by the Sun’s energy, which could affect our rational and straightforward thinking. On a global level, information may not be fully exposed or available. On the other hand, Mercury’s square to mystical Neptune offers the potential for confusion and sensitivity to infection. 


Your desire for freedom, space and adventure is increased. Your personal beliefs and life philosophy may change. At the same time, you may get involved in some spiritual work or activities that will allow you to expand your interests and gain greater self-awareness. 


You might begin a deep relationship with another and get involved in healing or metaphysics. Furthermore, this solar eclipse may help you get out of places you feared you would never leave. If you feel like your life was on the wrong track, then this eclipse may help you to realign yourself with your best interests and move away from any blockages that stand in the way towards personal empowerment. 


At this time the issue of harmony and balance come into focus. You are prompted to turn your attention to your marriage. You might move from one relationship to the next. Any legal matters that begin at this South Node Solar Eclipse could last for a long time and may bring issues from the past back to the surface. The type of people you have been attracted to may also change, resulting in you letting go of some destructive friendships and welcoming new people into your life. 


Your employment, issues with co-workers and health are highlighted during this time. Pets might be a major concern or expense. You might be forced to deal with health-related issues and as a result, decide you want to develop a new health routine. This Solar Eclipse may stimulate you to move away from any obsessive or behavioural patterns and organise your life with clearly defined goals. 


You may see the romantic side of your life from a very different angle. Old romantic relationships from the past may come back into your life or you may change your interests and start a new hobby. Whatever the scenario this is a good time for following your heart and approaching life in a more carefree way. You may also decide you want to break away from old routines, outlived life patterns.


This Solar Eclipse brings issues related to personal boundaries and security needs. Your attention is likely to move on to developing a greater understanding of yourself so that you can connect to the world better. For this reason, your inner world fascinates you more now than your public life. You are now prompted to fulfil the needs of your inner safety and security as you want to be comfortable within your own home. A relocation to a new area is also possible at this time. 


With this Solar Eclipse, you put a strong focus on the communication and exchange of information. You are learning to be clear in how to communicate effectively with others. You may experience possible transportation issues and your siblings may go through change, or alternatively, you may have to deal with more paperwork than usual. 


Issues of finances and self-worth come into focus. If you are currently in a relationship, this eclipse could bring events related to your partner. Someone or something may motivate you to use your skills and talents to change how you earn money. You may also get in touch with your deepest values as feelings of self-worth might stimulate you to discover and understand your strengths and weaknesses.


This solar eclipse increases your need to look after your body and mind, possibly prompting you to implement a regular exercise regime into your daily life to help you reduce stress levels. You may also have a greater desire to free yourself of all commitments. By setting new goals that allow you to expand yourself you may reach a new point of self-awareness and self-direction. 


It might be a time of confusion as you may have to deal with matters that seem unclear or strange. Your sensitivity, empathy and intuition are increased and you may find that those in need are drawn to you due to your ability to put others at ease. As now you easily absorb negative energies from others, meditation, yoga or spending time in nature could be an excellent way for getting rid of excess energies. Especially if you feel drained or overwhelmed.


At this time, you may feel like nothing is beyond your reach. Focusing your energies on what you truly desire will attract positive experiences and opportunities with your goal-oriented attitude. Business networking events and group activities are also highlighted under the influence of this solar eclipse. You may feel like joining a new group or alternatively, you may leave a group. 


Your focus is on your goals, career and public image. Possible changes in career direction or a shift in your career role is possible now due to the pressure from the important person/people in your life. The company you work for may go through major changes. During this eclipse season, you are fully aware of your reputation and you want to do the right thing. Whether material or emotional, you strive for success, and you don’t want to waste any of your valuable time.

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Weekly Astrology Forecast w/c July 11th-17th, 2022

The week begins under the gentle influence of harmonious Venus trine Saturn (exact on Tuesday, 12th), making it easier to take care of what is most important in our lives, as with Venus and Saturn combination, following the rules pays off! This is a very effective combination that can help us to complete many significant tasks and reach deadlines with more ease. This is also an ideal transit for accomplishing some of the everyday tasks that usually might seem overly daunting otherwise.

July’s Full Moon falls at 21º of earth sign Capricorn. This Full Moon will be in a wide conjunction with intense Pluto (only 6º orb), indicating that there will be no way back to the past. With the strong emphasis on Capricorn, we can expect considerable changes and developments in domestic, family, and security needs as well as work or business-related affairs. Eris, the planet of chaos and disharmony, will form a challenging alignment (a square) with both the Sun and the Moon adding the possibility of significant disturbance of plans. 

However, there is a large gap between desire and reality at this time, particularly on Jul 14, when the carefree Venus in Gemini squares dreamy Neptune in Pisces, making unrealistic hopes disappear.

While the Moon in Capricorn usually keeps their emotions in control, with the Full Moon-Mercury opposition, we may find ourselves more argumentative, talking more than we should, or acting out on our wounded feelings with the Full Moon-Chiron square.

This Full Moon’s goal is for us to realise what we are trying to achieve or accomplish at this point in our life. On the other hand, the challenge is staying on track with our goals without losing sight of our objectives while acting from our best possible selves.  

At the same time, with Mercury and Uranus in a well-balanced sextile at the time of the Capricorn Full Moon, many of us may receive some exciting good (sextile) news! 

As the week goes by, the Sun and Mercury conjunction on Jul 16 (Saturday) is favourable for expressing various ideas (writing, public speaking). Also, for brainstorming new ideas, figuring out solutions or presenting our thoughts in writing or public speaking, as our words can have more impact now. 

Sunday, on the other hand, is very busy, energetically speaking! The Sun and Mercury will positively connect with the mystical Neptune in Pisces, stimulating our imagination and allowing us to be more in tune with our surroundings. 

Also, on Sunday, 17th, Venus, the planet of beauty and creativity, will enter nurturing water sign Cancer, where it will remain until Aug 11. Venus feels wonderful in Cancer, motivating us to find more safety and security in our relationships. Home and family matters are especially emphasised during this time, and the need to care for others .

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Your Horoscope for the New Moon in Cancer 2022

June’s New Moon falls at 7° of water, sign Cancer between June 28th-29th. This New Moon will be exact at 7:52 PM Pacific Time and 02:52 AM GMT. 

A new moon is a dark period (the Moon is dark) when the Sun and the Moon meet at the same degree in the same sign, and this is when something new is usually initiated

During the moon phase in Cancer, we tend to become highly emotional on the inside and harder on the outside surface. Our nesting desire becomes stronger, and we have a greater need for fulfilling inner emotional needs in order to establish a solid home base, as, without it, we might feel lost. Along with the home and family matters, real estate issues and patriotism are also some of the topics of a major focus.

Cancer is the sign that rules emotions, so what we feel around this time can motivate us and encourage us to move forward with any new ideas or projects.

This is a cardinal moon phase, and cardinal moon phases are action-oriented. This is when we put our plans into action. These are usually fast-moving times.

This New Moon is conjunct Lilith in Cancer, which can bring courageous energy, helping us stand up for ourselves in a soft and gentle manner as per the Cancer archetype. This New Moon is also square Jupiter in Aries, and at the same time, there is a build-up towards Mars and Pluto square, which will be exact on July 2. Therefore, a tense time could be followed by much disruption. 


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your home sphere, making it a good time for carrying out home improvements, decluttering and redecorating. This New Moon might also shine a light on something you were unaware of before concerning your family dynamics. You may find that some aspects of your domestic situation are no longer satisfactory, resulting in you undertaking major home renovations.


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to news, short-distance travel, siblings and your life within the community. You might become popular around your neighbourhood, or changes in your local area could happen. It’s also an excellent time for implementing something new into your everyday routine. On a different level, you might decide you want to learn a new skill or improve an existing one.


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your finances, moveable possessions and resource; however, at this time, your personal values may also come into focus, and you may decide it is time to redefine them. Significant purchases are also possible at this time.


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to self, health and your life. This new moon acts as an excellent opportunity for self-reflection and deciding where you want to go next in your life. 


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your private life, dreams, and past. Secrets and personal matters that have been forgotten or pushed aside might come to light now. You might have to face some issues that have kept you from reaching your goals. It is an excellent time to heal and reflect upon your past achievements and let go of all that stands in the way of your happiness. In addition, this New Moon brings full awareness to things you couldn’t see before. 


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your hopes, wishes and friendships. During this time, you may gain recognition for something you did in the past, or you might experience a sense of belonging to a new group or social circle. On a different level, it could also be a time of unexpected opportunities.


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to your life mission, stand in society and your achievements. You might be involved in a new project at work, welcome a new team member, or there could be management changes. Whatever the scenario, rest assured that this New Moon brings you closer to your dreams and goals. Gaining recognition in your professional life over something you do is emphasised now. Sometimes a New Moon in the 10th house may cause a change in status, meaning that you might get engaged or married. 


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to personal experiences, beliefs, foreign affairs and higher learning. During this time, you might be prompted to deal with matters that will help you expand your mind and your horizons while at the same time providing new opportunities. This New Moon is also an excellent time for reconnecting with your life aspirations and taking action to move forward in the right direction.


This New Moon acts as an opportunity to do something you didn’t do or experienced before. This new moon also brings into light what you gain due to other people. Someone that you know might go through unexpected life changes.


This New Moon in Scorpio brings new beginnings related to relationships, friendships, business partners, clients, and contractual agreements. There could be a new relationship story about to unfold around this time. You might sign a new contract or renew an existing agreement or a commitment. Additional issues might come into the light, including negotiations, lawsuits, and other legal documentation that’ll need signing and agreeing to.


This New Moon brings new beginnings related to improving your working or daily environment. It is an excellent time of year to establish a new lifestyle routine to ensure your health and wellbeing. 


The New Moon brings new beginnings, especially if you listen to what your heart tells you and find more time for the things that make you feel alive, as it is your time to shine.

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Full Moon in Capricorn, July 2022: Everything You Need to Know

The July’s Full Moon falls at 21º of earth sign Capricorn. This Full Moon will be in wide conjunction with intense Pluto (only 6º orb), indicating that there will be no way back to the past. With the strong emphasis on Capricorn, we can expect considerable changes and developments in domestic, family, and security needs and a change of status in work-related, professional, or business conditions. Eris, the planet of chaos and disharmony, will form a challenging alignment (a square) with both the Sun and the Moon adding the possibility for significant disturbance of plans. 

However, there is a large gap between desire and reality at this time, particularly on July 14, when the carefree Venus in Gemini squares dreamy Neptune in Pisces, making unsubstantiated hopes disappear.

While the Moon in Capricorn usually keeps their emotions in control, with the Full Moon-Mercury opposition, we may find ourselves more argumentative, talking more than we should, or acting out on our wounded feelings with the Full Moon-Chiron square.

The goal of this full moon is for us to realise what is it that we are trying to achieve or accomplish at this point in our life. The challenge on the other hand, mind be staying on track with our goals, without losing the sight of our objectives, while acting from our best possible selve.  

♈︎ ARIES ♈︎

This full moon falls in your career sphere, bringing a possible culmination to a career-related situation. This full moon puts a spotlight on your work, reputation and public life. A work-related situation may come to a conclusion, or alternatively, a promotion or recognition for your achievements may come your way. If you have been actively looking for a new job, you may get an exciting job offer or complete a significant project that brings a positive review. Suppose you are self-employed and working in the creative industry. In that case, you may gain an exciting new client with a significant project for you that could be related to the entertainment endeavour. 

♉︎ TAURUS ♉︎

This full moon influences your desire for freedom, adventure and long-distance travel. You might be up for a spontaneous trip since Mercury, the planet linked to travel will be at a harmonious angle to Uranus, the planet connected to sudden and unexpected surprises and events. This might also be a time when you finally get to complete your research on a thesis or other important assignment. 

♊︎ GEMINI ♊︎

This month’s full moon lands in your eight house of financial matters and transformation. As with every full moon, this is a process of purification, and with the 8th house activation, you may suddenly have an inner desire to bring more life into the area of life that lost its spark. At the same time, this is a fantastic full moon for going on a detox. On a different level, you might be dealing with anything related to investments, mortgage, taxes and insurance and concluding talks of a financial matter concerning these kinds of funds.

♋︎ CANCER ♋︎

This full moon turns your attention onto your significant other. With the full illumination on your relationship sphere, everything connected to your relationship and love life becomes clearer. This full moon may create a very strong desire to spend quality time with your significant other. You may receive unexpected news from your partner or someone close to your heart with the beautiful energetical connection between Mercury and Uranus. 

♌︎ LEO ♌︎

This full moon may bring a vital work project to a conclusion. You might be pretty surprised with the outcomes in a positive sense, as Mercury and Uranus will positively influence your career area. On a different level, while good news and surprises might be dominant throughout this time, Pluto will oppose this full moon, which indicates that you might also experience some pressure from someone in a high position. On a different level, those currently unemployed and seeking employment might get a job offer, and this person might be highly impressed by your skills. If you are a freelancer or self-employed, on the other hand, this full moon may bring in a new and exciting client.

♍︎ VIRGO ♍︎

July’s full moon falls in your romantic sector. The outcomes of this stunning full moon will be spontaneous and maybe even surprising. Neptune, the mystical planet, will make a beautiful and harmonious connection with both the Sun and the Moon, bringing inspiration and love. If you are single, you may go on a blind date, arranged by a close friend or alternatively you may meet someone at a social event. If you are in a solid relationship, you may plan a romantic dinner out, however since Venus, the planet of love and Neptune will be in a square watch out for any unrealistic expactions that you may have towards your loved one.

♎︎ LIBRA ♎︎

During this full moon your domestic situation is likely to be on your mind. This is the best full moon of this year for dealing with home and family-related matters. Things could suddenly change unexpectedly if you have been actively looking for a new place to live, especially if you continue to review your options. If this isn’t related to a house move, then perhaps your current home might be undergoing a renovation and around full moon, you may find the right specialist to help you with your home project.


This full moon may produce an inner desire to plan a short trip outside town or to visit your relatives or friends. With Mercury and Uranus in a harmonious connection, you may receive some exciting news out of the blue. Alternatively, someone may pretty spontaneously invite you for a weekend away. Learning, studying and working with your hands is also emphasised during this time.


This full moon will fully illuminate your financial sphere of earned income and material wealth. For some, this might be when you finally hear from your superior about a potential pay rise. Since this full moon will widely conjunct Pluto, you might somewhat insist that you get what you feel you desire. Watch out for any obsessive or compulsive behavioural patterns, as these may lead to you becoming overly demanding or controlling of others. If this isn’t related to a pay rise, then it might be that you will finally purchase something you’ve wanted to get for a long time.


This full moon is one of the most significant this year as it is happening in your sign. It may, without a doubt, bring an important matter to either fruition or completion. Since Uranus, the planet of the unexpected events, will positively influence both the Sun and the Moon, you may see some significant development of something that you have unanticipated for a while, and now during this full moon, it may show up unexpectedly and bring lots of satisfaction.


July’s full moon falls in your area of hidden matters. Whenever there is a full moon in the twelfth house, there is often some sort of ending to the life chapter or a story in one’s life. It might be the case for you too, while on the other hand, during this time, you may need more than usual to relax and reflect upon your past. You may also have a stronger need for privacy, preferring to be alone rather than socialise. In addition, this might be an especially creative time, so take advantage of these artistic energies. 

♓︎ PISCES ♓︎

July’s full moon highlights your social life and group activities. You may attend a wedding reception, a community event or a series of workshops. Since the eleventh house governs not only companionship but is also the area of the chart responsible for your most profound hopes and wishes, some of your deepest desires and goals may come to fruition around this time.

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How the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will influence Your Zodiac Sing

Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (25 degrees) 15/16 May 2022

The total lunar eclipse in Scorpio will be exact on May 15th at 9:13 PM Pacific Time and 4:13 AM Universal time on May 16th.

This eclipse will be primarily visible in the Eastern US, Canada, and South America. However, apart from these locations this lunar eclipse will still be visible in some parts of Western Africa, the western United States, and South America.

A lunar eclipse is a very powerful full moon, and an important factor that transforms a full moon into a lunar eclipse are the nodes; the Moon doesn’t have to be exactly conjunct with the nodes for it to be eclipsed; however, it has to be within a certain proximity.

A lunar eclipse often corresponds with significant and unexpected changes. Anything that happens during an eclipse would have occurred sooner or later—eclipses simply accelerate the timeline. Any endings (professional, romantic, emotional or domestic) that arise during the eclipse season help clear space for exciting new opportunities and new beginnings.

Scorpio is a fixed sign, and an eclipse in a fixed sign suggests long term, enduring or finalising results. Also, total eclipses are more powerful than the annual or partial eclipses. Water eclipses influence water, seas and rivers, but they are also related to women, children, emotions, psychological and spiritual matters, oil, water, chemistry, sewage, recycling, hospitals, loans, and sea life. There might be financial and economic changes of significant proportion and long-lasting effects with the Scorpio and Taurus axis activation.

A South Node Lunar Eclipse can generally seem more negative in effect, depending on the perspective and the circumstances, forcing us to let go of something (can be positive in the end).

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 15/16 will form a square to Saturn in Aquarius. At the same time Venus will conjunct Chiron, and Mars will apply to conjunct Neptune, but this alignment won’t be exact until May 18th. With so much tension in the sky, the theme of this period may take on a serious tone during these days. Hopes, ideas and expectations must now be altered to the given circumstances. The conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces on May 18th indicates a temporary lack of clarity and confusion. The rising prices of gas and food and the overall increase in the cost of living will likely be the deepest concerns around this time. Those with the Sun or other critical placements in 23º–27º of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be most influenced by this eclipse.

Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio for each Rising Sign


This is a pretty transformative time. Expect intense self-transformation and self-cleansing. The decisions you make in the next 3-6 months can profoundly change your life for better or worse. This is an unstable time for risky decisions or investments. This lunar eclipse highlights your deepest relationships with others. The solar point in the 2nd house may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents.


During this time you may experience either surges or outages in marriage, relationships, legal matters or financial associations. You might become involved or take part in a social event. This is an ideal period for introducing healthy changes in your life. Any challenges and competition presented by others might stimulate you to prove yourself, allowing you to grow. Whatever the scenario, you want to gain complete control over the circumstances that emerge at this time.


This eclipse turns your attention onto your health, employment, your diet, home improvements and overall body purification. You are likely to put more focus on work or health-related matters. You may experience one of the several scenarios: deadline press on major work projects, the end of a job, getting a new job that you have wanted for a while or dealing with co-workers related issues. Alternatively, you might decide you want to adopt a pet. If you feel uncertain about your life at this time, you can change that by becoming more involved with people around you in your work life and your personal life.


This is likely going to be a very emotional time for Cancers. This lunar eclipse may stimulate your life’s romantic and adventurous side. This Lunar Eclipse may also encourage you to gain the skills you need to further your career. Your hunger for fun and entertainment will also be stimulated at this time, making you feel strongly about things that give you pleasure. At the same time, watch out that you don’t sacrifice other areas of life where your energies should be devoted.


This Lunar Eclipse will likely prompt you to establish a solid and secure foundation to successfully build a life for yourself. Gaining a greater sense of independence will give you a better perspective on life. The urge to achieve success in your career may prompt you to reach your objectives and exploit your creative talents, which are the ultimate solution to access the gateway to your future.


Under the influence of this particular lunar eclipse, you might attract situations in which you must extend yourself when working with others, and this can make you feel that others know more than you. However, in reality, it could be the other way round, with others perceiving you as a highly intellectual individual. For that reason, this Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time for re-gaining self-confidence in your abilities, as you might be capable of much more than you realize.


This eclipse shines a light on your finances, resources, holdings and possessions. With the solar point activated in the 8th house, you might see a settlement or a financial transaction that deposits money in your hand or bank account. Your unique abilities and skills are also highlighted at this time, meaning that someone might recognize or be drawn to your talents.


This eclipse exposes the personal issues of your partner or some external social affair that could impact you personally and draw you into the drama. This lunar eclipse could also bring an engagement, the beginning of a business partnership or marriage planning. Furthermore, often legal matters start or end with a lunar eclipse in the 1st house. The Sun in the 7th may signify assistance to the significant other.


This eclipse could bring a private and secretive matter to the surface. Perhaps issues with co-workers or people from your everyday life could invade your privacy. You might also have to attend to health-related concerns.


Your sphere of friendships is highlighted at this time. Your friendship with another person might be tested, or your relationship with groups you belong to or organizations. You might have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group activities. With the solar point activated in your 5th house of creativity, children and romance, there can be a significant event related to your child or the romantic partner in your life. Alternatively, you might be completing a project or starting a new business.


This Lunar Eclipse could bring or initiate major life changes, especially if close to the MC. This would indicate a possible change in career direction. You might decide you want to leave home and start a more independent life in order to establish your own identity. You might begin a new career. You might decide you need to get an education to qualify for the growth you seek in your career. The domestic sphere matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in this most personal area of your chart. Major conclusions about the home and housing issues, parents and family structures are brought into the open public view area (10th house).


This Lunar Eclipse could bring or initiate major life changes, especially if close to the MC. This would indicate a possible change in career direction, you might decide you want to leave home and start a more independent life in order to establish your own identity. You might begin a new career. You might decide you need to get an education to qualify for the growth you seek in your career. The domestic sphere matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in this most personal area of your chart. major conclusions to matters concerning the home and housing, parents and family structures brought into the open area of public view (10th house).


The 3rd house matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in the 3rd. The Sun may help you to sharpen your networking skills. You may travel with siblings, foreign language studies are highlighted with this eclipses, writing, public speaking. Changes to your neighbourhood are possible at this time. This lunar eclipse might also offer you a new perspective or otherwise a broader vision of your life. Alternatively, your sibling might get married or have a child.

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gemini new moon 2022

How the May 30 New Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The Gemini 9° New Moon on May 30th will be exact at 4.30 am PDT, and 11:30 am GMT.

There are numerous potentials, pathways, and options when the Moon is in Gemini. Gemini is related to our thinking process, communication, exchange of information, movements, restlessness,

Gemini signifies all forms of communication; newspapers, magazines, mail, speech, and all forms of transportation and travel by road, highway, railway, sea, or air. Mercury governs education and intellectual trends, schools, and media events.

Since the ruler of this New Moon is retrograde, it signifies that we can get a second chance at something that didn’t work out in the past or was out of reach. Mercury in Taurus, where the NN is also present, is about new experiences, new routines, and new habits. Earlier ideas that came into our minds should now be harnessed and acted upon. The Moon sextiles Mars and Jupiter at this time, motivates us and energises us to take action and to act upon our ideas.

Mercury trine Pluto benefits make us more passionate about starting new projects. Still, since Mercury is Rx, we will benefit from diving more profoundly into our motivations and expectations for any ideas we want to implement.

In good aspect to other planets, Mercury allows for the information to flow more freely. Pluto in mundane astrology signifies the mass psychology and power of the masses. It has to do with regeneration and transformation. If in favourable aspect to Mercury, it shows where improvements and better organisation can come about regarding education and transportation.
In addition, Pluto is generally known as the planet of power, control, death and transformation.

Discover how this New Moon will influence your life personally by watching the video below.

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May 2022 Forecast

Hello & Welcome to May!

With a strong emphasis on Aries this month, there will hardly be an uneventful day in May as Venus, Mars, and Jupiter enter energetic and passionate Aries.

On May 4/5, the Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces is excellent for starting new projects. During this time, expect the unexpected! Some things that you considered stable could now show up in a very different light. 

Also, in the first days of May, we will be under the influence of the Sun in Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces (exact on May 7), making it an excellent time for getting things done. 

On May 10, Mercury turns retrograde at 4 degrees of Gemini until June 2/3 (ends at 26 degrees of Taurus). Any important agreements and contracts should be reviewed and discussed carefully during this time, as they might be more complicated than initially expected. Mercury may stimulate you to rethink your ideas and projects for the next three weeks (through June 2). However, don’t worry too much, as this retrograde cycle is unlikely to cause much disruption as Mercury mostly makes harmonious aspects. Nevertheless, to make the best use of this time, remain flexible and prepare for changes by having a plan B.

On May 10/11, Jupiter enters Aries. It will stay there until October 28, October 28, before returning to Pisces until mid-December. In the first sign of the zodiac, Jupiter encourages new beginnings, boosted optimism, and attractive opportunities, especially for those with planets in the first 10º of Aries. Jupiter in Aries tends to make people energised, more excitable, and animated. The negative manifestation of this transit is that many will become less compassionate and more self-centred. 

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 15/16 will form a square to Saturn in Aquarius. At the same time Venus will conjunct Chiron, and Mars will apply to conjunct Neptune, but this alignment won’t be exact until May 18, May 18. With so much tension in the sky, the theme of this period may take on a serious tone during these days. Hopes, ideas and expectations must now be altered to the given circumstances. The conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces on May 18 indicates a temporary lack of clarity and confusion. The rising prices of gas and food and the overall increase in the cost of living will likely be the deepest concerns around this time. Those with the Sun or other critical placements in 23º–27º of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be most influenced by this eclipse. 

The overall ambience will lighten up significantly a few days later when Mars reaches Aries on May 24/25. Venus enters Taurus on May 28, the sign of its rulership, and from this moment in time, it will be in equal power as Mars in Aries. This suggests that sensuality could be one of the good ways to relax and soothe the aggressive and impulsive side of Mars. 

Mars joins forces with Jupiter on May 29, showing us what courageous action means after all! 

The Gemini New Moon of May 30 May (9 degrees) offers us an opportunity to implement some of the ideas that came into our mind during the Mercury retrograde period. Communication and exchange of information should become much easier and smoother moving forward as Mercury stations retrograde just a couple of days after this new moon.

Have a great month!


How Jupiter’s ingress into Aries in May 2022 will Influence Your Zodiac Sign

On May 10th Jupiter is ingressing into Aries, where it stays until October 28th, at which point it returns to Pisces and then it returns to Aries on December 20th until May 23rd. Jupiter in Aries is very active and dynamic. Aries, great at getting things going, speeding things up and making progress, is the first sign of the zodiac ruled by Mars. Jupiter, the biggest of all the planets, is known for its ability to broaden our mindsets. Under the influence of Jupiter in independent and pioneering Aries, we are re-energized on a very personal level, able to move beyond our limits to realize the amount of opportunity available to us. Focused on ourselves as individuals, we become more eager to satisfy our need for happinessJupiter in Aries gets things done and initiates things. It is a good transit for abundance or gain from acting independently and being willing to just go for it.

How Jupiter’s ingress into Aries will Influence Your Zodiac Sign?


It is an exceptional transit for you! Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, so this will be a perfect time for you in terms of both body and mind-related matters and finding new and fresh ways to improve and grow as an individual both internally and externally. Some Aries may concentrate more on health matters during this time and find ways to improve their physical health. In contrast, other people may find ways to improve their mental outlook or how they present themselves to others and find those little things about their outward presentation that they always wished they improved. Jupiter will square your IC and MC throughout this time, stimulating a desire to achieve something meaningful. Whatever you have now will not be enough or feel like it is enough. You will want more, and you will be able to overcome any previous limitations and blockages—an opportunity to improve living conditions related to purchasing real estate or a piece of land. Don’t forget to be realistic about your expectations.


Jupiter will move into your 12th house of secrets, hidden matters and privacy. This may begin a period when you decide to focus on yourself for some time. You might become internal with a greater need for solitude. However, it might also be a very healing time, both physically and mentally, psychologically, or even spiritually. Since the 12th house is also the last of the 12 houses, in some ways, this transit is like a sort of completion of a 12-year cycle in preparation for a new 12-year cycle when Jupiter moves into your sign – Taurus, next year in 2023. Throughout this time, Jupiter will form a harmonious connection with your 10th house of a career, helping you attract into your life people who can help you move forward in search of your life objectives and ideals.


Jupiter’s entry into your friendships sphere ruled by Aries on May 10th will be a period of growth and expansion for your friendship circle. Throughout this time, you may decide you want to join a club or a social network of like-minded individuals. And if you do that, you might find yourself building a lot of really good, productive, and supportive connections with other like-minded individuals.


This month, Jupiter enters your career sector, boosting your career life from May 10th until October 27th. This is the first time in over a decade that you’ve had Jupiter in your tenth house of recognition, awards, and achievements—this is remarkable! This can be an excellent period for growth in your professional life. You might be either starting a project or a business that will eventually lead to career success, or if you’ve been working towards something for a long-time, you may finally see some fruitful results from your hard efforts. If you are not planning on changing your career, this transit may bring a promotion at work or improve your relationship with your bosses and managers, leading to greater career success.


Jupiter enters your sphere of foreign affairs ruled by fiery Aries on May 10th, where it will stay until October 28th. This can be a great time to start learning something new that will let you expand your horizons when it comes to your belief system, life philosophy, and exposure to things that are different from what you are used to. You may have an opportunity to travel, learn a new language or start a new course of study. The 9th house often acts as a preparation and a time when you learn the necessary skills to then achieve something meaningful once Jupiter goes into your 10th house.


Jupiter moves into your 8th house of transformation ruled by Aries on May 10th, where it will remain until October 28th. This transit is likely to bring growth and expansion from a large commission, royalty or a large court financial settlement in your favour, or the division of property in a divorce. You may get a pleasing insurance payout, or you could receive a tax refund or benefit from a generous government scheme. You may also be approved for a bank loan, tax return or mortgage. With the transit going through the 8th house, this isn’t about your regular monthly income. On a different level, for some Virgos, because the eighth house is the second house from the seventh house of partnerships and relationships, it represents the partner’s finances. So a Jupiter’s transit through the eighth house could also indicate a sudden pay raise. Whatever the scenario, often with Jupiter transiting the eighth house, an improvement of finances due to the partner’s finances getting better during that time.


In terms of romantic relationships, this can be a significant period to start new relationships as new relationships that begin throughout this transit are likely to grow and blossom. So if you’re single, it can be an excellent time to look for a new relationship. Alternatively, suppose you’re already in a relationship. This transit can signify a new period in your relationship or a new chapter where things start going particularly well.


This can be a pretty fruitful period of growth and expansion for your employment. Some Scorpios can get a new job or get a promotion at their current job, or just start a new chapter in their job where things will go somewhat smoothly and relatively successfully. If you own your own business or find yourself in a managerial role, Jupiter transits through your sixth house can help you maintain good relationship with people who work for you. Alternatively if you are planning on hiring somebody, that may turn out to be very promising and bring a much more optimistic and growth-oriented energy into your workplace. The sixth house is also the sphere of health, and especially in terms of Jupiter transits, it can sometimes be good for focusing on health issues that may have neglected in the past. Still, you may find new treatments under Jupiter’s influence or get medical advice from a doctor. In some case scenarios, that advice might work out a little bit better during the duration of this transit as you have Jupiter going through your sixth house of health and work.


Jupiter moves into your fifth house, which is one of the more positive houses associated with children, fun, pleasure, creativity, romance, hobbies and interests. This transit can indicate a period of growth and expansion, and success in these spheres of life. For those that want to have children or are planning on having children, having a Jupiter transit travelling through the fifth house is usually one of the best periods to conceive and have a baby. On a different level, working with children can be a relatively positive period. With Jupiter’s transit in the fifth house, there is often a stronger need for expressing oneself creatively while initiating new projects and hobbies. In terms of romance, with Jupiter in Aries, it can just be an enjoyable time for romantic engagements, as these may bring you lots of pleasure.


When Jupiter moves into your 4th house of home and family matters, opposite your career sphere, this can be an excellent time for improving your home and living situation. Suppose things have been rocky regarding your home and living situation lately or for a while. This can indicate a several-month period in which things are suddenly much more promising or much more optimistic. This transit will benefit any type of home improvement. You may finally find new ways to grow and develop and expand and create a more solid foundation in your home base. Since the fourth house is also related to our parents, if you’ve had any challenges in terms of your family or your parents in the past, it can also be a period where things could just be going relatively well, or there could be something positive that happens in the lives of one or both of your parents.


Jupiter’s transit in your third house of Aries will likely increase your contacts within your community and immediate surroundings. Your daily life will probably become more vivid, and your communication with others will grow and be better than usual. The good news is that your relationship with siblings and relatives will be pretty good. While Jupiter travels through your third house, you will be learning how to communicate better and more effectively. Some people may start learning a language during this time, while others might create a blog or start writing a book or join a new social networking site where they begin learning how to write and express themselves more clearly and more effectively. If that’s something you’ve been meaning to do, then this can be a great time to do that in which you’ll find yourself achieving more success and recognition than at other times in your life. It can also be a good time for short-distance trips.

When Jupiter moves into your financial sphere, you will have the inner desire to grow in the sphere of material possessions and resources. Whatever it is that you value, you will want to increase it. Plan your ideas and goals concerning your financial sphere and your possessions and resources wisely, especially if you are not clear about what you need and want; otherwise, you might make bad decisions and have regrets later. This should be a period of growth and expansion regarding your financial income and ability to make money. For some people, this can indicate a sudden financial windfall. New income streams are also possible at this time. Think about ways in which you would like to improve your financial situation in general.

Image by Christian Bodhi from Pixabay

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April 2022 Full Moon in Libra meaning explained

The Full Moon Libra will become exact on:

  • April 16th 11:54am Pacific Time
  • April 16th 06:54PM GMT

This Full Moon in Libra is shining the light on love, relationships and business partnerships, helping restore the balance and harmony in these areas of our lives. It is also an excellent time to resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings in intimate and business relationships.

When the Moon travels through the cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace; emotions are very impulsive and often cause immediate actions and impulsive reactions. Generally, a moon phase in a cardinal sign is a time that is high in action. Throughout this time, matters of peace and compromise come into focus. The focus is on relationship versus individuality. We are often prompted to reassess our priorities and work towards a balance between thoughtful understanding and assertiveness. Relationship issues and legal matters, including marriage and divorce, are also highlighted. 

Libra also rules co-dependency and indecision. If you have a habit of comparing yourself to others, or the need to gain peace at any cost, then this full Moon is a great time for working on these tendencies and learning how to move away from them. 

Libra Full Moon, April 16th 2022

The Moon in mundane astrology represents the ordinary people, women generally, crowds, and all matters of a public nature. The Moon in the chart for the full moon squares Pluto in Capricorn. This may show we have some significant challenges to work through. There may be power struggles, corruption and control issues that come to light, and we can encounter many intense people. We need to be mindful of this energy and work to transform it. Pluto rules nuclear power, plutonium, radium, zinc. Challenging aspects of Pluto may result in volcano eruption, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war or anything which involves widespread death and destruction. On the other hand, the Moon trine Saturn stabilises, strengthens and promotes safety. Venus, the ruler of this full moon sextile Mercury and Uranus in Taurus, encourages peace and resolution to problems through communication and an opportunity to express our own individuality.

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How the April 2022 Solar Eclipse in Taurus will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Solar Eclipse in Taurus officially begins the eclipses season of 2022. This solar eclipse falls at 10° of Taurus and will especially influence the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius). 

Solar eclipses are more external as this is when we deal with situations or circumstances that we might trigger unconsciously. Anything that happens during an eclipse would have occurred sooner or later—eclipses simply accelerate the timeline. 

We already had one eclipse in Taurus in November of 2021, and that was a lunar eclipse. This is our second eclipse in this family of eclipses in the current cycle. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Pisces goes exact just about the same time as the eclipse in Taurus, which is very pleasing because Venus rules this eclipse. This will promote inner peace and harmony among humanity. 

With Uranus 14° in such close proximity to this eclipse, it could be a time of some unexpected beginnings that set off a sequence of events that might be more meaningful than it seemed at first.


For you, Aries, these are significant beginnings when it comes to financial matters in your life and the role that financial issues play in your life, both in terms of your finances as well as other people you know, or in some instances like through your partner, if you have a marriage partner or relationship partner.


For you Taurus, this eclipse is related to some significant changes that you’ve experienced over the past few years with Uranus transiting your sign, causing some major radical changes of your personality and of your overall outlook on life. Now, some of that is going to get trigerred a little bit with this transit of the eclipse in your first house. Here, the great beginnings will focus on your life direction, your goals, wishes and aspirations.


This eclipse will increase your need to pay more attention to your mental health. You might be seeing a therapist in order to work out some of your own internal issues and internal dilemmas that you’re still processing. You’re going to see some great beginnings in this area of your life. On a different level, you might also begin a new project or a relationship that you won’t be able to reveal to others for a while. 

More thoughts about the beginning of March 2022

We are going through heartbreaking and unfortunate times at the moment. I’m deeply saddened by what is going on in Ukraine. I learnt from a mundane astrology friend that the time and date for the war commencement were chosen, as the Russian president is known for using astrologers and clairvoyants. The planetary timing and connections are so strong they feel like they were calculated for a reason.

We are about to enter a very dynamic and complicated month. This month’s affairs may include some pivotal moments that may not be realised until later. The primary impulses come from three powerful conjunctions in the following signs: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. What will unfold in the coming weeks will shape the events throughout the coming year and beyond. 

March begins with the New Moon in Pisces (exact on March 2). The Sun and the Moon will form a conjunction with Jupiter and a sextile with Uranus in Taurus. At the same time, Saturn and Mercury will be in exact conjunction in Aquarius, while Mars and Venus will apply towards a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, which will be exact on March 3. With so much activity in the sky, significant events may now take place that will have a powerful effect moving forward. Under the influence of Pisces New Moon, be aware of any unconscious fears and worries and don’t let these impact your personal life too deeply. 

The Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunction (28°) in Capricorn on March 3 has explosive and robust power, indicating a time of chaotic and destructive conflicts. 

The Sun forms an exact conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces on March 5, highlighting the importance of faith and hope, especially in times of change. Also, at this time, Venus and Mars move into the air sign Aquarius. Interestingly 0 degrees of Aquarius is the degree of the famous Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that occurred in December 2021. This may initiate a gradual shift toward more idealistic and spiritual values of the materialistic view on life and a transformation concerning anything to do with technology. However, it won’t be as big as when Pluto reaches zero degrees of Aquarius in March 2023, but more about this another time…

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February 2022 – Monthly Updates from Justyna

Dear Reader,

Thank you for stopping by!

In February, we can finally take a deep breath of energy as from the 3rd, all planets in the sky will be in direct motion! The energies will flow more straightforwardly until the end of April, and we will see more progress in many spheres of life. From February, monthly horoscopes will be available only in the video form on my Youtube channel. On this website, I will focus on monthly transits and educational content. 

February begins with the New Moon in Aquarius 12° on the 1st. This new moon offers a chance to break away from old traditions, routines and perceptions of reality that have stopped us from experiencing life to its full potential. With this new moon, we are learning to detach ourselves from the old habits and thinking patterns that have held us down in the past. With this new moon, we get an opportunity to open ourselves to new ideas and see the bigger picture of what’s going around us. 

Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on February 3rd, and on February 11th, it will be conjunct with Pluto. From there, moving forward, Mercury, the planet that is connected to communication, curiosity and rational thinking, will help us to move beyond discipline and maturity once it re-enters eccentric and progressive thinking air sign Aquarius on February 14th.

Changes and surprising developments may occur when energetic Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus on February 8th. During this time, expect the unexpected and stay flexible when possible! This Uranian theme of surprises and unforeseen events continues throughout the month with Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus on February 17th and then on the 25th when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus. This definitely feels like a month of surprises!

The Full Moon in Leo 27° on February 16th may bring a natural sense of drama and playfulness. Interestingly this full moon falls pretty much on my natal Moon! The most intense lunations happen when a natal planet is triggered, especially by conjunction or opposition. This is a great full moon for enjoying life to its fullest potential.

At the time of this lunation, Venus and Mars will conjunct in Capricorn. This passionate and exciting conjunction could stimulate many different events in our lives, especially those concerning commitments, love, finances, and personal values. 

I wish you a great month and until the next time…


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March 2022 Overview

March begins with a New Moon in Pisces (March 2nd, at 12° of Pisces). Any placements you have at 12° (plus or minus one degree) in one of the mutable signs (Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius) will be influenced by this new moon. There are quite a few interesting alignments at this time, and one of them is the conjunction of the New Moon and Jupiter, the co-dispositor (ruler) of this new moon. When Jupiter forms harmonious aspects with other planets, it offers a more optimistic outlook on life, and at the same time, helps us believe that we can make things happen. 

Venus and Mars will unite again in Capricorn on March 3rd, but this time around they will be conjoined by intense Pluto. This will be an important time for personal relationships, as many of them might go through a big change or a transformation. 

The Full Moon in 27° Virgo on March 18th forms a very tight trine to Pluto in Capricorn. This harmonious aspect brings very intense feelings and emotions. With trines the energies flow quickly; there is a fast development of a situation due to lack of friction or obstructions. Trines remove any obstacles and blockages. Any placements you have at 12° (plus or minus one degree) will be influenced by this new moon.

On March 20th we begin the astrological New Year as the Sun moves into fire sign Aries. As I am writing this post, I have also started to explore the Aries Ingress Chart for the UK and hoping to do one for the USA too and release my analysis in a written or video format sometime in March. 

Life may take a different turn when Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on March 22nd. This clash of energies may produce sudden anger against anything that threatens to limit or restrict freedom of action.

The month concludes with a New Moon in 11° Aries (March 31st-April 1st) conjunct both Mercury and Chiron offering an opportunity for healing through communication, therapy, guided meditation or forgiveness. 

More about March events next week on my YouTube Channel 🙂

If you like what you’re reading, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi, follow me on Instagram, check out my YouTube channel and/or subscribe to my Free weekly astrology forecast. Thank you!

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The Energies of January 2022

The year 2022 begins with the New Moon in Capricorn (12 degrees) on January 2nd, the sign that stands for order, law, control, structure, tradition and authority figures. Capricorn is also a disciplined, responsible, and consistent sign, especially the mountain goat type. This suggests that we shall handle any challenges around this New Moon with a mature and responsible attitude. A new moon is a time of new beginnings; could this mean that a new order may come into play? When a New Moon occurs in a cardinal modality sign, this often indicates a time of action and initiation, rather than a time to wait for things to happen. Saturn, the ruler of this New Moon sextile Mars in Sagittarius, allows us to understand different aspects of life more objectively, especially if you have been overly emotionally invested in certain situations or relationships in your life. 

Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces on January 11th can blur our understanding of what we really want. This, in turn, can create difficulty trusting in our ability to go after things we truly desire. You might have to go deeply within to discover and understand your true desires. 

On January 14th, Mercury stations retrograde at 10 degrees of Aquarius until February 4th (pre-shadow period started on December 29th and post-shadow period ends on February 24th. While Mercury stays in retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of your thoughts and actions. During this time, you may feel a bit confused and overwhelmed with ideas, making this an excellent opportunity for practising yoga, meditation, reading, spending time in nature and generally doing anything that helps you calm down your mind and express all your ideas and thoughts. Since Mercury Retrograde can cause disruptions with technology, take special care with your digital data. Back up all your valuable data, files and photos. Mercury also rules documents, proposals, tests and contracts, so read everything carefully before signing anything important. It is not the best time for starting anything new. It is, however, an excellent time to continue a project that began before Mercury turned retrograde. 

For those who were born during Mercury retrograde, you may become more energetic, more alert or more productive during this time. However, you will still be affected by Mercury’s influence. Nevertheless, there could be some unexpected opportunities turning up for you, so stay alert and keep your eyes open.

The Full Moon in emotional Cancer (27 degrees) on January 17th opposes the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the authoritarian sign Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto conjunction focuses on personal ambitions that are likely to be intensified at this time. If used correctly, this blend of energies can significantly change one’s life. The Moon on the other hand, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, may prompt you to deal with profound and complex issues and possibly let go of situations or relationships that no longer belong in your life or perhaps that you no longer have control over and treat them as valuable lessons for the future. Furthermore, the Moon is void of course, meaning that patience could be the best way forward in order to get the best results instead of rushing for things to happen.

On January 18th, the nodal axis change signs into Taurus Scorpio. With the North Node in Taurus, this will be connected to changes concerning the economy around the world, or perhaps about us collectively doing things that are beneficial for our growth and development. With the South Node in Scorpio, the sign that is exceptionally sensitive to bacteria it is essential to wash your fruits and vegetables in order to avoid bacteria contamination. 

With Uranus, the planet of the sudden and unforeseen events stationing direct on January 18th at 10 degrees of Taurus, unexpected changes concerning alternative or new ways of handling and dealing with money may occur.

Mercury retrograde on January 23rd conjunct the Sun in Aquarius might make many of us feel like we are not being heard on understood. Then, later in the month, when Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn on January 25th, it will conjunct Pluto on January 28th prompting us to re-evaluate past issues and at the same time help us determine how these issues or limitations connected to the area of life activated by Mercury rx and Pluto conjunction on January 23rd, can be overcome.

Venus stations direct in Capricorn on January 29th, causing possible changes in the areas of relationships, values and finances. This is also when new and redefined social norms and regulations may come into life from this moment moving forward. 

The month concludes with the Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus on January 30thmaking it difficult to control whatever happens in our lives around this time. The best way to deal with transit is to just go with the flow instead of preventing the circumstances from occurring.

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Virgo Monthly Horoscope for December 2021

Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021!

The month begins with Neptune stationing direct in water sign Pisces urging you to reassess the most important relationships in your life as well as recognising and acknowledging your life mistakes and taking these past errors as valuable lessons for the future. Understand what you were able to learn through these situations and why you chose the people and certain events, and most importantly think what it says about you.

The South Node New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th increases your desire for freedom, space and adventure. Your personal beliefs and life philosophy may change. At the same time, you may get involved in some spiritual work or activities that allow you to expand your interests and gain greater self-awareness. This Solar Eclipse brings issues related to personal boundaries and security needs. Your attention is likely to move on to developing a greater understanding of yourself so that you can connect to the world with more ease. For this reason, your inner world fascinates you more now than your public life. You are now prompted to fulfil the needs of your inner safety and security as you want to be comfortable within your own home. A relocation to a new area is also possible at this time.

Mars enters Sagittarius from December 13th until January 24th/25th making you more defensive and protective as your actions during this time are ruled by your inner drives and instincts. You may find yourself working very hard at this time dealing with all sorts of projects and activities. Generally, under the influence of this transit, you seek to expand your horizons, wisdom ideally by getting involved in activities that awaken the adventurous side of your psyche. Watch our for December 15th, as this is when Mars will conjunct with the south node, making it a good time for dealing with the past, rather than starting something brand new.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18th falls in your sphere of professional life and public recognition. A full moon activating this area of your life can make you a little bit more popular than usual in your outer world. During this time true feelings may come out regarding your life mission and career direction. This full moon can help you to better understand what it is that you should be doing with your life and whether you are on the right track.

Venus turns retrograde from December 19th until January 29th in earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn rules your sphere of creativity, romance, fun and joy and with Venus retrograde here you might be prompted to re-assess your parenting style, the romantic side of your life as well as devote yourself to a healthier expression of your inner self. While Venus stays in Capricorn, it will form two conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and the 25th, dramatically increasing your need for expressing yourself creatively and at the same time intensifying your desire for enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

Jupiter shifts into water sign Pisces on December 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months before returning back into Pisces on September 15 until the end of 2022. Pisces rules your 7th house of personal relationships, love and business partnerships. During the time when Jupiter stays in this sphere of your life, you will find much joy in sharing your life with someone close to your heart. During this cycle, you are going to learn a lot about yourself through one to one relationships. In the months to come, you will have an opportunity to establish or build a solid relationship with another person. Since Jupiter is the planet connected to foreign lands, this could be someone who comes from a different background or country to yours. Relationships started that begin during the duration of this transit are generally successful and happy. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscopes, which I will release in the second part of December 2021.

Thank you for reading, I wish you a pleasant December!

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for December 2021

Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces on December 01st, prompting you to accept what you cannot change and let go of whatever outlived its purpose and does no longer align with who you want to be. This way you will make space for new opportunities to come your way.

The South Node Solar Eclipse on December 04th falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. At first, it may seem like a time of confusion as you may have to deal with matters that seem unclear or strange. Your sensitivity, empathy and intuition will be increased, and you may find that those in need are drawn to you due to your ability to put others at ease. As now you easily absorb negative energies from others, meditation, yoga or spending time in nature could be an excellent way for getting rid of excess energies. Especially if you feel drained or overwhelmed.

Mars enters Sagittarius from December 13th until January 24th/25th stimulating you to slow down and reflect upon your goals and life achievements. During the duration of this transit, much of your energies are channelled into private matters. Some may experience occasional insomnia, so if this is the case make sure that you recharge your energies whenever you get a chance. Pay attention to December 15th, as this is when Mars will conjunct with the south node in Sagittarius, making it a good time for dealing with the past, rather than starting something brand new.

The Full Moon on December 18-19 falls in air sign Gemini fully illuminating your sphere of daily life, health, work and small pets. This full moon can bring to the surface anything that you have been neglecting your health, diet and work. If you have been working vigorously towards an important milestone, you may now see the benefits of your hard efforts. This full moon also acts as an opportunity to break away from unhealthy dietary or habits that negatively contribute to your wellbeing. Alternatively, you might see changes occurring on the work front. If you have been trying to get a new job, this could be when you get a job offer.

Venus turns retrograde in earth sign Capricorn on December 19th, until January 29th. This is a very significant retrograde for you, as it is happening in your sign. You might be prompted to reassess your closest relationships, your stand within your social circle, your personal goals, and your physical appearance might also be emphasized throughout this retrograde. It is important to note that this is not a good time for making drastic changes, as when Venus stations direct at the end of January, you might see life from a very different perspective. This retrograde is excellent for dealing with projects/situations that began before Venus turned retrograde. While Venus stays in Capricorn in December, it will form two conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and then on the 25th, dramatically increasing your desire for success, independence and personal growth.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

The month concludes with Jupiter moving into the water sign Pisces for the second time this year. It will remain here until May 10th, at which point it will temporarily transition into fire sign Aries and then return to Pisces in September 2022. Pisces rules your sphere of communication, rational mind and curiosity, and with Jupiter transiting this sphere of your life, your desire for self-expression, studying and travelling is enhanced. Furthermore, your ability to express more open-minded or intellectually stimulating ideas with more enthusiasm is intensified, resulting in your ability to understand complex subjects and explain them in such a way that others can easily understand. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscope for 2022, which I will release in the second part of December 2022.

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for December 2021

Hello and Welcome to Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2021!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces on December 1st making this a great time for personal growth and development in order to turn your dreams into reality.

The South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th increases your curiosity and the need to be involved in various situations/events. This eclipse may stimulate you to implement a new exercise regime into your daily life to help you reduce stress levels. You may also experience a greater desire to free yourself of all commitments. At this time you may see life as an adventure making it a great opportunity for growth and development. You may find that if you set yourself new goals that allow you to expand yourself you may reach a new point of self-awareness and self-direction. 

Mars enters Sagittarius from December 13th until January 24th/25th helping you to stand your ground and assert yourself more than usual. During the duration of this transit, you will have enough energy at your disposal to move forward with various projects in your life. Especially since earlier this month, the solar eclipse in your sign may have stimulated you to start something new. With Mars in the 1st house, you want to take charge of your life and overcome any blockages that before may have seemed impossible to approach. Watch our for December 15th, as this is when Mars will conjunct with the south node in Sagittarius, making it a good time for dealing with the past, rather than starting something brand new.

The Full Moon on December 18-19 falls in air sign Gemini fully illuminating your sphere of personal relationships, love and business partnerships. This full moon fully illuminates anything that you couldn’t see before. You might be re-assessing your existing relationship, or alternatively, if you are single or dating you might take a relationship to the next level or meet someone completely new and exciting. Whatever the scenario with the full moon in the 7th house you get to see peoples true feelings and intentions.

Venus turns retrograde in earth sign Capricorn on December 19th, until January 29th. Capricorn rules your 2nd house of income, possessions and self-worth. With the retrograde in this area of your life, you may want to reassess your money spending habits and see what holds you back from reaching financial fulfilment if it hasn’t happened already. Alternatively during this retrograde, you might review your financial situation and make plans that could help you to ensure financial stability. While Venus stays in Capricorn in December, it will form two conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and then on the 25th, dramatically increasing your desire either for buying an object of value, beauty or art or otherwise for reassessing the issue of self-worth and self-esteem.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

The month concludes with Jupiter moving into water sign Pisces for the second time this year, where it will remain until May 10th at which point it will temporarily transition into fire sign Aries, and then return back to Pisces in September 2022. Pisces rules your 4th house of home and family matters. With Jupiter transiting this area of your chart you may experience an increased thirst for establishing a sense of inner safety and security in your domestic sphere. Opportunities to buy or sell a property or a piece of land may also present themselves. This transit also favours home improvements. For some people, Jupiter transiting the 4th house may bring a new addition to the family. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscope for 2022, which I will release in the second part of December 2022.

Libra Monthly Horoscope for December 2021

The month begins with Neptune stationing direct in water sign Pisces on December 1st, urging you to find more harmony, balance and structure in how you lead your life on a daily basis. You might be moving away from some unhealthy dietary habits and your approach to day to day tasks and responsibilities might also change around this time.

The South Node New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th puts a strong focus on the communication and exchange of information. You are learning to be clear in how you communicate effectively with others. You may experience possible transportation issues and your siblings may go through change, or alternatively, you may have to deal with more paperwork than usual. This solar eclipse urges you to find the inner voice and use it to your best potential. Writing, reading and studying is also favourable at this time.

Mars enters Sagittarius from December 13th until January 24th/25th. With Mars transiting your 3rd house your mind is likely to be full of exciting ideas, making it a good time for selling or presenting your ideas to others. You may be especially busy working on various tasks simultaneously while communicating with others. Your communication style may also become more confident and articulate than usual. However, watch out for any self-centred or provocative communication style at this time, as such may convert into heated discussions and arguments. Mars will conjunct with the south node on December 15th, making it a good time for dealing with the past, rather than starting something brand new.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18th falls in your sphere of foreign affairs, higher education and personal beliefs. Your desire for freedom, space and adventure is likely to be increased during this time and you may get involved in some spiritual work or activities that will allow you to expand your interests and gain greater self-awareness. This full moon acts as an opportunity for you to achieve mental/intellectual fulfilment by utilising your higher mental abilities with creative imagination and inspiration.

Venus turns retrograde from December 19th until January 29th in earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn rules your domestic sphere (4th house). With this retrograde, the need for establishing inner emotional safety and security in your life is going to be increased. You are going to review your home and family situation during this retrograde and perhaps once Venus stations direct you might come up with new ideas and concepts that will help you to establish a more comfortable and secure home base. You might also decide you want to move away from being overly dependent on others for security and instead work on your self-confidence and self-love. While Venus stays in Capricorn throughout December, it will form two conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and the 25th, dramatically increasing your need for fulfilling your need of inner safety and security as you want to be satisfied within your own home.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

Jupiter shifts into water sign Pisces on December 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months before returning back into Pisces on September 15 until the end of 2022. Pisces rules your 6th house of health, diet, work, employment, daily life and small pets. During the time when Jupiter stays in this area of your life, your working conditions are likely to improve, however, your attitude towards daily tasks may change. You may find that you function at your best when you have plenty of space and freedom to handle workload your own way and at your own speed. This can result in you wanting to have more flexible working hours or ideally find a job where you can set your own hours. Under the influence of this transit, there is also a tendency to overindulge or overextend yourself. For this reason, it is important to know and set your limits. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscopes, which I will release in the second part of December 2021.

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for December 2021

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in water sign Pisces, in your sphere of creativity, children, romance and entertainment, increasing your inner desire for self-expression. This is a great time for reconnecting with your inner child, for following your heart and approaching life in a more carefree way.

The South Node New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th activates your 2nd house of income, resources and self-esteem. Issues of finances and self-worth come into focus at this time. Someone or something may motivate you to use your skills and talents to change how you earn money. You may also get in touch with your deepest values as feelings of self-worth might stimulate you to discover and understand your strengths and weaknesses. This is a great time for reviewing your financial situation and for making plans that could help you to ensure financial stability in the long term. You may want to become more financially independent especially if you had to depend on someone else in the past.

Mars enters Sagittarius on December 13th where it will stay until January 24th/25th making you more driven and motivated to work on your financial sphere. This can be a very active time when you make the most of what you have. Under the influence of this transit, there is a tendency for over-identifying with what you have and own. If conflicts occur during the duration of this transit, they are likely to be over ownership issues. This is a time when impulse purchasing is at a peak and for this reason, you probably should be mindful when using credit right, solely because your spending habits may be excessive and maybe even careless.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18-19, falls in your sphere of transformation and intimate matters. During this time, you might form a deep relationship with another or get involved in healing activities. Alternatively, you might become more interested in metaphysics or topics concerning death and the afterlife. If you feel like your life was on the wrong track, then this full moon may help you to return to your true self and move away from any blockages that stand in the way towards personal empowerment

Venus turns retrograde from December 19th until January 29th in earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn rules your sphere of communication, siblings and short distance travel. With Venus retrograde here you might be prompted to re-assess your relationship with people from your immediate surroundings as well as your siblings, but at the same time how effectively you communicate with others might also trigger your thoughts. You may also experience possible transportation issues and your siblings may go through change, or alternatively, you may have to deal with more paperwork than usual. While Venus stays in Capricorn, it will form two conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and the 25th, dramatically increasing your need for expressing yourself in a form of a written or spoken project. This blend of energies may also intensify your desire for studying, reading, writing and getting involved in the life within your community.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

Jupiter moves into water sign Pisces on December 28 until May 10, at which point it will travel into fire sign Aries for a few months before returning back into Pisces on September 15 until the end of 2022.  During the time when Jupiter stays in your sphere of creativity, children and romance you are going to approach life in a more carefree way. Your need to express yourself creatively is likely to increase and you may also decide you want to break away from old routines, outlived life patterns. You may see the romantic side of your life from a very different angle and you may attract influential people into your life who may help you to move up the ladder of success. I will discuss this transit further in the yearly horoscopes, which I will release in the second part of December 2021.

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant December!

Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for December

Hello Gemini and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 in your sphere of career and professional life, prompting you to recognise and acknowledge your career failures and take these past mistakes as valuable lessons for the future. If you feel dissatisfied with your performance at work, you might have an inner urge to change your career direction, think carefully before making any drastic changes.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar eclipse meaning that around this time you may move away from some old life structures in order to make space for something new to begin. At this time the issue of harmony and balance comes into focus. You are prompted to turn your attention to your marriage. You might move from one relationship to the next. Any legal matters that begin at this South Node Solar Eclipse could last for a long time and may bring issues from the past back to the surface. The type of people you have been attracted to may also change, resulting in you letting go of some destructive friendships and welcoming new people into your life.

Mars enters adventurous fire sign Sagittarius On Dec 13, where it will remain until Jan 24. During this time you will be looking to expand your social circle and you might have an inner desire to join a new group or organisation to meet more like-minded people. With an increased desire for excitement and stimulation, you may have more opportunities for social outings. Mars will conjunct with the South Node on December 15th and during this day you may return to some old goals or ambitions that you previously left behind or alternatively someone from the past might get back in touch with you. This isn’t a good day for starting something new, as with the south node involved this is a good time for dealing with things or situations that are familiar to you.

The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 18-19 turns your attention onto your own persona, your identity and your physical appearance. The events that occur around this full moon might prompt you to define your strengths and weaknesses in order for you to feel more self-empowered in the long term. Issues concerning self-assertion also come into focus. This full moon fully illuminates your sphere of ‘self’ making you more aware of the impression you make on others, resulting in a possible need to change something in your appearance or alternatively you may feel like pampering yourself.

Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19 until Jan 29. Venus will form 2 conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and 25th. This is happening in your sphere of transformation, intimate life, joint finances and resources. While these two conjunctions may dramatically increase your need for finding more passion and excitement in your love life or alternatively transforming an area of life you are least satisfied with, the retrograde may bring life changes concerning your intimate life or the way you handle the money or resources you share with others.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

The month concludes with Jupiter moving into water sign Pisces on Dec 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months and then from Sept 15 it will retrograde back into Pisces. This transit benefits activities connected to your career direction, public status, image and reputation. This is a time of new opportunities, career advancement, and success in business particularly on the professional front, but could also indicate marriage for some individuals, depending on other personal transits taking place in the year to come. This can be a time of great fulfilment of your career goals, especially if you have been working consistently and effectively toward specific ones. With an increased feeling of self-worth, success will come more naturally to you now.

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!

Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for December

Hello Leos and Welcome to Your December 2021 Horoscope!

The month begins with Neptune turning direct in Pisces on Dec 01 prompting you to energise yourself after a few months of self-realisations and accept the things in your life that you have no control over and instead turn your attention onto what is real, as you might be stepping into a new phase in your life

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Dec 04 falls at 12 degrees of fire sign Sagittarius. This is a south node solar eclipse meaning that around this time you may move away from some old life structures in order to make space for something new to begin. During this time, you may see the romantic side of your life from a very different angle. Old romantic relationships from the past may come back into your life or you may change your interests and start a new hobby. Whatever the scenario this is a good time for following your heart and approaching life in a more carefree way. You may also decide you want to break away from old routines, outlived life patterns.

Mars enters adventurous fire sign Sagittarius on Dec 13, where it will remain until Jan 24.  Sagittarius rules your area of entertainment, fun, romance, creativity and children, making this transit a time when self-expression will play an important role. With increased energy at your disposal, this could be an especially passionate time. Watch out for December 15th, as this is when Mars will conjunct with the South and you may have to deal with unfinished creative projects or alternatively an ex romantic partner might return back into your life. Whatever the scenario with the south node involved, this is not a time for seeking awards and recognition, but instead, try to turn your attention onto current life matters or return to things that you started in the past.

The Full Moon in Gemini on Dec 18-19 turns your attention onto your social circle, group activities, long-term plans and goals. This full moon brings new opportunities for you. This is a time when you may finally reap the rewards of your hard efforts. With the moon fully illuminated in this sphere of your life, you may see the people that surround you from a very different perspective, with more clarity. Whatever was hidden before, now is more transparent.

Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn on Dec 19 until Jan 29. Venus will form 2 conjunctions with Pluto on December 11th and 25th. This is happening in your sphere of career and public life. While these two conjunctions may dramatically increase your need for accomplishment and recognition, the retrograde may bring life changes concerning your daily life, employment, health and diet. Throughout this time you might be re-assessing and later re-defining your work prospects, health and dietary habits and daily life schedule.

On December 23rd, Saturn and Uranus square, the third one of 2021, may stimulate you to implement significant changes in your life, especially in the areas of life where you have been unhappy or felt restricted due to other people’s negative influences or external factors out of your control. Initially, this can be a frustrating time, where tensions can arise due to unexpected changes; however, you can face these challenging energies and ultimately turn them into new opportunities with an open-minded and flexible mindset. The best way to deal with this transit is to let the events unfold without forcing anything. Eventually, it will become apparent to you which area of your life is not working anymore. 

Jupiter moves into water sign Pisces on Dec 28 until May 10, at which point it will move into fire sign Aries for a few months and then from Sept 15 it will retrograde back into Pisces. While Jupiter stays in Pisces in your 8th house of intimate matters, joint and shared resources and transformation, this is a time of increased psychological understanding, intimacy, and perhaps financial gains if you manage your resources well. You are going to be more capable of helping friends and loved ones who are dealing with troubling life dilemmas, thanks to your understanding of the deeper aspects of life.

Thank you for reading, have a pleasant month!

Taurus Horoscope For October 2022

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows downs in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to your personal life, goals, objectives, and employment. Mercury solstice may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your hobbies and interests between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding mortgage applications or loan approvals.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th turns your attention onto your private life, making it an excellent time for looking after your mental health. This full moon may also stimulate a greater interest in spirituality and soul searching.

With the Sun in Libra until the 23rd, your focus this month is on your health, work and everyday routine. Detox would be an excellent option for purifying your soul and body. Your relationship will take centre stage when the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd.

Jupiter returns to your friendship zone on October 28th, remaining there until December 20th. Under the influence of Jupiter, you will think of the big picture, have great ideas and have more clarity about your goals for the following year. Settling old and unresolved issues in your social life may be a part of how you move along in the months to come. Long-lasting friendships or moving to a position of responsibility and power, through groups you belong to or in your career is also possible. 

The main highlight of the month is Mars turning retrograde on October 30th and the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. This eclipse falls in your relationships sphere, testing your most important personal relationships and friendships. Strong relationships shouldn’t go through much disruption caused by this eclipse, however weak ones can. 

Mars retrogrades in the mutable sign Gemini from October 30th until January 12th 2023. Watch out for your expenses, as these may be unexpectedly high throughout this time. Be mindful of your spending and avoid impulse purchases.

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Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2022

Jupiter, your ruler, is in its solstice until October 16th (since September 8th). This has likely slowed down your life progress and made it more challenging to achieve certain goals and milestones, eventually making you reassess certain aspects of your current life situation. You will get better clarity regarding your life and future plans after the 16th of the month. 

The 23rd seems like a vibrant day as the Sun and Venus move into a new territory of intense Scorpio that rules your area of hidden matters, favouring work from behind the scenes. In addition, the great teacher Saturn, the lord of karma as many call him, finally changes direction and begins its direct motion. What a blessing! After months of delays, you will see progress in your life. Still, if you are in a career related to translation, copywriting or proofreading, Saturn stationing direct may bring some rewards, primarily if you have worked consistently without cutting corners in the last few months. Since Saturn rules your financial sphere, you will likely become clearer about your financial situation. However, since Saturn is still going to form a tense aspect with Uranus until the end of November, you will have to work harder to increase your earnings. 

The solar eclipse on October 25th falls in your twelve house of hidden matters and private life, causing significant events and possible changes in your life’s background. 

Jupiter returns into your home sphere on October 28th until December 20th. During this time, your need for peace and security in your home life, where you want to feel emotionally safe, increases. You may find it comforting to beautify your home space; however, under the influence of Jupiter in Pisces, these projects are likely to be of a minor nature. The goal is to improve the surroundings rather than refurbish the entire house from scratch because that would be more related to Saturn or Pluto transit. For older people, issues concerning retirement or pension plans are essential during this phase. Sometimes Jupiter in the fourth house can also indicate an increase in the number of people living in your home throughout this transit. 

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until mid-January 2023, triggering your area of love and personal relationships. During this time, you may experience difficulties in communication with your partner. How you handle conflict within your close relationships and your ability to assert yourself will also be emphasised throughout this time. 

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Aquarius Horoscope for October 2022

As Mercury, Pluto and Saturn station direct in October, life is beginning to move forward. What a blessing! After months of delays, you will see progress in your personal life. Saturn, your traditional ruler, may bring some rewards to you, especially if you have worked consistently without cutting corners in the last few months. 

From the 23rd onwards, your career life will likely pick up under the cheerful and bright influence of the Sun and Venus. Your popularity may increase, allowing you to attract the right opportunities into your life. 

This month’s solar eclipse occurs on October 25th, activating your career and public life area. Since this is a South Node eclipse, you will have to let go of something to make space for new beginnings. This eclipse, without a doubt, signals changes concerning your professional life. Your love life may also be triggered, and if not careful, tension may arrive. Try to practice patience and diplomacy to avoid unnecessary drama.

Jupiter returns into your financial sphere ruled by Pisces on October 28th until December 20th. Jupiter transiting your income sphere in the final months of 2022 can help you improve your financial situation through your efforts due to increased earning capability or other professional developments. If you are unemployed with Jupiter’s support, you may finally find the employment you have been dreaming about. However, if you are already employed, you might earn more by increasing your salary or getting a second job. 

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until mid-January 2023. This retrograde may create occasional creative blockages; however, try to remain flexible and go with the flow without putting too much pressure on yourself. Your parenting style and the romantic side of your life will also be important to you during this phase.

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Pisces Horoscope for October 2022

Three planets are having their solstice this month. Venus until October 3rd (temporary lack of clarity regarding intellectual projects), Mercury between 13th-16th (possible love-related dilemmas) and Jupiter until October 16th (delays in the career area). 

Mars, the planet that governs your financial sphere, goes ‘out of bounds’ on October 22nd until May 4th of, 2023. This indicates that during this time, you may be experimenting with your finances and seeking new and unique ways to improve your economic situation. 

A solar eclipse on October 25th falls in your sphere of foreign places and higher education. Many of you might be away from your physical home throughout this time. This eclipse may stimulate a need for adventure and spontaneity. A change in your taste when it comes to books and movies may occur as well as a temporary disruption at your college or university if you are currently studying.

Jupiter, your traditional ruler, will return to your sign for the final time this year on October 28th until December 20th. The planet of expansion and good fortune will offer you plenty of personal growth and development opportunities. It is also when your unique needs and desires become increasingly important as your future largely depends on them. There is an excellent potential for success, but it is up to you if you take advantage of it and put in the necessary work and effort for self-development. Nevertheless, under the influence of this transit, even though you attract good fortune into your life, you must take action and show initiative as new opportunities won’t just come without you putting some work first. 

Mars stations retrograde in air sign Gemini between October 30th and mid-January 2023, during which time events at home or with family members may require more attention. Mars retrograde may also make you take everything to your heart and absorb the energy of those you surround yourself with. To protect yourself from unnecessary negativity, keep an open eye on any pessimists in your life. For your own benefit, try to surround yourself with optimistic people and experiences and implement boundaries to avoid being a part of other people’s hardships. 

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Libra Horoscope for October 2022

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows down in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. For you, Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about possible delays and changes related to mortgage and loan applications. Mercury solstice, on the other hand, may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your private area of life when you suddenly come up with a great realisation between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding your siblings or cousins.

Until October 23rd, both the Sun and Venus are in your sign, making you want to shine and advance in many areas of life. This is a good time for pampering yourself and nurturing your body and soul by getting involved in your favourite activities. While Venus stays in your sign, it will positively connect with passionate Mars in Gemini, positively influencing your persona and love life. Enjoy these pleasurable energies as Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until mid-January 2023. 

On the 23rd, the Sun and Venus will move into your financial sphere sending positive influences and opportunities. This is likely to improve your economic prospects at least temporarily.

A solar eclipse on October 25th happens in your money sphere stimulating financial changes. This eclipse will help you realise where you previously made mistakes in your money management and what needs to change. Since this is a South Node solar eclipse, you will have to let go and move away from some old and outlived habits that negatively contribute to your financial situation.

Mars stations retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until January 2022. It would be an excellent time to return to any projects concerning foreign culture, far-distance travel or languages. With Mars retrograde activating your 9th house, you may also more than once ask yourself whether you are heading in the right direction in your life or whether something needs to change. 

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Gemini Horoscope For October 2022

Venus, Mercury and Jupiter have their solstice this month. A solstice occurs when a planet slows down in its latitudinal motion and then changes direction. Venus solstice (until October 3rd) is about delays and changes related to your private life and the romantic side of your life. Mercury solstice may bring delays and a fresh start concerning your home and family-related matters between the 13th-16th. Finally, the Jupiter solstice between 1st-16th may bring delays and news regarding any contracts and agreements you have with other people.

This month’s solar eclipse of October 25th may disrupt your daily routine and employment. The changes may involve a new diet, a new job, or changes in the condition of your current job. If you have your own business, then there can be employee turnover and changes in circumstances in the lives of your employees. Since the Sun rules your third house, every solar eclipse also brings drama and changes in the lives of your siblings and next of kin. 

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will return to your career sphere on October 28th until December 20th, improving your employment prospects. The harder you worked this year, the greater the befits you will see throughout this time. You might also decide to leave a problematic work-related situation as life may present new opportunities regarding your professional path. It is generally an extremely eventful time in terms of your career. An authority figure or a parent might become more central in your life throughout these final months of 2022.

Mars retrogrades in your sign this year from October 30th until January 12th, 2023. During this time, a partner or employer may need your attention or become your support system in helping you achieve a specific milestone. Ensure you look after your health and diet, as you may over-extend yourself or burn out quickly from too much work or action. Use your wisdom and compassion in your dealings with others, as with Mars retrograde in your sign, you might become easily insensitive, even unintentionally.

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Your Gemini Horoscope For November 2021

Gemini November 2021 Horoscope

This month the emphasis is on your 6th house matters, turning your attention onto everyday tasks, diet, health and work. It is an excellent time of the year for tackling chores, especially those that need self-discipline and good organisational skills.

Mercury, your planetary ruler, is in Scorpio (6th) until November 24th and from the 24th in Sagittarius (7th).
The 6th house is the house of work and health. With the Sun and Mars present here throughout the month, you might become a workaholic. There is a strong sense of duty that comes with the emphasis of this sphere of the chart. Your daily routines will be important to you throughout this time, and you might feel best when your schedule is filled with healthy habits, such as physical exercise, sleep and healthy food.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to improving your working or daily environment. It is a great time of year for establishing a new lifestyle routine so that you can ensure your health and wellbeing are taken care of. With the New Moon opposing Uranus in Taurus at this time, there might be some changes at your work, or you might suddenly decide you want to change your lifestyle or introduce a new health regime.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might have to work extra hard to gain recognition from those you hope to impress. However, with patience, the glory will come, allowing you to gain additional responsibilities. You might decide you want to become self-employed while initially ready to work for others to gain experience. Your growth at this time depends on how effectively you respond to people’s demands for your skills and abilities.

On the 17th, Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus might stir your mood and increase the desire for gaining more confidence in your own abilities. Watch out for any impulsive and hot-tempered behavioural patterns at your home, as little things in your housemates or family members might irritate you more than usual. Particularly if you see that you are not being appreciated or recognised for your hard work.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. This eclipse could bring a private and secretive matter to the surface. Perhaps issues with co-workers could invade your privacy or your tenants. You might also have to attend to health-related concerns.

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Your Taurus Horoscope For November 2021

Taurus November 2021 Horoscope

In November 2021 dear Taurus the strongest emphasis is on your 7th house, where the focus tends to become upon personal relationships. You may welcome new associations into your life, but primarily you might become more conscious of the dynamics at work or in your existing relationships.

Venus, your planetary ruler, will move into Capricorn on November 05th, where it will remain until March 06th due to its retrograde period between December 19th – January 29th, 2022. Capricorn rules your 9th house of foreign affairs, higher education and personal beliefs. With Venus, your chart ruler in the ninth house until March 06th, you will likely see life as an adventure, with an increased desire for excitement and stimulation. Moreover, with Venus in the 9th house, your energy levels are likely to be high, and you might get bored quickly, needing constant change and action.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to relationships, friendships, business partners, clients, and contractual agreements. There could be a new relationship story about to unfold around this time. You might sign a new contract or renew an existing agreement or a commitment. Additional issues might come into the light, including negotiations, lawsuits, and other legal documentation that’ll need signing and agreeing to.

Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th emphasises your sphere of personal relationships and career. During this time, you might have to put more effort and extend yourself to others (in the sphere of your professional life) in order to prove your abilities and skills. This will allow you to reach more people in your career and help assure you of the recognition you deserve for your accomplishments. Compromise and common sense will help you to move forward. Watch out for any aggressive or short-tempered behaviour, as this could later become a liability in your profession.

On the 17th, Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus can make it difficult for you to feel lucky in competitive activities. This can result in the feeling that other people are more unconventional or self-sufficient than you. Be conscious of any tactless behaviour as this could potentially alienate people against you. In the love life, if you feel like you and your partner are unable to compromise at this time, try to work on finding common ground and meeting them halfway so that both parties are satisfied with the outcome.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. This eclipse exposes personal issues of your partner or some external social affair that could impact you personally and draw you into the drama. This lunar eclipse could also bring an engagement, beginning of a business partnership or marriage planning.

Furthermore, often legal matters start or end with a lunar eclipse in the 1st house. The Sun in the 7th may signify assistant to the significant other (check the condition of your natal Mars & Pluto at the time of this lunar eclipse for more guidance).

The New Moon In Scorpio Will Bring Passion and Intensity

The November 2021 New Moon falls at 12 degrees of water sign Scorpio November 4th.

The Moon is in its fall when placed in Scorpio. A planet is considered to be in its fall when it is positioned directly opposite a planet’s sign of exaltation. As the exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, the fall is a position of weakness concerning the function of the planet, including everything else the planet represents.

During a New Moon in Scorpio, we tend to direct our emotions inwards, which can become intense and obsessive. With an emotional intensity and a strong need for excitement, you might create drama in your life under stressful circumstances. 

The Moon in Scorpio also creates the need to understand our feelings on a deeper level. This is when we desire meaningful emotional interactions now more than at any other time, and shallow relationships or conversations will not satisfy us.

You have an emotional intensity and a strong need for drama. Under stressful circumstances, you might create drama and intensity in your life. 

The theme of this New Moon is related to money, mortgages, investments, death, rebirth, transformation, gains and losses.

Scorpio’s captivating nature can manifest in us being pulled into something or someone compulsively and irresistibly. However, getting to the root of any issue there might be may seem too intense, at which point we might instinctively pull back. Trust issues might be at stake in order to feel safe. 

The dispositors of this New Moon are Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio and Pluto, the modern ruler. Mars is in Scorpio applying to the New Moon by 9 degrees orb, intensifying our feelings, making it more challenging to hide complex emotions and anger, passion and irritation. On the other hand, Pluto squares the dwarf planet Eris, which is in ambitious Aries, highlighting a great depth of determination.

This new Moon is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is still retrograde, which suggests that the current life situation could remain unresolved or uncertain. We might have to put more effort to manage a set of events. Uranus is the planet of the sudden and the unexpected, so we may see some unexpected events or circumstances developments that feel out of our control. Rebellious energy may run high, and we have to be careful with how we use that. 

The New Moon and Uranus opposition can cause emotional upsets and relationship disturbance. Whether self-inflicted or out of your control, how you react to change is essential. Careless or rashed responses and emotionally based decisions could turn something of minor significance into complete chaos. This is not the right time to make significant decisions, especially about relationships, as our intuition is unlikely to work accurately. 

In addition, Saturn in Aquarius will be at the mid-point between Uranus in Taurus and the new Moon in Scorpio, forming a 90-degree square to the Sun and, simultaneously, making a second square to the new Moon. This energetical blend gives us a strong will and a great determination, where we can concentrate our energies in one direction with great determination. However, the lesson here is to learn to compromise. Otherwise, it might be difficult to resolve any dilemmas concerning any relationship related issues. 

How the November 2021 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in a fixed sign Taurus 27°. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis that will occur between 2021-2023.

A lunar eclipse is a very intense full moon. While solar eclipses are more external when we deal with situations or circumstances that we might trigger unconsciously lunar eclipses are more internal
when we deal with events that we might create as a result of our thoughts feelings and emotions.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth stands between the Sun and the Moon and the earth’s
shadow temporarily blocks the light that comes from the Sun, making the Moon disappear. A lunar eclipse can be visible from every part of the world where the Moon rises above the horizon. An important factor that transforms a full moon into a lunar eclipse are the nodes; the Moon doesn’t have to be exactly conjunct the nodes for it to be eclipsed however, it has to be within a certain proximity.

The November full moon is a nearly partial lunar eclipse, a very special lunar eclipse because it’s almost a total eclipse. A partial lunar eclipse happens when only a portion of the Moon disappears as
though something has taken a bite out of the it so the part of the Moon that doesn’t disappear, which in this case the scenario will be the majority of the Moon, changes into a slightly strange colour because even though the shadow is cast some light of the Sun can still get through.

The entire event can be visible from North America Alaska, Pacific Ocean Western Australia and Japan. When it comes to Western Asia some parts of Australia and New Zealand, the early stages of this eclipse will be missed because they will occur before the Moonrise.

A lunar eclipse often corresponds with significant and unexpected changes. Anything that happens during an eclipse would have occurred sooner or later—eclipses simply accelerate the timeline. Any endings (professional, romantic, emotional or domestic) that occur during eclipse season are helping clear space for exciting new opportunities and new beginnings. 

Your November 2021 Lunar Eclipse Horoscope:


This eclipse shines a light on your finances, resources, holdings and possessions. With the solar point activated in the 8th house, you might be seeing a settlement or a financial transaction of some sort that deposits money in your hand or bank account. Your unique abilities and skills are also highlighted at this time, meaning that someone might recognise or be drawn to your talents.


This eclipse exposes the personal issues of your partner or some external social affair that could impact you personally and draw you into the drama. This lunar eclipse could also bring an engagement, beginning of a business partnership or marriage planning. Furthermore, often legal matters start or end with a lunar eclipse in the 1st house. The Sun in the 7th may signify assistant to the significant other (check if your natal Mars & Pluto condition at the time of this lunar eclipse for more guidance).


This eclipse could bring a private and secretive matter to the surface. Perhaps issues with co-workers or people from your everyday life could invade your privacy. You might also have to attend to health-related concerns.


Your sphere of friendships is highlighted at this time. Your friendships with another person might be tested, or your relationships with groups you belong to organisations. You might have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group activities. With the solar point activated in your 5th house of creativity, children and romance, there can be a significant event related to your child, the romantic partner in your life. Alternatively, you might be completing a project or starting a new business.


This Lunar Eclipse could bring or initiate major life changes, especially if close to the MC. This would indicate a possible change in career direction, you might decide you want to leave home and start a more independent life in order to establish your own identity. You might begin a new career. You might decide you need to get an education to qualify for the growth you seek in your career. The domestic sphere matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in this most personal area of your chart. major conclusions to matters concerning the home and housing, parents and family structures brought into the open area of public view (10th house).


The 3rd house matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in the 3rd. The Sun may help you to sharpen your networking skills, you may travel with siblings, foreign language studies are highlighted with this eclipses, writing, public speaking. Changes to your neighbourhood are possible at this time. This lunar eclipse might also offer you a new perspective or otherwise a broader vision of your life. Alternatively, your sibling might get married or have a child.


This lunar eclipse highlights your deepest relationships with others. The solar point in the 2nd house may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents.


During this time you might become involved in a social event, a good time for introducing healthy changes in your life. Any challenges and competition presented by others might stimulate you to prove yourself, allowing you to grow. You want to gain full control over the circumstances that emerge at this time.


Work or health-related matters, deadline press on major work projects, the end of a job, or getting a new job that you have wanted for a while or dealing with co-workers related issues. Alternatively, you might decide you want to adopt a pet. If you feel uncertain about your life at this time, you can change that by becoming more involved with people around you in your work life and your personal life.


This lunar eclipse may stimulate the romantic and the adventurous side of your life. This Lunar Eclipse may also stimulate you to gain the skills you need to further in your career. Your hunger for fun and entertainment is also going to be stimulated at this time, making you feel strongly about things that give you pleasure. At the same time, watch out that you don’t sacrifice other areas of life where your energies should be devoted.


This Lunar Eclipse is likely to prompt you to establish a solid and secure foundation so that you can successfully build a life for yourself. Gaining a greater sense of independence will give you a better perspective on life. The urge to achieve success in your career may prompt you to reach your objectives and exploit your creative talents that are the ultimate solution to access the gateway to your future.


Under the influence of this particular lunar eclipse, you might attract situations in which you must extend yourself when working with others, and this can make you feel that others know more than you. However, in reality, it could be the other way round, with others perceiving you as a highly intellectual individual. For that reason, this Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time for re-gaining self-confidence in your abilities, as you might be capable of much more than you realise. 

Your Monthly Horoscope for November 2021 is Here

Your Aquarius Horoscope For November 2021

Aquarius November 2021 Horoscope

This month your focus is likely to be on your career, your lifestyle and your public reputation. During this time, you might be more concerned with the progress of your career, wanting to ensure that you are on the right track. This in turn can stimulate you to implement necessary adjustments reflecting on any lessons and new ideas you gained in the last months.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to your life mission, stand in society and your achievements. You might be involved in a new project at work, welcome a new member of team, or there could be changes in your management. Whatever the scenario, rest assured that this New Moon brings you closer to your dreams and goals. Gaining recognition in your professional life over something you do is emphasised now. Sometimes a New Moon in the 10th house may cause a change in status, meaning that you might get engaged or married.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might be yearning to expand your career prospects in some way by doing something new and different. However, something or someone may block your efforts making you feel insecure and frustrated. This can later lead to resentment, resulting in you putting extra effort when working on a project or reaching any significant milestones in your career. If you focus your efforts on what you’re best at and stick to it, you will be able to overcome any challenges or people that stand in your way.

On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus your parent of someone in authority figure at your work, might have very high expectations of you. As much as you live up to their expectations and whether you meet them or not, remember that you are here (on this plane of existence) to follow your own destiny.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. This Lunar Eclipse is likely to prompt you to establish a solid and secure foundation, so that you can successfully build a life for yourself. Gaining a greater sense of independence will give you a better perspective on life. The urge to achieve a success in your career may prompt you to reach your objectives and exploit your creative talents that are the ultimate solution to access the gateway to your future.

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Your Pisces Horoscope For November 2021

Pisces November 2021 Horoscope

This month the greatest emphasis is on the 9th house matters, and this energetic influence can make you feel more excited and spontaneous in pretty intense and perhaps even transformational ways. Your sense of adventure and playfulness is likely to return with a need to seek more vivid activities and experiences. 

The month begins with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th. This fixed lunar phase brings new beginnings related to personal experiences, beliefs, foreign affairs and higher learning. During this time, you might be prompted to deal with matters that will help you expand your mind and your horizons, while at the same time providing new opportunities. This New Moon is also an excellent time for reconnecting with your life aspirations and taking action so that you can move forward in the right direction.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might wish to expand your life in some way by doing something new and different. However, something or someone may block your efforts making you feel confined. It can lead to irritation, which will have to be overcome in order to progress and evolve. You might also have to put extra effort when dealing with any legal matters, publishing or matters related to planning a foreign trip

On the 17th, Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus can make you a somewhat eccentric communicator. With Uranus transiting your 3rd house, you are a quick thinker full of different ideas. For this reason it is essential that throughout this time, you listen to others without jumping too quickly to conclusions. Otherwise, you might get caught up in some unpleasant situations that could be easily avoided. If you are going to write any essays or prepare for a foreign trip, take your time, as you might feel like getting things done quickly, however with careful planning, you can achieve more than you might realise.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. It is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. Under the influence of this particular lunar eclipse, you might attract situations in which you must extend yourself when working with others, and this can make you feel that others know more than you. However, in reality, it could be the other way round, with others perceiving you as a highly knowledgeable person. Therefore, this Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time for re-gaining self-confidence in your abilities, as you might be capable of much more than you realise. 

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Your Sagittarius Horoscope For November 2021

Sagittarius November 2021 Horoscope

This month your attention turns onto the 12th house matters, urging you to evaluate all that has occurred in the course of the last 12 months. You might find yourself in situations that make you aware of the longer-term consequences of the things you have said and done in the past. These might no longer seem as pleasing, practical or relevant as first imagined. Moreover, you might also have a greater need for withdrawal from the outside world and spending time on your own.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to your private life, dreams, and past. Secrets and private matters that have been forgotten or pushed aside before might come into light now. You might have to face some issues that have been keeping you away from reaching your goals. It is a good time to heal and reflect upon your past achievements and let go of all that stands in the way of your happiness. Overall this New Moon brings full awareness to things that you couldn’t see before.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might feel like you want to retreat, meditate, read or study as being around others can be draining to you. For this reason, this is a great time for brainstorming as you are likely to be full of ideas, and some of them might prove to be very useful in your career. You just need to believe in yourself, without seeking approval from others.

On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus may prompt you to look for additional training to improve your existing skills or learn new skills to become a more efficient and confident individual. During this time, you might also have to deal with some issues or projects at work that you may dislike at first, but later they could result in you gaining more recognition and appreciation from others.

The Lunar Eclipse (6th house) on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. Some of the issues you may deal with throughout this time, are work or health-related matters or a deadline pressure on major work projects. This eclipse could also bring an of employment, or you may get a new job that you have wanted for quite sometime. Alternatively, you might decide you want to adopt a pet. If you feel uncertain about your life at this time, you can change that by becoming more connected to people around you in your work life and in your personal life.

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Your Capricorn Horoscope For November 2021

Capricorn November 2021 Horoscope

This month your attention turns onto your friendships, group activities and your long-term goals and plans. It is likely to be a pleasant month for you, especially after busy few weeks where the energies were centered around your career sphere. You might be more than usual involved in activities unrelated to your home, but rather networking, socialising and outing with friends. This increased social activity might bring you new friendships and business connections, as ultimately, you might unconsciously seek to feel a sense of belonging to something larger than your domestic life or workplace. 

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to your hopes, wishes and friendships. During this time, you may gain recognition for something that you did in the past, or you might experience a sense of belonging to a new group or social circle. It could also be a time of unexpected opportunities coming your way, especially since the New Moon will form an opposition with Uranus in Taurus. 

With Mars in Scorpio in your 11th house square Saturn in Aquarius in your 2nd house on November 10th, you are highly driven to reach your goals and desires. However, along the way, you might encounter some financial limitations that could temporarily block your efforts and keep you away from doing all that you want to do. If you are more disciplined with your finances and plan carefully, you will reach your ambitions more easily.  

On the 17th, Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus might make you work harder to satisfy others needs to allow them to achieve their greatest potential. Alternatively, you might be challenged by someone during a group project. If this is the case, take it as an opportunity to show off your creative abilities. 

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. This lunar eclipse may stimulate the romantic and the adventurous side of your life. This eclipse might also stimulate you to gain the skills you need to further in your career. Your hunger for fun and entertainment is also going to be stimulated at this time, making you feel strongly about things that give you pleasure. At the same time, watch out that you don’t sacrifice other areas of life where your energies should be devoted.  

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Your Libra Horoscope For November 2021

Libra November 2021 Horoscope

This month your attention turns onto your financial sphere, making it a good time for reviewing your money spending habits.

Venus, your planetary ruler, will move into Capricorn on November 05th, (4th house) where it will remain until March 06th due to its retrograde period between December 19th – January 29th, 2022. Capricorn rules your sphere of domestic matters. With your chart ruler in this area of the chart, there is a strong emphasis on your home and family. You might become more family-oriented during this time and feel like spending more time in the comfort of your home.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to your finances, movable possessions and resources, however at this time, your personal values may also come into focus, and you may decide it is time to redefine them.

On November 10th Mars in Scorpio will square Saturn in Aquarius. Mars is transiting your 2nd house throughout the whole of November, stimulating you to find more security and assurance in your life. You might be willing to work harder or find additional income revenue in order to improve your financial situation. You might also have extra expenses connected to your children with Saturn activating your 5th house.

On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus can cause outbursts of anger directed at those who have upset you in the past. If anger and resentment have been building for some time, now you might not resist the temptation to lash out and go stand up for yourself. Uranus in Taurus might also make you want suddenly break free from any draining responsibilities and obligations.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. It is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. The solar point in the 2nd house may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents.

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Your Scorpio Horoscope For November 2021

Scorpio November 2021 Horoscope

This month your attention turns onto your own goals and aspirations. With the Sun shining its light in your sign for the majority of the month, this is likely going to be an enthusiastic period producing a sense of renewal. What you initiate now will be based upon a more thorough understanding of your life direction.

The New Moon in your sign – Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to your identity, health and life in general. This new moon acts as an excellent opportunity for self-reflection helping you decide where you want to go next. With Mars, transiting your sign throughout the whole of the month, you might be starting a new chapter, and with the New Moon opposite Uranus in Taurus, events could unfold pretty unexpectedly.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, something or someone might block your efforts and frustrate you, resulting in you preferring to do things on your own or your own way. Mars in your sign makes you more energised and hot-tempered at times; however, it might take you an extra effort to accomplish anything with the square to Saturn in Aquarius. You might find that compromise could help you overcome any limitations that you may encounter around this time.

On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus watch out for any blunt behavioral attitudes as these may alienate others. You may also find it difficult to compromise, but this can only lead to further frustrations. You will find it liberating if you find common ground or meet halfway with the another person.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. During this time you might become involved in a social event, but other than that, this is a good time for introducing healthy changes in your life. Any challenges and competition presented by others might stimulate you to prove yourself, allowing you to grow. However whatever the scenario this eclipse will urge you to gain full control over the circumstances that emerge at this time.

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Your Leo Horoscope For November 2021

Leo November 2021 Horoscope

This month the strongest influence is on your 4th house of home and family matters, where the Sun, Mars and Mercury will be present throughout the majority of the month. So much emphasis on this area makes domestic affairs of great importance. You might have a greater desire to spend time at home, engaging in family activities rather than socialise. 

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to your home sphere, making it a good time for making home improvements, declutter or redecorate. This New Moon might also shine a light on something you were unaware of before concerning your family dynamics. You may find that some aspects of your domestic situation are no longer satisfactory, resulting in you undertaking major home renovations.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might experience some challenges with a family member, or perhaps something at your home might stop working and need fixing. Alternatively, your love partner or a close friend might test your patience and push your boundaries making you feel frustrated. Any limitations that you temporarily experience in your life at this time could be a valuable lesson and an opportunity for moving away from any habits or behavioral patterns that affect your inner emotional safety and security. Use this time to focus your energies on independent projects, which could help you improve your relationships with others in the long term. With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you may prefer to work independently, however at the same time take advantage of any opportunities presented through networking or friends.

On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition, Uranus in Taurus increases your desire to be the first and the best in everything you do. This could result from your uncertain feeling about the career sphere, especially if things have seemed rather unstable recently. You may find it helpful to plan your work schedule more efficiently so that it doesn’t conflict with your home dynamics. Otherwise, you may lose motivation and burn out quickly. Unexpected surprises at your home are possible during this time, but also you might have an inner urge to be more adventurous and spontaneous, since Mars rules your 9th house of foreign affairs.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19th, could bring major life changes, especially if falls close to your MC, as this would potentially indicate a possible change in career direction. Depending on your circumstances, you might also decide you want to leave home and start a more independent life in order to establish your own identity. Alternatively, you might begin a new career or decide you need to get an education to qualify for the growth you seek in your existing career. The domestic sphere matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence in the most personal area of your chart. Major conclusions to matters concerning the home and housing, parents and family structures might be brought into the open area of public view (10th house).

Your Cancer Horoscope For November 2021

Cancer November 2021 Horoscope

This month the emphasis is on your 5th house of children, creativity, romance, fun and joy. This is likely to be a time when your spirit and energy level will be high, occasionally causing you to feel both vivid and energised. It is an excellent time of the year for starting new, creative projects that could prove beneficial in the long term.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings, especially if you listen to what your heart is telling you and find more time for the things that make you feel alive, as it is your time to shine.

With Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, you might experience some challenges with your children. Alternatively, someone in your professional life might increase your adrenaline, as Mars co-rules your 5th and 10th house. Any limitations that you temporarily experience in your career sphere could be a valuable lesson and an opportunity for later advancement. If you offer or use your talents and skills to others, you might be surprised by the outcome.

On the 17th Mars in Scorpio opposition, Uranus in Taurus might stimulate you to want to be the first and the best in everything you do. This could be as a result of your uncertain feeling about the future. You may find it helpful to plan your work schedule more efficiently. Otherwise, you might burn out quickly. If you have children, you can now help them to use their skills to their fullest potential. Unexpected changes in your career sphere are also possible since Mars rules your 10th house of career.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. Your sphere of friendships is also highlighted at this time. Your friendship with another person, or your relationships with groups you belong to organisations might be tested . You might have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group activities. With the solar point activated in your 5th house of creativity, children and romance, there can be a significant event related to your child or the romantic partner in your life. Alternatively, you might be completing a project or starting a new business.

The October 2021 New Moon in Libra 13°24′

The October New Moon falls on the 6th of the month at 13°24′ of air sign Libra. During a new moon, we tend to look for new opportunities to express our ideas and thoughts and for this reason it is usually a great time for starting new projects. Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy and balance with a strong sense of fairness.

By Justyna Rossy

At the time of this new moon, there isn’t much happening in the fire element, suggesting that collectively, we may find it more challenging to get motivated to achieve any goals or objectives we may have. In addition, any significant changes that occur around this time may overwhelm many. However, since Mercury is still in the retrograde motion, at this time, this isn’t a great time for making major life changes, but instead focusing on making minor life improvements that could benefit you in the long term. On the other hand, with a strong air element, we gain the ability to see life from a more intellectual perspective. Our rational minds outweigh our emotional side. Here again, a sense of fairness is highlighted. 

When the Moon travels through cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace. Throughout this time, primary relationships play a crucial role in our lives, governing our feelings and desires. We are often prompted to reassess our priorities and work towards finding a balance between thoughtful understanding and assertiveness. 

The September 2021 New Moon in Libra Major Aspects:

  • conjunct Mercury in Libra 

Our thoughts and speech are considerably connected with our emotions with the ability to sense other people’s thoughts and intentions).

  • conjunct Mars in Libra 

This aspect decreases our sensitivity and can make us impulsive and emotional at the same time. Under the influence of this transit, there is a tendency to act without thinking. 

  • trine Saturn

This aspect can increase your confidence, which can help you build a solid foundation or structure in your current life situation. 

  • quincunx Uranus in Taurus

Ensure you make necessary changes and improvements before starting or launching any significant projects. 

Venus, the dispositor of this new moon (Venus rules Libra), is in its detriment in Scorpio, not the most comfortable placement for Venus, leading to greater intensity, especially in relationships. If you feel that your love life lacks a vital quality, you may even seek new ways to transform your relationship and move it to the next level. Especially since Venus is not making any major aspects while in the final degrees of Scorpio, highlighting inner urgency to implement changes or completing something concerning personal relationships or finances before moving forward. 

Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the New Moon in Libra 2021 will influence: 

  • Aries Ascendant – Love & Relationships
  • Taurus Ascendant – Work, Health & Everyday Life
  • Gemini Ascendant – Children, Creativity & Romance
  • Cancer Ascendant – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life
  • Leo Ascendant – Your Community & Short Distance Travel
  • Virgo Ascendant – Financial Security & Personal Values
  • Libra Ascendant – Your Individuality & Self-image
  • Scorpio Ascendant – Soul Searching & Inner Work
  • Sagittarius Ascendant – Friends, Groups & Networking
  • Capricorn Ascendant – Career, Professional Development & Public Status
  • Aquarius Ascendant – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction
  • Pisces Ascendant – Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances

Weekly Horoscope for w/c September 27th, 2021

This week’s main transits:

  • Wednesday, September 29th Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
  • Thursday, September 30th Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius
  • Friday, October 01st Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • Saturday, October 02nd Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
  • Sunday, October 03rd Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius

The week begins with Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (exact on September 29th), bringing more passion, excitement, and creativity into your life. You might be more willing to share love through compassion with an increased desire to help less fortunate people during this time. It is also a beneficial transit for the romantic side of life, allowing you to connect to your partner or a best friend on a more soul-like level. 

Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius on September 30th (Thursday) is likely to stimulate your desire for enjoying the fun side of life. This joyful and optimistic transit will offer you the opportunity to become more sociable and outgoing, making it an excellent time for socialising and expanding your connections with others. Nevertheless, difficulties may arise if you are forced to attend to more pressing matters. You may have to adopt a more responsible and mature attitude, which might not be that easy under the influence of spontaneous and adventurous Jupiter.

Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (exact on October 01st) is likely to make your conversations heavier and more intense. Your way of thinking might also become more profound during this time, making it a good time for conducting research studies or simply researching specific data about a particular topic.

Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn on Saturday 02nd influences your love relationships profoundly. Under the influence of this transit, there is a tendency for becoming obsessed with an idea, an object or a person. Any new romance that starts at this time is likely to be intense and transformational in one way or another. An existing relationship, on the other hand, can grow to a more deep-felt or soul-like level. It is also relevant to any friendships or personal relationships that you may have.

The week concludes with Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius (exact on October 02nd), bringing positive, harmonious and optimistic energy. This transit favours activities connected to socialising, planning a trip or doing anything that helps you expand your horizons and wisdom. 

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Sun conjunct Mars October 2021

On October 7th, 2021, Mars will commence a new 2-year cycle which will end on November 18th, 2023. The Mars cycle begins when the Sun is conjunct Mars. It is a brand new cycle of passion, excitement, and desire that will play out differently for everyone over the next two years. If you set your goals and objectives now, you will have a greater ability to work more harmoniously with these energies along the way and get what you truly desire.

Mars, the ruler of fire sign Aries, is associated with drive, strong will, courage, war, and disruption. Mars will do what it takes to reach its aims and goals.  

The cycle begins with Mars and the Sun conjunction, and it reaches its halfway period when Mars is in opposition to the Sun. During the approximately five months on either side of the opposition, Mars will slow down and station retrograde, spending much longer than usual in a sign. It is the area of life/birth chart where you might encounter some challenges to overcome in order to progress in your life. When this period is finished, Mars and the Sun will spend the next year moving back to each other until they meet again in a new sign. 

Whatever lessons you had to face and overcome throughout this 25 months cycle (especially the ones emphasized during Mars retrograde period), as Mars and the Sun approach the end of the cycle, you might feel like you made exciting discoveries about yourself or your life. At this point, an entirely new venture may begin.

Weekly Planetary Overview, October 4-10 2021

This week’s main transits:

  • Wednesday, October 6th New Moon in Libra
  • Thursday, October 6th/7th Pluto turns direct
  • Thursday, October 7th, Venus enters Sagittarius
  • Friday, October 7th/8th Sun conjunct Mars in Libra
  • Saturday, October 9th Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars in Libra
  • Sunday, October 10th Saturn turns direct in Aquarius

The October New Moon falls at 13°24′ of air sign Libra (Wednesday 6th). Libra is the sign connected to diplomacy, justice and balance. When the Moon travels through the cardinal sign Libra, there is a greater need for harmony and peace. Throughout this time, primary relationships play a crucial role in our lives. At the time of this new moon, Mercury is still in retrograde motion. For this reason, this isn’t the best time for making significant life changes, but instead focusing on making minor life improvements that could benefit you in the long term. 

Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the New Moon in Libra 2021 will influence: 

  • Aries Ascendant – Love & Relationships
  • Taurus Ascendant – Work, Health & Everyday Life
  • Gemini Ascendant – Children, Creativity & Romance
  • Cancer Ascendant – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life
  • Leo Ascendant – Your Community & Short Distance Travel
  • Virgo Ascendant – Financial Security & Personal Values
  • Libra Ascendant – Your Individuality & Self-image
  • Scorpio Ascendant – Soul Searching & Inner Work
  • Sagittarius Ascendant – Friends, Groups & Networking
  • Capricorn Ascendant – Career, Professional Development & Public Status
  • Aquarius Ascendant – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction
  • Pisces Ascendant – Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances

Pluto turns direct on the day of the Libra New Moon. Pluto has been in retrograde for almost five months since the end of April. During this time, you may have faced different challenges concerning power and control issues in your life. Now when Pluto turns direct, you might begin to feel more empowered, particularly in the area of life where you think you had the least control. 

Venus enters optimistic fire sign Sagittarius on October 7th, making matters of love more spontaneous and adventurous. During the next four weeks, you may desire more freedom within your close relationships, and your desire for a more active social life is likely to increase too.

Sun conjunct Mars in Libra on October 7th/8th marks the beginning of a new 2-year cycle, which ends on November 18th, 2023. The Mars cycle begins when the Sun is conjunct Mars. It is a brand new cycle of passion, excitement, and desire that will play out differently for everyone over the next two years. If you set your goals and objectives now, you will have a greater ability to work more harmoniously with these energies along the way and get what you truly desire.

Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars in Libra on October 9th increases your mental energy, making this an ideal time for dealing with matters that require extra focus and critical thinking. Please note that this transit gives a tendency toward impulsive acting before thinking.

Saturn turns direct in Aquarius on Sunday, October 10th. Saturn has been retrograde in this air sign since May 2021. Throughout its retrograde phase, you may have dealt with matters connected to your commitments, duties and responsibilities, ensuring that everything is in the right order. It might have been a daunting time; however, the lessons that you learnt over that period will prove especially valuable in the months to come.  Remember that focus, consistency and motivation lead to growth, fulfilment and appreciation.

Weekly Planetary Overview, October 11-17, 2021

This week’s main events:

  • Wednesday, October 13th Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius
  • Friday, Oct 15th Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius
  • Saturday, Oct 16th Mercury in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius
  • Sunday, Oct 17th Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn

The week begins with Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (exact on Oct 13th) increasing your desire for peace and harmony in personal relationships and friendships, making it an excellent time to solve any issues and dilemmas. Since Venus also rules money and finances, this is a good time for dealing with financial planning or loan repayment matters.

Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday, Oct 15th, brings much optimism and positivity into our lives. It is one of these days when opportunities may come your way, as well as financial gains and both personal and material growth. 

Mercury in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius on Saturday, Oct 16th, positively influences the sphere of relationships and finances. Throughout this time, you are likely to have a greater ability to express love and affection. It is also a great time for socialising and networking as self-expression comes much easier under the influence of this transit. Suppose you are going through more complex transits at the moment. In that case, this would be a great opportunity to resolve some concerns you may have and move away from any limitations or obstacles.

The week concludes more intensely with the Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (exact on Oct 17th), increasing our desire to be in control. Under this transit’s influence, you might attract intense and profound experiences, allowing yourself to evolve to a higher level of consciousness, at the same time gaining a greater sense of inner power. 

Also, on Sunday 17th, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, abundance and wealth, turns direct in Aquarius. Our luck and positive vibrations return to us as we look in unique places to find happiness and life satisfaction.

Weekly Planetary Overview October 18-24, 2021

This week’s main events/transits:

  • October 19th — Mercury goes direct in Libra
  • October 20th — Full Moon in Aries
  • October 22nd — Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • October 23rd — Sun enters Scorpio

Mercury goes direct in Libra on October 19th, at which point, anything concerning information, communication, and commuting stops getting balled up and delayed. You may still have to work out the mistakes that occurred during the retrograde period. However, life struggles connected to the Mercury retrograde dilemmas will become much easier to deal with.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 1st might make you feel impatient with getting what you truly desire. There is no time to waste when the Moon travels through this cardinal sign. As a result, it might be more challenging than usual to wait for things to happen. Emotional issues are likely to take priority. Under the influence of this lunar phase, you might take things personally. However, this is an excellent time for dealing with problems by facing them right away to get on with other things. 

Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the Full Moon in Aries 2021 will influence: (this full Moon is about finding a balance between the following areas of your life)

  • Aries Ascendant – Your Individuality & Self-image/Love & Relationships
  •   Taurus Ascendant – Soul Searching & Inner Work/Work, Health & Everyday Life
  • Gemini Ascendant – Friends, Groups & Networking, Long-term plans/Children, Creativity, Freelancing & Romance
  • Cancer Ascendant – Career, Professional Development  & Public Status/Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life
  • Leo Ascendant – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction/Your Community Life & Short Distance Travel
  • Virgo Ascendant – Transformation, Money You Own to Others, Intimate Life & Joint Finances/Financial Security & Personal Values
  • Libra Ascendant – Love & Relationships/ Your Individuality & Self-image
  • Scorpio Ascendant – Work, Health & Everyday Life/Soul Searching & Inner Work, Private Affairs
  • Sagittarius Ascendant – Children, Creativity & Romance/Friends, Groups & Networking, Long-term Plans
  • Capricorn Ascendant – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life/Career & Status, Professional Development
  • Aquarius Ascendant – Your Community, Siblings & Short Distance Travel, Letters/Foreign Affairs & Life Direction
  • Pisces Ascendant – Financial Security & Personal Values/Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances, Money You Own to Others

Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (exact on Friday, October 22nd) can spark power struggles and disputes due to your intense desire to control others or the circumstances. You may also get a sudden urge to progress in your professional life in order to achieve a more powerful position. Alternatively, you may have to deal with people who will try to dominate you or challenge your self-esteem. However, if this is the case, don’t let others make you feel like a victim, as it is better to aim for success, than take short-cuts, but do so in a careful way. 

Sun enters mysterious water sign Scorpio on October 23rd, intensifying our feelings and emotions. When the Sun stays in the secretive and intense fixed sign Scorpio, the overall energy during the next four weeks will be mysterious, deep and emotional. It is a wonderful time of year to do inner work and heal deeply rooted emotions and past misfortunes.

Your Aries Horoscope For November 2021

Your Aries November 2021 Horoscope

In November 2021 dear Aries your planetary ruler Mars will travel through fix sign Scorpio, the ruler of your 8th house. Mars in Scorpio is strong as this is its traditional sign of rulership. During this time, privacy is likely to be very important to you, and you may have a greater need to keep many things secret. You might also feel more introvertedneeding time alone.

With both the Sun and Mercury staying in Scorpio throughout the majority of the month, there is a strong emphasis on the 8th house matters in November. These include your intimate life, transformation and issues concerning financial obligations or money owned to others; deep emotions are likely to be intense and maybe even overwhelming. 

If you are planning to apply for a loan this month, make sure that your natal 2nd house ruler Venus is not afflicted by other malefic planets by transit and avoid the 10th and 17th of the month, as, during these days, Mars will form challenging aspects to Saturn and Uranus. Transits through the 8th house increase the need to withdraw and re-evaluate or accept the aspects of life that have served their purpose.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 4th acts as an opportunity for doing something you didn’t do or experience before. You might go through unexpected changes connected to your financial situation with the opposition to Uranus in Taurus in your 2nd house of personal income. This new moon also brings into light what you gain as a result of other people. Someone that you know might go through unexpected life changes.

Mars in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th might intensify your intimate relationship. Your ego drives during this time might directly impact your ability to achieve long-term goals or otherwise your friendships. You might have an opportunity to network or work in a team, which could be a great chance to show off your skills. However, at the same time, you might have to put in more effort or work harder to win someone’s support to receive recognition for your accomplishments. Your ability to work in a group might be tested or challenged, and you will have to show how effective you can be in performing a specific task. 

On the 17th, your planetary ruler Mars will oppose Uranus in Taurus and here again, you might have to work harder in order to prove your skills and provide a greater value. However, once you master this ability, you will gain the support you need to move forward with your life. 

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. This is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. This eclipse shines a light on your finances, resources, holdings and possessions. With the solar point activated in your 8th house, you might be seeing a settlement or a financial transaction of some sort that deposits money in your account. Your unique abilities and skills are also highlighted at this time, meaning that someone might be drawn to your talents.

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Your Virgo Horoscope For November 2021

Virgo November 2021 Horoscope

This month your focus turns onto mentally stimulating activities. During this time you should be able to express yourself with more ease. For this reason this is a favourable time for social activities and studying. Mercury, your planetary ruler will be in your 3rd house of communication, ruled by fixed sign Scorpio throughout the majority of the month. With this placement, you might become more secretive, keeping some things to yourself, especially when interacting with others. You may also get involved in a research study or otherwise organise an educational trip. Since this sphere also rules contracts and written agreements, if possible, avoid signing anything important on the 10th and 17th of the month. During these days, Mars, the co-ruler of your 3rd house of papers and documents will form challenging aspects with Saturn and Uranus.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 04th brings new beginnings related to news, short distance travel, siblings and your life within the community. You might become popular around your neighbourhood or there could be changes happening in your local community. It’s also a great time for implementing something new into your everyday routine or you might decide you want to learn a new skill or improve an existing one.

With Mars transiting your 3rd house throughout November, you may be driven to communicate openly. Nevertheless, when Mars in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius on November 10th, issues in your relationship might stop you from achieving what you want. For this reason, this might not be the best time for trying to reach your goals, as under Saturn’s influence you might feel like your options are temporarily limited. Instead focus your energies on growing what you already have instead of starting something new.

On the 17th, Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus can create outbursts of hot tempered attitude, especially if anger has been building inside you for some quite time, you might find it difficult to keep the frustration inside you any longer. This is especially relevant with matters concerning communication, exchange of information or social activity. Someone might challenge your opinions and you might unexpectedly lash out. The best way to deal with this transit is to think twice before reacting to any frustrating comments or attacks. Under the influence you might also be tempted to break away from any limiting thoughts, opinions or ideas.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th falls in fix sign Taurus. It is the first out of the six eclipses on Taurus/Scorpio axis between 2021-2023. The 3rd house matters are illuminated by the Sun’s presence. The Sun may help you to sharpen your networking skills, you may travel with siblings, foreign language studies are highlighted with this eclipses, writing and public speaking.
Changes to your neighborhood are possible too at this time. This lunar eclipse might also offer you a new perspective or otherwise a broader vision on your life. Alternatively, your sibling might get married or have a child.

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Mars in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius, July 1st, 2021

Mars in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius is the highlight of the cycle between Mars and Saturn that began in March 2020, at the beginning of the global pandemic when the first lockdowns commenced worldwide.

Mars is the planet that stimulates motivation, drive and courage, while Saturn, especially in opposition or in a square, can create a pretty frustrating feeling. Generally, when two planets are in opposition, these are times that stimulate us to implement changes in the areas of life activated by the transiting planets.

With Mars opposing Saturn, frustration and disappointment can emerge due to people or situations standing in our way, making it difficult for us to fulfil our dreams and desires, resulting in uneasy feelings.

The energy of Saturn might temporarily make us feel restricted, unable to express anger or assertiveness in any situation.

The best way to deal with this transit is to remain patient and, if stressed, try to release the negative energy by doing something that makes you feel relaxed and calm.

To find out how this aspect will impact you personally watch the July 2021 horoscope for your RISING SIGN

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Black Moon Lilith in Gemini, July 2021 – April 2022

Black Moon Lilith in Gemini starts on July 18th and ends on April 14th of 2022. The last time Black Moon Lilith stayed in Gemini was from September 2012 to June 2013. If you look back to that period in time and see what influenced you during that time and what was the main focus of your life, you can get a slight idea of what you may experience this time around.

Black Moon Lilith is a geometrical point or also often called an abstract that symbolises the central point of the Moon’s elliptical orbital path around the planet Earth found between the Earth and the Moon’s orbital apogee as seen from Earth.

Black Moon Lilith takes approximately 9 years to go around the zodiac, staying roughly 9 months in each sign. It is connected to strong emotions and intense feelings that, if out of balance, can lead to emotional outbursts, jealous behaviour or impulsiveness. Regardless of the intensity created by the BML, its ultimate goal is self-empowerment. 

If you were born at the time when the transiting BML was in the sign of Gemini, then at some point during the next 9 months you will go through your Black Moon Lilith Return. This suggests that you might be finishing some chapters in your life and at the same time you set yourself for a new life cycle. You might also become more aware and more conscious of your internal blockages and any issues that you may have been experiencing over the last few years, but didn’t have enough courage to face them.

To find out how this BML’s transit will influence you over the next nine months watch the video below.

Reference: https://www.astro.com/astrology/ivccn_article190722_e.htm

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Full Moon in Aquarius 1°26’, July 24th, 2021

A full moon occurs when the transiting Moon and the Sun meet at the same degree in the opposing signs. Full Moons are connected to endings, things coming to a culmination. This is a time to take action and eliminate whatever is not needed so that you can move forward fully recharged into the next lunar phase.

This full moon is happening at an early degree of a fixed sign. If you have any planets or points at an early degree of one of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Libra), you will experience this full moon most intensely. 

It is essential to note that when a full moon falls at an early degree of a sign, this often implies a premature ending to a matter or a life situation you might be going through around this time.

This Full Moon falls at a very similar degree to the Great Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction of December 21st, 2020, and this suggests that in the days leading towards the full moon we might see changes in the sphere of social relations, behaviour or institutions taking place.

During a moon phase in Aquarius, we may seem emotionally detached on the outside, putting a greater focus on our intellect rather than on our emotions. Group activities, humanitarian rights and social justice are also some of the major topics of this lunar phase.

Aquarius is ruled by two planets. Uranus is the modern ruler, while Saturn is the traditional ruler. However, even though both these planets rule the same sign, they represent very distinct energies. Uranus wants to free itself from any structures, restrictions. It forces towards the new, rejecting any outdated traditions and ways of behaviour while Saturn wants to maintain the old structures, laws and rules and there comes the conflict between our desire for individuality and the need for unity. Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius stands out in this lunation as it is connected to the Moon, while Uranus is not making any major aspect. 

Full Moon in Aquarius Major aspects:

The Moon widely applies to conjunct Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, suggesting delays or things taking longer to develop than expected. While seeking emotional stability, with Saturn involved it might be difficult to trust or express our feelings at times. 

The Moon is separating sextile to Neptune in Pisces. This is an out of sign sextile suggesting that any unfulfilled dreams or fantasies might dissolve if we don’t act now, and try to make them a reality.

Finally, the Moon is also separating from a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. This is another out of sign aspect, meaning that both planets (the Moon is considered a planet in Astrology) are in different signs. 

This can create a situation when we find out in very different circumstances, moving away from the old into new territory.

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August 2021 Full Moon in Aquarius 29°36

The week concludes with a Full Moon at 19 degrees of air sign Aquarius. This full moon is called a seasonal Blue Moon. There are, in fact, two types of Blue Moons: a seasonal (occurs when there are four full moons in one season and the third one is called a blue moon), and a monthly Blue Moon (which takes place when there are two full moons in one month and the second one is called a blue moon). We will rarely have two types of these full moons in one year—next time in 2048.

A 29 degree of zodiac sign is called an anaretic degree. With this full moon (the Moon is considered a planet in astrology) falling at such a late degree, this could be a highlight of some important events in your life. You might have to make an important decision, and at the same time, there could be some urgency with the luminaries being so close to changing the signs.

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Aquarius is a fixed sign connected to the unusual, modern futuristic and the unexpected. A full moon in Aquarius allows us to see life/things from a different perspective. There is a greater focus on group activities, humanitarian matters, social justice and freedom.
With the Moon conjunct Jupiter, some of us might be dealing with legal matters, foreign affairs or legal issues. Since Jupiter is retrograde, things from the past may return at this time, especially the ones related to law, foreign travel or higher education.

With the Moon conjunct Jupiter, some of us might be dealing with legal matters, things concerning foreign affairs or legal matters. Since Jupiter is retrograde, things from the past may return at this time, related to law, foreign travel or higher education.

Saturn, the traditional ruler of Uranus, aligns harmoniously with planet Venus. Venus trine Uranus is wonderful for dealing with long-term investments and commitments. It is also an excellent opportunity to work through any relationships or financial problems there might be in your life. Any artistic or creative work can result in heightened productivity.

The modern dispositor of this full moon is Uranus, and Uranus has just turned retrograde in Taurus, where it will remain in this motion until early January 2022. Uranus retrograde in earthy Taurus is about re-defying one’s values and finding new ways to live in this new reality. During this time, you might find yourself in situations when you are pushed out of your comfort zone in order to rethink the next step you take in your life.

Also, at this full moon, Mars and Mercury in perfectionist Virgo will trine Uranus in Taurus. This planetary combination reminds us to pay attention to detail when working on important projects around the time of this full moon.

Happy Full Moon in Aquarius!

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The August New Moon, 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal

The August New Moon falls at 16°13′ of fire sign Leo on the 8th of August, which also happens to be the day of the activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal. This famous portal always gets activated on the 8th day of the 8th month by the Sun in Leo and the brightest star in the sky, Sirius – the star connected to abundance, divine love and creativity.

When the portal opens up, the Earth receives lots of healing and loving energy from the universe, making it an excellent time for healing from any old wounds and difficult memories and create space for something new and fresh to emerge. Primarily since this year, the Lion’s Gate Portal activation occurs on the day of the New Moon. 

This New Moon is happening at 16 degrees of fixed sign Leo. During a moon phase in a fixed sign, we tend to be resistant to change, becoming more stubborn than usual. With a strong fire element at the time of this lunation, we are likely to find it easier to self-motivate ourselves to reach the most desired goals. Nevertheless, lack of air throughout this time can make it difficult to see the pros and cons of some issues logically. 

This New Moon applies to conjunct Mercury in Leo, making us follow our heart and instincts when speaking about feelings and emotions or making important decisions. On the other hand, with the square to Uranus, we might desire more personal freedom; however, at the same time, it may also seem like something might be standing in our way, obstructing our way to move forward. 

Mercury is within an 8-degree orb from the Sun, and in traditional astrology, it is said to be combust, overpowered by the intensity of the Sun. This can create a situation when you feel like you are not being heard. Still, perhaps there is a lesson that the universe wants you to learn connected to communication or relating more harmoniously to another. 

Venus, in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, may bring some confusion and a lack of clarity within personal relationships. At the same time, the trine to Pluto might crate additional intensity.

Overall, this new moon is beautiful for healing and manifesting something new, especially since it is happening on the same day as the Lion’s Gate portal activation.

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September 2021 New Moon in Virgo

The September New Moon falls at 14° of earth sign Virgo (strongest influence 6-7th), turning our attention onto health, diet, exercise and work with a greater tendency towards perfectionism. Since Virgo loves precision, you are likely to want to become better organised and more efficient in whatever that you do. With the Moon phase in the mutable sign Virgo you might want to improve your life for the better, redefine your daily routine that leads to a healthier lifestyle. You might become more detail-oriented and conscious of your daily schedule. Household routines become the focus.

This New Moon forms a trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus, and this can play out in a number of ways, like, for instance, you wanting to do something completely different from the usual routine. Alternatively, you might suddenly decide you want to implement changes in your personal life, or you might receive unexpected news or a suprise that will force you to change your plans. Whatever the scenario, since trine is considered one of the luckiest and harmonious aspects, this planetary combination may bring you some new opportunities.

The New Moon will also oppose Neptune in Pisces, and here with this alignment, you may experience a push and pull effect in a certain life scenario when you might have to find a middle ground in order for both possibilities to exist. 

Venus in Libra, the planet of art, beauty, and harmony, trine Jupiter in Aquarius, brings positivity and abundance, especially into the sphere of love, personal relationships and finances. This could be a time when you reap the rewards from past actions.

Finally, Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn gives a great surge of motivating and empowering energy, which may boost your self-confidence. This transit helps with assertiveness and courage, especially if you find yourself in situations when you want to impress someone positively.

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Mercury Retrograde in Libra September-October 2021

The final Mercury retrograde of 2021 will occur this month in the air sign Libra on September 27th. Each retrograde has a pre-and post-shadow phase that each last for about two weeks. The Pre-Shadow phase of this retrograde begins on September 6th, and this is when we begin to feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde in Libra. While Mercury stays in retrograde motion, it is essential to remain flexible and mindful of your thoughts and actions. During this time, you may feel a bit confused and overwhelmed with ideas, making this an excellent opportunity for practising yoga, meditation, reading, spending time in nature and generally doing anything that helps you calm down your mind and express all your ideas and thoughts. 

Since Mercury Retrograde can cause disruptions with technology, take special care with your digital data. Back up all your valuable data, files and photos. Mercury also rules documents, proposals, tests and contracts, so read everything carefully before signing anything important. It is not the best time for starting anything new. It is, however, a good time to continue a project that began before Mercury turned retrograde. 

For those who were born during Mercury retrograde, you may become more energetic, more alert or more productive during this time. However, you will still be affected by Mercury’s influence. Nevertheless, there could be some unexpected opportunities turning up for you, so stay alert and keep your eyes open!

Here are the key dates to remember during this Mercury retrograde:

  • September 6th, the pre-shadow period, begins (9° Libra)
  • September 27th Mercury turns retrograde in Libra (25°)
  • October 1st Mercury retrograde in Libra (24°) square Pluto in Capricorn (24°)
  • October 3rd Mercury retrograde in Libra (22°) trine Jupiter in Aquarius (22°)
  • October 9th Mercury retrograde in Libra (16°) conjunct the Sun (16°)
  • October 16th Mercury retrograde in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius (10°)
  • October 18th, the end of Mercury retrograde in Libra (10°)
  • November 3rd, the end of the post-shadow period (Libra 9°)

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September 2021 Full Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon in Pisces falls on September 21st, 2021, at 28 degrees of water sign Pisces. The Universal time of this full moon is 11:54 PM. In the Northern Hemisphere, the full moon closest to the autumn equinox is the Harvest Moon. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, this full moon will fall close to the spring equinox, and for this reason, its name will be different – the Worm Moon, sometimes also called the barley moon.

This full moon will be orange in colour due to its location near the horizon and the thickness of Earth’s atmosphere near the horizon. It is an actual physical effect.

Full Moon in Pisces (mutable & water sign)

  • Your feel emotions deeply. 
  • You may need extra rest when under stress. 
  • You have a strong empathy
  • You need to learn your own emotional boundaries.


  1. THE MOON CONJ. NEPTUNE                  

THE MOON CONJ. NEPTUNE Orb 6°15′ Separating

  • Heightened imagination
  • Increased sensitivity
  • You may feel overwhelmed at times by your feelings and emotions.
  • Increased sensitivity to surroundings
  • You might easily pick up the mood of others.
  • You might feel sleepy.
  • Your toughts might not be very clear leading to possible misunderstandings.


  • Increased energy (high level of physical energy).
  • You might be more impulsive or act impulsively.
  • A wonderful time for being adventurous.
  • An increased need to be recognised.

MERCURY TRINE JUPITER Orb 0°01′ Separating

  • You find it easier to communicate with others.
  • Your ideas can be uplifting for other people.
  • A great time for making plans for the future.
  • A good time for dealing with mentally stimulating activities.
  • Increased hunger for knowledge and information.
  • A good time for dealing with legal matters
  • There is a tendency to avoid complicated intellectual tasks and taking short-cuts instead->develop self-discipline if possible.

JUPITER TRINE MERCURY Orb 0°01′ Separating

  • Don’t wait for things to come to you
  • A good time to take an initiative.
  • You might seek new opportunities.
  •  A good time to reach out to others.


  • You might be torn between a need to be loved in an intimate relationship and a desire to be your own person. 
  • Unexpected events/situations.


  • If you are working on a creative project at this time, this is likely to be a very stimulating time for you.
  • You might be distracted and not do much job as a result but you will be exposed to new ideas and concepts which you will be able to integrate into your overall routine.
  • You might feel like redefining something in your life.

To find out how this full moon will influence your rising sign watch the vide below:

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Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 2021

The New Moon Solar Eclipse happening on June 10th falls at 19°47′ of air sign Gemini. This solar eclipse will be visible from parts of Russia, Greenland and Northern Canada and depending on the weather conditions, it could also be partially visible in Northern Asia, Europe and the United States. 

A solar eclipse can only occur at the new Moon phase when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth’s surface. The North Node Solar Eclipse symbolises the beginning of significant life issues, which concern our individuality, personality, physical body, personal freedom. Generally, matters that require immediate action.

With the Moon in Gemini, we have a basic need for mental stimulation. We become more curious and have more questions. This solar eclipse focuses on communication, learning, studying, our life within the community, and short-distance travel. The Dispositor of this solar eclipse is Mercury and Mercury is in retrograde motion at this time within very close proximity to this solar eclipse, making our thoughts and ideas strongly connected to our emotions and feelings.

This solar eclipse is also loosely separating from a trine with Saturn in Aquarius, increasing our inner self-confidence, helping us focus on our lives’ foundations that require attention. Nevertheless, this eclipse may also create a certain degree of confusion (the Moon square Neptune in Pisces). If you feel like you are too caught up in your emotions try to release the excess of this mystical energy on doing something creative.

With this Solar Eclipse squaring Vesta in Virgo, the asteroid whose primary energy is devotion and commitment, we may find it challenging to balance our daily routine and other emotional needs. The challenge here is to find the right and healthy balance between our daily responsibilities and our emotional wellbeing.

Finally, this solar eclipse will also oppose the asteroid Juno placed in fire sign Sagittarius. Juno in our birth chart shows us where we can find the inner power. With Juno is Sagittarius opposite the Solar Eclipse our need for domestic comfort is highlighted as well as a greater need for harmony and nurturing. 

Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the Solar Eclipse in Gemini 2021 will influence: 

Aries Ascendant/3rd house – Your Community & Short Distance Travel

Taurus Ascendant/2nd house – Financial Security & Personal Values

Gemini Ascendant/1st house – Your Individuality & Self-image

Cancer Ascendant/12th house – Soul Searching & Inner Work

Leo Ascendant/11th house – Friends, Groups & Networking

Virgo Ascendant/10th house – Career & Status

Libra Ascendant/9th house – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction

Scorpio Ascendant /8th house – Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances

Sagittarius Ascendant/7th house – Love & Relationships

Capricorn Ascendant/6th house – Work, Health & Everyday Life

Aquarius Ascendant /5th house – Children, Creativity & Romance

Pisces Ascendant/4th house – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life  

Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces June-July 2021

On 20th, Jupiter turns retrograde in Pisces, where it will remain until July 28th, at which point it will move back into air sign Aquarius. This will be a four-month retrograde in total that could bring some significant changes to our lives. Jupiter retrograde transit reoccurs roughly every thirteen months. This is a time when we may have to deal with matters concerning personal growth and development. If you know where Jupiter retrograde will transit in your natal chart, you can discover what area of life you need to work on or give extra attention.

Using the whole sign house system, this is the area of your life that Jupiter retrograde in Pisces will influence:

Aries Ascendant – This retrograde may stimulate you to do soul searching through your own research/studies rather than seeking it through others. Your intuition is likely to be heightened at this time too.

Taurus Ascendant – You may have a greater need for more versatile lifestyle experiences. Your attitude towards life is likely to be more open-minded. When cooperating with others (in group activities), you may choose/prefer to do things your own way.

Gemini Ascendant – You might feel like you want to change your career direction. Alternatively, if you are currently undergoing career changes, you may question every career step you take.

Cancer Ascendant – You may find it difficult to express your knowledge to others. You might experience an increased desire for freedom.

Leo Ascendant – You might have stronger sexual urges and an inner desire to form deeper connections with others. You might also become more secretive; however, with this in mind, you may experience an imbalance between the need to be open and the need to be secretive.

Virgo Ascendant – During this time, you might see yourself through the eyes of others, with a greater need to gain the respect of the important people in your life.

Libra Ascendant – You might feel like dealing with many tasks simultaneously (multitasking) but find it more challenging to finish whatever your start. Your expectations of others might be higher during this time. However, keep in mind that sometimes the expectations can’t meet reality.

Scorpio Ascendant – During this time, you might set some high goals for yourself. However, there is a tendency with this retrograde to overestimate the abilities to accomplish all the objectives that one sets for him/herself.

Sagittarius Ascendant – There is a tendency with this transit to become overly emotional, often going back in thoughts into happy memories. Alternatively, this transit may also create situations when you may feel like the family members are standing in your way or blocking your life progress.

Capricorn Ascendant – Under the influence of this transit, you might become impersonal when interacting with others, preferring to listen rather than get involved in the conversation. Your mind might be restless at this time, and at times you may find it difficult to express yourself.

Aquarius Ascendant – During this time, you may want to re-establish or re-define your personal values and your sense of wealth/abundance.

Pisces Ascendant – You might become more competitive, wanting to be recognised for your accomplishments. Often under the influence of this retrograde, one may become highly independent.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 24th, 2021

The Full Moon in Capricorn falls at 3°27’ on June 24th. The Moon in Capricorn is in its detriment, meaning that its influence is weakened. Thus, this is not a strong placement for the moon. 

During a moon phase in Capricorn, we tend to repress our energies because we want to be in control of our emotions. As a result, matters concerning security and stability come into focus. 

This full moon falls on Capricorn/Cancer axis, urging us to find a balance between the need for power and influence and a desire for inner emotional safety and nourishment.

Capricorn is a cardinal sign, and during a moon phase in a cardinal sign, we are concerned with more significant issues than in mundane matters. 

The dispositor of this full moon is Saturn and Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius, a sign that it rules in traditional astrology. With Saturn being retrograde, we might experience delays. Saturn is also separating from a square with Uranus in Taurus, which was exact on June 14th. Even though this aspect is behind us, another one of these is coming up on December 24th, 2021, suggesting that there will still be a few more months of tension due to unexpected and restrictive changes.

This full moon makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, giving us more optimism and faith, and with Jupiter retrograde in Pisces, we can expect to be highly creative if we are allowed to do things our own way.

Finally, Venus opposite Pluto can increase our desire for passion, love and intimacy. Still, something to be aware of with this aspect is a tendency towards manipulative and possessive behavioural patterns.

Using the whole sign house system, these are the areas of your life that the Full Moon in Capricorn 2021 will influence: (this full moon is about finding a balance between the following areas of your life)

  • Aries Ascendant – Career & Status/Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life  
  • Taurus Ascendant – Foreign Affairs & Life Direction/Your Community Life & Short Distance Travel
  • Gemini Ascendant – Financial Security & Personal Values/Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances
  • Cancer Ascendant – Love & Relationships/ Your Individuality & Self-image
  • Leo Ascendant – Work, Health & Everyday Life/Soul Searching & Inner Work
  • Virgo Ascendant – Children, Creativity & Romance/Friends, Groups & Networking
  • Libra Ascendant – Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life/Career & Status/Inner Emotional Safety & Domestic Life  
  • Scorpio Ascendant – Your Community & Short Distance Travel/Foreign Affairs & Life Direction
  • Sagittarius Ascendant – Transformation, Intimate Life & Joint Finances/Financial Security & Personal Values
  • Capricorn Ascendant – Your Individuality & Self-image/Love & Relationships
  • Aquarius Ascendant – Soul Searching & Inner Work/Work, Health & Everyday Life
  • Pisces Ascendant – Friends, Groups & Networking/Children, Creativity & Romance

If you want to learn more about this upcoming full moon, watch my latest video below.

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The July 2021 New Moon in Cancer 16°13′

July’s New Moon falls on July 9th, 2021 at 16°13′ of water sign Cancer. A new moon is a dark period (the Moon is dark) when the Sun and the Moon meet at the same degree in the same sign, and things are initiated. 

During a moon phase in Cancer, we tend to become highly emotional on the inside and harder on the outside surface. Our nesting desire becomes stronger, and we have a greater need for fulfilling inner emotional needs in order to establish a solid home base, as, without it, we might feel lost. 

Along with the home and family matters, issues of real estate and patriotism also come into focus.

 This is a cardinal moon phase, and cardinal moon phases are action-oriented. This is when we put our plans into action, and these are usually fast-moving times.

The Main Aspects formed by the New Moon in Cancer:

  • sextile Uranus in Taurus – this might be an opportunity that emerges unexpectedly; however, since the moon is separating from Uranus, whatever it is, it might not stick around for too long, so grab it while you can.
  • trine Neptune in Pisces – our intuition is likely to be stronger.
  • opposite Pluto in Capricorn – this transit can make us feel pretty overwhelmed. This is an applying aspect, which will be exact on July 17th, pushing us to implement the well-needed changes in the area of life activated by this new moon.

As this new moon goes along, Mercury, the planet of communication and curiosity, will finally leave Gemini after over two months, allowing us to move away from any dramas that we may have experienced over the last few weeks and instead focus on improving our relationships with others, as with Mercury in Cancer one can communicate beyond words.

To find out how this New Moon in Cancer will influence you based on your ascendant sign, watch the video below.

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Venus and Mars Conjunction 13th July 2021

Venus and Mars conjunction on July 13th at 19 degrees of Leo marks the beginning of the the cycle between these two relationship planets that will last until 22nd February 2024.  

The last Venus and Mars conjunction took place on August 24th, 2019 at 4° Virgo. 

Venus and Mars conjunct more or less every 2 years however these cycles are part of a much larger story, which always commences with a conjunction. Every 32 years Venus will conjunct Mars in the same zodiac at around the same degree. The next time these two planets conjoin at a similar degree will be in 2053 14 July at 23 Leo.  

Venus and Mars are like the opposite energies that attract each other even though they represent different qualities. This polarity can be seen in: Mars rules Aries and Venus rules Libra. Mars co-rules Scorpio and Venus Taurus. Mars is dynamic and impulsive, while Venus seeks peace and harmony. Venus is a symbol for feminine energy, and Mars is a symbol for masculine energy

The Upcoming Venus-Mars Cycle starting on July 13th, 2021

The most important aspects of the Venus-Mars cycle are Venus conjunct Mars, Venus square Mars and Venus opposite Mars

  • July 13th, 2021 – this is when we can start a new relationship or a new creative project. 
  • February 16th 2022- Conjunction (Venus retro) 
  • March 6th 2022- Conjunction (Venus direct) 

Before we move forward I would like to emphasize that Mars (the masculine planet) will be dominant in this cycle as all three conjunctions will occur in the signs that favour Mars rather than Venus. A Marsian approach to relationships emphasises dominance, superiority rather than love, collaboration, peace and balance.

  • 16th September 2022 – 1st square (This is when you can make some adjustments to whatever it is that you’ve started on July 13th, 2021).
  • 1 December 2022- 1st opposition. (The highlight of the cycle. You now have full clarity of where you stand).
  • 5th Feb 2023 – final square (Depending on how things have been going, this can also be a time when you reap the rewards. You decide what you want to take on with you into the new cycle, and what you want to leave behind).
  • The current Venus-Mars cycle will end on 22nd February 2024 when Venus and Mars conjoin again at 6° of Aquarius. 

Venus Conjunct Mars – How this Cycle Will Influence You?

Firstly look at your natal chart and see whether you have any planets or angles around the degrees where Venus and Mars aspect each other (use a 1°-2° orb). The more planets and angles you have around these degrees, the more meaningful this Venus-Mars cycle will be for you keeping in mind that the most important degree to look for is 19° Leo because this is where the cycle begins. Even if you don’t have planets or angles around these degrees you will still be influenced by this cycle, because the conjunction of Venus and Mars will transit one of the houses of your birth chart

If you want to learn more about July’s Venus and Mars conjunction watch the video below.

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Mars retrograde 2020

This year’s Mars retrograde takes place in passionate Aries from Wednesday, September 9, to Friday, November 13. During this time, our impulses and urges can be affected, along with our drive. Due to this year’s events, we have already seen significant changes when it comes to work and romance. For the next couple of months, it may feel as if things are delayed or on hold, and you’ll need to hold tightly to any area you were beginning to attain. 

Mars rules masculine qualities, such as drive, sex, desire, and will. When the warrior planet goes retrograde, these spheres of our life can feel weak and uncertain. Sexual desires may decrease. In the workplace, you may feel unproductive, and often even demotivated. Overall Mars retrograde can be astonishingly frustrating and because this one occurs in hotheaded Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, expect it to be extra tricky. Those of us who have many Aries placements may feel particularly affected by the retrograde.

It is not a good time for any rash debates or discussions that could lead to conflict; instead, concentrate on self-examination, introspection generally spending time with yourself by focusing on what you really want. During Mars retrograde, you may feel like you don’t have any drive to do anything. 

One of the most irritating feelings that Mars retrograde can bring is doubt. If during Mars retrograde, you begin to question a relationship, work, or governmental group that you follow, don’t make any significant decisions until Mars goes direct. Instead, use this time to think and take action after the retrograde finishes. 

If you want to find out what this Mars retrograde will mean for you on a personal level, watch the video below.

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Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse, December 2020

A New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 14th takes places at 23 degrees and 8 minutes of Sagittarius.

This New Moon is as a major eclipse event because it is a total eclipse of the Sun in the mutable sign Sagittarius. It will be mainly noticeable in Chile and some parts of Argentina.

It is a South Node lunar eclipse meaning that this is somewhat a clearing-away time or a phase when we may have to move away from a situation that is longer working in our life in order to make space for more positive events come to us on June 10th 2021 during the Solar Eclipse in Gemini.

This eclipse invites us to become more social and united with society as a whole. You may find yourself responding to the needs of others and unable to find time for your own desires. Matters requiring compromise and debate are more likely to progress.

This Solar Eclipse may also bring public exposure of some kind. Critical information may become revealed, and the evidence may come out into the open.

Collectively we may experience a significant shift in the year to come in philosophical and religious views. The education system may change and also foreign travel. We may get a greater need for more space but at the same time experience a loss of freedom, due to too much control of others.

The Moon at the time of this solar eclipse is in the mutable sign Sagittarius indicating a time of change. Mutable signs have something to do with information and their development. Sagittarius is the sign for the distribution of information.

The ruler of this solar eclipse – Jupiter is squashed between authoritarian Saturn and powerful Pluto in Capricorn restricting the openmindedness and the adventurous nature of this planet, meaning that we might be challenged with narrow-minded thinking.

With Saturn at the critical 29 degrees also called anaretic degree, meaning that we may all be dealing with difficulties when it comes to our obligations and duties.

This solar eclipse is conjunct Mercury, the planet that rules communication and mind, also siblings, people from immediate surroundings and short trips, making these aspects of our life the major theme throughout this time. Our minds are likely to be more alert and curious than usual. A more confident and effective communication style makes this an excellent time for consultations, debates and conversations. You have the motivation and urge to share views and beliefs you might otherwise keep to yourself.

Mercury trine Mars creates positive and harmonious energy, giving us a desire and motivation to set up new goals and begin new projects.

Mercury square Neptune on the other hand offers the potential for confusion and sensitivity to infection. However, the positive Mars aspects are stronger, meaning that quick thinking and efficiency can defeat uncertainty and betrayal. You can be frank and assured instead of uncertain and repellent.

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